Scarred Wolf by Charlene Hartnady



“Way to go,Skau, you fucked that up royally,” I mutter to myself as I stand beside the table, about to head off to the men’s locker rooms. What the hell was I thinking? All it would have taken was a little bit of charm, and she’d have been eating out of the palm of my hand. Particularly since I’m pretty damn sure she recognized me from the park.

I just couldn’t do it, though. In the face of the offspring of the wolves who’d murdered my mother, all I wanted to do was tear flesh, maim…kill. I wanted to make sure that there was a definite line in the sand. One with her side and my side. We’re enemies, even if she doesn’t know it.

Sitting across the table from her, I’d watched as her expression had morphed from confusion to rage. Evil Spice became Icy Spice in the blink of a turquoise-blue eye. I’d almost found it sexy. Found her sexy when she’d turned me down flat on the pretense of someone else taking her apartment. I know for a fact that there isn’t anyone else. I’m it! Yet she walked away. That waif of a woman turned me down flat. I like it.

I’m clearly losing it. It’s the stress. If I don’t make this work, all hell is going to break loose. My pack, my family…my fucking father… I reach for my phone and dial her number quickly. I have to fix this thing…I have to fix it now.

The call rings through, and I wait for her to pick up, but it eventually goes to voicemail. Fuck fuck fuck! I dial again, this time noticing that when I call, there’s a ringtone coming from near my foot. I’m pretty sure I heard the same tune when I just called now. I look down and spot a pink and gray gym bag. It’s hers. I’ve seen her carrying it around for the past week. She’s left it behind in her rush to get out.

Jackpot!I’ll take it out to her, play the knight in shining armor, and we’ll be game-on again. I reach for the bag and sprint toward the door, glancing around briefly to see if I can spot her car. I feel a rush of relief as I see her standing beside the red convertible. Her expression looks as black as thunder. But I’ll fix that soon enough.

“Ms. Miller!” I call out. Her head snaps up, but she quickly looks away. She’s trying to ignore me. I jog across the parking lot to her, dodging an oncoming car and stop in front of her. It’s impossible to ignore me now. I’m almost standing on the front of her sneakers. She tips her head and peers up at me; those turquoise eyes are mutinous. I hold up the bag and flash my most winning smile.

“Ms. Miller,” I repeat, adding a little bit of breathlessness. She needs to know I went out of my way for her. “You left your bag.” I hold it up for her and she glances down as if I’m presenting her with a snake. Reluctantly, she reaches for it and nods her head.

“Thanks,” she says primly, licking her lips. Lush pink lips…

I amp up the charm. “Look, I’m sorry about…earlier,” I say. “It’s been a tough week, and I’ve had a lot on my plate. I haven’t had time for… Well, you saw how it was.” I jerk my head back to the gym and shrug, letting her draw her own conclusions. I don’t need to spell it out. Women look at me. They always have. It’s not something I relish – it gets fucking annoying at times. Especially when I have a job to do. Like right now. I smile again, trying for “boy-next-door.” I see her soften a touch. “Can we start over?” I hold out my hand. “Please,” I add. It takes a good few seconds longer before she hesitantly reaches out and clasps it. It’s all I can do not to yank mine away before she shakes it. “Nice to meet you; I’m Jaxon,” I say instead, grimly hanging onto the easy smile. “I’d really like to see the apartment, if you’d let me?”

The seconds drag by, and finally she responds. “Call me Evie,” she says, her eyes are narrowed. “I guess we could set something up.” She doesn’t sound convinced, but at least she’s not saying no. “I’ll look at my schedule and give you a call.”

“Sure thing,” I reply, trying not to push too hard. Also trying not to rub my palm against my pants to rid myself of the lingering sensation of her skin. I have to get her alone somehow. If it means playing nice, I can cope. I watch as she opens her car door and gets inside, giving a wave as she starts her car and drives off.

I don’t know how I manage to keep my impatience at bay for the next few hours. When the phone rings later that afternoon, I snap to attention and bolt across my hotel room to grab it. It’s not like I’ve had anything else to do all day – this is my only mission.

“Skau,” I say.

“Jaxon?” she asks. “It’s Everleigh Miller…Evie.”

“Hey, Evie,” I reply.

“Are you free tomorrow evening?” she asks. “We can meet at a coffee shop near my place and discuss things from there.” I frown at having to jump through yet another hoop to make this work. But I guess I’ve managed worse.

“That sounds fine,” I reply. She gives me the name and address of a place near her apartment, and we arrange to meet at 5 p.m. the next day.

As we end the call, I rub my eyes and heave a breath. I really need to find a way to be alone with her.

* * *

The small,crowded coffee house is rich with the aroma of espresso and the babble of after-work conversation. I spot her immediately, seated at a table near a window, still in her pink uniform. As I stride towards her, she rises slightly, then quickly sits back down. She’s clearly edgy around me, and I put it down to the anxiety of inviting a stranger into her home. And then I spot the woman sitting beside her, and my heart sinks.

She’s brought backup.


The brunette at the table has a sweet, heart-shaped face with an expression that speaks of a shrewd intellect. She looks up as I head over to them and runs an appraising eye over me. It’s not the usual once-over I get from eager women on the prowl. I’ve been weighed and assessed for my threat status, there’s no doubt about it.

