Perfect Secret by Molly McLain

Chapter 23


“Imiss you, darlin’.”

“I miss you more.” I tuck my hands between my cheek and my pillow while gazing at my phone propped against Holden’s. Unfortunately, the handsome face looking back at me is confined to a screen for thirteen more days.

“I doubt that. I swear I wake up thinking about you and I can’t fall asleep at night until we do this.”

“You should be exhausted.” He’s been back on the road for a month now, and he’s hit every event, riding his heart out in hopes of landing the top five going into the world finals at the end of October.

“I am, but it’s not the same sleeping without you.”

“You’ve done it for twenty-seven years without me, cowboy.”

“Worst twenty-seven years of my life.”

I laugh, and from his travel trailer parked somewhere in Nebraska, Holden grins.

“Have you started packing for Vegas yet?”

“I have three and a half weeks. If I pack now, I’ll have nothing to wear.”

He arches an eyebrow. “You wearing those little dresses for someone else?”

“Stop!” I laugh so hard, the phone flips over. When I prop it up again, he’s on his back, holding his phone above him. His chest is bare and full of lean, sun-kissed muscle, and my mouth goes dry. “Really? You have to taunt me?”

“Just making sure you remember what you’ve got, so you don’t go finding someone to replace me while I’m gone.”

“You don’t play fair.”

“All is fair in love and war, babe.”

I roll my eyes, but my heart hiccups at the mention of a certain four-lettered L word. We’ve been together for almost two months now and there isn’t a doubt in my mind that every bit of me is in love with every bit of him, but I can’t tell him over the phone. When I finally tell him how I feel, I plan to kiss the heck out of him, too.

“You have nothing to worry about and you know it.”

“What about that guy from the café? What was his name again? Cody?”


“See!” He laughs. “You knew exactly who I was talking about!”

“Because he was literally the only person we ever talked to at Wren’s.”

“Uh huh.” He shakes his head and blows out a breath, just as there’s a knock on his end of the line. “Hold on a minute, babe.” Then, “Yeah?”

There’s a voice on the other end of the line, but I can’t make out what’s being said. Probably for the best anyway, since I’m sure it’s Cory.

Things are still tense between them, but they’re doing their best, knowing the season will wrap up soon. Holden hasn’t confirmed whether or not he’ll tour again next year, but he did renew his ABR membership, so he hasn’t ruled it out, either.

“Babe, I gotta go. Apparently we’re reviewing footage from last night’s rides again.” He gives me an apologetic frown, and as sad as I always am when it’s time to hang up, I smile and blow him a kiss.

“Have fun, babe. And don’t forget I’m going to a barn dance at Magnolia Blue with Hallie and Wilder tomorrow night.”

He nods. “Thank you for that, by the way. I feel bad that I can’t be there to congratulate Sandy on the sale, so make sure she knows you’re there for me, too.”

“Of course.” We blow each other a few more kisses, say goodbye a half dozen more times, and finally hang up ten minutes later.

And like the crazy person I am, I pull out my homework, because what I didn’t tell Holden is that I can’t sleep without him, either.

* * *

“Oh,my gosh, look at this place!” Hallie rushes ahead into the big, beautiful red barn nestled near what Wilder told us was the original homestead, long before the property became the Magnolia Blue Ranch.

Thousands of white twinkling lights adorn the rafters and beams, while hay bales, cornstalks, pumpkins, dried sunflowers, and fresh, colorful mums adorn the rest of the place. It’s a gorgeous, festive scene. Romantic even.

The only thing missing is a handsome cowboy to hold my hand.

“I feel like someone took a peek at my preteen diary,” I sigh, spinning in a circle to take it all in. “Because this is how I’ve envisioned my wedding reception ever since I was a little girl.”

Wilder rolls his eyes and tucks his hands into his jeans. “You had to go there, huh? Now Hal’s gonna be talking about what she wants at our wedding all night.”

Hallie nods. “You got that right.”

