Dangerous Conceit by Ali Lee


The house felt foreign. It was not their home anymore. Three moving trucks waited outside as several Tomassi men loaded the last few boxes that were stacked on the side. There were no more sofas, no elaborate paintings and no toys scattered about—only the loud echo of footsteps coming in and out.

Lexi paused and closed her eyes, remembering the first time she came to the house. So much had happened between then and now, but living with Rafa always felt natural. She enjoyed living here after the trouble passed. Lexi did not want to leave.

“Hey, we’ll be finished in fifteen minutes, all right?” Rafa came back inside, leaving the other men to rest. Lexi nodded and peered around. Her eyes expressed a sentimental longing to stay. “How are you feeling?” Rafa rested his arm around her shoulder, bringing her cheek to his chest.

“I feel fine,” she answered as his fingers caressed the tiny bulge of her belly. “How could I not be okay? You won't let me lift a single little thing.”

He chuckled and released his hold. “Weren't you going to take care of something? Maura is outside with me and the guys, so you can't say that she is stopping you this time.” Rafa gave her a gentle kiss and picked up another box.

Lexi waited until he disappeared before taking the folded letter from her purse. She had read it a dozen times by now, and she cried every time. She unfolded it again while walking to the kitchen to be alone. She did not want anyone seeing the basket case she would become as she began to read again.

My dearest daughter,

You were right. Everything you went through was my fault. I should have been more responsible with the decisions I made. I should have been as good a husband as I was a boss. I was caught up in the life and never thought twice about how it affected those around me. Everyone did what I said. I enjoyed it—lived for it. It was my ammunition. The more powerful I became, the less I cared about what anyone thought. Even until now, I cared more about myself than anyone else.

Then you came into my life from nowhere. I had never considered I had a daughter out there. You made me think hard about my mistakes. I almost wish I never made any—almost. I don't regret at least one mistake. I don't regret the affair. I hated Gloria after that, but I don't regret it happened anymore. Then I wouldn't have found out that I have a daughter—a beautiful daughter and a beautiful granddaughter.

I’m so sorry that I didn't know. I wouldn’t have left you with her. Not having you with me all those years is tearing me up inside. Never in my life have I ever felt my heart break until now.

I know I can't make up for it, and I know I don't deserve it, but I’m asking you to forgive me and give me a chance to be the father that you always deserved. I hope you will give me a call.

All my love,


Lexi gripped the edge of the counter and braced her body, keeping it from collapsing altogether. She and Rafa talked about this. He knew about the letter and urged her to call. Lexi wanted to call, to form ties between her and her father. It was hard. She was afraid to open herself up. It had been a lot easier for her to stay mad at him all those years. His letter…finally broke through the anger, forcing her to face the pain.

No more procrastinating. What better day than today to change the future. What better day than today to leave the past behind. Lexi finally clicked on her phone and called.


Thirty minutes later, Rafa walked into the kitchen. It was bare. Nothing at all remained in the dining room where Lexi cooked them dinner—just floor and counter tops.

He noticed her—Lexi—at the sink. One hand covered her eyes, and the other barely held onto the phone as her arm dangled past her hip. She was crying—again. This deal with Antonio had been an emotional battle for her. He could not blame her. He understood.

Rafa walked over to her and massaged her shoulders. He could feel the strain of her tense muscles. However, it was over; she had made the call.

Her head leaned back against his arm as he gripped her closer and tighter, assuring her with his presence. He was not going anywhere.

“You're stuck with me now,” he said. “You can try to leave me, but I will bring you back.”

Lexi reached over his arm to wipe her eyes; she smiled. That was his way of telling her that he was hers forever…that she would never be alone—ever.

“Maura is in her car seat, but I can give you some more time if you’d like.”

Lexi turned around and they both anxiously stared at the other. He was governor. She had a dad. Both were venturing to the unknown. “No, I'm ready now. I'm ready to leave the past behind.”

Rafa placed his hands over her cheeks. His touch was gentle, his words—soothing. “I can't promise that our life will be easy, but I can promise to do my best to make you happy.”

She looked at him and slipped her arms around his waist, gripping the pockets behind. “Rafa, don’t you know already? Don’t you know that you already have?”

The End