The Outlaw by Jennifer Millikin


To my dear, sweet husband. I love you more than you’ll ever know.

My son. You have a Hayden Family sticker on your school water bottle, bless your heart. You’re one of my biggest fans.

My beautiful daughter. You contributed to the character of Jessie in so many ways. I hope you’re always confident enough to be your own person.

Readers. Where would I be without you to love my stories? You made space in your hearts for the Hayden family and I am forever grateful. Every day it astounds me that you allow my words into your hearts and minds. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

My beta readers. You make me better. You help me to improve my stories, working with me to polish them until they shine. I have so much love and gratitude for you.

Thank you to Ellie at My Brother’s Editor, Sarah at Okay Creations, and Darlene and Athena at SisterGetLit.erary for working with me on the Hayden Family series.

And…to the entire crew at Valentine PR, thank you for helping me spread the word and get my work into the hands of readers.