Black Wedding by Emma Luna

Idon’t know why I’m so nervous about telling my father that I’ve been kidnapped. There’s no denying that I’m the most constant female in his world. Despite his preference for being indifferent towards me, that’s still preferable to the way he treats other women. Mistresses, girlfriends, whores, and even my mum know what it’s like to be the centre of Vernon O’Keenan’s world. At least they do for a short time. He uses them and moves on. Every interaction they have is only for my father’s benefit. He’s used to being powerful, which is why he has no problem showing them how important he is. If that means treating them like shit or dumping them when he gets bored then so be it.

Many, if not all, have tried to change him. Thinking they will be the one to finally get Vernon O’Keenan to stop playing around, to be serious about his sexual encounters, and most importantly to become the centre of his world for longer than a fleeting moment. They couldn’t have been more wrong.

My dad’s a very clever man, and there’s a reason he’s good at chess. It’s one game where strategy, and being able to see multiple steps ahead is what you need to win. This makes it hard to surprise my dad or to beat him. Liam may have won this round, but my father will make sure he loses the war. My dad may treat me like I’m invisible sometimes, but I guess this time it will finally put his love to the ultimate test. Will he, for once, be the courageous person I want him to be, and put his only daughter first, or will his pride win out?

I know that to my father I’m the perfect daughter. The girl who, as far as he knows, does as he says, but we both aren’t as we seem. I’m really full of fire, and would rather be the Family’s heir as opposed to marrying one. I want to rule and I’m capable, but the girl my father see’s will never be capable of ruling.

I’ve gotta admit, I’m a little nervous to make this call. What if he doesn’t want to pay for me? Maybe he expects me to get myself out of this mess? I consider whether I should try and manipulate Liam, to explore how this gorgeous excuse for an asshole could possibly be of use to me. Sadly, the drug has clearly messed with my head because the only use I can think of for this sexy man involves him serving me with his tongue or cock. That thought heats me all the way up and I can feel my cheeks flush.

Naturally, the cocky bastard doesn’t miss a thing and the little raise of his eyebrow is his way of asking me what’s making me heat up. I look away, not wanting to answer and embarrass myself further.

I feel the bed dip beside me as Liam sits down a lot closer to me than I would have liked but his motive was clear as he held out his phone in between us both. I start to tell him my father’s contact details, which he made me memorise from a very young age for scenarios just like this. Well, maybe not exactly like this. He didn’t exactly cover ‘what to do if you think your kidnapper is hot’ in kidnapping 101.

Shockingly, before I had the chance to start telling him the number, I realised that he had already pulled the saved numbers on his phone. What is even more surprising is that I recognise the number as being my father’s personal number, not one he uses for business. I think there are only a handful of people who know that number.

“Where did you get that number? You better not have gone through my phone, you pervert.”

He laughs the more I speak. It’s like he gets a kick out of me arguing with him. For some reason, that just winds me up and I feel very confident that if I wasn’t tied to this bed I would be kicking him in his crown jewels to see if he gets a kick out of that.

“Relax, Princess. Your phone is still at home where you left it. Like I need your father tracking your phone to find you before I’m ready. We would miss out on this essential bonding time,” he says with that sexy smirk on display.

“Do you always have to tie women up to bond with them?” His eyes perk up and I groan when I hear the words out loud. Me and my stupid big mouth.

“I don’t have to tie them up, Princess, but it makes things a whole lot more fun. Wanna see how much fun we can have?” His deep gravelly voice is so sexy and seductive.

His gorgeous, playful eyes bore into mine with more intensity than a joke should have, and I felt a shock straight to my pussy. I don’t know how long I thought about it, but obviously, it was too long because his face soon turned serious, like he knew I was getting wet thinking about him.

Fuck, what is wrong with me? How messed up does a girl have to be to get turned on by a guy who was threatening my life. Well, it’s either that or I really need to get laid. I didn’t realise it has been long enough to send me sex crazy.

The way his eyes glisten in the light sometimes is mesmerising, and I know he sees me squirming under his gaze. I need to cut this cocky asshole off before he says something I can’t say no to.

“Why don’t you untie me and I’ll show you how much fun I can have without the rope. In fact, if you give me back my gun, my day will get a whole lot better.” His deep responding chuckle ripples through my spine, but I know by the glint in his eye that he can tell I wouldn’t hesitate to shoot him…again!

“As much fun as it is to continue this banter with you, Princess, I think we should get on and make the phone call. Don’t wanna keep Daddy waiting, do we?”

I huff, but before I get the chance to argue with him he cuts me off by pulling a knife out of the back of his trousers. Slowly, as if he is trying to show me that he doesn’t want to harm me, he brings the blade up to my collarbone. He gently trails the smooth yet cool blade across my chest, before finally, the tip reaches my throat. The act is so much more sexual than it should be, and I can feel my breath is trapped. It’s like I daren’t move or even breathe, yet my pulse still races, but it’s not out of fear. Strangely, even with the very sharp tip of the blade, which looks to be a hunting dagger, rests across my throat, I don’t feel afraid. Don’t get me wrong, I fully believe that Liam would kill me if he wanted to. I just don’t think that, right now, he wants to. Let’s hope he doesn’t change his mind.