Falling for Prince Charming by Sophie-Leigh Robbins

Chapter Twenty






The knitters seem to take a liking to Elle. I don’t blame them for swarming to her. She’s perfect and fun to talk to, but as I’m head over heels for her, I could be biased. I don’t know what they were talking about, though. Despite the chatter around me, I picked up some words like strangling and killing. It was probably a discussion of one of those crime shows my sister loves to watch, or so I hope.

The elevator doors open and Elle and the last of our group spill out. She gives me a smile and winks, the kind that drives a guy crazy.

The platform at the top of the castle boasts gorgeous vistas of the entire park. It wraps around the tower so that guests get a three-hundred-sixty-degree view. Elle told me the platform at the Eiffel Tower is kind of similar, but I doubt The Magic Wonderland is as stunning as Paris.

Oohs and ahs spread through the crowd as the ladies take in the views. I must admit that this spot is one of my favorites as well, especially when the sun is setting. The light always bathes the roller coasters of Adventure Land in a gorgeous glow, which is at its best right before the sun dips under the horizon.

After they’ve had plenty of time to enjoy the views, I lead them to the benches placed against the tower to tell them more about the park’s history and the stories our characters are based on. Every now and then, I peek at Elle from the corner of my eye. While I’m rattling off the story of Prince Charming and Princess Charlotte, I think about our real-life royal story. I want to scream my feelings for her from the rooftops, or in this case, the castle’s roof, but I can’t. Yet. As soon as Maggie knows about us, I’ll have it printed in the local newspaper.

“Does anyone have any questions?” I ask after concluding my talk.

Seven hands shoot up all together. Nice. These women are really into fairy tales and amusement park lore.

“Yes?” I ask, pointing at one of them.

“When will we get to the good stuff?”

I frown. “Excuse me?”

She waves a hand in the air. “This is all nice and dandy when you’re young, but we’re old. We don’t have a lot of time left compared to those youngsters you normally present these stories to when they’re here on a field trip. We like to skip the boring parts and go straight to the fun stuff. Right, ladies?”

They all furiously nod in agreement. This has never happened before. Sure, I can imagine that some people find these introductions to the park’s history boring, but no one has ever come out and said that.

“What do you consider the fun stuff then?” I inquire.

A woman named Janine jumps from her chair. “What’s the fastest ride in this park?”

I arch an eyebrow. “Nitro Snake. The roller coaster has an insane drop that will plunge you down at a speed of ninety-seven miles per hour.”

Elle takes a step forward. “It’s not suitable for guests with heart problems. We’re big advocates of safety first here.”

“Oh, come on, it’s fine,” Janine says. “That snake thing sounds like a blast. I will need to be seated next to Prince Charming, though.”

“Why you?” Kathleen asks.

“Because I need to hold his hand when that roller coaster plummets down. Didn’t you hear the man? It goes ninety-seven miles per hour. I’m not going on that thing unless I can squeeze his hand. Anyway, I called dibs, so…”

Now the woman with the umbrella gets up from her seat as well. “That’s not fair. You can’t call dibs on something like this. They load the roller coaster according to whoever is at the front of the queue.”

“Why does this bother you so much?” Kathleen peers at her knitting club colleague. “Do you want to sit next to Prince Charming?”

Eileen puts her hand on her hip and throws Kathleen a cocky smile. “As a matter of fact, I do. Besides, you’re on blood pressure medication.”

Kathleen’s nostrils flare. “Oh yeah? What about you? You pop more pills than a drug addict.”

“You already got to sit right behind that sexy bus driver who got us here.”

“Well, yeah, I might drop dead any minute! Why won’t you let me enjoy what could be my last remaining hours?”

I suck in a breath. This is getting out of hand. If I don’t intervene, they’ll punch each other in the face.

“Ladies, please, there’s no need to fight over this. I’m sure we can salvage the situation so that we all get what we want.”

Even though I think I’m being very reasonable, no one pays any attention to me. Elle rushes toward me. “Shouldn’t we do something?”

“I know. This is insane.”

“I’ve never seen a group of elderly women argue like this.”

I grin. “I have. I once witnessed a fight break out at one of those all-you-can-eat buffets.”

She nods knowingly. “A matter of who got the last crab cake or smoked salmon?”

“Something like that.”

Eileen picks up her umbrella. I have half a mind to snatch it from her hands, but instead, I put my fingers between my lips and whistle. The shrill sound startles everyone, Elle included. I mouth I’m sorry, then turn toward the knitters.

“I will sit next to whomever wants to ride Nitro Snake with me,” I start.

“I’ll ride your snake if you’re offering,” Janine says, eliciting giggles from the group.

Elle snorts as well. I pretend I didn’t hear a thing and continue talking. “I’ll go on the ride multiple times so that everyone gets a chance to…” I swallow. I can hardly believe what I’m about to say. “Hold my hand.”

I had originally planned to sit next to Elle, but I guess that’s off the table now. We can always ride that coaster when we’re not working. It’s not like we’re not here all the time anyway.

Excited murmurs travel through the group. I’ve got to temper their enthusiasm, though. Like Elle said before, it really is safety first at The Magic Wonderland.

“Those of you who take heart medication or have a serious health condition can’t, under any circumstances, go on the ride,” I state.

“What if we sign a waiver?” Myrtle asks. “I’m not bothered by the risks. In fact, I think it would be a nice way to go.”

She thinks dying on a roller coaster is nice? Maybe for her, but I don’t want to hold a dead woman’s hand for several minutes while being catapulted up and down a twisting track.

“I’ll have to check with my boss,” I say. “Also, we’ll determine the order of participation alphabetically.”

“Good thinking,” Elle whispers.

I lean into her, until my lips are only inches away from her ear. “I promise I’ll take you for a ride as well, when no one is around to interrupt us.”

She closes her eyes and swallows. “I’m looking forward to it,” she finally says, her voice a throaty whisper.

I wink at her before turning my attention back to the group. “Okay, ladies, let’s go.”

We all take the elevator back down and use the park’s golf carts to get to Nitro Snake. These ladies are fierce, but their joints aren’t what they used to be—or so I’m told by Myrtle.

Fifteen minutes later, I’m seated in the front cart of Nitro Snake. Kathleen is right next to me, an elated look in her eyes.

“If my ex-husband could see me now, sitting next to a hot stud like you, he’d be so jealous,” she says.

I laugh. It’s crazy how amazing and good-looking these ladies think I am when I’m nothing but a regular guy.

“I never want to leave this place,” she says with a sigh as the cart gets dragged up the first incline.

I let my gaze wander over the park below us. Am I really going to leave all of this behind soon? Then I think of Elle, and how we’re going to make things work between us when I’m gone. My stomach turns, not because of the thrilling ride, but because I can’t see a future that doesn’t include her.

Maybe I should stay.

The insight hits me like a brick. I don’t have to go. I could stay right here with Elle.

The cart slowly travels over the incline, then plummets down at ninety-seven miles per hour. Kathleen grabs my hand in hers and screams until I’m afraid her lungs won’t hold it together any longer. Despite all that, she’s beaming. When she looks at me, I see nothing but pure joy in her eyes. Happiness travels through me as well.

“This is fantastic,” she screams at me. “I’ll cherish this forever, even though I might throw up later.”

The cart gets pulled up another incline, and I laugh. I get that she’s feeling nauseous. This coaster isn’t for the faint of heart. I’d better get used to these thrilling sensations, though. I’ve got to go on Nitro Snake at least another eight times.