Dangerous Conceit by Ali Lee

Chapter 58

Rafa buttoned one of the sleeves of his white dress shirt as he walked down the stairs. He wore his best coat, looking sharp for his commencement speech that evening. He seemed relaxed as though nothing could make him falter. Lexi wondered how he could handle such pressing responsibilities without ever breaking down. He was so much stronger than she could ever hope to become. Lexi hoped she could be as good of a partner to him as he was to her.

He was quiet as he approached. Rafa had stayed quiet most of the days leading up to the election, too busy for them to spend much time together. It did not have anything to do with her. It had to do with him focusing his energy on the changes in his career. Lexi missed talking to him and holding him at night.

“You look beautiful,” he said as he walked up to her, staring in awe of the silky pink fabric of her dress. Lexi had decided to stray from her usual slacks and wear a long formal dress instead.

“Thank you.” She smiled and then looked down at Maura. “Are you ready?”

“Yes, mommy.” She grinned and lifted her hand. Lexi wrapped her fingers around and questioned her again.

“We are going to stay as quiet as we can, right?”

“Uh huh.” Maura nodded, receiving a smile from Rafa.

“Come here.” He lowered his arms to her. “We don't want you to wrinkle Mommy's new dress.” Then he whispered to Lexi, “Because that's my job.” He winked and opened the door, never seeing the chill that his words made against her arms.


Lace covered a long, narrow table filled with appetizers. The table sat at the front of the room, facing smaller round tables where all the guests had sat. Rafa's campaign manager set up the event at the most prestigious banquet hall in the city. It was here that Rafa gave his commencement speech as the governor elect an hour ago.

Rafa had dominated the polls. Even though Pearson managed to twist his way out of most of the incriminating evidence that leaked, his connection to Moretti put a dent in the people's confidence. It came as no surprise to anyone that Rafa won.

With a glass in her hand, Lexi sat at one of the reserved tables and peered at the few lingering guests. She had no idea how Rafa remained as calm as he was after finishing his speech. He had walked from person to person, visiting and shaking their hands. Lexi was anxious with the win, knowing that their lives were about to change. It would be no time before they moved and he officially took his place in office.

Lexi sighed and looked at the food. Everything looked delicious, yet she found nothing she wanted to eat. With all that had happened in the last couple of months, Lexi had to force herself to leave the house. Her friend was a fake and her father—a cheat. It was hard to put herself at the mercy of the world.

Lexi was strong though. The worst was over. There was no way she would let the past affect her happiness when she had a future to embrace.

Maura sat on one side of her with Angelo and Ella to the other. It was the first time she had seen him since that day at the warehouse. He and Ella left their baby with Nina. Lexi understood. A seven-month-old baby would want to play. As Rafa became the center of questioning, Angelo released his grip around Ella's chair and leaned forward, laying both of his hands on the table.

“I guess you are feeling better.” Lexi turned to look at him, at the chest that was bandaged the last time she saw him.

Angelo shrugged his shoulder and looked back. “I'm still alive. That’s what counts.”

“I'm sorry I recommended her to you,” Lexi got it out.

Angelo shook his head. “We should have seen it…a mistake that won't happen again.”

Lexi closed her eyes, willing the tears not to spring forth. She could hardly think of Abby without losing her composure. It was a delicate subject for her to come to terms. “Anyway…thank you for doing everything you could to keep Maura safe.”

He waved off the remark, not wanting any credit for that day. “Too bad it didn’t do any good. I'm glad you got her back.”

“Yeah,” Lexi said and both of them nodded, both of them looking forward in silence. Lexi thought they were finished talking when Angelo felt around in the pocket of his coat and pulled out an envelope. He looked at it a second and then placed it in front of her.

“I know Antonio has tried to call you, and I know you don’t want to talk to him. I can't say that I blame you but here.” He pointed at the envelope in front of her. “Antonio wrote that. I think it’ll bring you some resolve. You should read it at home.”

Lexi said nothing in return. She breathed as much air as her lungs would hold, slowly releasing as she picked up the envelope. “It doesn't matter where I read it. It's not like it’ll make a difference.” She started to pick it up when Angelo laid his hand over top, stopping her from touching it.

“I said to read it at home.” He looked at her, waiting for her to relent before he lifted his hand.

