Black Wedding by Emma Luna

Breakfast in the morning is relatively quiet and uneventful. Most of the family are in a sombre mood or living with their hangovers. When my father puts on an open bar, everyone makes sure they enjoy it. Shortly after breakfast, it’s time for us to say goodbye and head off. Except for the shootings at the beginning of the party, our visit has been less memorable than I was expecting. And a lot less violent. I am still suspicious of my father and his motives, but I know if he puts his word on the line, then he is serious. So, my family isn’t a threat for now, but that might not be the case forever.

Finn comes into the bedroom under the pretence of helping us carry our things, but given I have one case, he is obviously hanging around for another reason. I’m about to call him up on it, but Bree shakes her head. It’s weird how she knows what I am thinking at times.

“It has been so lovely meeting you, Finn. You really have to come to London some time. Of course, you are always welcome to stay with us,” Bree declares whilst holding her arms out as an invitation for a hug.

My brother and Bree have grown so close over the last twenty-four hours, and the more time they spent together, the more they got on. It’s the same with my sisters. She is easy to love, and my siblings fell just as quickly as I did, but in a slightly different way, obviously.

“Well, you better reserve me a room then because I will have to come over for your black wedding. If we go on gossiping about all the people in the room last night, it will be quite an event. Are you really getting married in a graveyard like the legend states?” Finn asks animatedly as he pulls Bree in for a big hug.

With a roll of her eyes that matches mine, she starts to chuckle. “I love that people know more about a wedding we haven’t even planned yet than we do. But I don’t think we will be getting married in a graveyard. A church seems a bit too traditional for us too, don’t you think?” she adds, looking straight at me.

“Princess, I will marry you anywhere you want, but I do agree a church doesn’t really suit us. Anyway, Finn, can you go and get the girls, please? We have to go.”

Almost as soon as Finn leaves, we hear a knock on the door. Looking at each other to confirm we aren’t expecting anyone to knock, I shout to inform them they can come in. As the door slowly opens, I am shocked to see a very sombre looking Evan walk into the room.

“Evan, hi. Are you okay?” Bree asks, after several seconds of waiting for me to do the welcoming, but I can’t. I just don’t know what to say to my brother anymore.

“Can you guarantee that whatever I say stays between us?” Evan asks, his voice more of a plea than a question.

His usually put-together look is dishevelled, and he looks like he is spiralling. His ordinarily dark, piercing eyes look hollow and lost. He no longer looks like a mini version of our father, just a lost young guy who needs help. I give him the promise he is looking for, as does Bree.

“I need you to find a way to get Teigan out of here, Liam. Desmond told her last night that she isn’t making money back quick enough, so she needs to move to a higher paying job. He informed her that she will be transferred to work in his underground nightclub, Shades, next week. We both know that it’s just a sex club, and she will have no choice but to sell her body. I can’t let that happen. He knows I still like her; that’s why he’s doing this. It’s his way of making sure I fall in line,” he cries, his desperation soaked into every word.

I have to admit that I’m shocked. Not only did I think Evan was a lost cause, but I also had no idea he still had feelings for Teigan. If Desmond knows he likes her, then, of course, she will always be at risk. He knows that if Evan is ever going to leave the Family, it would have been for her, he nearly did it once, and I think he has regretted it ever since.

“I had no idea you still liked her. When you didn’t leave with her, I thought you made your choice,” I add, desperate for more information before I decide if we are risking our necks for him.

“It’s a really long and fucking messed up story, but the short version is that I still care about her. There is no way I can stand by and watch her get sold to the highest bidder night after night, get fucked in front of everyone, or get sold permanently as a fucking sex slave. You know what Desmond is like. The debt is his, and he will get it reclaimed in any way he can.”

“We will help you,” Bree states firmly, and I can’t help the groan that escapes. I wanted to make sure this wasn’t going to put the truce at risk and also that we can trust Evan before we agree to anything. Too bad my girl is a crusader, determined to free everyone that needs her help.

