Scarred Wolf by Charlene Hartnady



Oh no! No, no! What the hell just happened?

Everything is fuzzy. My mind is racy and yet sluggish. I keep my arms firmly clasped over my breasts, my knees pulled up toward my chest. Jaxon has draped a patchwork quilt over my shoulders and is tucking it around me securely, but I can’t seem to let go of the urge to cover myself.

He’s trying to ease me to my feet, which is proving tricky, since I can’t seem to straighten my knees and my legs keep threatening to buckle. I can’t stop crying.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” I sob. Thank god he was here.

Why was he here?asks a little voice in my head.

Who gives a damn! Something seriously messed up just happened, and he was here. He’s helping me.

Why was he lying on top of you?That voice won’t let up. But he’s got his arm around my shoulder and right now I just want to lean against him and hide my face in his chest

“Let’s go,” he says, then without warning, he slips his arm behind my knees and scoops me up against his torso. I don’t have the strength to resist. I don’t want to, anyhow. I rest my cheek against his shoulder and close my eyes. In the darkness behind my lids, there’s a whirl of blinding images that I can’t make sense of. The colors are all wrong. The shapes make no sense. Everything seems to be flashing and I can’t identify any of it. All I know is that my blood is rushing through my veins like fire. The need to run and—

What happened?


We’ve reached the outskirts of the woods and Jaxon pauses. I feel him take in a breath, then stride onto the walkway.

“Just relax,” he murmurs into my hair. “Put your arm around me and try to look calm.”


He has to be joking.

But I give a small nod. What choice do I have? He keeps walking confidently in the direction I started my run this morning.

What was he doing in the woods? How did he find me?It’s that damn voice again.

Not thinking about it! Not yet!

“Oh! Hello, young man. Is she all right?” a sweet voice breaks in. I open my eyes and see a short, elderly lady, dressed completely in peach velour. She’s holding an apricot poodle prancing on the end of a bejeweled leash.

“Morning, ma’am,” Jaxon replies smoothly. “Bit of an incident, I’m afraid. She’s diabetic.” The woman’s eyes widen, and she gives a knowing nod, as if that answers everything.

“My goodness! You poor dear!” she directs the comment at me. I say nothing. I still have no voice. I manage a feeble smile, though, which seems to ease her concern.

“I need to…” Jaxon begins, jerking his head toward the parking area, and she nods her head vigorously.

“Of course, dear, an emergency, I’m sure!” Her free hand is fluttering, and the little dog is bouncing on its hind legs, barking wildly. I’m certain the sharp yapping is going to pierce my brain. Instinctively, I bare my teeth at the thing, making a low sound in the back of my throat. The dog gives a yelp and hides behind its owner’s legs.

Before she can respond, Jaxon says abruptly, “I think she’s convulsing! I have to go!” He sets off at a run, then we’re beside the silver Beemer I recognize as his. Without setting me down, he reaches into the pocket of his sweatpants and takes out a key, pressing a button to open the door.

All while still holding me against his chest with just one arm.

Holy crap.If I wasn’t still so freaked out about the episode in the park, this would be seriously impressive. Jaxon is strong. Ridiculously so.

“I’m taking you home. We’ll collect your car later,” he says curtly, opening the door and easing me into the back of the car. He’s wasted few words throughout this whole ordeal, and I’m getting to the point where I’d really like some answers. But right now, I’m also aware that I’m practically naked on the back seat of his car. I slide down and duck my head low. It’s unlikely anyone can see me, or probably even guess that I have no clothes on under the blanket. I’m still so shaken that I’m certain my shame is written across my face, so I hide it.

What happened?

Jogging one minute and then naked the next. There is a middle bit to all this. The middle bit makes no sense. No sense at all. The drive home feels like it lasts forever, and we take it in silence, my head still swirling as I try to sort through the events of the morning. I was running, that’s all I remember. Running and feeling the cool morning air in my lungs. My blood surging. My body straining. And then everything became a blur, aside from the earth beneath my feet and an overwhelming urge to…to…to run…to eat. To rip into something with my teeth. I rub my eyes, noticing the dirt still ingrained beneath my nails.

What the fuck was I doing out there?

I cast occasional glances at the back of Jaxon’s dark head. He faces firmly forward, impassive, until we turn into the underground parking lot of my apartment building.

“Can you make it from here?” he asks as he opens the back door for me and extends a hand to help me out. I clamber out of the car awkwardly, clutching the blanket around me like a shield. The floor is cold beneath my bare feet. I even lost my sneakers, dammit.

The ride in the elevator is silent too, though the space in my head is filled with noise. As the shock dissipates, the questions are coming fast and furious. I cast a look at Jaxon, who’s facing forward again, face still like stone. Except there’s a muscle flickering in his jaw. The doors slide open, and he guides me to the front door of my apartment. I pad beside him barefoot, so aware that the blanket is all that’s between me and complete exposure. I feel tiny next to this towering man.

All I know right now is that I need answers. “What happened out there?” I ask firmly as we finally get into the apartment, and he closes the door behind us. He remains silent for a moment, but I’m not letting up until he tells me what the hell is going on. There’s more to “Jaxon Skau” than meets the eye. I have no doubt about it.

“You …” he begins, then trails off. “You are …” I can sense his mind working. He rakes a hand through his hair abruptly and I notice that he’s covered in as much dirt as I am. His shirt is torn at his shoulder and though it’s black, I know it’s soaked with blood. I can smell the metal tang of it. I can smell that it’s his. What? How could I possibly know that? What is wrong with me?

All such thoughts scatter as my mouth starts to water. I sniff. I sniff again. My blood rushes. My nipples tighten. Everything in me tightens and coils…with need. I’ve never been this turned on in all of my life. I swallow thickly as I drop the blanket. The air is cool against my bare skin, but I’m oblivious.

