Scarred Wolf by Charlene Hartnady



I stretchout on my bed and groan. I got out of the shower earlier, collapsed on my bed, and slept as if I was never going to wake up. Now I’m aware of the shadows lengthening outside and I realize I must have been out for hours. I feel like I just ran a marathon. My whole body aches. I have muscles protesting in places I didn’t even know I had muscles.

I sit up, groaning at the exertion, then rub my face. I’ve wrapped myself in a soft toweling robe and my skin still smells of soap, but there’s something different beneath it. Something … animal. Without thinking, I sniff the air.


He’s nearby. I can smell him.

How the hell can I smell him?

Maybe because you’re a wolf. Definitely because he smells so damn good,that voice I’ve learned to hate so much wheedles from somewhere in my brain. I’m a shifter. I’m half animal! How did I not know this? Wait a minute! What about my parents? Were they shifters too?

This is all too much. I frown as I slide off the bed, head to my bedroom door, and yank it open. Sure enough, he’s sitting on a sofa that’s angled in front of one of the floor-to-ceiling picture windows overlooking the city skyline. Twilight has settled and early evening lights twinkle behind him, but I’m not looking at the view. Not that view, at any rate.

He’s freshly showered, and his hair is still damp; thick and glistening darkly. When we first met, it was almost short enough for the military, but it’s grown out a little now, and almost brushes against his collar.

In a crisp black button-down and charcoal Levi’s with gleaming black Oxfords, he’s sitting in the center of my white leather sofa like he owns it. His arms are outstretched on either side of him along the backrest, and he’s crossed his ankle over his knee casually.The way his arms are extended has the fabric of his shirt pulled taut across his impossibly broad chest. The top two buttons are undone, and I find my eyes trailing down the column of his throat to where his skin disappears into the V of his shirt, and then further. I clear my throat.

Dear lord, he’s a thing of beauty…

“Sleep well?” His voice breaks into my eye-fuckery. I was totally about to glance down at his package. I jerk my gaze up and give a curt nod.

“You heading out?” I ask, though I shouldn’t. I shouldn’t care why he’s dressed up or where he’s about to go. He looks set for a night on the town. I’d rather he was having a night on me. I squeeze my eyes shut for a moment and give my head a shake, hoping to clear it. The guy is still a grade-A jerk. Only now, I know that he’s a grade-A jerk who is keeping things from me. Who’s lying by omission.

He opens his mouth to respond, but I hear my ringtone coming from the kitchen where I left my phone earlier. I groan inwardly. It can only be Di. And she’s going to want to come around to collect me for my birthday dinner.

My birthday.

This has got to be the worst one yet. Or maybe a close tie with the one just after Mom and Dad died. I shake my head and grab my cellphone. Caller ID confirms my suspicions.

“Hey, birthday girl!” she bubbles out. “All set to PAR-TAY?”

If I groan out loud, she’ll catch me for sure. “Yeah. Yeah sure, Di,” I try to sound upbeat. I even force a smile so that I have half a hope of sounding genuine.

“Well, good, coz I’m ten minutes away. I hope you dressed sexy!” She laughs and hangs up before I can reply. This is the last thing I want to do right now. After this morning, I’m almost afraid to leave the apartment again. Which reminds me…Jaxon is still watching me silently. I notice that he has a tumbler in one hand, and he raises it to his lips now and takes a sip of the amber fluid within.

It’s whiskey. I can smell the oak and the peat. I can even smell that there was an ice cube in there which has since melted. I try hard not to freak out.

“So, are you going to tell me any more about what happened?” I say without preamble. Why waste time? He knows exactly what I’m talking about.

“You know all you need to know,” he replies enigmatically. I want to hit him in the head with that freaking tumbler.

“You’re kidding, right?” I snap. “So, I’m a wolf. You moved in to make sure I don’t kill anyone. The end. That about right?” I want to kill him. No, I want to kiss him. Pretty sure it’s kill. Kill! Evie!

