Grumpalicious by Mia Faye

Chapter 11


I’d never really seen Cash uncomfortable before, and I didn’t know him well enough to gauge his comfort level, but he seemed pretty out of his element. I had to give him credit for sticking around. He braved my friends and Peyton's strange array of artists that always seemed to follow her around. She had this incredible group of friends who were very close and very diverse not only in color but gender identification and sexual orientation. They could be a lot to take on if you weren't used to swirling in Peyton's mixtray. Cash was pretty nice to the guys and did sit and listen to us play for a good couple of hours. Another band played as well and he was complimentary to everyone. By the time one in the morning rolled around we were all pretty exhausted, drunk, and full of music, conversation, and booze.

“I actually had a good time tonight,” I told him as we were all cleaning up.

“Actually?” He mocked.

“You can be way too much to deal with. Enjoying your company is a big step forward, so don’t push it,” I barked.

Sometimes I questioned whether it was a good business move to push back as much as I did with Cash, but the truth of the matter was I still wasn't completely comfortable with him.

“Oh, I know not to push it with you, my dear. But I need to head back to my hotel and I want to know. Will you be coming back to New York with me tomorrow? I can’t play hooky from work any longer and you have a recording session still scheduled for the end of the week. We’ve already booked the studio.”

The good time was over.

“Six months right? You pay my rent on this place and my Airbnb or wherever I stay in New York and I don’t have to give you more than six months. I also need living expenses, but what I’m requesting is a helluva lot cheaper than twenty mil, so you should take the offer while it’s hot.”

“I’ll take it.” He moved in on me as the others filed out of the house, saying sleepy goodbyes as designated drivers took the wheels to drive our partied-out friends home.

Peyton had already slunk off to her room, perhaps with one of her regulars, and it was suddenly just Cash and me alone in my kitchen.

“What are you doing?” I asked backing into my kitchen sink.

“Kisses are still on the table right?” He slid his arms around my sides and moved in so that his body was pressing against mine. His cock was hard as a rock. I wondered to myself how long he’d been dealing with his raging boner.

“You are in no condition to be kissing me.” I glanced down at his erection and craned my head back away from him.

“Let me worry about my condition. You know you want to kiss me. I heard you singing tonight. Your voice was raw unbridled sexuality and I believe it was for me.” He wasn’t wrong.

He had been driving me nuts all night. He looked so sexy casually dressed in a pair of jeans and a short-sleeved designer shirt unbuttoned enough to see the slope of his neck and throat as it met the top of his chest. He had this kind of tanned and silky skin that made you just want to touch him. Granted he probably spent a fortune on skin care, but it was working. All I wanted to do was kiss his neck. I was being stupid resisting him when all I wanted to do was surrender.

“I have that effect on people,” I lied.

He didn’t ask me again if he could kiss me, he just leaned in and did it. He must have seen the lust in my eyes because I melted into him. It was as if we were eating one another alive we were so ravenous for each other.

“Can I trust you to sleep with me and not sleep with me?” I broke away from him to ask.

“Can you trust you is the question?”

Ugh, always the asshole. “You can go back to your hotel.”

He smoothed his finger across my cheek and honestly, it was the most loving move he’d ever made. It was a moment of real care and adoration.

“I’ll take whatever you give me. Don’t make this too easy, half the fun is the chase.” He kissed my lips softly and so I took his hand and led him to my bedroom.

I loved boho-chic, so my room was monochromatic, in white, grey, and black, but also feminine and stylish with just a pop of soft color here and there. I was proud of my decorating style and I had a comfortable bed, so I felt confident inviting Cash to stay the night. Sure, he was used to the finest things, but my space was homey.

“Beautiful,” he said when I turned on the light switch and fairy lights illuminated the room.

I dove out of my shirt and jeans, leaving me in my underwear. I was actually tired and wanted to sleep, so just ripping off that clothing Band-Aid and hitting the sheets seemed like the slickest move.

“So, we’re just doing this?” he asked.

“Yeah, wild style.” I laughed as I got under the sheets and snuggled into my bed.

Cash, on the other hand, he took his time. He peeled away his shirt like he was in a Calvin Klein ad and the same with his jeans, though he wasn’t being overtly sexy about it, just slow. As soon as he draped his shirt and jeans over my overstuffed grey velvet chair, I saw him almost in all of his glory. He was a boxer brief man, and his package was seriously spearing the fabric.

“Like what you see?” He winked at me.

“Fuck, how the hell do you keep all of that under wraps?”

“I have my ways.”

“No wonder you’re such a dick, it’s like 80 percent of your body mass.”

That got me a hearty laugh.

“At least I come by it honestly.” He carefully slid under the covers next to me. “Though I will say, sleeping with you and having you completely ignore my favorite organ might be a bit of a challenge.”

