Grumpalicious by Mia Faye

Chapter 5


What the hell was this guy’s deal? I couldn’t make head or tails out of Cash Coltrane. I just didn’t understand him and yet I did. With a backstory like his, the guy was desperate for love but obviously afraid of it. He sat there looking at me with his big green eyes and I wanted to just melt. He was physically gorgeous, but that was just good genetics. He was shady and hard to read. I knew he could give me my dreams, but he wasn’t asking me for my dreams, he was propositioning me.

“You wanted me to play one more song. So, I’m going to play one more song and then I’m going to go. I’ll meet you in New York next week, or as soon as you send me the ticket and hotel information. You will keep your hands to yourself and you’ll behave! I think you’re just about the most handsome man I’ve ever met, but you’re rotten. I don’t want any part of your personal life.” I stood up and went to the piano.

“Ouch,” he said as he followed me.

“Sorry buddy, them’s the breaks.”

I sat down at the piano and played a love song I’d been working on. It was rough and unpolished, and I wasn’t sure if I even liked it, but I was on fire. I couldn’t lie to myself, being with such a bad boy who held so much power over my future was intoxicating. I was a feminist and a strong woman; I was not going to fall into anyone’s trap. Men were messy and Cash Coltrane was simply the messiest man I’d ever encountered. Getting in too deep with him was certain doom, but I wasn’t really ready to leave him, which was strange as I’d left so many other men. He electrified the air around us and there was some sort of mystical pull I couldn’t escape that drew me to him. I played my song and sang it with all the conflict and turmoil swirling in my heart and when I was done singing, he leaned on the piano just staring at me.

“I think you are the most perfect woman I’ve ever met,” he whispered softly and of all the things he said that night, I believe that was the most honest and also the most untrue.

“Thanks. I want to be your friend, Cash. I think you don’t have many of those.” I stood up and kissed him on the forehead.

He grabbed my arm, with intention but not so hard as to scare me. He stared for a moment longer then kissed me. I have to be real; it was the best kiss I’d ever had. His lips were soft and smooth, and his body felt hot and strong against mine. Why did I not want this? As soon as his mouth opened, it was a beckoning call and I responded in kind. The taste of him, heady, seductive, sweet…

“I have to go,” I breathed out because I was an idiot.

“I’ll walk you down to the lobby and make sure you get into a taxi.” He looked defeated.

“Ah, fuck it.” I kissed him again because I’d be a dumb ass to let that moment pass.

He picked me up into his arms and I knew I was in trouble. Luckily, he didn't go to the bedroom but instead set me on the couch.

“You are one helluva kisser.” His finger touched my lips.

“So are you,” I said in a daze. “But all we’ll be doing is kissing,” I warned, mentally pulling my big girl panties back up.

“Okay, and what else?”

“Nothing else.” I stared at him.

“Give me just a little something else. I promise I’ll not go farther than your consent will allow and if you say we’re going to stick to kissing, we’ll do that, but I have a feeling you, like me, want more.”

The heat of his stare burned me with lust.

“I like having my breasts played with and fingers, I like what fingers can do.” I felt my face flush after saying that.

“I can work with fingers. What about mouths?”

“Mouths on mouths is fine.” I wasn’t ready for more than that.

“And there’s no wiggle room there?”

“Not tonight.”

“I’ll take it.” And that’s all he said before he kissed me again.

He brought me into his arms and as he continued to kiss me, his hands made their way down my neck line and into my dress. I so wanted to protest, but the moment his warm hands touched my body, I was a goner. His fingers danced lightly over my nipples and my vagina screamed at the top of her lungs, begging and pleading with me to stop being such a jerk to her. I wanted to hear her and be the woman she wanted me to be, but I couldn’t let go, especially to someone like Cash Coltrane.

I stroked the side of his body as he moved closer to me on the couch. “Are you okay?” he asked, breathless.

“I’m good.” I flashed him a smile and I was good as long as he stuck to the rules.

“May I undress you?” he asked, breathing hotly in my ear.

May he undress me? Shit that was getting a bit real. I wasn’t very dressed in my tiny black micro mini dress, so I figured he had enough to work with already.

“I’m pretty much undressed already.” I rolled my hips on his erection and he got the picture.

“We’ll only go as far as you are comfortable.” He kissed my lips and for a second I actually thought he might be sweet. His hands then found their access point as they slid up my dress and into my thin silk panties.