He shrugs and I practically have to stop myself from taking a menacing step forward. He knows it because I see those silver eyes narrow a touch.

“I’m coming with you,” he says, taking another sip of the whiskey.

“Oh, hell no!” I bark out. “Coming with me? What the hell for?” I widen my eyes. I know why, but I don’t want to believe this. I’m dreaming. This isn’t real. I’m not a monster!

“For protection,” he responds.

“I don’t need protection,” I bite back. And then his silence speaks volumes.

I’m not the one in need of protection. I feel my shoulders sag and I rub my eyes. Holy shit! This sucks!

“You don’t know what might happen,” he says softly, almost as if he’s trying to lessen the impact of the words. “Trust me, you need me there if—”

I shoot my eyes up to meet his. “If it happens again,” I whisper. Oh god no! This can’t be happening. Please, no! Mom! Dad! I need them now more than ever.

“And it will,” he says matter-of-factly.


I don’t want this. Again, I find myself wishing my parents were here. They’d know what to do. What to say. I steady myself with several deep breaths. I probably shouldn’t go out at all. But something inside me wants to get out with a desperation that almost startles me. I can’t spend another minute cooped up in my apartment with this man. Without another word to him, I turn on my heel and stalk back into my room.

When I emerge five minutes later, I’ve slipped into the only little black dress in my closet. It’s figure hugging, cut above the knee, and the sleeves cap my arms, leaving my shoulders and collarbones bare. It’s always been my go-to party outfit, because, to be honest, I’ve never been big on clothes. Leaving my recently washed hair loose around my shoulders, I step into a pair of black heels, and slick on some crimson lipstick. On a whim, I put on a pair of gold hoop earrings. I don’t bother with more makeup than that. I’m not in the mood, and if I end up having a meltdown, I’ll just end up looking like a badger if I put mascara on.

I seem to hit all the right buttons because I see Jaxon’s eyes widen as I stride past him. I glance at my wristwatch. If I know Di, she’s going to be buzzing in about thirty seconds.

True to form, the intercom goes off as I reach for the handset.

“Beam me up, Scotty!” she yells over the line. I push the buzzer and almost before I have a chance to get my other earring in, she’s banging on the door.

“Happy birthday, girlfriend!” she shrieks as I open it. She’s clutching a bottle of champagne in one hand and a bunch of flowers in the other, but still manages to get her arms around me for a bear hug.

“Are you feeling old yet?” she asks, pretending to examine my face for the ravages of age. “Nope, all good. In fact, you look like a billion bucks!” She grins as she barges past me into the apartment, making a beeline for the kitchen. She deposits the bottle and flowers on the counter and turns to the cupboard where the glasses are kept. She stops mid-stride as she sees Jaxon still sitting on the sofa. “Well…hello,” she says. “Didn’t expect to see you here, Jaxon.” He gets to his feet smoothly and heads over to join her in the kitchen. As if she’s known him forever, she gives him a hug and brushes a kiss against his cheek.

“Jaxon will be joining us tonight, Di,” I say abruptly, getting straight to the point. “I hope you don’t mind?” I tag on even though I know she won’t.

“What a great idea!” she exclaims, although as she reaches to open the bottle, I see her bobbing her brows and then widening her eyes at me while Jaxon has his back turned. I shake my head. It’s not like that! Only it is. No, it’s not. How do I explain any of this to her? She’s my best friend, yet I can’t imagine where to begin. I remind myself that the only reason Jaxon is here is to keep tabs on me. It’s the only reason he’s coming along tonight. Not because he actually wants to be here. I also remind myself that he’s a lying sack of shit who’s still keeping things from me.

“Everleigh was kind enough to invite me out for a night on the town,” Jaxon says. “I’m still so new here, I haven’t had the opportunity to get around much. I hope you don’t mind.”

