Heartless Player by R.C. Stephens


I want to thank you my wonderful readers for taking your time which I know is precious to read my latest novel. I hope you fell in love with Rebel an Wolf as much as I did. Thank you to all the bloggers who signed up to promote, read and spread word about Heartless Player. You are all so selfless and amazing. Your dedication is truly inspiring.

I also want to thank Grey’s Promotions for doing such a great job on getting word out on Heartless Player.

Another big thanks to my agent extraordinaire, Stephanie DeLamater Phillips. You always go above and beyond.

Thank you to my wonderful editor Shauna Stevenson for taking such care with this manuscript.

Thank you to Christina Gwin for your eagle eyes on proofreading.

To Sarah Hansen my cover designer, you knocked this one out of the park on the first try. I am so in love with this cover.

It really does take a community to bring a book together and my team is truly the best.