Black Wedding by Emma Luna

Did you enjoy the book?

What did you think? Whose story do you want to see next?

Was Black Wedding everything you were hoping for and more? I really hope so because this book means so much to me.

Please do use the following stalker links to tell me the answers to these questions. I can’t wait to hear what you think!!

When I started writing Black Wedding, I had the cover and a brief idea, but that was all. I planned on it being a 70k standalone, but the more I wrote, the more the world came to life. I fell in love with Liam and Bree, and all the other Doughty family members. I am so excited to bring all of their stories to life. I can’t wait for you to see what I have planned.

If you enjoyed the book, please do consider leaving an honest review. Here are the links to where you can review:




Reviews are essential to authors and if you are able to leave one that would be much appreciated.