The Outlaw by Jennifer Millikin

Author’s Note

Since The Patriot and The Maverick, I’ve been setting the stage for Wyatt and Jessie.

You’ve just read Wyatt’s story, and (fingers crossed) you felt his journey was satisfying. Full disclosure, Wyatt was the most difficult male protagonist I’ve ever written. Considering his personality, this may not be too surprising. Wyatt demanded I dig for his story, so I pulled out my writer toolbox and began to sift through his past. Though he didn’t make it easy, writing his character was extremely fulfilling. I love giving my male characters deep emotions, and Wyatt was ripe for the opportunity.

You’ll have to wait just a little longer for Jessie’s story, and I hope I make it worth it. She’s fierce, and strong, the kind of woman we’d all like to have in our corner. Buckle up, she may just be the wildest Hayden yet.