“All right,” she said, taken back by his insistence. If he thought it would matter, maybe it would. It did not make that much of a difference to her.

Angelo leaned back again and replaced his arm around Ella. “So…” He pointed at Rafa. “What are you going to do with him? He's a tough man to keep up with.”

Lexi smiled. “I'm going to take care of him. What else?”

“I know you will. You’re a good woman for him.” Angelo started to stand. “I'll be back in a minute.” He looked at Ella and brushed her shoulder with his hand.

Lexi rubbed her eyes. With Ella one seat over and no one else at the table anymore, she had to say something. Small talk was not really Lexi's thing anymore, but she would try anyway. She had to let the past go.

As she started to open her mouth, it stayed open and a slight glint came to her eye. What was Rafa doing talking to her? Lexi took another drink, fuming at the sight of Bianca. How dare she come to his ceremony?

“Is something wrong?” Ella looked from Lexi to the people that she stared at.

“No, everything is fine,” Lexi said unconvincing. “Do you know why Miguel is here tonight?”

“I think he endorsed Rafa's campaign.”

“Great…now I have to be nice.” Lexi folded the envelope and shoved it in her purse when she caught Rafa's eye. He was motioning her to go to him. No way would she go over there. Lexi pretended as though she never saw him wave.

“I guess you’re ignoring him on purpose?” Ella asked, looking back at Lexi.

“Why, is he still waving at me?”

Ella shook her head. “No, but he won't quit looking this way.”

Lexi fiddled with her phone. She helped Maura with her toy and took a sip of her drink. She found any excuse not to look up. If she did, he would know she was avoiding him.

“You do know that he knows you aren't looking at him on purpose.”

“I know,” Lexi mumbled, at least wanting to believe that he did not know.

“Okay.” Ella took a drink from her glass. “He's coming over here if you wanted to know. It looks like Miguel and his sister are leaving.”

“Thanks.” Lexi smiled and started to stand. Before she could push in her chair, Rafa walked behind her and placed his hand around her waist.

“I was calling you.”

“Oh, I…didn't notice.”

He huffed, “Sure you didn't.”

Lexi did not answer and grabbed her purse, reaching for Maura's hand. “Come on, sugar bear. Let's go to the restroom.” She cast Rafa a glance and excused herself.

“What was that about?” Angelo returned and held out his hand to Ella.

“Like you don't know.” Rafa scooted in Lexi's chair and looked back at her. “So you took my advice and asked Miguel to fill in for me when I leave?”

“No,” Angelo said flatly. “I gave him the option to do more business with the group. He has too many enemies that I don't want to inherit.”

“Uh huh, like me, right?”

Angelo looked off to the side. “No—nothing like you. No one can be the pain in the ass that you are.”

“If that's how you feel, I might not come back then.” Rafa gave a smile, a sly look that challenged his remark.

“What? You think you hold my group together? Don't kid yourself.”

“Well,” Rafa loosened the tie around his neck, “we’ll see how you do when I take office. I give you three months before you ask me to juggle governor and being your right hand.”

Angelo paused. He stared at him; a stern expression spread over his face as he looked at Rafa, the man who was too sure of himself. Angelo lifted his arm in the air, letting his hand glide.  Angelo slapped Rafa on the cheek, not once—but twice. It was not hard but a subtle gesture to show him who still ran the show. “Keep in touch, Governor. I would hate to have to kill you.” Angelo's brows lifted with his forming smirk as he turned around to leave, escorting Ella out.

Rafa solemnly watched as Angelo exited through the door, letting out a sigh. Yes, he expected such a goodbye from Angelo. That was his way of dealing with the situation. He knew that Angelo would miss him, and he would miss Angelo more than he would ever admit.


Rafa did not speak on the way home. Neither did Lexi, and Maura was already asleep in the backseat. The dinner and speech took a couple of hours, but the conversations afterwards kept them there until late. Rafa was never happier to see their house and gladly pulled the silver Porsche he had just bought to a stop.

He reached his arms around Maura and let Lexi unlock the door. The house was quiet. They were used to being alone since there were no more immediate threats, but tonight felt unusually silent. Maybe it was because Rafa knew they would not be staying here and it did not feel like home. For the first time, he started to second-guess his decision as governor.