I point a stern finger at him. “Better give this lady what she wants, Wilder. She puts up with a lot from you.”

Poor guy doesn’t even try to look offended. Just shrugs and wraps his arm around Hallie when she snuggles close.

We arrived right on time, but most of the tables along the side of the makeshift dance floor are already occupied, so I gesture to a vacant one near where the band is set up.

“Might be a little loud, but it’s better than in front of the bar where we’ll probably end up wearing a few drinks.”

“Perfect!” Hallie tugs Wilder toward the table when I spot Holden’s friend Dean across the way. He’s talking with a couple of younger guys dressed in cowboy boots and their best pearl snap shirts, but when he spots me, he raises his drink and waves me over.

“I’m going to talk to Dean. I’ll be right back,” I tell my friends before heading over, careful that the cool fall breeze dancing through the open barn doors doesn’t catch my dress and cause a scene.

“Hey there, gorgeous.” Dean is all smiles and even pecks my cheek in greeting. He’s a little older than Holden, probably around Wilder’s age, and his vibe is one-hundred-percent big brother rather than big flirt.

He gestures to the younger men, all gussied up for the night. “Alana, this is Ryder and his brother Aaron. They’re both ranch hands here at Magnolia Blue. Boys, this is Alana Faulkner, Holden McMurray’s girl. She’s also the new owner of the grocery store over in Mason Creek.”

Both of the men seem surprised and then Ryder clears his throat as he offers his hand. “Nice to meet you, ma’am.”

I laugh. “Oh, no no. None of that ma’am stuff. I’m not much older than either of you.”

They both blush and then quickly excuse themselves when a group of young women enters the barn.

Dean takes a pull from his beer and then realizes my hands are empty. “Shoot, you need a drink, girl. Let me grab you something.”

He tips his head toward the bar and I follow, the sound of my boots on the hardwood muted out when the twang of a guitar and the vibration of cymbals fills the air before the band starts the night off with a country classic.

“Wow, they’re pretty good,” I say to Dean while we wait for my bottle of hard cider.

“Yep, and they’re local, too. I think one of the guys used to play with Tucker Simms.” The bartender hands my drink to Dean, who passes it to me before tucking some cash into a big cup on the makeshift bar. “It’s on the house tonight, so don’t be shy.”

“Ah. I don’t drink much, but thanks for the heads-up.” I tip my bottle toward his.

“No problem.” We clink glass and he leans back against the bar. “So, I heard Holden got a ninety-one last weekend in Santa Fe.”

Pride blooms in my chest. “It was an amazing ride.” One I wish I’d been able to see in person, but the up close and personal video he’d shared was at least better than the one I’d seen on TV.

“He’s a damn good bull rider. I don’t know what all happened with him or why he was in Mason Creek when he was, but I’m glad to see him back at it.”

“Me too.” As much as I miss him, the rodeo is where he belongs. “Vegas can’t come soon enough.”

“You going down for the championship?” he asks.

“I am. I’m excited and terrified at the same time.” Holden doesn’t have enough points to win the overall, but he could take the final event and that’s almost as good.

He chuckles and lifts his beer. “Welcome to bull riding.”

I grin, too, and then glance around. “So, where is Sandy? I haven’t met her yet and I’m supposed to send congratulations from Holden.”

Dean smirks. “She was outside talking with the future owner, but she should be coming in soon.”

“The future owner? I thought the ranch was already sold.”

“It’s practically a done deal. Just waiting on closing, which takes a little longer with property like this. Shouldn’t be a problem though. Credible guy and whatnot.”

“Ah, okay. Will you point her out when you see her or send her my way? This place is really filling up fast and I don’t want to fail my mission.”

He dips his chin as the band rolls into another song—the Grundy County Auction one—which is basically impossible not to dance to. The mad dash of people lining up on the dance floor proves it.

“You feel like tearing it up?” Dean asks, quickly finishing off his drink.

I hesitate only because my drink is still full, but he seems to recognize my predicament.