“Only fingers,” I gasped, knowing exactly what he was about to do.

“Only fingers,” he said tickling his fingers over my soaking pussy which was hot and ready for whatever he had for me.

His wily fingers snaked their way under the elastic of my underwear as one finger gently stroked and caressed the slit of my vagina. I breathed and closed my eyes, hardly able to ride out the wave of intense sensation.

“Oh God,” I breathed.

“You sure all you want is this?” He wiggled his finger into me, and I bit my lip.

I wanted a helluva lot more, I was desperate for more of him...all of him, but I couldn’t. I had to stay strong. This was his thing, he was all about the orgasm, but he wasn’t a good man and I needed to keep my head in the game. I felt his erection poking into my hip, but I ignored it, not wanting to stoke his fire in any way.

“Yes,” I swallowed. “You’ll ruin me if I give you more.”

All he did was laugh, kiss my cheek, and press his finger hard into my aching clit.

“Fair enough,” is all he said before he pinched and pulled on my clit making me squirm beside him.

I gritted my teeth while my head spun and then he dove two fingers inside of me as his thumb continued the work on my clit and that was all I could take. My body arched into his. Sweat formed on my brow and my body coiled into knots. Soon I saw stars as he pumped his fingers into me bringing me to an orgasm so intense I almost passed out. I had never in my life felt such euphoria. When I came down, I was actually shaking. He pulled his fingers out of me and patted my pussy before he replaced the useless cloth of my underwear back over my quivering sex.

“You’re the devil,” I breathed.

He pressed his hard dick into my side so all I could think about was his arousal. “I am,” he whispered in my ear before he bit my earlobe. “See you in New York.”

He got up off of the couch and if I’d had even one single ounce of energy I would have done something. But instead, I stayed on the couch waiting for something to happen. And nothing did. He went into his bedroom and didn’t come out. I felt completely weird.

After a few moments, a man in a black suit opened the hotel room door. I immediately freaked, which he must have suspected because he calmly stood in the doorway.

“Ms. Green? I’m Kevin, I’m here to take you back to your friend’s house.”

I wondered how the handsome man who came to retrieve me knew my last name. I was on the poster as one of the performing artists, he could have just been more observant than Cash. Who cared, I got up and thought about shouting out to Cash, but he was the fucker who had just got me off and walked away, so ‘see you in New York’ it was.

When I got back to Ophelia and Asher’s place, everyone was asleep. I had the key code, so I let myself in and crashed. The next morning, I gave all the gory details to the girls and I got mad praise for walking away with my head up. So, he got me off, big deal. I was a grown-up; I could handle it. I decided to go into denial mode and just enjoy some time with my friends.

At about two o’clock on the day after I’d hooked up, if you could call it that, Asher got a phone call.

“Genevieve,” he shouted over our conversation. “Cash Coltrane is on the phone for you.” Asher walked over to me and handed me his personal cell phone. “Apparently he’s been calling the club all morning looking for you.”

Ugh, my time in denial was over. “Thanks,” I took the phone from him and put it to my ear. “Cash?”

“Finally, I got hold of you. Please give Kevin your personal information so he can book your flight and hotel,” and then suddenly I was on the phone with Kevin, the nice man who had brought me home.

I gave him all of my details and waited for him to hand me back to Cash, but he didn’t. He thanked me and hung up. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t just a little disappointed. Cash didn’t even bother to say goodbye or anything. There would be New York, of course, but I knew it would be completely different. I kept telling myself it was for the best. Cash Coltrane was bad news.

I enjoyed the rest of my stay with the girls and headed back to Texas to find a FedEx package for me on the doorstep delivered only hours before. I opened it up to discover a first-class ticket to New York, an itinerary saying I was to stay in the penthouse of the Park Hyatt in Manhattan, a list of times and places where I needed to be, the name of my driver and the make, model, and license plate of the car that would escort me around town. I was also given Kevin’s personal contact information in a letter printed on Coltrane Industries letterhead but signed by Anne Marie Fuchs, Second Assistant to Cayden Coltrane. And that was it. Per the itinerary, I was going to be meeting with Mr. Coltrane on several of the days in an official capacity, but I’d blown it. My trip wouldn’t be for three more weeks and in that time, Cash never called. I did get exactly what I wanted, and I had to remember that, yet I couldn’t help feeling like I’d missed the chance of a lifetime to be something more than just his next big hit.