Heartless Player by R.C. Stephens



My alarm goes off. “Weekend” by Mac Miller blasts too loud and I reach blindly on the floor by the bed to turn it off.

“That’s quite a wake-up call,” Wolfe says, rolling over. His arm slinks across my waist.


“I had to get up anyway.”

I turn back over to see his erection poking up under the sheet. It looks so good, and just the sight of it makes me all horny again.

“I see we have a situation.” I motion down to his erection.

“Any ideas of what we can do to contain it?”

“I may have a few.” I wink. I’m becoming less and less shy around Wolfe. After what we did last night, how could I not?

“What did you have in mind?”

“Why don’t I show you?” I say, climbing on top of him.

I kiss his lips and he claims my mouth in that possessive alpha way he’s been kissing me. Like he wants to mark me or can’t get enough of me, and his hunger spikes my own. That and the fact that his erection pulses between my legs.

“Do you want to get a condom?” I ask.

“I like where this is going,” he says, reaching to his side table. He takes out a condom and then I take it from him and sheath his magnificent cock.

And then we are back to kissing. My breasts rub against his chest and it’s such a turn on. He reaches between us under the sheets and rubs my clit with his finger.

“Damn, you’re wet already.” He sounds surprised, but what does he expect when I have him naked in bed with me?

I don’t want to tell him that I think I woke up that way.

I reach down and put his cock inside me and then I ride him.

It feels so good that I tilt my head back and enjoy the ride. When he uses his thumb to circle my clit, I cry out and pick up speed.

My tits start to bounce and Wolfe grabs hold of them and then his thumbs are drawing circles over my nipples and I moan in pleasure.

Another orgasm hits, and somewhere in the back of my mind I know we aren’t alone in this house, but as he lifts his hips and drives into me hard, I am lost to the passion.

“Fuck yeah,” he groans and then he’s jerking inside me. His stomach quakes as he comes and he lets out groan after feral groan, and I continue to ride him because my orgasm is drawing out deliciously, and by the time I fall beside him on the bed we’re both panting.

“I don’t think I need to go to the gym anymore,” he says with a laugh.

“Shoot, I forgot. What time is it?” I lean over the bed and check my phone. “We need to move fast if I’m going to make it home and change.”

I sit on the edge of the bed and put on my prosthesis and that’s when I realize I wasn’t wearing it just now when we had sex. He had to have noticed.

But he doesn’t care,a voice in my head says. I’m not sure I believe her though.

I walk back over to my clothes, which are strewn all over the floor. Wolfe gets out of bed and I can’t help but gaze at him as he walks to the bathroom naked. My mouth feels like it’s agape from looking at the muscles in his back and that perfect behind of his. And I still can’t believe what we just did.

“I know you’re checking me out,” he says from behind the closed door of the bathroom.

“So what if I am?” I laugh.

“Oh, I don’t mind. I love watching your reaction to me.” And even though he’s behind a closed door I blush at his words.

“Cocky,” I whisper.

“I heard that,” he shouts and then I hear the toilet flush. I have to use the bathroom too, but I need to get home and get changed into gym clothes. I’ll shower at school after my time in the gym.

“Just hurry up,” I say. “I can’t be late.”

I finish getting dressed and gather my backpack and jacket.

“I’m waiting for you downstairs,” I call out.

“Coming. I got a gym bag ready. I’ll just get dressed and meet you down there.”

I head out of his room, hoping not to bump into any of his roommates. I know they have to be in the gym in an hour, so they all have time.

I slowly leave Wolfe’s room and begin walking down the upstairs hall when I hear…

“Rebel?” It’s a girl. That much I know.

I turn around to see Tiffany.

“I thought it was you, but then I said to myself that couldn’t be her because she isn’t Wolfe’s type,” she says. Bitch.

“Oh, it’s me, Tiffany,” I say with some bite. “And what would you know about Wolfe’s type?” I’m not usually the type to engage, but she’s grating on my last nerve.

She winces. “I didn’t mean it that way.” She giggles. “You know Wolfe isn’t the type to go for a second round.”

“I don’t think that’s any of your business,” I shoot back.

“True.” She smiles. Her hair is a mess and her mascara is smudged. I’m sure I don’t look much better than her, other than I don’t wear makeup by choice. “I spent the night with Cole,” she says.

“Cool,” I reply.

“He was so drunk,” she says. “But then so was I. It’s funny the things people reveal when they’re drunk, isn’t it?”

“I wouldn’t know. I don’t drink.”

“Too bad. It can be lots of fun. Cole and I had us some wild sex last night.”

My nerves are still tingling from her statement about secrets. What did she mean by that? And I thought she was after Wolfe. She couldn’t get him so she slept with his best friend?

“That’s nice, Tiffany. Look, I’m sorry to cut things short, but I’m in a big rush,” I say.

Wolfe’s bedroom door swings open.

“We heading out?” he asks with his gym bag perched on his shoulder.

He looks at me and I look at Tiffany and then he realizes she is there too. “Oh, I didn’t see you there,” he says to her.

“Spent the night with Cole,” she tells him, like she’s bragging or trying to get a reaction out him.

“Good for you,” he says coolly. Then he looks back to me. “We should head out,” he says.

“Yeah.” I nod.

I turn to leave and Wolfe follows me. Tiffany shouts after us. “I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around.”

“What’s wrong with her?” Wolfe asks me.

“No clue.” I shrug.

We both get our boots on and head to my place.