SEAL’s Redemption by Leslie North


Eight months later…

Hope stood outside the Team Oracle Security offices, new baby in her arms, and stared at the plaque on the wall. This was a big day. Ben and Connor were getting married in a few hours, and she was here to pick up Logan. It was also the first real trip she’d had outside the house since giving birth. She felt excited and more than a little self-conscious, since she still carried some of her baby weight and her old clothes didn’t quite fit yet.

“What do you think, baby girl, huh?” She kissed her daughter on the cheek, then smoothed a hand over her downy hair. Brown like her father’s and sticking up all over no matter what Hope did. Little Reese was a renegade just like her daddy, and Hope couldn’t love either one of them more. “Let’s go inside and see Daddy, eh?”

She pulled open the door and walked inside the newly remodeled space. Logan had rented the first floor of a renovated historic mansion in the heart of downtown Baltimore for his new enterprise and had opened for business right before Hope had delivered Reese. Inside, the air still smelled like fresh paint and floor polish. There were still a few boxes scattered around and three desks, complete with flatscreen monitors and computers. Logan’s office was in the back, and two men she didn’t recognize stood off to the side, in the corner, talking. They both looked over at her when she entered.

Before the men could say anything, however, Logan came out of his office and made a beeline for her. “Hey, darling.” He kissed Hope soundly then took baby Reese from her. “And how’s my girl today?” He made a bunch of silly faces, trying to get his daughter to laugh. The baby gurgled, but it was probably just gas. “You are such a good girl, yes you are. Daddy’s good little girl.”

The sight of such a big, tough man, coddling a tiny baby melted Hope’s heart, and it was impossible not to smile, even though she had to warn him, “Don’t jostle her around too much. I just fed her half an hour ago. She’ll upchuck all over you.”

“Well, that’s okay, isn’t?” Logan cooed, beaming down at his daughter like she was the most wonderful thing in the world. And yeah, she really, really was. Hope felt the same way. There’d been a few odd moments, when she’d been in labor where she’d worried about what might happen after the birth. It was her first kid, after all, and what if she did something wrong? What if the baby never bonded with her? What if she was a horrible mother? But the moment she’d held tiny, red, and squalling Reese in her arms, and she’d stared up at Hope and quieted immediately, every single one of her fears had fled. They’d formed an unbreakable bond in that moment, never to be severed. It was the most profound experience Hope had ever had in her life. The second most profound one was falling in love with Logan. Really in love this time, not like before. Now they were happy. They talked all the time and both of them worked hard to keep their relationship healthy and strong.

“Hope,” Logan said, putting the baby over his shoulder, “let me introduce you to the two of my friends.” He waved the two men over and introduced them. “Greg Harrison and Colin Parks. Greg’s my newest hire—Colin’s a buddy who met us for lunch.”

“Nice to meet you,” Hope said, shaking their hands. Both men were SEALs, since that was Logan’s selling point for his services. SEAL trained, SEAL tough was their tagline. Greg was tall, with dark blond hair and a good tan. He looked like the epitome of a California surfer dude with the dopey haircut. He had an easy smile and casual nature that put Hope right at easy. And Colin was also tall, with lighter blond hair, cropped short. He seemed a bit more straightlaced, with his perfectly pressed clothes and proper manners, but still friendly. “So, were you all on the same SEAL team?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Colin said.

“I left the team about a year ago, after I was injured,” Greg said.

“Ah,” Hope said, not missing the flash of nervousness and pain in Greg’s eyes and wondering what that was all about. Not wanting to put the guy on the spot. though, she didn’t ask. There’d be plenty of time to figure that out later, and she was very good at solving mysteries, after all. Then Reese started fussing, giving her an easy out. She reached over to take their daughter back from Logan. “I think she probably needs to be changed. Can I use your office?”

“Sure thing, darling,” Logan said, kissing her again quickly before stepping back to let her pass. “Once you’re done, we can go. The wedding starts in about an hour and traffic can be a mess.”

“Yep.” She waved to Greg and Colin, then headed back to the rear of the space, leaving the guys to talk amongst themselves while she closed the door to Logan’s office. She set the diaper bag down next to the loveseat along the wall and reached inside it for a cloth diaper to spread out on the leather loveseat below her daughter to protect the fabric. As she set about changing Reese, she talked to her and glanced around at the office. “Daddy spruced this up nice.”

The last time she’d been in there was right after he’d rented the place, and it had been nothing but open space and plain, blank walls. Now there was a contemporary style desk in here, a black leather executive chair, filing cabinets, a couple of chairs for guests, the loveseat, photos and pictures on the walls, and even a potted plant in the corner.