Diana grins. “Of course not! The more the merrier.” She beams and sets out a third glass. “I hope you like champagne.”

He nods, but it’s not like she’s going to give him an option. She’s brought a bottle of the good stuff, and I can see she’s set for a big night out.

There go my plans for sneaking home early.

“I’ve ordered an Uber,” she says, confirming my suspicions. “We’re starting out at La Crème, for dinner. And from there, we’ll see where the night takes us.” She aims a wink at Jaxon. “I hope you took your vitamins and got your rest, babe,” she teases. “It’s gonna be a long night!”

I groan inwardly and I’m sure Jaxon – my babysitter – does the same. His face is an unreadable mask. For some people, lying is as easy as brushing their teeth or tying their laces. I look down at his boots and yep, there are neatly tied laces. He smiles at something Di says, and I see shiny, freshly brushed teeth. Inside that mouth is a tongue like a slippery eel. I will tuck away my feelings and have a good time. I’ll do it for my best friend.

* * *


Truth be told,I’m having more fun than I expected. The restaurant is sumptuous and over the top, but it was a great choice. The evening specials were recited shortly after our arrival by an overly camp maître d’ who then fluttered about our table as if we were honored guests, which I imagine Everleigh’s friend arranged. It should make me uncomfortable – I’m accustomed to flying under the radar – but Diana’s good humor is contagious. She’s spent the night regaling me with stories of their wild youth. They’ve known each other since junior high, it would seem. Yet another reminder of how much this woman does not fit the image I had created for her. The image my family painted. My family. Guilt floods me, but I push down the emotion, taking a big sip of my wine.

The meal has progressed without incident, although Everleigh drew a raised eyebrow from her friend by ordering the steak tartare followed by a very rare fillet. I said nothing, of course, but I know what that’s about. Her body is beginning to crave it now…meat, blood. It’ll only get worse as the evening progresses. By tomorrow, there’ll be no turning back. All I can do now is manage the fallout – if that’s possible.

There’s a commotion from nearby and a group of servers from the restaurant arrive bearing a blazing concoction topped with sparklers. They’re singing happy birthday as they arrive at our table.

I see Everleigh’s eyes flare as the flame draws near to her. For a minute, I’m curious to see her reaction. In true Evie style, she grins broadly and makes a show of blowing at the sparkler, which is ridiculous because it’s not designed to be blown out. I can’t help the answering smile on my face as I watch her. Alight with happiness, she’s animated as she laughs and jokes with Diana.

I feel something tighten in my gut; she’s fucking beautiful. I still can’t find a shred of evil. Something isn’t adding up.

How am I supposed to manage this assignment now? The phone call earlier left no questions about what would be needed next. Now that she’s turned, I’m to kill her by midnight. In my reluctance to deliver the antidote, I’ve signed her death sentence. My gut clenches. The food in my stomach turning to lead. The wine I swallow down tastes sour.

Diana laughs, drawing my attention as she shovels a heaped spoonful of gooey cake into Everleigh’s mouth. The birthday girl is laughing out loud, wiping icing from around those lush lips.

Oh, what I could do with those lips…

When she’d come out of her bedroom earlier dressed for a night on the town, my cock had gone from zero to hero in one second flat. Thank god she’d headed straight to the door to let Diana in. I’d needed the time to adjust my pants before they crushed my nuts to a pulp. It’s at times like these that I wonder how humans spend so much time clothed. If we’d been back home in the woods I’d have torn off that black dress and had her on all fours and on the end of my dick before she could blink.

Yeah right! She’d take your throat out first, Skau,I think ruefully, remembering how close she’d come to accomplishing that this morning.

Diana beckons for the check, and I reach quickly for my billfold, brushing her objections aside as we argue over who’ll get the bill.

