Heartless Player by R.C. Stephens



We head over to Rebel’s and she seems awfully quiet in the car. I’m learning to read her and right now she looks unsettled.

“Got something on your mind?” I ask her.

“No. Just Tiffany. She rubs me the wrong way.”

“Don’t pay her any attention. She’s a puck bunny. She’s just jealous that we’re together.” I’m not sure where the words come from, but when I say them, I realize how true they are.

Rebel stares at me with her brows drawn together. “What do you mean? I thought you don’t do relationships.”

“I don’t. But, I mean, we’re exclusive and I want you in my bed again,” I say as I pull into her driveway.

“I want to be in your bed again too.” She smiles as she leans in to kiss me. “You should come in. You didn’t eat or drink anything. I can make you a protein shake or some eggs before your workout.”

“Thanks.” I shut off the engine and head inside after her.

“I’m really sorry we didn’t have time to discuss you entering the draft,” she says, bringing up our interrupted conversation from last night.

“Thanks. Maybe tonight,” I say. “Besides, we had more pressing issues.” I wink.

“They definitely were pressing.” She grins, blushing.

“Is it crazy to say I like to see you flushed and blushing?”

Her breathing picks up and her eyes hood over.

“You can’t look at me that way if we’re going to get you to the gym on time,” I tell her and I swat her ass.

She yelps and then we walk into the house. Her sister is awake and something is going on upstairs. She must have the douchebag over.

Rebel looks over at me, the heat in her eyes replaced with worry.

“Let me show you where the protein powder is.” I follow her to the kitchen. “Can you make us both a shake while I get ready?”


She quickly places a couple of bananas and protein powder next to a blender. “There’s ice cubes in the freezer and we should have almond milk in the fridge.” And then there is more shouting from upstairs.

“I’m going to go see what’s going on,” she says.

“I’m going with you.”

“It’s fine. Let me just go check on them. Blossom may not be decent. She’s been strutting around here half naked most of the time since the jerk moved in.” She sighs.

“Okay,” I agree, but I’m on edge. If the guy is using as much as Rebel thinks he is, then he could be a loose cannon.

I start on our shakes, but I don’t turn on the blender just in case so I can hear what’s going on. Rebel heads upstairs and I stand in the kitchen with my arms crossed in front of my chest, waiting.