Perfect Secret by Molly McLain




“He did it. Holy crap, he really did it.”

“Did you have any doubt, girlie?” Holden’s dad slings an arm around my shoulder and gives me a quick squeeze.

“No, not really.” I laugh. Holden’s lead in points for the past five events and his determination to win only grew as the season went on.

“You know we’re gonna hear about it for the rest of our lives, right?” Kaden, Holden’s younger brother, gives an annoyed sigh. The gleam in his eyes, however, is pure pride.

“Aren’t we supposed to head down now?” his mother asks, pointing to the side of the arena where they’re staging for the post-event interviews and awards.

“How’s my hair look?” Tessa, the baby of the McMurray family, ducks in front of me, fussing with her blonde locks. “Is my makeup okay?”

I smirk. “Better not let your brother see you primping for these cowboys.”

She waggles her eyebrows. “I dare him to tell me I can’t. I’m twenty-one now and plenty old enough.”

Pretty sure she’ll never be old enough in Holden’s eyes, but who am I to tell her that?

We make our way down to the arena floor, flash our VIP passes, and are instantly met with congratulations and smiles from Holden’s friends and the ABR staff.

“He killed it tonight, Al!” Brent lifts me off the ground for a big hug. “Did you see how he almost lost it around six-three, but somehow out-muscled that damn bull and held on?”

I laugh. “That’s my man.”

Brent just shakes his head in wonderment and sets me back down.

“Hands off my girl, Shaw.” A sexy, possessive voice sounds in my ear before a big arm snakes around my waist.

Brent lifts his hands and takes a few steps back, grinning like a fool. “Just singing your praises, man.”

Holden grunts and spins me to face him. He’s sweaty and dirty and pure sex on two, leather-clad legs. “Told you I’d win, darlin’.”

“Mmm hmm.” That’s all I say before I kiss the crap out of him. Behind us, someone—probably Kaden—groans.

“Save it for the hotel room, will ya?”

Holden chuckles and then a tall man with the biggest cowboy hat I’ve ever seen taps him on the shoulder.

“Time to roll, champ. You can bring your lady with you if you want.”

“Damn right, I am.” He threads his fingers with mine and leads the way toward the mass of people with cameras, microphones, and trophies gathered by the tunnel. The energy in the arena is magnetic and every single person we pass either claps him on the shoulder or shakes his hand.

I’ve shared this moment with him a couple of times already this season, but this level of excitement is on another level. This is the big time and tonight, all of the world is watching.

A broad-shouldered man with a mic shakes Holden’s hand while another hands him a gigantic silver cup.

“Holden McMurray! How does it feel to be not only the winner here tonight in Las Vegas, but the new ABR world champion!” the man hollers the last four words and the crowd in the Coast2Coast Mobile Arena cheers as confetti floats through the air.

“It feels amazing, Jim!” Holden raises the massive trophy above his head and I’ve never been more proud of him in my life. He worked his butt off this year and he accomplished exactly what he set out to do.

“You won the title three years ago and then last year you took a break and we weren’t sure we’d see you ride again,” the big man says into the mic. “But you came back stronger than ever, and now you’re taking the ABR championship home again. I’d say that’s one hell of a comeback.”

“Sure is. And I couldn’t have done it without this lady right here.” He wraps an arm around my shoulders as one of the other riders takes the trophy. “She pushed me to come back and keep doing what I love and I can’t thank her enough for believing in me.”

Tears fill my eyes and I can’t look away from him.

“I told you once that you were better than any title and I still mean that. You are the ultimate prize, darlin’, and I hope you’ll let me be yours.”

He drops to one knee in his vest and his chaps and his dusty cowboy hat, and time. Stands. Still.

He pulls a small black box from his pocket and flips it open to reveal a gorgeous diamond ring that sparkles and shines beneath the stadium lights.

I cover my mouth with my hands as sob after sob bursts from my chest. He promised his proposal would be perfect, but I never expected this.

“Will you marry me, Alana Faulkner?” His dark eyes shine so brightly with love that’s unmistakable even through my own tears.

“Yes.” I hiccup and then laugh. “Yes, I’ll marry you!”

He’s on his feet in an instant, spinning me around once again, and all I can think about is how damn lucky I am. That he showed up on my doorstep and showed me how to love all over again.

And now I get to spend the rest of my life loving him even more.

“This night is going to be pretty hard to top,” I say against his lips, and he grins.

“Oh, darlin’, but I’m just getting started.”


Want more Mason Creek? Start back where it all began in Perfect Risk by C.A. Harms!

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And how about the rest of the Mason Creek Series?

Here’s the full list of books on Kindle Unlimited!

Perfect Risk by C.A Harms

Perfect Song by Lauren Runow

Perfect Love by A.M. Hargrove

Perfect Night by Terri E. Laine

Perfect Tragedy by Jennifer Miller

Perfect Escape by Cary Hart

Perfect Summer by Bethany Lopez

Perfect Embrace by Kaylee Ryan

Perfect Kiss by Lacey Black

Perfect Mess by Fabiola Francisco

Perfect Excuse by A.D. Justice

Perfect Secret by Molly McLain