“Well, we need to talk about it to sort out specifics,” I add, and Bree rolls her eyes.

“But, Evan, I will only get Teigan out if you agree to come too,” Bree states and this time, it is Evan’s turn to groan.

“I can’t leave, it would be suicide,” he cries, and honestly, I’m not sure he is wrong. Out of all of us, he is the one that knows the most when it comes to my father’s business dealings. He is being groomed to take over the business one day. So he knows too much. If he were to leave and start working for the enemy, us, his life would be in grave danger.

“We will protect you. Look, someone once told me that when you find the person who truly matters to you, you will do anything for them. Even if that means risking your life, theirs is more important to you. But, sometimes, to get what you want most in life, you have to take a risk. So, when you are ready, you can move to London and come work for me, then I will make sure Teigan is safe,” Bree states, and I can’t help the little chuckle that escapes when I realise she is quoting my own words. It’s the same speech I gave to Finn the night before.

“I can’t right now. I can’t explain, but I need you to help her,” he pleads, and as I look over at Bree, she looks so sad. I know she wants to help him, but in this instance, the thing that will help him the most is if he helps himself. I can’t let Bree be the one to hurt him. Their relationship is still building and has a chance, whereas Evan began hating me a long time ago.

“I’m sorry, Evan, but Bree is right; this has to come from you. We can help you both get out, you stand a chance at a real life with her, but you have to choose it. You have to want to choose her. Our offer is open anytime you change your mind,” I say with finality, and his face morphs from one of desperation to anger. His piercing gaze fixed directly at me.

“Fuck you and your offer. I will find another way. But know this, if something happens to Tee in Shades, it will be on you for not helping her,” he spits as he shoulders past me.

“That isn’t fair, Evan. We want to help; we really do. But you are the reason Tee is here, and you are the reason she will have no choice but to work in Shades. When you stop acting like a child and accept responsibility for your actions, we can help you. But until then, you can blame us if you like because we know we offered,” Bree states firmly, and for a second, I thought she had got through to him. He froze and listened to every word she said, and just as I thought he was going to turn around and ask for help, he storms out, slamming the door as he goes.

Only minutes later, the door bursts open again, and I can’t help the groan of frustration that escapes. We are never going to get out of here if we don’t leave soon. Even people using private planes, courtesy of Bree’s grandfather, still have to leave on the flight time they request. I will not miss this flight and be stuck here.

Utterly oblivious to me or my annoyance, my two sisters come running in and launch themselves at Bree. The three of them hug each other and look genuinely sad to be leaving. We are taking them back to London with us, and from there we have a driver taking them back to school from the airport.

“I’m going to miss you so much, Bree. Please tell me we can video call regularly, and talk all the time?” Freya sings, linking her arm into Bree’s. Although it’s clear she is happy with the way my sisters are behaving, she looks confused. She has only ever had Mia as her friend; this girly behaviour is all new for her.

“Yeah, when can I come and stay in London? I want to go around the shops and see a west end show. There’s so much more to do in London,” Ryleigh adds.

“Yes, we can talk regularly. You have my number. Just call or text if you need something, and I will be there. But, we have to go now because your brother looks like he is going to burst a blood vessel if he stares at his watch any harder,” Bree jokes while looking poignantly at me. With a smile she turns back to my sisters. “Seriously, would you girls do me the honour of being my bridesmaids?”

The shrieks of excitement from both my sisters are loud enough to be heard outside. I will be astonished if Bree hasn’t burst an eardrum. It’s not normal to have such a high-pitched sound bellowed into your ear. Despite the ear damage, I can’t help but smile. I had no idea she would ask them and seeing how happy they are and how much they love me just affirms I made the right decision agreeing to marry Bree. She doesn’t even hesitate to show my sisters the same care she would to any of her friends. That fact she likes and gets along with my sisters is fantastic.