Rafa was careful not to wake Maura as he laid her on the bed and pulled the blanket over top. He gave her a kiss on the forehead and shut the door with a gentle click. Then there was the matter of his wife. How could she ignore his earlier gesture when Bianca wanted to make amends? Miguel understood and told Bianca to do the same. It would not have been some grand apology to Lexi, but it was a start.

When he entered their bedroom, Lexi was standing near her nightstand, scrolling through her phone. Sometimes Rafa wished he had never given her that phone. It seemed that whenever something was on her mind, she would pretend to be absorbed to avoid talking to him.

He shrugged and walked directly over to her and snatched the device out of her hand; then he pitched it to the bed, but it bounced. It made a cracking noise as it hit the floor behind them.

“Was that necessary?” Lexi tried to scoot past when he seized her wrists before she could move.

“There was something important for you to hear earlier, and you ignored me.”

“I was with you the entire night. I did not ignore you.” She looked away but Rafa caught her chin.

“You can’t get mad because you saw me talking to another woman.” His heated breath spoke directly against her lips. Lexi looked at him. He could see the jealousy in her eyes.

“I did not get mad because I saw you talking to another woman. You talked to plenty of them tonight. It was one woman.”

“Bianca wanted to apologize.”

Lexi gave a sarcastic smile and pointed. “But that wouldn’t have changed what she thought…how we shouldn't be married?”

Rafa backed Lexi against the foot of the bed and scoffed. “Maybe I haven't given you enough attention lately? Is that it?” Lexi tried to pull away but he blocked her, wedged between the bed and his hard chest. “I'm not letting you go until we settle this. You can't be mad at me when I did nothing wrong.”

“Fine, I'm not mad,” she said.

“Nice try, but I think you forgot who I sleep with at night.”

“Oh…and who is that exactly?” she grumbled. “I’ve been alone in bed for the past week.”

Rafa thought about it. She was right. He had fallen asleep in his office every night without realizing that an entire week had passed. He gave her an apologetic look. “Then I will have to remind you tonight.” He started to lift the hem of her dress.

“It's fine.” She scooted past him and walked away.

Rafa ran his fingers through his hair and watched her pick up the remnants of her phone. He needed to make a point to give her more time. He was not going to get very far in this new life if he did not make her a priority.

“I know that I’ve been busy. Sometimes you’re going to have to remind me. I guess I’m the type of person who works until they pass out.”

“No, it's fine. I understand.” Lexi sat on the bed and popped the broken case off the phone.

Rafa looked at her confused. This was not like Lexi. “What's really the matter, baby? What's bothering you?” Rafa sat down next to her.

Lexi sighed, “It's that…I don't get it, Rafa.” She lifted a hand to explain further. “It's like you keep going and nothing ever bothers you. You don't ever need anything. You don't come to bed. You do everything alone. I feel like you don't even need me.”

Rafa always could count on her to say what she thought, but it hurt when she did. Lexi was the only one who could ever strike a nerve.

“Do you really believe I don't need you?” He shifted, waiting for her to look back.

“Sometimes,” she answered.

He shook his head a little disappointed. “Well, you’re wrong. We’re married and I know you’re right here even when I work late. I don't ever feel alone and I'm sorry you do. I’ll fix that.”

He pushed her straight down before she had the chance to object and started kissing her, driven with the passion he felt for her alone. The noises coming from her mouth were muffled cries of sheer need. He really had neglected her for far too long.

“How about we work on that baby you want,” he said and slid his arms behind her back, aiming for the zipper of her long satin dress. Lexi shook her head at the question, gaining a surprised look from him. “What? You don't want one anymore?” He could not believe it. Now that he really liked the idea, she was backing out.

She shook her head again. “No, I mean you are a little late to try.”

“Oh.” Those words caught him off guard. If they did not have to try then…Rafa felt like such a fool. He had been so busy that she could not even tell him the news. How did he not see? That was why she acted so upset and distant.

“Really?” He wanted to make sure.

Lexi nodded. “I am not very far though.”

“Shit.” He dragged her dress down and placed a kiss on her belly. “I am such a jerk.” Lexi nodded as he crawled on top, straddling her with his legs. “Don't agree with me. I already said I would fix it.”

“I know you did, and I love you for trying so hard for me. I love everything about you.”

He smiled at her confession and kissed her deeper, sweeter and longer, proving that he was worth loving everything about…no matter how dangerous or conceited. He would give her everything and be worth every moment of their lives.