“You ladies were kind enough to drag me along for the night,” I assure her. “It’s the least I can do.” I’ve been a paragon of charm this evening and I can sense that Everleigh’s been aware of my change of attitude. I guess I have to admit I’ve been hard-assed around her – who could blame me? My mother’s death is never far from my mind. But now it’s dawning on me that even if her parents were responsible, my sweetheart of a mom never died by Everleigh’s hand. And now she’s about to die by mine, anyway. The unfairness of it settles around me like a dark cloud.

I try to shove it away. Guilt tainted with something else. What? Remorse? I feel remorse.

Diana is rising, and the women are reaching for their purses, ready to leave. “All set?” the bubbly brunette asks me as I stand and join them, heading for the door.

“Ready for anything,” I smile glibly, though I’d give anything to get Everleigh back to the safety of her home. That’s not going to happen, though. I know that, too. The call of the moon is too strong. She needs to be outdoors. With that in mind, I’m not surprised when she turns down Diana’s suggestion of a local nightclub. I’m relieved, to be honest. I hate the crush of humanity in those dark, claustrophobic places. If I want to get that close to anyone, there’s always a reason for it. To kill. Or to fuck.

I put both those thoughts out of my mind right now. Everleigh is suggesting a nearby cocktail bar that has an upstairs deck with a view over the city. Sounds about right. She’ll be closer to the moon. And I’ll have my hands full trying to hold it all together. To hold her together.

Minutes later, we’re being ushered through a chic bustling bar, all glass and sleek white décor that gives an air of opulence to the bustle within. There’s laughter and clinking of glasses and the inevitable meat market that goes with joints like this.

Meat market.

If only they knew. I see several heated looks go Everleigh’s way as we’re led to the outer deck, which is littered with tall cocktail-type tables and equally tall chairs. It’s a place designed for standing and mingling, and I know without a doubt there’ll be advances made. In spite of me being near, these men aren’t going to be able to resist her allure. It’s unavoidable, and I’m going to be fighting it too. Because with her first shift, will come her first heat. Then there’ll be a mad scuffle as every alpha male within range gets a whiff of her. Human or otherwise. I know my pack will hold their ground, afraid of the repercussions of my father’s wrath. But we’re not the only pack in the area.

A table of men nearby has stopped talking as we walk by and my senses ping into high alert. Not wolves, I’m certain of it. But high-testosterone types, out looking for a score. And they’d be biting off more than they could chew with Everleigh; they just don’t know it.

Then there’s the fact that they wouldn’t be the ones doing the biting.

I notice Everleigh give a casual glance in their direction, and it makes my jaw clench. She’ll be looking for a mate too, as her new body chemistry rewires itself. Along with her primal urge to pair up and bond. It’s how we work, as natural as breathing. As soon as we reach our prime, biology takes over. Our need to mate, reproduce, it’s programmed into our DNA. Even more so for the females of our species. She’ll want the strongest of them, which will make my job harder. Particularly since I want it to be me.

“Two vodka martinis! Extra dry, with three olives!” Diana is calling out to our server.

“And a beer. Whatever you have on tap,” Everleigh adds.

“Don’t be rude, darling,” Di objects. “I’m sure Jaxon can order his own drink.” She winks in my direction.

“It’s for me, dork,” Everleigh responds, slinging her purse over the back of her chair, then angling it out to see the view. It’s beautiful out here. The lights cover the city like a blanket of sparkling gems. And in the indigo sky, the glowing orb of the full moon is inching up overhead. She tips her head back and stares up at it, mesmerized. I’m mesmerized too. Her features are impossibly delicate, considering the power that lurks beneath.

“So, how’s the new job going,” Diana breaks into my thoughts. I have to pull my wits together to give her a coherent answer.

“Fine, all good,” I say bluntly. It’s a lie. My job’s going to hell.

“Do tell?” Diana’s eyes are bright.

“It’s a confidential assignment. I’m…keeping tabs on someone.”

Everleigh’s eyes flash to mine. They cloud in thought and then narrow slightly. That crackling and sizzle seems to fill the air.