“Here…” He plucks it from my hand and sets it in front of an elderly couple sharing a plateful of barbecue and potato salad. “Mrs. J, if you could keep an eye on this pretty lady’s drink, we’d be forever grateful.”

Then, before I can argue, I’m in the middle of a line dance, nailing moves I haven’t tried in years. Funny how these come back to us so easily.

By the time the song ends and a much slower one begins, I’m lightheaded and wishing I had a bottle of water instead of a hard cider.

I sway a little on my feet as I head toward Mrs. J., and before I can reach out for one of the lighted beams to catch my balance, an arm slides around my waist.

“Whoa, darlin’. Don’t need you passing out on me before I can properly kiss you hello.”

The voice, the scent, the lips against my ear… They turn me to absolute goo right there in the middle of the Magnolia Blue barn.

He chuckles softly when I let myself sag against him for just a moment before I spin and everything in my world is right again.

“What on earth are you doing here?” I cup his face, noting his beard is a little thicker in person than it appeared on video, and press my mouth to his in a long, breathtaking kiss before he can answer.

“Wow,” he says when we finally break apart. “You weren’t lying when you said you missed me.”

“I never lie to you,” I sigh, brushing my nose against his. “But it seems you can’t say the same. Aren’t you supposed to be in Nebraska?”

With his arms locked around my waist, he rocks me from side to side with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “I was in Nebraska. Until Brent knocked on my door last night and told me he was going to leave me there if I didn’t quit sweet-talking my girl and get in his damn truck.”

“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?” I shove at his chest and he just grins a little wider.

“Have you met Sandy yet? Or were you too busy dancing with Dean?”

I roll my eyes. “Line dancing, you goof.”

“I see you wore one of my dresses.” Hands on my hips, he pushes me away to get a better look. “Fuck, you’re sexy. I’d be pissed except for I already have plans for what I’m going to do to you as soon as I can get you alone in one of these dark corners.”

Heat fills my cheeks and other parts of my body, as well.”

“The only thing I don’t like is this.” He tugs at my denim jacket and then leans down to my ear. “I can’t see how hard your nipples are.”

Dark corners. Where is the nearest dark corner?

“I felt that shiver, darlin’. And I fully intend to find out what you’re hiding, but there are a couple people I want you to meet first. Come on.”

My head spinning from his unexpected appearance and then his wicked promises, I let him lead me toward the front of the barn where I spot Wilder and Hallie talking with an older woman and two older men.

“McMurray.” Wilder claps Holden on the back. “Good to see you.”

“Thanks for looking after my girl while I was gone.” Holden slides an arm around my shoulders and kisses my temple, before turning to the older woman. “Alana, I’d like you to meet Sandy Wagner, the soon-to-be former owner of Magnolia Blue.”

“Oh, I’m so glad to finally meet you,” the older woman coos. “Holden’s told me so much about you.”

He has? “Likewise. Holden really enjoyed helping you when he was here in Montana.”

She smiles kindly but says no more, so Holden moves on.

“And this is my Uncle Miles.” He gestures to the taller of the two men, both of whom are dressed in blue jeans, flannel shirts, and dark Stetsons.

“Ah, Alana. You’re even prettier than your pictures.”

My pictures? Okay, this is getting weird. “Um, thank you.”

Finally, Holden takes a step forward and shifts me to stand in front of him. “And this is my dad, Wyatt.”

His dad? I’m meeting his father without any warning? He’s definitely going to hear about this later.

The older man, who has the same kind, dark eyes as Holden not only takes my hand but pulls me in for a hug. “His mama is gonna be so mad that I got to meet you first, so maybe let’s not tell her, eh?”

I laugh, already liking this guy a whole lot. “I won’t say anything if you won’t.”

He chuckles as he lets go, and Holden tucks me back into his side.

“So, you’re probably wondering why we’re here,” Miles says, smiling almost secretively at Holden, and that’s when it dawns on me.

