Dangerous Conceit by Ali Lee

Chapter 40

Angelo took a deep breath. He thought about that day at the shopping center and the positions of all the men there. He moved his hands around, placing each person to their precise spot. He wondered what the witness could have said since they clearly were not there. “Okay, I’ve got it straight in my head. Let me hear the recording.”

Abby set the laptop on the table and faced it toward Angelo so he could hear; then Rafa stood and walked behind where Angelo sat and both listened as she pressed play. Three minutes later, Angelo threw his arm in the air. “This witness has nothing on Lexi. Start it over, Abby.” They listened once more when Angelo scoffed. “Everything this witness is saying is a lie. She's saying that Lexi led Kenneth out of the mall, but we all know that’s not how it happened.”

“That means somebody knew you were setting him up,” Rafa said and huffed back to the spot on the sofa beside Brett.

“No,” Angelo started. “Only Ella, Jim, Ray and Brett knew. I didn't even tell you.”

“Donnie knew,” Rafa said with disgust. “He could’ve let something out…or he could’ve been in on it the whole time.”

“No,” was Angelo's simple response.

“Why are you so dead set on giving him that benefit? You still think he's trustworthy?”

“It wasn't him. I'm telling you that it was someone else. Even if Donnie wanted to trap us, he would go for the worse of the two evils—and right now, that just isn't us.”

“So who?”

“What the hell are you asking me for? You're the brains. Why don't you shut up and do what you do.” Angelo pointed.

Angelo may have had a point, but his tone rubbed Rafa the wrong way. For Lexi’s sake, Rafa closed his mouth and thought about it. “Somebody must have been with them then. Are you sure there was nobody out back when you went to get the car?” He looked over at Brett and Ray.

“No,” Brett said. “We made sure the parking lot was clear. We checked everything.”

“I took pictures of the food court before I sent them out,” said Jim. “Maybe you want to take a look.” Jim handed his phone to Rafa who skimmed the photos, looking for anyone who seemed distant.

“This isn't going to do me any good, Jim. All these people look shady.”

“Then let's go to the source.” Angelo stood and motioned the others to the door.”

Rafa nodded. “That’ll be a start. You go ahead. I'll be ten minutes behind you.”

“I'll leave Jim with you then. Nobody goes anywhere alone anymore.”

Rafa agreed and entered the office, letting Abby know what was going on…at least the gist of the matter.

“I'm leaving. You’ll stay at the hotel tonight. Use the numbers we gave you if there’s an emergency. You shouldn't have any trouble though; we’re leaving Thomas and Sammy with you. They’re going to show you which room you’ll stay in; your room and theirs are joined so there aren't any problems.”

“Can I see the pictures on Jim's phone…the ones from the shopping trip?”

“Why, do you know who it might be?” He was tired of the entire Moretti scandal and wanted them gone from their lives.

“I would recognize the people after Lexi. It could be her mother. She was at your campaign yesterday.”

“What the hell do you mean she was there? Why is this the first time I’m hearing of it?” Maura looked over at him and back in front, causing Rafa to silently curse more for forgetting not to curse around her.

“Well, I sent Lex…” Abby went silent for a moment. “I sent her a video?”

“Hand me her purse.”

Rafa dumped its few contents on the desk and grabbed her phone. After he picked up Maura from the seat next to Abby, he sat on the loveseat against the sidewall, setting Maura beside him to keep playing with the small toys in her hand. Then he scrolled through the phone, finding the message that Abby sent.

As he played the video, nobody in particular stuck out until he noticed an older woman who suffered from years of substance abuse. Her stringy gray hair and gaunt cheeks added many more years than her age of fifty-five. She looked about seventy. He could not figure out why this woman attended and knew all hell would break loose as soon as Angelo found out. Rafa stilled the recording and enlarged the picture to make sure it was her. Then he held it in front of his face to be positive, having seen the woman in person once.

“Gloria.” Maura pointed, making Rafa look down on her head and back at the phone. “Where's Kenny?” she asked, forgetting about the phone and returning to her toys.

Rafa looked off to the side and back at the phone, staring at it even harder this time around. There’s no fucking way. He thought.

“Abby, come here. Show me which one of these people is Lexi's mother.” It was clear to Rafa that Maura seemed to know the woman on the phone. The way she said her name was almost endearing. It was even worse when she asked about Kenny.

Rafa returned the picture back to regular size before he handed it to Abby; then she pointed at the same ragged looking woman. “Very well,” he said and waved her away, needing two seconds to get himself together so that nothing seemed out of the ordinary even though it was.

“Come here, baby. I have to go. You’re going to stay with Abby, okay?”

Maura looked over and crawled to his lap, laying her head against his chest. “Are you gonna come back?” she asked in a way that made him think she was scared for anybody to leave.

“Don't worry. I'll see you soon. Abby will take care of you.” Rafa lifted her up and pressed his lips together, receiving a tiny kiss in return. Then he stood and set her back beside Abby.

“Take care of her.” Abby nodded and he quickly turned to leave, not wanting to see the saddened look on Maura's face any more.


Out in the banquet room, few guests lingered, hoping for a wedding that was not going to happen. Rafa looked at one man; disappointed resentment filled his eyes as he approached. Rafa ignored the oblivious woman that held his hand.

“Antonio,” he said.

“I'm so sorry, Rafael. I can't imagine what you must feel right now.”

“No, you really have no idea. I need to talk to you—in private. Will you give us a few minutes, Nina?”

Rafa did not wait for a reply and walked away to the elevator. He pushed the button, heading up to the lobby floor where the more private conference room was. Once they stepped inside, Rafa held his hand to the sofa and sat across from Antonio.

“Would you mind explaining to me what’s going on?” Antonio furrowed his brow, seeing the stern expression on Rafa’s face.

“Watch the video, Antonio.” Rafa pulled out Lexi's phone and pulled up the image on the screen. “I want you to see who came to my intro yesterday.”

After several minutes of watching, Antonio slapped the screen blank and handed it back to Rafa. “Son of a bitch, I gave that whore enough money to never come around me or Angelo again. If Nina gets wind of this,” he started but Rafa cut him short.

“You had an affair with her, didn't you? After Angelo was born. That’s why this bothers you so much.”

“Boy, you understand this life. I’ve done my duty. I’ve taken care of Nina the way I should have. Your love is young, but when that wears off, you’ll see things differently…the same as my son. You’re both living a fairytale right now.”

Rafa took a deep breath at the flippancy of the words. He was tired of the sort of life without connection. He had lived plenty of that. “It's none of my business what you do in your personal time,” he said. “Forget this conversation ever happened.” Rafa started to stand. He was already way behind the ten-minute mark he had given to Angelo.

“You brought me in here to tell me that?”

Rafa shook his head; no one could possibly imagine his frustration right now. Lexi's life had been a living hell all because of an affair. “No, Antonio. I came to tell you that Gloria had a daughter. I believe the girl is yours. It's a shame. All of it. You don’t deserve to know who she is.”

Then Rafa walked out, leaving Antonio speechless in his seat.