Black Wedding by Emma Luna


This book couldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for the amazing people who helped and supported me during the writing process. The biggest help of all was without a doubt Polly, my amazing editor. She worked so hard to push me and help make sure I put out the best version I could. I am forever grateful.

Tash at Dazed Designs - thank you for creating such a beautiful cover. It was the inspiration that this whole series has been created around and it was an absolute pleasure working with you. I’m looking forward to seeing the others.

Zoe-Amelia - for being such an amazing Beta reader, and reading at the last minute for me. Your love of my characters gave me the confidence to keep going on days when I didn’t want to.

Ena at Enticing Journey - thank you for helping me to get Black Wedding into the hands of more people. It has been great to work with you.

To all my author girls who have helped me on the really crappy days - Erin, Jess, and Maddison - you have been a rock for me some days!

Sam - as always, I couldn’t do this without you. You are stuck with me from now on!

To all my family, particularly Mr Luna. Hopefully one day you will make me the happiest little author in the world by asking me to have our own little Black Wedding. But until then, thanks for always supporting me.

To all my readers - thank you for waiting for me. I know it’s taken eight months for me to release this book, and I am so grateful that you have waited. I hope it has been worth the wait!