Black Wedding by Emma Luna

Standing in front of the mirror, looking at myself in the black lace panties and matching bra set I put on, I can’t help but shake my head. I am going downstairs, into my own living room, to order pizza and get to know my kidnapper. Why the fuck does that mean I need to wear sexy lingerie?

I try telling myself that it’s so I feel confident, that I know I look hot underneath my clothing, and that Liam won’t know, kinda like my own little secret. The only problem with that theory is that as I was putting them on, all I could think about was Liam taking them off. What the fuck is wrong with me?

I try to tell myself that this is all based on looks. That I am just attracted to him. His rugged face and rock hard body, but he is more than just my type. If I was to create one guy that was made exactly for me, he is exactly what I would be designing. So, maybe I should just fuck him and get over it? It could just be the attraction and craving that is blinding me. But if I do fuck him and don’t want more, how do I then create a relationship with him that could lead to a successful marriage. Which is exactly why I need to think with my head and not the ache in my pussy.

From the few conversations I have had with Liam, I can tell he is fiercely protective, but he also has a good moral compass which is what I will need by my side in the future. I’m not naive enough to think I won’t have to lead by example. I will have to get my hands dirty, and I am more than happy to do that. I know there will be people who step forward to challenge me, and the idea of making my enemies bleed fills me with a buzzing energy. This is what I have waited for, the chance to prove I can live in a man’s world. But I’m not just going to live in a man’s world, I’m going to take down everyone in my way until I rule over them. There will be no doubt over whether a woman can be in power, I will prove myself. I need to know that Liam will have my back, or this will never work.

Apologising to the ache in my core, and guaranteeing it some vibe time later, I quickly throw on some black leggings and a baggy, grey t-shirt that falls off one shoulder, exposing the tip of my back bra. Giving Liam just that small glimpse of skin, on the off chance he wants to look. Mentally chastising myself, I make sure I am focused on the fact I need to get to know him properly, not fuck him.

Walking into the living room, I notice Liam isn’t there yet. I am five minutes early anyway. I grab two bottles of beer that were already stocked in the fridge. I don’t even question whether Liam likes a beer or not, he’s Irish after all. Pulling out the phone my Gramps left me, I am amazed he got it here in time. I look up the local pizza place’s menu on my phone and scroll through, glancing at their options. I don’t know why I bother, I always purchase the four cheese stuffed crust. It’s the same order every time. What can I say, I like cheese!

While I am drooling at the different pizzas listed, Liam’s door opens and as he walks into the room he starts pulling his t-shirt on. Now I am drooling for a very different reason. He is wearing grey sweats, hanging low on his hips, showing off that delicious V containing the most alluring happy trail. I can’t even tell if he has a six or eight pack because my eyes are drawn to the mass of dark ink swirls covering his hard chest. His tattoos are beautiful and look like they tell a story, one I am only too happy to stare at for hours and read them fully. I mentally beg for him to take his time lowering his t-shirt, but sadly it is over too quickly. He covers them over with a bright white t-shirt, and I actually pout. I don’t know if he realises that they are still slightly visible as the white on his shirt is almost see-through.

Focus, Bree! Get to know him, not his body! I mentally chastise myself once again for admiring his heaven sent body. He flops into the chair opposite my sofa with ease, and he lounges there like the chair was made for him. Considering it’s not his house, and I’m almost a stranger, I thought he might feel a bit uncomfortable here. But I am fast learning that Liam is laid back, and could be comfortable anywhere.

“So, I heard there was pizza involved in this little getting to know each other evening. Shall we order first then dive right in?” he asks with that sexy smirk he seems to wear so well. The thought of him diving into my sexy black panties has me distracted all over again.

“Yes…pizza…let’s do that,” I mutter, unable to form a coherent sentence when all I can feel is my core heating up just thinking of him. What the hell is wrong with me? I know how to control myself. Fuck, I have been training myself to control my emotions and my feelings for years now. It’s going to be an essential skill to have when dealing with criminals continuously. So why can Liam break down all the barriers I spent years building?

I place the order on my phone after talking through pizza options. I should have known he would want something like a meat feast. A guy as beefy as him doesn’t get that way by just eating cheese. But at least he didn’t ask for pineapple. I would have had to demand he leave right away, no matter how much I need him. I can’t be married to a guy who likes pineapple on a pizza, or at all ideally.

“So how do we go about this whole getting to know you thing? Obviously, I know how to date, but this doesn’t feel like a date. What do you have in mind?” Liam asks me, his arms reaching around to lace his fingers at the back of his head. His biceps bulge against the white fabric, as his muscles tense. I know there are women out there who love a bit of arm porn, but I have never seen it. Until now.

“Honestly, I had nothing planned other than alcohol and talking,” I say, taking a large swig of my beer from the bottle. Liam reaches over to his own bottle that I left out for him. He tips the neck of the bottle towards me, in a thank you gesture, before taking a large gulp. Fuck, is everything he does sexy?

