Black Wedding by Emma Luna

Fuck! I am so screwed. It was a fucking miracle I had even a little bit of self-control, or should I say she did. I don’t think I ever wanted that kiss to end, and I didn’t plan on letting it until the sexiest moan escaped her lips. Instead of it being the turn on it should be, for some reason, all it did was remind me that we were doing exactly what she said she didn’t want to do. I don’t know why my brain thought that was the right time to get all honourable. I hadn’t gotten my dick wet in over three months. Planning a job as intricate as kidnapping Bree took focus, and now I have the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen throwing herself at me.

Had she not drunk her body weight in beer, she probably wouldn’t have felt the same. She made it perfectly clear when she was sober that this had to be all about business. Even though I’m not entirely convinced I want to be in this business full-time, hearing her talk about it has me all in. It isn’t so much that I want to run the company, I can’t think of anything worse. It’s more that I want to be there, standing by her side, watching her rule. I have no doubt in my mind she is strong enough to take on the world, but I like the idea of her having someone like myself to stand beside her. Someone to pull her up when she needs it and push others down who think they can take what is ours. I’m not saying I am entirely decided; I did spend my whole life trying to get out of the lifestyle my father forced me into. Can I forget about my shit upbringing and the horrible experience of working for my father, and commit not just to Bree but to the lifestyle I’ve fought so hard to avoid?

The next coupleof days pass by relatively quickly. The following day isn’t as awkward as I imagined it would be. She felt guilty for initiating the kiss. I could tell by the blush that spread across her cheeks and the way she lowered her gaze every time I caught her looking at me. It’s hard to believe that this force to be reckoned with, the same fiery princess who shot me the first time we met, is shy about a kiss. Then again, if it wasn’t for the stubble I had let grow the last couple of days, you probably would have been able to see very clearly that I, too, started to blush when I caught her looking. I hope she can’t tell I was thinking about how I have jerked off in bed multiple times, just imagining our kiss and where it could have led. I haven’t jerked off thinking about a real woman in a very long time; that’s what porn is for, but my head keeps creating sexual situations featuring Bree that are better than any porn clip I could ever find.

We don’t talk about the kiss or our obvious attraction to one another, choosing instead to skate around the issue and just cover normal subjects, like our plans for the business and how we will find out who is loyal to us. Or slightly lighter topics, such as activities we can do together to have fun and get to know each other. However, since today’s the day Kellan comes to visit and will be staying here overnight, I decide it’s a good idea to tell her about him.

She smiles at me as she moves around the kitchen, gathering glasses and plates to bring over to the table now that I have finished setting up the placemats and cutlery. When she walks to the table and I get a chance to fully look at all of her, I almost forgot how to fucking breathe, let alone speak. She is dressed in the tiniest little pyjama shorts you have ever seen. I can seriously see the lower roundness of her ass cheeks, that’s how small they are.

She has combined the shorts with her cami vest that stops before reaching the shorts, displaying a beautiful band of pale skin. When she reaches up to get a glass out of the cupboard, I get a delicious view of her belly button piercing. The sight has my dick straining so hard in my sweats, I legit thought they would poke a hole through them. Of course, that is without thinking about how the top of the vest scoops low enough to give off a delicious view of her sizable round tits. They look fucking amazing especially knowing she isn’t wearing a bra. I know that because the cami set is a faint blue colour, and I can see the outline of her nipple through it. I pull my eyes away before my dick gets so hard it will never go down.

We sit at the kitchen table; she brings the bacon, sausage, fried eggs, and toast through, putting them in the centre of the table for us to select what we want. I let her get her fill first, then I can polish off the rest.

“So, you’ve never mentioned anything about any friends to me before. I can’t imagine growing up with your family. Making friends had to be hard. Do you have any?” I ask, subtly trying to bring up a topic that I know will lead straight to Kel.