“Hey Evie,” I say casually as I reach the table, then turn to the other woman with one of my panty-melting smiles. If she’s the gatekeeper, it’ll suit me to get on her good side. “Hi, I’m Jaxon,” I introduce myself, holding out a hand. She takes it readily and gives a brisk shake.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Diana,” she responds, her smile easing the sharp lines of her face.

“I’d planned to meet Di for dinner later, so she’ll be joining us. I hope you don’t mind,” says Evie. She’s lying, of course; the friend’s there to make sure I’m not a psychopath. It’s a sensible plan, but dammit, this is making my fucking job harder again. I have to go through with this. The fact of the matter is, she’s going to drop like a rock and convulse with the mother of all seizures when I finally jab her. It can’t happen in public. It’s too risky. I need to do this. Get her alone in our apartment. Inject her. Job done!

“Would you like a coffee? We’ve just finished ours,” says Diana, gesturing towards a nearby chalkboard. The black surface has almost two dozen items scrawled across it in a bold chalk print. Are there really that many goddamn types of coffee?

I smile and shake my head. “No thank you, but let me pay the tab for yours.” A passing server catches my eye and I gesture for the check. It’s probably a bit of a bold move on my part, but I’m not interested in sitting here shooting the breeze. It’s not long before the three of us are outside, making our way towards the entrance to her apartment block. The friend has fallen into step beside me, and I make a show of not knowing which way we’re going. It feels a little ridiculous, since I’ve been staking the place out for the past week.

“Are you in town long?” she asks casually, but it confirms my suspicions about why she’s here. The pre-wolf has obviously told her about me.

“I’m not sure,” I reply. “I’ve been brought in to manage a situation. It could go on indefinitely, or it could be over in a week.” She raises an eyebrow and I quickly add, “Of course, I don’t plan to duck and run, if that’s what you’re worried about. I’m happy to pay a security deposit, and two months’ upfront.” I look over at Evie, who’s gnawing on her bottom lip.

“That’s good to know,” Diana says. There’s something protective in her manner which surprises me a little. It’s as if she’s looking out for her friend. Everleigh Moone has a close friend? A soon-to-be powerful wolf with a human protector? It doesn’t make sense.

Then again, her wolf side still needs to emerge. For now, she’s vulnerable. Maybe she’s keeping herself safe until the transition takes place.

“This is it,” Everleigh’s saying now, keying a number into a security pad and leading us into a sleek reception area. Chrome and marble vie for attention and I act suitably impressed as we wait for the elevator. It dings open and she presses the button for the penthouse. The penthouse? That’s more than I’d expected. As the elevator doors open into a chic lobby, we head towards a set of double doors that she opens with the swipe of a keycard.

“Very nice,” I say approvingly as we make our way inside. It’s not hard to sound sincere; the place is freaking amazing. A spacious reception area leads directly into an open-plan kitchen and dining room, which extends into the living area. The thing that grabs my attention, though, is the view through the floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook the city.

How the fuck does she manage to afford this on a nurse’s salary?

Nothing about “Everleigh Miller” adds up. Though, if anything, my surging suspicions give me some comfort. This is no ordinary woman. And I now have no doubt she’s found some devious way to maintain this lifestyle. The nurse gig is clearly some sort of front. But then why is she trying to rent out her spare room? Another front? Probably!

It doesn’t matter. I have a job to do, regardless of her motives.

“Don’t you love it?” laughs Diana, sweeping an arm to encompass the area. “I helped pick out most of the furniture, you know.” She smiles at Everleigh as she says it, and once again I’m left with a sense of their friendship having a nurturing side. I decide to stop trying to delve into the psychology of it. It’s clear I’m going to have to get her to let me stay. It’s the only way I’ll be able to finish the job in time. Everything else is just a distraction.

Diana has linked her hand through my arm with an easy familiarity and is guiding me through the apartment to show me around. Evie hangs back, hesitantly, seeming happy to let her friend take over the show. I’m shown my room, which is as impressive as the rest of the place, with an en suite bathroom that boasts a shower big enough for a small wolf pack. There’s also a study I can use, and the kitchen is pretty much state-of-the-art.

“I love it,” I say fifteen minutes later. “When can I move in?”

Again, I’m being bold, but I’m really struggling not to lose patience. I see Everleigh gnawing her lip again, which means she’s in that self-doubt space she seems to lapse into.

“I’m not sure,” she says, “there are several others who’ve arranged to see the place…” I know she’s lying yet again. I took down every damn ad she put up. But I nod understandingly and try to keep my expression neutral.

“I understand, of course,” I say. “Though, if it helps any, I’ll double your asking price.” I watch as her eyes widen and I see Diana nudging her surreptitiously with her elbow. “The location is perfect – my office is a couple of minutes away. The time savings alone are worth it to me,” I elaborate. “It probably won’t be a long-term thing, so I’ll make it worth your while by paying more.”

I watch her mulling it over. She folds her arms, ignoring the nudges her friend is giving her. “Let me think about it,” she says, at last. “I’ll give you an answer in a couple of days.”

I nod as she leads me to the door. “I’m looking forward to your call,” I answer.

I don’t know what I’m going to do if she says no. Then again, I’m resilient, I’ll go with Plan B. But I’d prefer this plan. Nice and neat.