“Does that feel good, huh?” She laughed as Reese squirmed on the diaper, naked as a jaybird from the waist down, and happy as could be. “You are such a stinker, yes you are. Mommy’s little stinker.”

She disposed of the dirty diaper in a plastic bag she’d brought, then cleaned the baby before putting on a new diaper and getting her redressed in her onesie.

Reese shoved a tiny hand in her mouth and kicked her feet, gurgling and squeaking, content again.

Hope tied a knot in the top of the plastic bag, then went in search of a trash bin. After she’d tossed the thing, she sanitized her hands and glanced down at Logan’s desktop. One of the drawers was open and through the crack she spotted a small black velvet box, just the perfect size for a ring and…

Oh. My. God.

They’d been doing so well without the whole marriage thing that Hope hadn’t really thought about it. It had come up, of course, once or twice, but it wasn’t a big deal. It would happen when it happened. They’d both agreed. No pressure.

But if he’d bought a ring, then he must be ready to propose.

Her pulse kicked a notch higher and her throat constricted. She wanted to be his wife more than anything in this universe, but only when he was ready.

Is he ready now?

“Hey, darling,” Logan said, sticking his head in the door. “About ready to go?”

She looked up, blushing. Not that she’d done anything wrong. He’d left the drawer partially open, after all. It wasn’t like she’d been rummaging or anything.

Her discomfort must’ve shown on her face because Logan came into the office, walking over to where she’d barricaded their daughter in with bumper pads on the loveseat and tickled Reese’s tummy, making her squirm more. He smiled down at the baby, then looked at Hope. “Everything okay?”

“Uh, yes. Of course.” She smiled, hoping it didn’t look as awkward as it felt. “Why?”

Logan picked up their daughter and walked over to where she stood behind his desk. “Well, because you look like a kid who got caught with their hand in a cookie jar.” He glanced down and saw the open desk drawer and sighed. “Right. I take it you saw that.”

Hope deflated a bit. “I did, but not on purpose. I swear. And I didn’t touch it at all, promise. I have no idea what’s inside it. It could be anything, even though that size is awful close to a ring box.” She bit her lip then asked the question she’d been dying too, her tone hushed. “Is that what I think it is?”

He laughed and handed her the baby, then kissed her. “Yes. It is. But can you please pretend like you haven’t seen it at all? I want to do this properly, and right now we have to get to your best friend’s wedding.”

“Right. Yes. Sure.” She quickly stuffed everything back into the diaper bag one-handed, then slung it over her shoulder while Logan held the door for her. As she passed him, she couldn’t help whispering, “Consider it forgotten. Though I will tell you that when you ask, it’s a definite yes.”

Later that evening, they sat at the reception, watching Ben and Connor have their first dance together as husband and husband. Logan sat beside Hope, rocking Reese on his lap, and Hope was caught off guard once again by how badly she wanted to be his wife. She could hardly wait for him to propose, but she also did not want to steal her best friend Ben’s thunder. Or for Logan to think he had to make some big romantic production out of asking her to marry him. The only thing she needed to make her happy was him in her life, now and forever.

As if to prove her point, once the first dance song ended, Hope leaned over to whisper in Logan’s ear, “Will you marry me?”

He rolled his eyes and gave her a side glance, his voice teasing. “Honestly, darling, you are the most impatient, headstrong woman I know. I should’ve known you couldn’t keep that promise for long.” He shook his head. “I planned my proposal with tactical precision, dammit. There’s a babysitter, and fireworks too!” At her frown, however, he relented. “Fine. Yes. I will marry you.”

The crowd slowly invaded the dance floor surrounding Ben and Connor, and Logan kissed Hope. When they finally pulled apart, nothing could’ve removed the silly grin from her face. “Have I told you lately how much I love you?”

“You have, actually,” he said, resting his forehead against hers as Reese squeaked loud on his lap, making her presence known. Their position was a bit awkward, but his words definitely were not. They sounded heartfelt and true and so real, Hope felt an ache inside, but in a good way. “And I promise to love you forever, Hope.”

“Come on, guys,” Ben said, coming over to them and grabbing them each by the arm, his bowtie loose, and his face radiant. Hope had never seen her best friend look so joyous or so satisfied. She was beyond happy for him. “There’s plenty of time for nookie later. Now’s the time to party.” He brought them into the center of the floor with him and Connor. Both guys were dancing around like lunatics and no one cared in the least. It was their special night and dammit, they were going to celebrate!

Reese was enthralled with the colored lights and as she and Logan swayed to the happy music, Hope thanked her lucky stars again for her second chance at love and a family. And as the singer crooned about the transformational power of love, Hope knew it was true.

Just look at the amazing difference it had made in her life.