“Yeah, so it wasn’t easy at all. I’m sure you did your research on me before kidnapping me,” Bree asks pointedly, giving me a knowing look that is half pissed and half proud. Almost like she is pleased I would do such a thorough job. I nod, and she continues, “So, you know I went to Longstaff Boarding until I was eighteen. I didn’t want to go there at all. It’s a posh preparatory academy where they train you to become little model citizens. Women were taught etiquette while men were taught leadership. I hated the sexist inequalities of the place, but also the reputation I had there. Everyone knew who my parents were. The girls wanted to be friends with me because my mother ran the debutante programme. Only twenty girls from our year when they turned sixteen would become debutantes, and my mother held the golden tickets. Without being a debut, their chances of finding a rich dickhead to marry decreased significantly. Basically, it was the shit in my world. If you weren’t a debutante, you were nothing,” she spat, her fists clenching into balls as her anger warped her beautiful face into a scowl. I hated seeing anything but a smile on her face.

Well, I love it when she looks at me horny and ready to fuck, but I’m deliberately not thinking about that. I have only just got my dick down to half-mast, and that’s the best he could do. It’s like just being near Bree, and those ridiculous pyjamas, are a turn on. He is behaving like a teenage cock that’s never even seen a pussy before. Great, now I am hard again, thinking about Bree’s pussy. What was she talking about again? Fuck, get your head out of the gutter, Liam, and focus on the conversation, I berate myself in my head.

“I’m guessing you didn’t want to be a debutante?” I ask sarcastically, the answer already being plainly obvious.

“Fuck, no. I wanted to do anything but. I also wanted to stay away from every bitch who thought being a debutante was a good idea. It was a breeding ground for bitchiness. It taught all about being a decent member of society, and sisterhood, all that other bullshit, but that was just on the surface. In reality, it was a breeding ground for competition, backstabbing, and hatred. Everyone wanted the coveted Princess Debutante, the most promising debut of the year, and the one most likely to marry the richest, most successful guy in the room. That was essentially the only goal for these girls, to find a husband who would trap them into becoming a housewife and a shell that simply pops out babies and follows commands. Everyone assumed that I would be given the coveted spot because my mother was the one making the decision. Sure, she had a committee, but everyone knew it was her vote that mattered. They didn’t know that by this point, my mother loathed who I had become and the fact I embodied absolutely nothing that she looked for in a debut, let alone the Princess. About two weeks before she announced who would be debutante Princess, that’s when she found out about my extracurricular hobbies with Jimmy. She was so fucking mad,” she chuckles.

Just the sight of that beautiful smile on her face makes my face light up too. I like hearing about her past. I never saw her as a debutante. I told her this, and it’s her turn to laugh again. I wanted to know about the extracurricular stuff though.

“Well, at this point, I had told him I wanted to run the business. He was the only person who didn’t laugh at me or tell me I couldn’t. Instead, he told me what I needed to be able to do to not only survive but rule. He showed me my dad’s warehouse, where he interrogates or kills people who have wronged him in some way. I learnt how to slice through skin and be comfortable with the sight of blood, to bathe in the screams of pain, and how to turn off my emotions enough to be able to kill someone myself. Not exactly the regular after school club for a teenage girl, but actually, I fucking loved it. I felt more at home with a knife in my hand and blood staining my clothes than I ever did in a ballgown and tiara. But my mother was fucking pissed when she found out…wait, why are you looking at me like that?” she asks me, her eyes boring into mine as she tries to unravel the expression on my face. She doesn’t recognise it, but it’s awe.

“Sorry, Princess, but this is the face of someone who is in awe of you. I was pulled into this life, made to love it, but you stepped in willingly and excelled at it. It’s obvious to me, even if it isn’t to everyone else, that you were made for this. Oh, and I’m also a little turned on by the idea of seeing you slicing up someone and bathing in their screams. It’s a little more bloody and noisy than I’m used to, but fuck, I bet you would be sexy as hell doing that,” I smirked, seeing that blush spread across my little firecracker’s face. Who knew a girl that could slaughter a man at sixteen was someone who blushed at a compliment. Fuck, she is the perfect woman.