Just then, the server arrives with the martinis, and a brimming tankard of beer, which Everleigh reaches for as if it was sent by the gods. Diana stares wide-eyed as she drains half the beer without taking a breath.

“Thirsty much?” she says, and Everleigh laughs lightly.

“Oh, you know; sometimes I need to switch it up a bit.” She takes another sip and uses a fingertip to wipe the wisp of foam from her lips.

Jesus, help me…

“Can we buy you ladies a drink?” a voice breaks in, and my head shoots up in surprise. It’s the fuckers from the table I noted as we walked in. And the biggest of the lot has his sights set so firmly on Everleigh that I might as well not exist. I bristle. Evie isn’t mine, but this prick is stepping on my turf.

Diana steps up at once. “Thanks, but our drinks just arrived. We’re good,” she says firmly but politely. Everleigh says nothing, her eyes roving over the man as if sizing him up. He seems to take the examination as encouragement.

Well, fuck!

Now my hackles have gone up. A growl lodges itself firmly in my throat.

“I was asking your friend here, sweet cheeks,” he says bluntly. I suppose I should give him points for brazenness. Though it’s not quite the approach I would have taken. A wiser man would have seen me bristling nearby and known he was heading for a beating. Everleigh is still looking him over. The moon is touching her blonde hair with a shimmering light and her eyes are glowing that impossible blue I saw in the park earlier.

Oh, hell no!

I step between her and the asshole and get up in his face. Or rather, down in his face. The motherfucker is big, but nowhere near as big as I am. He takes a moment to process this fact, and I remind myself that he’s not acting of his own volition right now. The wolf in her is calling a mate. She’s practically irresistible to any man worth his salt.

“Take a hike, bud,” I say softly. The low volume of my voice only adds to the menace beneath the words. “She’s not interested,” I add, with a slight rasp this time.

“I think the lady should decide,” he persists, meeting my eye. Brave bastard. Dead bastard if he keeps this up. I put my hand on his chest and give him a nudge. Just a little one. The jerk flies back several feet, taking a couple of chairs with him. Oops! My bad! There’s a collective gasp from those around us and Diana stares up at me in alarm. I look over my shoulder at Everleigh, whose eyes are narrowed on me.

“We need to go,” I say curtly. Already the asshole is staggering to his feet, and his gaggle of friends is rallying around him.

“But our drinks!” Everleigh objects, looking as if she’s about to put up resistance.

“We need to go right now before this turns an animal kind of violent.”

She gasps as I reach for her purse, take a firm grasp of her wrist, and lead her straight out of the bar. Behind us, Diana is scampering as fast as her heels will allow.

“Jaxon! Jaxon, wait up!” she calls out. Beneath my fingers, I can feel energy surging within Everleigh’s flesh. It crackles and pulses and I almost imagine it burning my skin. Shit!

“I’m taking her home,” I say to Diana as she catches up with us. There’s a bank of cabs lined up along the road nearby and I hail one quickly.

“But—” Diana begins, looking into Everleigh’s face. She’s met by the same glowing blue eyes I saw on the deck. Iridescent. Lupine. She steps back in alarm, her eyes widening in confusion. Like she can’t quite believe what she just saw.

“I’m going home,” Everleigh says; her voice is husky and deep…too fucking deep.

A cab has pulled up beside us and I yank open the door and slide in, dragging her in behind me. Barely before my ass hits the seat, she’s clambered over to straddle my thighs. She hovers over me, hands tearing at the front of my shirt, and I sense buttons flying. The cabbie shoots a glance into the rearview mirror, then fixes his eyes firmly back on the road. I’m guessing it’s not the first time he’s picked up a fare like this.

Holy fucking crap!

The wolf is emerging, and she’s starving. And I’m on the menu. I’m trying to object, but my mouth won’t work. My shirt is wide open now and she’s trailing her hands down my chest and belly to fumble with the buckle of my belt. I feel her mouth on my throat, hot and slick; sharp teeth graze my flesh and I shudder. It’s pleasure, all pleasure, in that slight moment of pain.

