Heartless Player by R.C. Stephens


I can’t believeI agreed to this. I slink back into my chair in Wolfe and Cole’s kitchen. Rebel eyes me and my guess is she’s telepathically telling me to be nice. I nod. I did agree to this dinner even though she twisted my arm to come here tonight. Her and Wolfe both feel it’s super important for their best friends to get along considering how in love they are. Problem is Cole Davis is a typical jock who hits on me every chance he gets. If I didn’t find him so hot it wouldn’t be a problem. It’s not easy ignoring him when he flirts but I refuse to be another notch on his bedpost or belt or however that stupid saying goes. I’m better than that.

Rebel is talking about her nonexistent plans for summer. And I watch as Wolfe takes her hand in his and just holds it resting on the table. They are too cute. Watching them fall in love has made me crave everything Rebel has. Hot sex, a gorgeous boyfriend who really cares. I just don’t have the time for a relationship. My focus is getting into medical school. Nothing can stand in my way not even the gorgeous hockey player with forest green eyes and the body of an Adonis sitting next to me. Even if he is on his best behavior tonight.

“So what are your plans for the summer?” Wolfe asks me.

I pause mid bite. Wolfe really went out of his way to prepare a nice meal of steaks and mashed potatoes.

“I got an internship working at Westfall General,” I say. I’m pretty sure I told him I got the internship a couple months back but it was after he won a big game so he doesn’t remember. The only reason I remember that night is because I got a little tipsy and accidentally locked lips with Cole.

“Congrats,” Wolfe says. “So what does that involve?”

“I’ll be interning with their Oncology department shadowing the doctors and participating in their current research programs,” I say.

“Cool,” Cole answers. “It’s really badass that you want to be a doctor.”

“Thanks,” I say feeling nervous because I don’t like when people ask me why I chose medicine. I side eye Cole but he isn’t even looking at me he’s enjoying his steak.

I take a sip of my wine and place the glass down and exhale. “When are you moving to New York?” I ask Wolfe because I want to change the subject.

“We start summer boot camp end of July,” he says and then he leans in and gives Rebel a kiss. He ended up entering the draft at number five and as expected was snatched up by the Rangers.

“How about you Cole?” Rebel asks.

It’s funny how hard Wolfe and Rebel are working to force a friendship between Cole and me. I just have nothing in common with Cole. We are night and day.

“I don’t know. My father wants me to intern at his company but it sounds so damn unappealing. Plus I’m going to visit Granny Mae for about a week which I’m really looking forward to,” he smiles and looks at Wolfe.

“I loved visiting with Granny Mae when we were younger. We spent days at the beach plus she’s the best cook ever,” Wolfe says.

“She is the best,” Cole agrees. How sweet.

“So what is your plan for the rest of the summer?” Wolfe asks Cole.

“I don’t know but working for my dad is a last resort,” Cole says.

Wolfe and Rebel look at each other and it’s as if unspoken words pass between them. Then Wolfe shakes his head and they turn back to Cole.

“I may do some sort of training camp. I want to enter the draft next year if I can,” Cole says.

“You can do it,” Wolfe says encouragingly.

“I don’t know. I have my doubts,” Cole says rubbing the back of his hand along the stubble of his jaw line. A very sexy jawline I try not to focus on too much because listening to him being vulnerable does something to my insides.

“We all have our doubts about everything,” Rebel says.

“That is the truth,” Wolfe chimes in.

I place a piece of steak and potatoes on my fork when I feel everyone watching me.

Cole says. “Holland is too smart to have any doubts.”

That’s a really nice compliment. “Very untrue,” I say. “I’m filled with doubt on the daily. Will I have enough experience for my med school applications? Am I good enough to get into medical school? Will I even make a good doctor?” I place my fork down.

“See doubt is normal,” Rebel says.

“Maybe for you guys but for me it’s different,” Cole says. “My dad doesn’t support my hockey career.”

“Neither did mine until like five minutes ago,” Wolfe chimes. Wolfe hadn’t spoken to his dad for years but they put their animosities aside a couple months back and are now working on their relationship.

“You have your dad’s support now plus you have Rebel,” Cole reminds him.

“True,” Wolfe says and he lifts Rebels hand and brings it to his lips.