He’s frozen now, eyes pale as ice as he stares at me. I can hear him suck in a breath. I can practically hear the air rushing into his lungs and pumping the blood through his veins. There’s a jerking pulse at the base of his throat, and my eyes are drawn to it.

I lick my lips, and he drops his eyes to my mouth. And then lower.

When I run my tongue along my front teeth, I feel the edges of my canines, ragged and sharp. He swallows hard and I take a step toward him. He backs off a stride, which only incites me further. I pursue him, stepping closer until his back is against the door and I’m inches in front of him. There is a low rumble in my chest. Did I make that noise? I find that I don’t care. He still towers over me, only I don’t feel so tiny anymore.

“What am I?” I whisper, putting my hand flat on his chest. His heart is thumping beneath my palm, and I feel the muscles tensing there. When I take another breath, my mouth drops open slightly, and I can taste his scent on my tongue. It’s familiar to me, and without thinking, I put my nose almost flush against his skin and inhale deeply, trapping that scent deep in my senses, exploring it. There’s something strange in the back of my mind that catalogs those details.


Sexually mature.



How the hell can I tell that from smelling him?

I flick my eyes up to meet his. My lips are still slightly parted, and I realize my breathing is coming in short, sharp pants. He doesn’t move as I raise my fingertips to the rip in his shirt and explore the torn edges. Beneath the fabric, I feel how his flesh has been gashed open and I tug the frayed pieces aside, eyes widening at the vicious wound that mars his tanned skin.

“Did I …?” I begin, and he nods. But if anything, I only sense his arousal deepening. I press forward and now our bodies are touching. His chest is heaving against mine, and he’s hard and hot against me. I make a strange sound at the back of my throat—almost a whine—and drop my head to press my lips against the marks on his skin.

“You’re a wolf,” he says abruptly, and I jerk my head up. There’s a strange edge to his voice. Something primal. From the way he’s shuddering, I can tell he’s controlling himself. Holding himself back. Only just!

From doing what? Running like hell? I would run … to the nearest mental hospital. Or maybe the pound.

“A wolf?” There’s disbelief in my voice. He’s out of his mind.

But after what just happened… Within the images flashing through my memory is a moment when…when I’m sinking my teeth into his shoulder. Tearing, ripping. That was me.

“A shifter. You’re a wolf shifter. You were out in the park, and I saw you change.”

I step away from him, putting distance between us, although for some reason, I really don’t want to. This is madness.

“What were you doing there?” I ask. If he tries to give me some bullshit explanation, I’ll bite him again, dammit, and this time I’m going for the throat.

“I was watching you. In case it happened.”

Okay, now we’re getting somewhere.

“You knew?” I press, my eyes narrowing.

He nods.

“That’s why you came here? Why you moved in with me?”

He nods again. “It was only a matter of time.”

“Before what?”

“Before you turned,” he says. He’s keeping his eyes on mine and I can tell it’s an effort. I’m still naked in front of him, and there’s no hiding his response to me. Damn, but the feeling is mutual. Why the hell do I want him so badly?

Maybe because you’re part animal, Evie with animal instincts and desires.

I need to focus. “Turned?” I shake my head. “What does that mean?”

“Your birthday. The moon. You’ve reached your prime,” he says, as if that would clear it all up. “I had to be sure you wouldn’t…harm anyone.”

My eyes widen. “Aside from you, you mean?” Harm anyone? Am I dangerous? Oh my goodness!

“Not me, no. I’m talking about harming a human,” he responds.


He’s not human. He’s not freaking human, and neither am I.

Only I’m dangerous.

I rub my face with both hands. My head is pounding. My eyes feel like they’re bruised in their sockets. In fact, if I think about it, it’s as if I’ve just pushed my body beyond its limits.

“You’ll need to rest,” he says, as if reading my mind. “It can be taxing. The first time.” He reaches out a hand, but I jerk away.

“Don’t touch me!” I growl at him. As in, an honest to god growl. He drops his hand and recoils. “How do you know all of this?” I ask, but he sets his jaw, and it occurs to me that he’s not here for my benefit. But if there’s more to tell, he’s not going to volunteer it.

I spin on my heel, not caring that he’s getting an eyeful of my naked ass.

“I’m going to shower,” I mutter. My shoulders are squared, and I walk with purpose, but deep inside, I’m a complete mess.

* * *


I watch as Evie leaves the room. I can’t take my eyes off her. I sag back against the door behind me as soon as she turns into her bedroom.


I don’t know how I’ve kept it together for the past hour. Baby Spice transformed into Scary Spice…fucking Terrifying Spice…right in front of my eyes. A double-alpha. She has to be one. She’s everything we expected, and more.

And yet not.

There’s no doubt in my mind that she has no idea what she is. Seeing the terror and confusion in her eyes … it ate me up. Those moments as she shifted back, there was no denying the fear there. I wanted to cradle her against my chest and soothe the anxiety from her. I wanted to—

I’m not thinking about what I wanted to do!

Even now, I can pick up her scent in the air. She trailed hot pheromones in her wake as she stalked out a moment ago, and they’re hanging on the air like a trail of breadcrumbs I want to follow. She’s in the shower and I can hear the water splutter and spurt as she adjusts the temperature. I can picture her under the stream, naked and slick, the dirt streaming from her skin in rivulets down her pert breasts. I don’t think I’ve ever seen nipples that pink.


I came here to do a job, and with every passing minute, I get further away from completing it. What the hell am I going to tell my father?

My phone rings. Of course it does. And I’m still leaning against the door with my jaw hanging open like a panting pup. My cock is as hard as freaking nails. Not a great time to talk to daddy dearest.

“Skau,” I snap as I answer it. I’m buying time.

“Is it taken care of?” my father asks.