Scarred Wolf by Charlene Hartnady



I’ma complete bundle of nerves as I pace around my living room. Any minute, the intercom is going to chime, and Jaxon Skau is going to be moving into my home. My haven. I feel sick to my stomach at the thought, though I can’t put my finger on why he makes me so edgy.

After waiting several days for more calls, I finally gave up on getting more interest in the place. I can’t understand why – maybe my price was too high. After giving the gym another call and getting yet another glowing report from some guy called Justin, I finally gave in. Justin is a manager there, so I’m sure it’s all okay.

Jaxon Skau’s deposit was in my bank account within five minutes of me giving the go-ahead. I think my overdraft facility guzzled half of it the second the transfer reflected. It’s a relief to know I won’t be getting yet another call in the next day or so. For the time being, my financial concerns are over.

It does, however, mean that I can’t back out anymore. There’s no way I can give the money back.

Why should you?a little voice says, and I figure that’s a really good question. Why am I so reluctant to let him move in? We’ll barely see each other. He says he works odd hours, and with my nursing schedule, we’ll be ships in the night.

It’ll be perfect. Better than perfect.

Yet, there’s this small part of me that wants to see him. I don’t want to admit it, but I find the obnoxious Mr. Skau pretty darned hot. But there are no two ways about it; despite the fleeting moments of charm, I get the sense that my new tenant is just as much of a jerk as I’d originally suspected. There’s something more to it, though. Something I can’t quite put my finger on. The good news is that he’s ultimately more of an asshole than what he is a gorgeous hunk, so I’ll have to get over myself sooner rather than later. It’ll all work out. At least, that’s what Di keeps telling me.

My door chimes and I bolt towards it, trying not to feel flustered as I reach for the intercom button.

“It’s Jaxon,” a voice comes up through the speaker. The voice that makes my hairs stand on end as goosebumps form on my arms.

“I’m buzzing you in,” I say unnecessarily, then fuss with my hair while I wait for him to arrive. It’s almost too soon before I hear a knock at the door. Even through the solid wood, I can sense him on the other side…feel him somehow.

Don’t be ridiculous, Evie,I chastise myself. I yank the door open and stare straight into those startling eyes. For the briefest fraction of a second, there’s something in those silver depths. Something like…hatred? It can’t be. Before I can pin it down, there’s a smile on his face, and he’s brushing past me to come in. I don’t like how he does that. He might be my tenant, but he could at least wait for me to invite him. As I turn to face him, I see a black duffle bag in his hand. It matches his black sweatpants and tight black t-shirt. Does the man not have color in his wardrobe?

Who cares?I think. He rocks black. Then again, he’d probably rock pink with purple polka dots.

“Are you heading back down for the rest of your things?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “No, this is it,” he replies, lifting the bag then looking in the direction of his room. “I’m guessing I can go straight through?”

“Yes, of course,” I say. “Just…um…some ground rules.” This is my house.

His eyes narrow onto mine, but he doesn’t say anything.

“The two bottom shelves in the refrigerator, are mine. Same as the freezer. I cleared out a section in the pantry, too.”

He just keeps those eyes on mine, cool as ice. I clear my throat and go on, “If you use any of my food supplies, please replace them.”

“I won’t.”

I fight to stop myself from rolling my eyes. You never know. “Clean up after yourself. It’s your responsibility to—”

“I will. Anything else, Everleigh?”

“I would like you to keep in mind that I’m not into idle dalliances.” I’m repeating his words to him. I need to make it clear that I’m not some pushover. That I won’t take his shit. Maybe that’s it.

I see his lip twitch. I’m not sure if it’s with humor or annoyance, more than likely the latter.

“We’re on the same page then,” he states casually. “Is that all?”

“That’s it for now.” I’m not normally this standoffish. Why are my hackles rising? He hasn’t been openly rude since our exchange in the parking lot, but there’s something in his manner that puts my teeth on edge. Something aside from the obvious. Probably a good thing, considering the direction of my thoughts just a few minutes ago. He might be hot as all hell, but his attitude still sucks.

He’s walking away from me without another word, and I follow him, feeling awkward.

Should I be getting him settled?I wonder, hovering outside the door of his room.

I hear him moving into the bathroom, the clunk of items being moved about making me assume he’s unpacking his toiletries. I bet a guy like him probably has a ton of man-scaping stuff. Although he’s a security professional. Would he be doing the “metrosexual” thing? More than likely. He sure looks the type.

“Ah…Evie?” he calls out, and I give a little jump.

“Yes?” I ask, hoping it doesn’t seem like I’ve been waiting for him to call.

“Just a question about the…uh…showerhead?” he continues. I walk into his bedroom, to the door to the bathroom and see him peering up at the wide, stainless steel square that’s designed to deliver water in half a dozen different formats, from gentle rainfall to stinging torrent. I suppose it’s not surprising he’s confused at all the dials and attachments. He’s still holding a black toiletry bag and as I walk into the shower to help him, he turns abruptly. Startled, I stumble against him. And then the bag is on the floor and there are tubes, bottles, and vials rolling about. Thankfully, nothing breaks. Glass containers tinkle across the tiles.

Definitely a steroid junkie, I guess.

“Shit!” he bites out and I give a sharp gasp. I’m not sure if it’s the fleeting moment of contact with his insanely hard body, or the embarrassment of sending his personal items scattering. I know I’m clumsy in general, but usually I try to convince myself it’s because I have more energy than I know what to do with. Right now, it just seems like I’m a bit of a mess around this man. My mind goes back to that very first interaction, when we literally fell over each other. I’m still not entirely convinced that was my fault, though.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry,” I babble, about to kneel to help him gather his things.

“It’s nothing,” he begins, just as I’m lowering myself. There’s a thud as our heads collide, and I’m left reeling for a second. A dark expression flits across his face, and he grabs my shoulder to steady me. “Jesus!” He lets me go just as quickly. “Just…just leave it!” he snaps.

Sheez! You’d think an apology would be more appropriate. I resist the urge to say sorry again. He was the one who called me over in the first place.

“Really,” he continues, now seeming to be holding his temper in check, “I’ve got this. You can go now.” And with that, he dismisses me.

From my own freaking bathroom!

I don’t need to be told twice. I have no plans to spend another minute in this man’s company. Without a word, I straighten and leave, rubbing my smarting forehead. If he needs anything else, he can come and find me…and he can damn well ask nicely.

I stalk to my bedroom and firmly close the door behind me. More than ever, I’m regretting this decision to let a stranger into my world. I head to my bed and flop onto my back on the mattress. It’s going to take a few minutes for my mood to settle, I’m certain of it.

Just then, my phone pings, and I tug it from the back pocket of my jeans. It’s a text from Diana, reminding me that my birthday’s coming up and she has plans for us.

My awesome buddy!

Sounds great! Just what I need right now,I text back. It’s no lie. That man’s only been here thirty minutes and already I think my head’s going to explode.

How’s the new tenant? Seen him nekkid yet?Diana replies and I scowl.

Hardly, he’s gone back to being a jerk.I’m guessing the charm was just a sales pitch, I respond.

Never mind. Just think of the fun you’ll be having with all that lovely money,she texts.

She’s right, I remind myself. There’s no reason for me to be besties with Jaxon Skau. As long as he stays a model tenant and pays his rent, I don’t even need to see him.

Though maybe I might want to,that little voice says. I hate that little voice. It always says the stupidest things. Then again, seeing him isn’t the problem; it’s when his mouth opens that there’s one. Argh! He’s so annoying.

As far as I’m concerned, that asshole can bite me! And he’d better not mess with my birthday plans or else.