“They are so cute aren’t they?” Cole asks me with a mocking tone.

“They are cute. Drop the sarcasm,” I say wanting to defend my friend.

“So you’re into all this relationship stuff?” Cole asks.

“Me?” My head rears back like he slapped me. “Hell no,” I say quickly and then remorse for my knee jerk reaction kick in. “No offense guys,” I say to Rebel and Wolfe. “I have to focus on school. I don’t have time for a relationship.”

“Same,” Cole says. “Between hockey and school I have my hands full.”

“Plus managing all those puck bunnies must be really stressful,” I add.

“Stressful? No. That’s the relaxing part.” Cole grins like the Chesire cat.

“Gross,” I mumble.

“At least you’d know I come with lots of experience,” Cole winks.

“Easy there,” Wolfe warns.

“Oh it’s fine. I’ve learned that Cole is all talk,” I say and I wink back at him. Take that hot stuff.

I like taking jabs at Cole. It would help if I could erase the kiss we shared from my mind but the jerk is an excellent kisser. Just the right amount of tongue. And the sparks that erupted in my body. . .

I pick up my cup and take a long sip of water to cool myself down since the wine seems to be going right to my head.

“Sure you keep on believing that beautiful,” Cole says and places a bite of steak in his mouth.

“Stop calling me that,” I argue with him.

“Why? I’m just stating a fact,” he says and then he reaches for his glass of red wine.

He is so annoying.

“Rebel was right you really are a good cook,” I say to Wolfe because my attention needs to be anywhere but the smooth talking hockey player who sees me as a conquest he hasn’t been able to nail. No pun intended.

“Gah!” Rebel groans. “You two just need to get a long.”

Wolfe stands up from the table. “Shit! I forgot the roasted vegetables in the oven.” He walks over to the oven puts an oven mitt on and takes out a dish filled with steaming vegetables.

“That looks really good,” Rebel says.

“Thanks babe,” Wolfe grins at her. They are so crazy in love. I don’t understand how Rebel converted him from heartless player to perfect man.

Wolfe serves the grilled vegetables to each of us.

“I always knew why you made a good roommate,” Cole says to Wolfe. “How will Dec and me survive this year without you?” Cole looks upset and I sympathize. Him and Wolfe have been best friends since grade school. I don’t know what I would do if Rebel moved away even though that may be our reality eventually.

“That’s hard. I don’t know what me and Rebel will do two years from now,” I say trying to extend an olive branch because clearly my friends have worked hard on this evening. I need to put in an effort.

“Or me and Rebel,” Wolfe chimes in.

“I’ll be coming to New York to see you when I can,” she says and she leans in to kiss him again. These two really can’t keep their hands off each other.

“I know what your thinking,” Cole says. I realize his attention is directed at me.

I feel heat crawl up my cheeks.

“You’re thinking these two are ooey gooey in love and you don’t get it. Am I right?” Cole asks.

“I’m not answering that. It’s rude,” I say.

“Well I’m not exactly known for being polite,” he shrugs and then scoops a large pile of roasted vegetables into his mouth.

“You should probably work on that then. Word around campus is that you are a ruthless prick,” I say and then I slap my hand on my mouth. “Sorry.” I look at Rebel. “I can’t believe I said that out loud.” I’ve also heard he’s hung like a stallion. Luckily, I didn’t blurt that.

“It’s fine,” Cole laughs and his shoulders shake with the movement. His laughter is warm and throaty and my eyes drift to his neck where his Adams apple bobs. Why does everything about him have to be so… perfect?

His laughter dies fast and then he’s gripping his neck. “Ah! Guys something is wrong.”

He must be pulling a prank. This guy is never serious about anything.

“What is it?” Wolfe asks him clearly concerned.

“I don’t know. My throat is itchy and it’s hard to breathe,” he gasps.

Shit! He isn’t joking.

I stand up and walk over to him. His lips are blowing up.

“He’s having an anaphylactic reaction,” I say. I walk over to my purse and get my EpiPen. I’ve been allergic to nuts since I was a kid so I carry it with me wherever I go.

“I need to administer my EpiPen on him and then we need to get him to the ER,” I say to Rebel and Wolfe.