“Okay, so maybe like a twenty question style format, or never have I ever when we get really tipsy. Maybe when we are really fucked we can go for truth or dare. I didn’t go to university and I didn’t really have time to socialise in high school, so that is the extent of my ‘getting to know you’ knowledge,” he explains, playing with the rim of the beer bottle with his thumb. His eyes are downcast as he tells me about his lack of experience with friends. It’s almost like he is ashamed.

In the time we had to get ready, I did some research on Liam. I couldn’t find much, if anything. He is practically a ghost with no electronic footprint. But I guess that is standard practice for a hitman. So, I called Jimmy. He is the person who taught me everything. He is my father’s head of security, but I hope one day he will work for me. He is like a second father to me, and our call didn’t go as I had planned.

Sitting on the bed, trying not to imagine what Liam is up to next door, I decide I need to know everything there is to know about him. There’s nothing online, so I call the one person who knows everyone and everything there is to know about the people in our world.

“Fuck, Bee, are you okay? I have been so worried about you. I am going to kill that cunt, Doughty. Thinking he can take my girl and get away with it,” Jimmy rants, not even bothering to say hello or wait for me to respond. The anger is obvious, but I can also hear the fear lacing his words. He really means it when he says I’m like his daughter. He practically raised me and has been in my life since I was a baby. Growing up he used to call me his Bumblebee. Now, it’s just Bee, but we both know what it means.

“Jimmy! Relax, you are going to give yourself another heart attack!” I shout, genuinely worried about his stress levels.

When he had his heart attack last year, I was terrified I would lose the one man in my life who has always believed in me. I should have known he wouldn’t give in that easily. He also made it quite clear that despite doctors telling him to reduce his stress levels, and cut down on overworking, he was not going to be following orders. He refused to change his diet. Jimmy’s philosophy is that his time is up when it’s up, and so he might as well live life to the fullest while he can. Something he has been trying to teach me as well. I just don’t ever want to lose him, but he is okay with his time coming. Living in our world, we accept death as a big part of it. To make it to his fifties, with so many targets on his back is a fucking massive achievement. I guess now I am going to have to learn to survive when my targets start to appear too.

“I will relax when you are back home. Look, I know what your father did to Liam was wrong, but this deal you have going on with him is crazy, Bree. You will get your crown one day, you don’t need to marry someone who fucking kidnaps you for attention. Are you crazy?!” he shouts and all I can do is roll my eyes.

“Jim, you know me. When do I ever make a rash decision? You know I have been looking for someone suitable to stand by my side, to help me fight, to rule the business. I know Liam was bang out of order kidnapping me, and trust me when I say I made sure he knows how pissed I was at that. But I’m not seeing him through rose-tinted glasses when I asked for his help. I did it because I could tell he was different. He didn’t hurt me in any way. He may be a cocky twat but he was never condescending. He saw the real me from the first moment, and even without knowing it was something I was battling against he couldn’t understand how my dad doesn’t see my power and determination. After spending such a short space of time with me, he knew I was capable of doing anything. He sees me, Jim. Plus, he never demanded more than he was owed. He isn’t greedy or holding me hostage so he can demand money that he hasn’t earned. He seems honest and has integrity. I know we have a lot to learn about each other still, though,” I state decisively. It is important that Jim knows and understands why I chose Liam.

“I know you don’t make reckless decisions, Bee. But I have met Liam a couple of times and I know how much of a charming asshole he can be. He is clearly a good looking bloke, and I don’t want that to influence your decision here.” He is trying his hardest not to say that Liam is hot, and I can hear how much it pains him to even bring it up. It must be a real fear for him that I am acting on lust and not my brains.

“Look, there is no denying he’s good looking, but that is irrelevant. This decision is a business decision and was made with my brain and not my vagina. You have to trust me on this one,” I state and I hear the little groan he releases when I say the word vagina. The idea that I even have one is probably too much for him to take. If he thinks about all the guys I let near it he would go on a murderous rampage, so it’s best for him to forget or pretend I don’t have one at all. I’m still a virgin in his head and will be until I’m married, or preferably until I die.

“Okay, I do trust you, Bee. I just had to be sure. I was so mad that Liam was able to get past all my security. It was my job to keep you safe and I failed. I’m so sorry, Bumblebee.” His voice is laced with pain and I can tell he really does feel responsible for this happening to me.

“This is not your fault, Jimmy. Liam is the best in the business, you know that. I’m sure once we finalise our agreement he will work with you and explain the security issues, but I want you to know that I don’t blame you. Hell, even I tried to fight him, managing to get a shot off too. But he was prepared and I got him in the vest. Liam is just good at what he does, which goes into the pro column,” I state firmly, ensuring he knows that I mean what I say. He is not to blame and never would be in my eyes. I know my father will be blaming him, my mother in particular. They both hate that I have a better relationship with Jimmy than I do them, but they know they can’t afford to let him go. Their security would be a lot fucking worse without Jimmy Neil.