Even as my brain tells me to push her away, my body is responding and when her fingers tug my fly down and reach into my shorts, my cock springs out like an escaped convict. She makes a noise against my throat, part growl, part mewl, all animal. I’m surrounded by the scent of her, and it’s wild and intoxicating. My own growl mingles with hers as she runs her palm down my cock. Fuck it, I’m going to explode in her hand if she keeps this up. But she’s shifting her position, wriggling forward as I slide my hands up the smooth flesh of her thighs. The skirt of her dress has ridden up around her hips and there’s only a scrap of black lace between her pussy and my surging cock. She rubs her mound against me, and I can feel the slick wetness of her juices through the fabric. She smells incredible. I can’t decide if I want to fuck her or eat her up.

I can’t!


I’ll do the next best thing. Her breath is coming out in short sharp panting sounds and when I slide a finger beneath that sodden lace, she gives a small yelp and nips at my neck. All I can think about right now is the sensation of her wetness against my fingertips and how badly I want to get in there. She presses up against me again, riding along the ridge of my straining cock and I know if push up a fraction, I’ll breach that scrap of fabric and be in heaven.

Because I know that’s what it will be. Fucking this woman is going to be heaven.

And sheer hell.

I’m supposed to be the one to kill her. To stop her. To end her.

“Fuck…” I groan out, and she murmurs, “Yes,” then sucks the breath from me with her lips.

“Fuck… No!” I can’t do this. There’s too much at stake. I’m too close. I’m too conflicted. With every ounce of strength in me, I pry her hands from me and shove her away. She crashes up against the door of the cab, and I silently curse myself for being too rough. The cabbie’s eyes flicker into the rearview mirror, and I straighten myself, trying to avoid his accusatory stare.

“What—?” she begins, a hand reaching toward me. Her eyes are glowing in the dark confines of the cab, and I can sense her power growing.

“We can’t!” I grind out. “We…we can’t Evie.”

“But …” her voice trails off and she drops her hand, then glances down at where her dress is still pulled up around her hips. She tugs at the hem to cover her thighs. Her eyes are still glowing, but now there’s something else there. Something more sinister.

“Why not?” she finally asks, and I shrug. I all out shrug. Like I can still convince her that I’m just not that into her. Fat chance of that. I reach down to adjust my pants and wrangle my throbbing cock back behind my fly. The damn thing wants out…no, it wants in. Into her. The bulbous head is poking over the top of my waistband, and I’m half afraid I’ll do myself an injury if I try to cage it in. She looks down at it and licks her lips. A drop of pre-come leaks out.


“Then tell me. Tell me what the hell is going on!”

I shrug again. “Nothing to say. This is just a bad idea. That’s all.”

“What happened back there?” she persists. “With those men at the bar.”

“Just a bunch of assholes looking for a good time.”

“So why didn’t you let them find one…with me?” Her voice is challenging, as if she’s waiting for me to change my mind. I can’t. It’s as simple as that.

“Maybe it’s not too late.” I regret the words as they leave my mouth. Even in the dark, I can see the look of rage on her face. The cab is pulling up outside the apartment. For long seconds we sit in silence, and then she reaches for the door handle and flings it open.

I catch a taunting glimpse of smooth thigh as she slides out of the car while I pay the cab driver. As I follow her onto the sidewalk, she folds her arms across her chest and glares at me.

“I want you to go upstairs, pack your things and get out,” she says simply. I’m stupefied. I hadn’t expected this at all.

But why not? Did I think she’d just accept the crumbs of information I’d given without demanding more?

“Do it now!” she snaps more harshly, then spins to the entranceway and prowls off.

Like a disobedient pup who’s just been smacked on the snout, I lower my eyes and trail silently behind her. I guess I deserve this. It still stings.