Black Wedding by Emma Luna

Looking down at the gorgeous girl I have tied to the bed, I’m a bit annoyed that it’s not in the way I want. Her long, wavy red hair falls around her head like a fiery angel. Her pale, alabaster skin makes the blush of her cheeks and the bright rosy red of her lips stand out so much more. I covered the girl in my dark blue duvet cover, but I can’t stop thinking about what I know is lying underneath.

Gorgeous, yet sexy, with curves in all the right places. Even though her tits are covered by the oversized, baggy t-shirt, I can still tell she has a gorgeous rack with more than a handful. Her hips and ass have just the right amount of curve that I would love to grab hold of as I watch that ass swallow my cock. Not that I can ever go there, no matter how much I really fucking wanted to. This is a job and nothing more.

Looking at her while she sleeps, she looks like a tiny doll lying there peacefully, but that all changes the minute she wakes up. Her mouth opens, and fire to match her red hair comes blazing out. Hell, I spend most of my time surrounded by asshole men from the army or private security, and some of the words coming out of her mouth would make them blush.

I can’t keep the grin off my face as I walk into the room, and find that she can’t stop staring at me, obviously checking me out.

“You called, Princess?”

From the few minutes I spent with her when she wasn’t unconscious, I knew she was far from a princess. I mean, she shot me and called me all names under the sun. Not exactly the spoiled little mafia princess I was expecting. In fact, she couldn’t be further from that. I really need to start thinking with my brain and not my fucking dick. But, right now, that concept is as hard to grasp as my cock.

“Fuck you, dickhead. You are more of a princess than I am. So how about you get these ropes off me, let me out of this bed, and get me some fucking pain killers. Maybe then I will allow you to keep your cock and balls.”

I can’t help the deep belly laugh that left me. I can’t remember the last time I laughed like this. All I can see is the gorgeous pixie of a girl with the fiercest look on her face as she threatens to castrate me. What’s funny isn’t how crazy the idea is, it’s the fact I actually believe her. I actually think she might be able to pull it off. I’m learning quickly not to underestimate this flame-haired Goddess. There’s no way I’m letting her anywhere near my crown jewels unless there’s a happy ending involved.

“Sorry, Princess, no can do. I’m gonna make a deal with you, though. I will give you some food, water, and painkillers on one condition. I need you to do me a favour,” I ask nicely. I don’t need her to cooperate, but for some reason, the idea of doing things the hard way with her is not sitting right with me. She is far too beautiful to wear any scars.

“If you suggest anything that involves your dick going near my body, you will see how serious I am about cutting the damn thing off,” she spits at me. I can’t help but chuckle once more.

“Relax, Princess. I mean, if you wanna put that smart mouth around my cock, I’m not gonna say no. But, I actually had another use for your mouth in mind.” Her face ripples in disgust, and I want to be offended. My cock is most definitely not something to be sneered at, but given I kidnapped her and tied her to the bed, I don’t exactly blame her.

“Let me make it perfectly clear, pretty boy. Your dick is going nowhere near me. Ever. So you better get out of here and take care of that hard-on you are sporting using your own hand. I’m not doing any kind of deal with you,” she says with a look of both confidence and loathing on her face. I can’t help but smile.

“Okay, we have obviously gotten off to a bad start….”

“Ha, no shit, Sherlock,” she says, interrupting what she already knew would be a poor excuse for an apology, but I continue regardless.

“I’m not hitting on you. That’s not why I brought you here. I’m not going to even bother with threatening you into doing what I want. I’m pretty sure it would just piss you off even more. So I will be real with you, Princess. The sooner you do what it is I brought you here for, the sooner you can go home.” I watch as her face settles into a blank unreadable mask, and it worries me. At least when she’s looking at me with pure hatred, I know where I stand, but this is a lot more concerning. I have no idea what this woman is truly capable of. A fact I’m sure didn’t escape her notice as I see the grin slowly spread across her face. That’s when I realise I’m shuffling nervously in her silence.

“What exactly do you need my help with? And before you answer, you should know that I will say no if you call me Princess again.” I stop my shuffling and smile at her. Now I know how much it bothers her, I want to call her it all the time, and I will, as soon as she has done what I need her to.

“I need you to speak when I call your father. I’m sure he knows you are missing by now. Your gunshot certainly made sure of that, and since it’s been about ten hours since we left, I’m sure he is missing you enough to hear what I have to say,” I explain logically.

“T-ten hours? Did...did you just say I’ve been here for ten hours?” she asks, stuttering over her words and for the first time looking she looks small and fragile. For some reason, I really didn’t like that.

“Don’t worry about it. It’s a common side effect of chloroform. That’s why I put you in here to rest.”

“How fucking gentlemanly of you!” she hisses. Her venom returned along with a frown, and so did my smile. Turns out, I enjoy watching this red head turn fiery.

“So, if I make this phone call to my father, how much am I worth? What are you ransoming me for?” she inquires, and now it’s my turn to frown.

“Nothing he can’t afford. I’m only asking for what is rightfully mine. Now, will you make the call?” I reply honestly. I can tell by the inquisitive look on her face that she’s not sure if she trusts me or not, but I can also see a gleam in her eyes like she is interested to see what would happen when I tell her father that I have her. Her sparkle dims and I wonder what is going on in that pretty little head to have caused such a change.

“Who are you?” she questions me, sounding genuinely interested.

“Liam. Now, no more questions. Are we ringing your father or not?” I snap. I instantly regret snapping at her, but she is so fucking distracting. I can’t let her or her sexy body keep me from my goal. My rock hard dick is already struggling with keeping our roles apart. I don’t need more of an excuse.

With a giant huff and a release of air, followed swiftly by a cough and a curse, she finally answers me. “Let’s get this over with.”