Nanny for the SEALs by Cassie Cole



The guest bedroom wasn’t as nice as the hotel I had been staying in, but it was still a billion times more luxurious than the studio apartment I shared with Maurice. The mattress felt expensive—it was so soft that I sank into it and immediately relaxed.

As I drifted off to sleep, I thought about what the guys had just told me. A surrogate. A pact for whoever survived their deployment to take care of the child. Getting triplets, one biological child for each father. Trying to take care of them together while starting their own security company. Thinking about it made me emotional.

And the threesome…

I shivered at the thought. Threesomes were sexy. I had never had one, but it had always been a fantasy of mine. Especially the kind of threesome with two men. Being shared like that, worshipped by two sets of lips and feeling two hard, long shafts…

I couldn’t imagine Asher doing it. Brady, sure. He seemed like the kind of guy who only had threesomes, and then gave out high-fives to everyone involved. But Asher was quieter. More reserved. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t picture it in my head.

Which, of course, intrigued me to no end.

All this sexy stuff was getting me randy. I found myself wishing Rogan didn’t have to go out that night. What would happen if he had stayed home? Would he slip into my bedroom at night, or would he take me into his?

I decided to text him and let him know I was thinking about him, but before I could, sleep finally took me.

I woke up early, because I knew the kids got up around seven, and I wanted to make sure I got to do everything I needed first. The guest bedroom didn’t have its own bathroom, and I had to use the one in the hallway. I showered and then walked back to my room wearing just a towel.

I passed the office on the way. It caught my attention because the door was open. Normally it was closed and locked with a keypad. I stuck my head inside and found Rogan sitting in the computer chair, head tilted back and fast asleep.

I tip-toed up to him and then slowly kissed him. After a moment, his lips curled up against mine to return the kiss, and his eyes opened.

“This is a nice way to wake up,” he rumbled.

I gently caressed his cheek. The bristles were scratchy against my thumb. “I never heard you get home. You’re still wearing your suit.”

He stretched and sat up a little higher. “I got in around four. I still had some work to do before bed. I guess I fell asleep here. Time to get up…”

“You got home around four?” I looked at the clock. “You need more than two hours of sleep.”

“Too much work to do.” He pushed to his feet. “Miles to go before I sleep.”

“Robert Frost, huh? Are you trying to impress me with poetry?”

He pulled me into a hug, then kissed my forehead. “I’m too tired to try impressing anyone. I need coffee.”

I wanted to argue with him and insist that he get a proper night’s sleep, but I knew it would be futile.

The children were excited to see me when they woke up. I definitely noticed an improvement in their behavior now that I was here overnight. I kept them in line from the moment they got out of bed, whereas before I was certain Brady let them do whatever they wanted.

“Clean slate!” I said cheerfully in the kitchen. I removed the stickers from their schedule. “Today is another chance to get some candy. And I have a big surprise for you.”

Micah’s eyes widened. “What’s the surprise?”

“I bought some new treats for the big bucket,” I whispered, like it was a secret.

“What kind! Let me see!” Dustin tried to reach toward the top of the pantry shelf. He came up three feet short.

“You’ll have to be good today and find out,” I said. “Get those stickers!”

Asher was watching all of this while sipping his coffee. He was already dressed; his grey suit fit him perfectly, and the blue tie was held to his dress shirt with a silver clip. “You’re worth every penny. You know that?”

“This is basic nanny stuff,” I replied. “It just takes consistency and patience.”

“We don’t have either of that,” Brady said. He leaned over the couch, where the three children were sitting. “But you know what we do have?”

“What?” Cora asked.

“Lots of love!” Brady grabbed Cora off the back of the couch and swirled her in the air. She squealed with excitement as he helicoptered her around the room while the boys followed, laughing and jumping to try to grab her.

Asher shook his head and smiled to me. “Have a good day with the kids.”

Threesome, my mind interjected. You had a threesome with Brady. And some random woman. You put your dicks in her at the same time. You said it was very good. What made it so good?

“Thanks,” I said when I realized I hadn’t replied to him. “Have a good day at work.”

Rogan had changed clothes and looked like he had run a comb through his hair, but otherwise he still looked exhausted. He gave me a little smile, then the three of them said goodbye to the children and went downstairs to their security office.

We went through our normal morning routine. The boys were on their best behavior in order to check out the new snacks in the big bucket. All three of them earned stars during cartoon time, and again for arts and crafts, and finally for lunch.

“At this rate,” I said while applying stickers to the laminated schedule, “I’m going to run out of stickers!”

“Then get more!” Micah said.

After putting the children down for their naps, I punched in the key-code to the office and sat at the computer. I opened a browser and clicked the address bar, fingers hovering over the keyboard to type

But I paused with my finger above the A-key.

The browser history appeared.

And the most recent address was a porn website.

I chuckled to myself. Three adult men lived here. Of course they watched porn. I’d walked in on Maurice giving himself a low-five in our apartment, and he was just one guy. I was three times more likely to stumble upon this here.

That’s the real reason there’s a keypad lock on the door, I thought with a smirk.

I was about to leave it at that, until I saw a word in one of the URLs.


As if moving on its own accord, my finger clicked the link. It maximized on the screen, advertisements and graphics loading slowly.

I glanced at the open door before returning my gaze to the screen. The title had loaded.


I was no stranger to porn. I didn’t watch it often, but sometimes a girl needed to Jill off and get some release. But seeing someone else’s porn history was like peering through a window into their soul. It was evidence of their deepest desire. Or, at least, the most recent desire they’d had.

The nanny was wearing a plaid short skirt, like a Catholic schoolgirl. I clicked ahead and suddenly the skirt was gone, along with the rest of their clothes. The girl—the nanny—was bent over the couch and being fucked from behind. The man was turned sideways enough to give the camera a good view of what was happening. His hand flashed out and slapped her very plump ass, leaving a red mark on the porcelain skin.

I thought about Rogan asleep in the chair this morning. He’d been up all night without sleep, but still found time to come home and fantasize about having sex with me.

It was kind of sweet, if you thought about it.

I pulled out my phone and texted him.

Heather: I thought you said you didn’t have a nanny fetish?

Rogan: I don’t. But I’m open to role-playing, if you’re into that sort of thing.

Rogan: Maybe not tonight, though. I can barely stay awake right now.

Heather: I think you’re lying. You totally want to pound the slutty nanny.

Rogan: Now that you mention it, that sounds like a lot of fun. I’ll call around and see if I can find a slutty nanny to pound tonight.

Heather: (angry emoji)

Heather: There’s nothing wrong with admitting it. I like that you’re thinking about me.

Rogan: Like I told you, I have a Heather Hart fetish. I’ll be into you whether you’re a nanny, or a flight attendant, or a waitress.

Heather: I was a waitress. At Outback.

Rogan: And we slept together before you became the nanny. See? Heather Hart fetish, not nanny fetish.

I raised my phone to take a photo of the computer screen. The man had pulled out and was now eating her out from behind. It reminded me of what Rogan had done the first night we were together.

Before I could snap the photo, I heard a sound that was totally foreign to me in the residence.

The doorbell.