Wolfe curses behind me.

“I-I can’t breathe.” Cole grips his neck. He’s is in full blown panic mode when I walk back over to him.

“You need to calm down and breathe slowly. I need to stick this EpiPen which is a little needle in your leg,” I explain. I’ve been through so many first aid courses I’ve just never actually had to carry out what I’ve learned.

“You aren’t sticking anything in me,” Cole says.

“Cole if I don’t there is a chance you’ll stop breathing,” I explain.

“I’m calling 911,” Rebel says dialing on her cell.

“Good idea,” I say.

“Man, just let Holland take care of you,” Wolfe says to him.

“Then I will be indebted to her forever,” he answers and then he starts making a choking noise.

Fuck this.I take the EpiPen and stab him in the leg. Cole howls and I hold it there for fifteen seconds as directed.

When I pull it out he watches me carefully. “Are you okay?” I ask him.

He nods.

Wolfe and Rebel rush to get him his shoes. Rebel passes me mine.

“The EMS should be here in a couple minutes,” Rebel says.

“My heart is beating like a mile a minute,” Cole says and he looks worried and scared.

“It’s because I just basically injected you with adrenaline. That’s a normal feeling. It is also keeping your heart beating and your airways open until we can get you to the hospital,” I explain.

“Give me your hand,” he commands.

I give him my hand because I can see he is seriously freaked out. His hand feels warm and clammy in mine.

“You’re going to be fine,” I say looking into his green eyes.

“You sure about that?” he asks and I see sweat prickling his forehead too.

“Yes,” I nod.

“The EMS are here,” Rebel says and she opens the front door.

I quickly tell the first responder what happened and they load Cole up on a stretcher and check his vitals.

We follow them outside.

“I’ll drive behind the ambulance,” Wolfe says.

“You’re coming with me beautiful. I’m not going in that thing by myself,” Cole says. He sounds vulnerable and wait. . .did he just call me beautiful again?

“Is that okay?” Rebel asks me.

“Of course,” I say. I climb into the ambulance with Cole and take a seat beside his stretcher.

“Hand,” he demands looking at me.

I give it back to him and he holds on tight. Something inside my chest squeezes but I push it aside. I wanted a hook up a few months back and so I hooked up with someone from the football team. I went in knowing it was just a hook up and it was fun but it wasn’t mind blowing and that was enough for me. With two more years left of pre-med I need to keep myself free and clear of relationships. Not that Cole Davis is relationship material.

“How are his vitals?” I ask the first responder.

“Stable. It’s good you administered the Epinephrine. We should be arriving at the hospital in about three minutes,” he says.

“Thank you,” I say to him. Then I look at Cole. “You’re going to be just fine.”

“Thanks to you,” he says and his gaze lingers on me in a weird way.

“It was nothing,” I assure him. I plan on becoming a doctor. I don’t know what specialty I want to specialize in but I plan on saving people every day. It’s what I’ve wanted to do since I found out my mom was sick and then when she died it became like an obsession.

We arrive to hospital and Cole is carted away to be examined. Wolfe and Rebel walk over to me, “how is he doing?” they both ask.

I tell them, “he’s being very unCole like.”

“What does that mean?” Rebel asks.

“His vitals are stable so take a breath,” I assure both of them.

“So why was he being weird?” Wolfe asks.

I look at my best friends boyfriend. “He was being sweet. He called me beautiful and wanted to hold my hand.”

Wolfe blows out a breath. “Oh.”

“Oh?” I ask.

“Yeah,” Wolfe says.

“Well what is that supposed to mean?” I ask.

“Nothing,” Wolfe says. He’s being weird and evasive himself.

I look to Rebel for answers and she shrugs but only because I think she doesn’t have a clue.

Okay fine then. “I’m going over to my daddy’s department. I might as well say hi since I’m here. Keep me posted on Cole,” I say to the two of them.

They agree and I walk off but I have this strange feeling in my chest. I’m worried about Cole obviously that was scary but what I don’t like is the way Cole needed me. The way he wanted me to assure him and be there for him. It makes me think that he is more than a jock wanting to get into my pants. I give my head a shake needing to stay focused. Cole Davis get out of my head.

Coming Fall 2021