It wasn’t a threat, which I appreciated, and I wasn’t sure how much I really wanted to ignore him. I wasn’t ready to part the seas just yet, Cash was still a monster, but I was asking a lot of him and I knew that.

“What if I meet you halfway? You did a fine job of making me see stars the other night with just this.” I held his hand and tickled his fingers with my own. “I’ll do the same for you.” I gave him a big bright smile.

“Not my favorite way to get off, but as long as you let me spin my magic on you again tonight, I’m good if you are. See, we can work things out.” He scooted down into the covers so that we were facing each other, each with a pillow.

At that point, it was almost two in the morning.

“So, if I really agree to go with you to New York tomorrow, what is it all going to look like?” I was suddenly both excited and nervous for what might lie ahead.

“You are going to work your ass off. You have a lot to accomplish in a short amount of time and the rest... I guess the rest will sort of look like this only it will be fancy restaurants and A-list parties instead of the porch and a BBQ concert. Nights...well, sometimes we should just let things unfold. I take it you're worried that I’m going to just become what everyone thinks I am as soon as my cock gets what he’s waiting for.”


“Again, you’re going to just have to see how this goes. I’m not a nice man. You’re good to stand your ground. Now...for this.” He moved into me and we started kissing again.

I was much more comfortable kissing him and forgetting about all that was in front of me. Somehow kissing him felt right. His hands snuck under my sports bra and I let them take the bra off. I also let them pinch and fondle my nipples till my vagina flooded with arousal. That poor neglected part of me would have done anything to take on his monster that night, but my brain still wasn’t having it. I was convinced that full-on sex had to be love.

He kissed my neck and behind my ear lobe and everything inside of my body started scorching with desire. I flushed a deep red and I was literally dripping, which he soon discovered when his pinchy little fingers stopped fondling my nipples and made their way down to my pussy. His middle finger slid along my slick center and he stopped, lodging the digit there.

“At least someone wants me,” he whispered hotly in my ear as he wiggled his finger inside of my vagina.

“She’s a slut…” I rasped.

“I wish you were,” he said after he bit my earlobe.

And that did me in. I let him completely undress me and as my hand dove down the front of his boxer briefs, which he conveniently lost quickly. We were naked and completely wet and hard for each other. I stroked his cock which felt like soft velvet over steel. Damn if he didn’t use the same skin regime for his cock as he did his hands, neck, and face. “I have to say, you have the softest skin on your cock.”

He dove his finger inside of my pussy and I grabbed his dick harder.

“You might hit home base one day.”

“And you might just make an honest man out of me,” he said before he added his second finger and started sliding them in and out of me slowly, ignoring my inflamed clit.

I decided to use the same deliberate slowness on him. I may not have had full intercourse, but I’d given guys hand jobs before. I knew how to edge a man into submission. I loved watching them eventually crumble and become lost to their desire. Maybe that’s why Cash liked getting me off. It was fun to watch someone submit to the pleasure you gave them. I softly brushed my thumb along the tip of his cock as it wept with precum.

He sucked in air and closed his eyes withdrawing his fingers from me.

“Why did you do that?” I asked, innocently, knowing exactly why.

Cash grabbed my hand. “Harder!” he groaned. “Faster!” He started pumping himself with my hand and I pulled away from him, yanking my hand back.

“Hey, not fair. I’m doing this!” I told him, slapping the side of his offending hand.

“Fuck me, Genni!” He angled his head back in frustration.

“Not tonight, but here’s something you might like.”

I abruptly jumped on him, straddling my legs over his middle. I used my slick pussy to pin his cock to his belly and held it there by pushing all of my body weight into him. He was a strong man, and I wasn’t too heavy, he could take it.

“I like this,” he groaned, clenching his teeth.

“Do you?” I asked sliding my wet slit along his shaft, grinding in hard.

I rolled back and forth on him fucking his cock without having him inside of me. I was on top and I felt in control. I wasn’t giving anything away, rather I was using what I had to get both of us off. The faster I went the more he panted. His hands grabbed my hips and brought me down upon him harder as I moved faster and faster until I heard him scream out. And pretty much anyone still left in the house must have heard him too.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” he yelled as he curled inward toward my body and shot a thick gooey load so hard it hit the top of his chest.

I popped off of him and finished the job with my hand, pumping and squeezing until I got every last drop out of him. Even when he started to soften, he was still a mammoth-sized man. I gave myself a high five for not having to brave that beast...but there was a part of me, one that I wasn’t going to be able to deny much longer, that wanted all of him more than I’d ever wanted anything before.

When Cash had finally caught his breath, he looked at me. I was still on fire, ready for my big moment when he lowered his shield just enough to whisper... “You own me.”