Tackled by Lisa Suzanne


Jack and I clear the table when we’re done eating while Luke and Ellie head upstairs to check on Nolan.

“You seem different tonight,” I say. “Lighter or something.”

He shrugs but doesn’t respond.

“You’re always so serious. I think this is the most I’ve seen you laugh. Ever.”

“My brother and I had a broken relationship for a long time,” he says, and I’m shocked he’s letting me in. “When our dad passed, it was a wake-up call that we had some things we needed to put to rest so we could just be brothers again.”

“What broke it?” I ask.

“Lots of things,” he says vaguely. “I’m sure you saw our shared suspension last season.”

I nod. It comes back to me now—something about how both brothers were suspended for something they did ages ago.

“The league probably would’ve covered it up if it hadn’t hit the media, but Luke’s ex-wife has it out for both of us. And that’s why I was so protective over letting Ellie into our circle at first.”

“Savannah?” I guess, naming the ex-wife and the woman who penned the article Calvin presented us with.


“So how did Michelle and Savannah become friends?” I ask.

Luke’s laughter precedes him before he and Ellie join us again.

“Now there’s a rabbit hole we could spend hours in,” Ellie says. “But there are way more interesting topics to dive into.”

I laugh. “Another day, then.” We all slide into our same chairs with fresh drinks.

“How’s Dalton Developments doing?” Luke asks.

Jack’s gaze shifts to the window. “We’ve got a lot of good things happening.”

“And?” Luke presses as if he can read past his brother’s words.

“And some...not as good things.”

Luke raises a brow. “What does that mean?”

“Nothing,” Jack mutters. “What about you and the agency?”

Luke stares at his brother a beat as if he’s determining how much he wants to press the issue, and ultimately he decides not to. “We’re still at the early stages, but Ellie’s got Prince Charming Public Relations up and running.” He glances at his wife. “Honestly I’m in awe of this woman. She does it all. She’s a phenomenal mother, the best wife a guy could ever ask for, a shrewd businesswoman, and hot as fuck.”

Ellie blushes and smacks him in the shoulder lightly. “Stop it.”

He chuckles.

“You still taking on new clients?” Jack asks.

“You asking?” Ellie counters.

He shrugs. “My team will likely come with me, but it wouldn’t hurt to have another publicist in my back pocket who knows the new city I’ll be playing for.”

“Let’s set up a meeting next week,” she says. “It’s growing so fast that I think I’m going to have to start looking for a part-time assistant.”

“What sort of PR firm is it?” I ask.

“I’m only taking on Aces clients right now,” she says. “But I’m doing everything from press releases to branding to sponsorships, social media, community outreach, charity events. I have six clients on my roster so far but I have meetings coming up with three more.”

“Four more,” Jack says, and Ellie smiles.

I shrug. “I could help you out.” Most of the day I’m sitting around waiting for Jack to tell me what our plans are anyway, plus I have sort of an inside pass to the football lifestyle in this position. “As long as I could work from here.”

“Oh my God, that would be amazing!” Excitement lights her eyes. “Let me get some stuff in order and draw up a list of what I’m looking for and we can talk on Friday.”

“I’d love that!” I’m excited not just to have this opportunity, but also to have found what feels like a new friend in Ellie.

“Don’t you want a longer maternity leave?” Luke asks.

She shrugs. “Nolan sleeps like eighteen hours a day split up into three hour stretches. I have plenty of time to feel like I’m doing something other than being a milk supplier.”

“You’re more than that,” Luke says softly in defense of his wife. The love they share...it’s couple goals.

“Hey, I have tickets to this show on the Strip this Saturday.” Ellie turns to me. “Luke doesn’t want to go. Any chance you’d come with me and Luke can sit in for you with Jack?”

“That sounds really fun,” I say. “And I wish I could, but my best friend is getting married on Saturday and I’m a bridesmaid. Any chance you can babysit Jack anyway?” I ask Luke.