As I reminisce about proposing to Bree, I remember the way she rode me afterwards. Her sexy body bouncing up and down on my cock whilst wearing the ring that tells everyone that this girl is mine. It was fucking mind-blowing. Strangely, it was more intense than the usual hard, fast, and rough sex that always seems to overcome us. Last night we were in no rush. We wanted to savour the moment. I didn’t just fuck her; we made love for the first time. And even if that means I need to hand in my man card and be labelled a pussy, I will take it because it was the most intense, mind-blowing orgasm and I’m desperate for more.

Finn storms in several minutes later and practically has to round up my sisters and Bree, cajoling them along like he is herding cattle into a pen. They are so distracted by the shiny diamond on Bree’s finger that it makes walking and staring difficult. By some miracle, we manage to get to the front door fairly quickly. The car is waiting for us, and as Finn and I go to load the bags in the boot, I take the time to talk to him alone.

“Are you coming?” I ask, and he just looks down at the ground, kicking some little gravel pieces by his shoes.

“I can’t,” he whispers, and I roll my eyes.

“You can. You are choosing not to. The offer will always be open. Don’t let Desmond ruin your life,” I add, and Finn looks even more upset. His gaze remains fixed on the floor; his body language is slumped. He seems like a guy who gave up a long time ago, and I want to shake him. I want to give both brothers the power to fight back, but they have to take the first step.

Desmond and Mum come out, followed shortly by a very dejected looking Evan. My mother hugs and kisses us both before offering her help with wedding planning. She even offers to come to London to help, which is met with a look of disapproval from Desmond. However, Bree says she will definitely ask for help if needed. Then my father steps forward as if he wants to see us off as an average family.

His actions make me want to laugh out loud. I don’t think I can ever remember a time when my father hugged me or told me he loved me. Desmond isn’t capable of showing emotion unless he somehow benefits from it.

“Well, Queen Bee, it was very nice to meet you, and I have to admit I am pleasantly surprised. You are not at all what I expected. Before I met you, I would have laughed at a female leader, but now I have met you, I am not so sure. I am willing to see what you can do, which is why I agreed to the truce. It will give me enough time to see what type of leader you are, then work out if I would be better off being on your side or taking you out. Only time will tell. I look forward to the wedding,” he states as he holds his hand out for Bree to shake.

Holding her hand out, she clasps his as she speaks. “Don’t forget this truce is also a trial period for you and your people. I only work with people I can trust, and I will need to decide if I want to work with you or not. So consider us both on trial.”

His evil laugh rings out as he drops his hands. He nods at me, indicating that he will not be giving me the same level of goodbye as Bree. I am still excommunicated, and he has not forgotten that. I motion for everyone who is leaving to get into the car. My mother stands off to the side, gently weeping as the girls refuse to hug her. She failed to protect them, and that’s a difficult thing to forgive.

“Bye, girls!” my dad shouts with a sarcastic voice and wave of his hand.

Not one of them replies. I climb into the car, and as I shut the door, I look over at both of my brothers. Gone are the depressed faces from earlier. The boys who were brave enough to ask for help are long gone. In their place stands two fucking zombies. Both stood bolt upright, their faces empty masks that display no emotions, their eyes dark and hollow. Between them and my sobbing, trembling mother, my heart breaks. My father is responsible for so much damage, and he doesn’t even care.

I stare at them continuously, lost in my own mind as I try to think up ways to help them. Ones that don’t require me slaughtering my own father. I’m pulled out of my daydream by a soft hand touching my shoulder from behind. Then I feel her soft breath on my neck as she leans forward from the back seat to talk to me.

“You can’t save them, Liam. They have to want to save themselves. You offered to help them; that’s all you can do,” Bree whispers against my skin, and I feel a bolt of electricity run straight down my spine into my cock. How does this girl manage to turn me on with just a breath of air against my skin?

“Thank you,” I reply. Although, I’m not sure exactly what it is I’m thanking her for because she has done so much for my family and me. But right now, this car can’t take me away fast enough. I want to get back to our house, to see Kellan and Hallie, and to settle into our new lives together.