“Pro column?” he asks, clearly pleased we are moving away from what he usually refers to as the soppy stuff.

“Yeah, I am trying to find out everything I can about him. Putting together a list of pros and cons around if he would make a good husband and partner. But he has no electronic footprint. So, I need to know what you know about him. I know you said you met him a few times and I also know that if my father needed an assassin you would be the one to find and properly vet the candidates. I need you to tell me everything,” I plead.

“Honestly, I don’t know much other than he is fucking great at what he does. But he has a moral compass that not everyone in our world agrees with. If we hire someone to do a job, the reason behind the job is not important, yet to Liam it is. That is part of the reason why he was basically disowned by the Doughty clan. They’re an Irish firm that has had their eyes on our London branch for a long time. They have been slowly branching out all across Ireland. The leader, Liam’s father, is a hard bastard. He basically started training his children at very young ages to be part of the business. Liam is the middle child, and if my sources are correct he was the most promising of all five. He has two older brothers that are good, but nowhere near Liam’s level. They lack the intelligence that Liam has. He then has two younger sisters that he has been protecting since he turned eighteen. He pays for their tuition at a boarding school, which annoys his father as he wanted to use them. Virgins bring a high price, and the fact they are his daughters is irrelevant. Liam put a stop to it before anything happened, but from what I heard, that’s what forced Liam to pull away for good. I don’t know anything else about him, really. He’s intelligent, caring, and a fucking great shot. I know his humanity makes him appealing in the sense he’s like a bad boy with a soul. But in our world, I think having a conscience will get you both killed.”

The more Jimmy spoke the more I got a clearer view of Liam’s past. He grew up in a family with expectations. He’s a lot more clever and a lot more skilled than I realised and that intrigues me. But the part of the story that won me over is the love he has for his sisters. It must have taken a lot of balls to fight against the family that raised you, to fight against everything you are taught to be. His need to protect his sisters rang clearer than any other thing that had been drilled into him. It’s that protectiveness that I need by my side.

“Thanks, Jimmy. I know I should have talked this through with you before I steamrolled ahead, but honestly, I think Liam might be the right choice. I really do. I am going to take some time to get to know him. That way you can be perfectly sure that when we do get married, I am doing it because Liam is the right choice. Please, promise me you will keep an open mind until then. Okay?’ I ask, trying to sound as hopeful as possible.

“When you are sure he is the right choice, the one you want by your side for life, then I want to talk to him. I won’t give you my blessing until I have spoken to him,” he states and I groan. I should have known he would need to interrogate him.

“Fine, but you be nice,” I say and he laughs. It’s such a deep rumble that I can tell he genuinely means it and that makes me smile.

“I will be as nice as I can to a man who kidnapped my girl. If you decide you aren’t going to marry him, can I kill him then?” he asks, sounding more energetic than he has throughout our entire conversation. I shouldn’t be surprised, he loves chaos and violence. He thrives on it, and part of the bloodlust I developed came from him. You can’t rule without tearing down the world that was there before. Dancing in their blood is the only way to celebrate your rule.

I’m pulledout of my thoughts by Liam clearing his throat and I realise I was too busy in my own head to have answered his question about the ‘getting to know you’ twenty questions we just agreed on.

“I don’t know much more than that. I was basically raised in a crime Family, remember? My father spent most of the time trying to wrap me up in cotton wool, so I wouldn’t see what was surrounding me. My mother spent all her time trying to get me out of this world. Signing me up for class after class on things I had no interest in, but would make me more appealing to a rich man who could whisk me away to live the life she never got. Then there’s Jimmy, my dad’s head of security. He’s the only one who sees me. He spent time teaching me about our world, how to fight, how to dominate, and how to rule. Sadly, that didn’t really encourage friendships or parties. Me and my best friend, Mia, went to a few, but she is from a really strict family too. So it wasn’t easy for us. Most of what I know is from TV. So, after a long ramble, the short answer to your question is that I think the twenty question style works well for now,” I answer and Liam laughs. It’s a genuine laugh that rings in my ears and lights up his face. I have no choice but to smile. His carefree attitude is contagious. I feel myself relaxing against the sofa. My posture, the one I was taught to maintain at all times in one of the etiquette classes Mum sent me to, goes to hell and I finally relax. Just two friends sharing a drink and having a chat.

“Why do I get the feeling you are not a short answer kind of girl?” he teases and it’s my turn to laugh.

“I would apologise, but I am not sorry. I am a talker. You will have to learn to live with it.” I spoke the words firmly, but my eyes shone bright along with my smile, letting him know I‘m joking. His responding laughter makes my stomach do little flips. I am so fucked.