“Oh my gosh, you’re buying Magnolia Blue.” Holden’s told me all about his uncle’s ranch in Colorado. How his dad has been the foreman for years and that they’re some of the best ranchers he’s ever known.

Miles shakes his head as Holden clears his throat.

“Actually, I’m buying Magnolia.”

It takes a full ten seconds for his words to register.

“Excuse m-me?” I sputter, because surely I’ve heard him wrong.

“Nothing is final until we close the first part of November, but, yes, darlin’. Magnolia Blue is going to be mine. Well, mine with a small investment from Uncle Miles.”

The ground beneath my feet begins to move again, but Holden is right there, like the savior he’s been from the very start.

“Let’s find a place to sit, darlin’,” he says all but scooping me off of my feet.

“Good idea. You two go and catch up and then come find us in the barn. I’d like a dance with my future daughter-in-law before I head back to Colorado.” Wyatt winks, and if it weren’t for Holden’s tight grip on my side, I’d think I was dreaming.

“Here,” Holden says a minute later, urging me to sit on a small bench beside an outbuilding that’s set back from the barn and away from guests. “Do you need something to drink? Water or—”

“You bought a ranch in Montana.” I blink up at him and he nods. “Sit and explain this to me.”

“I know it’s a lot to take in.” He lowers down to the bench and removes his cowboy hat to push a hand through his hair. “I wanted to surprise you, but I’m starting to think that was a bad idea. You’re not mad—”

“Why on earth would I be mad?” I turn to him, unable to keep the grin from my face or the tears from my eyes.

“Because I want you to live here with me and I haven’t even told you I love you yet.”

“You love me?” I rasp, and he tips his head toward the moonlit mountains rising above the river in the distance.

“I love you bigger than those mountains, brighter than that moon, and stronger than that river, darlin’.”

“Holden…” I cry his name as he pulls me onto his lap.

“I know the past couple of months have been crazy, and you didn’t even like me when we first met. But we’ve been through some trying times together. My suspension, Marty passing, figuring out everything with the store, me going back on the road…” He tucks a lock of hair behind my ear and his fingers linger on my skin. “But I think we did a damn good job being there for each other, and if I’m honest, I don’t think I could have done it without you.”

“I feel the same,” I say, swiping at my tears. “I had no idea I needed you until you showed up at my door. I tried to resist the pull I felt toward you, because I haven’t needed anyone in a very long time. But now…” I curl my hand around his stubbled jaw. “I not only need you, but I love you, too.”

The corners of his mouth tug into the sexiest grin. “See, I knew you were getting sweet on me.”

I laugh and he buries his face in my neck. “You really didn’t have to buy a ranch in Montana to prove your point.”

“No, but look at that view and tell me that isn’t ours.” He points across the pasture to the mountains once again. “That’s you, me, and forever, darlin’.”

It is beautiful and the picture he paints is more than I could have ever imagined. But… “What about bull riding?”

He pulls in a breath and nods. “You were right. I’m not ready to walk away.”

Relief rushes through my veins and I smile.

“I’ll have a few months off to get everything situated before the next season. Then Dean will take the lead on the day-to-day stuff, just like he’s doing now. I’ll be home as often as I can to check in and I’m kinda hoping you’ll be here, too. Not to work, because I know you’re tied up with the store, but just in case Dean needs someone to bounce stuff off of. And Wilder has offered to do what he can, too.

“But I only want to ride one more year. So I can end things on a season I have complete control over. A season I can give my all, and a season I can share with you.”

My heart clenches. “I’ve already decided to hire a new manager at the store. I want to free up my schedule so I can catch a few of your shows.”

His eyes light up. “I love you so friggin’ much.”

“And I love you.” I wrap my arms around his neck and press my forehead to his. “What do you plan to do with all that extra time once you hang up those spurs?”

“That’s easy, darlin’. I’m coming back to Montana and making you my wife.”

I gasp. “Is that a proposal?”

He shakes his head. “Nope, not yet. But I already have it planned out.”

I smile. “Another perfect secret?”

“The best one yet.”