He laughs. “Looks like I’m stuck going to this show with Ellie if she can’t find someone else to take the ticket.”

I wrinkle my nose. “Know anybody who could keep an eye on him?”

“I’m not a fucking child,” he says petulantly.

“Are you going solo?” Luke asks me.

“Yeah. This guy my friend tried to set me up with is going to be there, though, so I’m already pre-mortified that I don’t have a date,” I admit, and I probably would’ve kept that thought in my head if it wasn’t for the margaritas.

“How great would it be to bring a pro quarterback with you?” Ellie asks. “Say, someone like the newest addition to the Aces?”

“Oh, no,” I protest. I shake my head. “Thanks, though.”

“Why not?” Ellie presses. “It could be a lot of fun.”

It could be, but it could also be a night from hell. “What about Michelle?” I ask.

“What about her?” Ellie asks, rolling her eyes. She looks at Jack. “Will she even be around?”

He shakes his head. “She’ll be in Los Angeles this weekend.”

Los Angeles again? Why?

“Even better,” Ellie says.

Everyone looks at Jack, who’s rolling his eyes. “Y’all aren’t going to let me out of it, are you?”

“Come on, man,” Luke says. “Do your girl Kate a solid.”

“Her name’s Kia.” Jack smirks.

“It’s fine.” I hold up a hand and shake my head. “I don’t want you there as my date, anyway.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jack asks, brows drawn together.

“I’ll be nervous enough that I’m going to trip going down the aisle and with my luck, Shannon will probably pair me with some single groomsman, and I’ll find some way to scare him off from even thinking about dating me.” More confessions a sober me wouldn’t be admitting to these people, but here we are.

“Oh Jack, take her. Show her a fun time,” Ellie says. “Innocent fun, of course, seeing as how you’re engaged.”

“But of course,” Jack says gallantly. “The only kind of fun I’m allowed to have these days thanks to my babysitter.”

I narrow my eyes at him, and he just laughs.

“Fine,” he relents. “It’s a well-behaved, innocent date.”

“The rehearsal dinner, too, if there is one,” Ellie demands, and Jack just sighs heavily which seems to be his signal of agreement.

Ellie claps her hands together, Luke grins, and I feel like I got hit by a bus.

At least I have a date for the wedding and I don’t need to find anyone to keep him out of trouble...but I’m positive this is a terrible idea.

We chat more about the wedding, and a little later in the evening, we shift topics again. “Have you two ever played on the same team?” I ask.

“We did in high school,” Jack says.

“Are you excited to play together again? How fun will that be? I mean, it’s been, what, nearly two decades since high school?” I ask, managing to tease both of them on their advanced ages.

Ellie bursts into laughter as the brothers both narrow their eyes at me.

“Thirty-three isn’t that old for a quarterback,” Jack says.

“Thirty-one is real fucking old for a wide receiver,” Luke counters, and then he glances at Jack, who nods almost imperceptibly. “I haven’t made the announcement yet, but I’m retiring. I’m done playing.”

My brows shoot up. “You are?”

He nods, and he opens his mouth to say something when Ellie interrupts with a statement that stops him cold in his tracks. “I don’t think you should.”

Luke’s mouth hangs open a little as he turns to look at her. “What?”

“I don’t think you should retire,” she repeats.

“But what about the agency?” Luke asks. “Our plans?”

“It can wait a year. I can get things off the ground on my end. I see it in your eyes, Luke. You’re not ready to hang it up. So don’t.” She shrugs. “Your knee is doing amazingly well. You’ll be ready in time for the season, so play a year with your brother. The Aces have never been in a better position to win, and with Tristan out due to his injury, you’re the receiver they need. Come on, babe. Bring us home a ring.”

He just stares at her like she’s grown two heads, and she sips her water like everything’s totally normal when clearly she just flipped her husband’s entire world upside down. “We’ll talk at home,” he finally says.

Oh how I’d love to be a fly on the wall for that conversation.