“That right there, Liam, is why I asked you to be my partner in this thing. Every guy I met before knew about my inheritance and the fact that my husband and I would inherit the London firm. They all wanted the power, and they thought the way to it was by using me. So needless to say, every guy I dated turned out to be a power-hungry idiot who was more interested in kissing my dad’s ass than mine,” she says. She sounds incredibly seductive at the mention of her ass. Her laughter fills the room as I mutter about them being idiots.

“Anyway, back to your original question about friends, I got sidetracked preaching on my soapbox about assholes,” she jokes. “When my mother made it very clear I wasn’t Princess debutante of my year, it became even more ruthless as twenty girls all pulled each other down to get to the top spot. There was one girl in the group, Mia, and nobody expected her to make the cut. Sure, she is from a wealthy family, but she was quiet and shy. She didn’t excel in social situations, having suffered from social anxiety for most of her life. If she had been more confident, she would have killed them all because she was the most beautiful girl in the group; classic blonde hair, blue eyes, doll shaped features. Everything about her was natural, and she looked like a princess. That made her a threat to the other bitches in the room. They knew if my mum was choosing beauty alone, they were screwed, so they repeatedly targeted her. It started off as name-calling, bullying, even slut-shaming her despite the fact I’d never even seen her have a conversation with a boy. She was really that shy, but of course, guys love a beautiful girl, and despite them hitting on her, she never dated any of them. I stayed back, never got involved, but then I heard their plan to swap her moisturiser cream with a component that essentially was like acid. She would have had superficial burns to her face and obviously had to pull out of being a debutante. I found out the leader was a bitch called Chrissy. I told Mia what was happening, and I secretly swapped the moisturiser with Chrissy’s. Her face was a mess, and I made it very clear it was all me, not Mia. Her skin sizzled and burned. It was so fucking awesome to see her get the justice she deserved. What’s really ironic is my mum had picked Chrissy to be Princess and was due to announce it that day. Mia and I have been best friends ever since. She isn’t part of our world and never will be. Despite me bringing her out of her shell a lot, she is still quiet and shy,” she says, and I can’t help but smile.

I know I shouldn’t like the idea of her burning some bitches face off, but I do. I love that she has a moral compass like mine and would take revenge for the people that matter to her. I am precisely the same with Kellan.

“So what does Mia do if she isn’t in our world?” I ask, genuinely interested in the girl who seems to have won over Bree’s trust.

“She actually was disowned by her family. She pulled out of the debutante ball, and because she never debuted, they said she disgraced their name. Her family had legendary status, every female had worn the Princess crown, but Mia didn’t want that, she wanted a normal life. So, she is training part-time to be a primary school teacher. Mia works babysitting, nannying, tutoring, any work with kids that she can get to help fund herself through college. A lot of what she does is online, so she can work full-time and do a part-time course simultaneously. She is so fucking dedicated to every kid she works with. I know she will be great at it. I have offered her money on countless occasions, but she has refused every time. She wants to do it on her own, and I admire her for that. I think it’s hard for her to be separated from her family, though,” she says sadly. I can relate.

Believe it or not, before my father instigated all this sibling rivalry, I actually liked my brothers, particularly Finn, my second eldest brother. We used to get on so well, have a right craic together, but that ended long ago. I even missed that dick, Evan, at times. My eldest brother was too much like my dad. He had incorporated so many of his personality traits and was like a mini-version of him. I fucking hated seeing it. We were a close family before he became power-mad and put my sisters in danger. My mood shifted to anger every time I thought of them. Bree must have sensed the shift because she quickly changed the subject with a small, knowing smile. One that said I could talk to her if I wanted, but only when I was ready.

“So, what about you? Any friends?” she asks, and I smile as she walks straight into my plan.

“Well, now that you mention it, I have one best friend, Kellan. He’s going through a really shit time right now. He is basically like my brother, and I will do anything to help and support him. So if it’s okay with you, I was going to invite him over tonight. I would love for you to meet him, and also, we have a lot we need to discuss,” I say, choosing to leave out the part where I already invited him.

“Of course, that’s okay. I would love to meet him,” she says, just as the deafening ding-dong sound echoes through the room. I smile at her sheepishly whilst giving her the cocky smirk she seems to be so responsive to.

“Okay, so I kind of predicted that you would be okay with it and already invited him. I thought he would be another hour, and I would have time to fill you in with his story, but the shithead is early. I am really sorry, you can yell at me later. But for now, please, can you go and put some clothes on while I open the door. I don’t like the idea of Kellan seeing so much of your flesh,” I growl possessively as I rise to go and answer the door. She stands up and starts running towards the stairs.

“You are so dead for this!” she shouts as she runs up the stairs. Her eyes may have been glaring at me, but she had a slight smile on her face. I loved seeing her playful side.

“Bring it on, Princess. Do your worst!” I shout back with a laugh. I hear a groan leave her as she disappears up the stairs and I run towards the entrance hall.

Opening the door, I am greeted by my very exhausted best friend, carrying the most beautiful baby in one arm, and what looks to be his entire apartment in his spare arm and even more surrounding him.

“You are early,” I chastise Kellan before turning my attention to Hallie. “Hey, Hallie Bear, Uncle Liam is so happy to see you. Come here for some cuddles, beautiful girl,” I coo while reaching over to take Hallie from Kellan’s arms and walk back into the house.

“Oh, lovely. Don’t worry about saying hello to me. And don’t offer to help me with this stuff. I’ve got it!” he shouts sarcastically, but I was too busy staring into the beautiful blue eyes that were so wide and staring up at me. Her little hand grips onto my finger for dear life, and I’m doing everything I can to stop her from pulling it into her mouth to use as a chew toy.

“Well, you didn’t have to bring every fucking thing you owned!” I snap in a whispered tone, trying not to startle Hallie.

“Fuck you, Liam. Do you know how much shit a baby comes with? She looks cute as a button right now, but I give her an hour before she has vomited or shit all over her clothes, then another couple of hours before she does it again. Seriously, I go through so much washing I may as well have bought shares in Persil’s washing powder. I’m sure Hallie is keeping them in business. It’s seriously a race to see who will have a meltdown first, the washing machine or me. I honestly don’t know who my money is on,” Kellan grumbles as we walk into the living room.

“Fuck me, this place is huge,” Kellan says in awe as he finally takes in the surroundings, dumping all the things he has brought off to the side. The bag slung over his shoulder is the only thing he keeps with him as he moves towards the kitchen and opens the fridge. He pulls out a couple cans of Coke, and taking something out of the bag, he starts stocking our fridge.

“What are you doing?” I ask out of curiosity. Hallie takes advantage of the fact that I wasn’t paying attention, and now my finger is being used as a chew toy in her mouth. Thank fuck she doesn’t have any teeth yet. I can’t even bring myself to pull away because she looks so damn content. I hate seeing her cry, so she can have whatever she wants.

“I figured while I’m here, it will be easier to use premade formula. So I bought a few bottles and put them in the fridge. That way, anyone can feed her, and I don’t have to worry about sterilising or making up the bottles. They just need to be slightly warmed, and then they are good to go. I do have the powder stuff and equipment for if we run out. You just never know and I feel like I have to prepare for every possible eventuality.” He flops down onto the sofa beside me and shoots me a smile when he sees the way Hallie literally has me wrapped around her finger.

I thank him for the can he brought me, take a sip and then place it onto the coffee table before settling back for cuddle times with my favourite girl. All while wondering when my second favourite would be making an appearance.

“Thanks for having us here, Liam. You have no idea how much I need this. You are the only person I trust anywhere near Hallie at the moment. I found out fucking Franscheska, the nanny I hired, was working for my mother; spying on me, going through my fucking computer to get dirt on me,” he grinds out, taking a big gulp of the can he is fiddling with while he speaks. I see the turmoil written across his face, and all I can do is laugh.

“Your bitch of a mother is one stupid whore. I can’t believe she hired someone to check your computers and spy on you. She may have no idea you are a world-class hacker, but she knows you are good with computers. Does she seriously think you are that stupid?” I ask incredulously.

“I know. I have a state of the art security system that is so good you can’t even see the cameras. I also have a firewall, so I knew the minute she accessed the computer. It live-streamed a mirror image of the screen to my tablet, and I saw everything she looked at. I can’t believe I let her near Hallie. What am I going to do, man? I need to work, but I don’t trust anyone with her. If I can’t show the courts I have a stable, reliable support system, then I am fucked. I will lose her.” The disparity rang loud, and I know the idea of him losing Hallie is the worst thing imaginable to Kel, and I don’t think he will survive it. But the idea that his bitch of a mother, who cared enough about raising him that she ditched him as a child, now thinks she is capable of raising Hallie? Over my dead body.

“That will never happen. Every penny I have is yours. I love this little girl, and I tolerate you,” I joke. “She is never taking her away from you. I promise you that. We will find a nanny, and as far as the courts are concerned, I am your support system,” I say firmly. I’m about to continue, but soft footsteps and a voice I have come to crave cuts me off.

“You don’t know me, but I will stand with Liam as your support system. I also know someone who would be perfect as your nanny. But how about we get to know each other, and I prove to you that I can be trusted before we go any further?” Bree says as she extends her arm out to Kellan. “I’m Bree, nice to meet you.” Her smile is blinding, and I catch the knowing smile he throws my way before he reaches out to shake her hand.

“I’m Kellan, and this little beauty is Hallie. If he ever puts her down, you can have a cuddle, but it’s unlikely,” Kellan jokes, and Bree sits on my side of the couch. There’s not much room between me and the arm of the sofa, so she is pretty much plastered to my side, but I don’t care. She is looking at Hallie like she is the most precious thing ever, and she just won me over even more.

I finally pull my eyes from the cute little girl in my arms and look over at the beauty sitting next to me. She has changed into a long dark green summer dress with tiny straps on her shoulders. The top of the dress curves like a heart, emphasising the generous swell of her natural tits. Before she sat down, I tried not to focus on how the dress flowed down her body, catching on the beautiful curves that make her look even sexier. Her fiery red hair has slight curls in them, and she is so close I can smell the strawberry body lotion that she uses on her skin.

“Oh, she is so adorable. How old is she?” Bree asks, and Kellan is quick to reply.

“Eight weeks. I can probably tell you the exact number of days because it’s the same amount since I last slept,” he says with a groan. I know the statement to be true because I could see the bags under his eyes, and the exhaustion seemed to cause his body to sag.

“Yeah, I hear babies tend to not be aware of the difference between day and night. It’s so cool of you to help Hallie’s mum with night stuff. I bet she is very grateful.” Bree smiles, and I see the scowl appear on Kellan’s face. It wasn’t Bree’s fault. I didn’t have time to prepare her and tell her Kellan’s story. I need to diffuse this situation quickly because when Kellan gets going on this story he gets angry. I don’t blame him, but I also hate seeing him relive it.

“Bree, Kellan is a single dad. Hallie’s pathetic excuse of a birth mother walked out on them both when Hallie was just five hours old. She posted some papers a week later abdicating all parental rights, and that’s the last we have heard from her. So Kellan has been doing everything himself. That’s why I said he could stay here so I can help out tonight. Then I’m babysitting this little doll for a couple of hours tomorrow while Kellan does a job for me,” I explain. Bree’s eyes go through a rollercoaster of emotions, but mostly she looks sad.

Turning to Kellan, she morphs her face into one of determination and a slight smile. He looks confused for a second before she speaks. “You can stay here until we find you a nanny that you trust. I honestly don’t mind; I would love to help if I can. But it looks to me like Liam already has everything taken care of.” She smiles, and once again, I am in awe of the beautiful heart this girl has. I struggle to combine this version of her with the hard-ass bitch who can torture people with her knife and not care.

“Thank you, you have no idea how much that means to me. But before I say yes, I have to know…what the hell is going on between you two?” Kellan asks, and now it’s my turn to groan.