Princess for the Alien Commander by Tammy Walsh


The female Druiddancer was the embodiment of sex and every eye was glued to her.

I admired her seductive rolling hips and smoky eyes, her thick raven hair that fell in waves over her shoulders, and perfectly formed ass.

I was as enthralled as everyone else present.

But when she held out her hand for Ikmale to take, and when he reciprocated and allowed her to lead him forward with barely even a glance in my direction, I began to seethe.

The temptress rolled her body against his and placed his hands on her hips as she reached up and felt at his horns.

I folded my arms and glared at the two of them.

Sure, I was pissed at the Druid dancer, but she was a performer.

Ikmale didn’t have to dance with her.

He didn’t have to put his hands on her like that.

He didn’t have to be enjoying it so God damn much.

I glanced at the locals to see if they were staring at me, embarrassed for me, and was surprised when I found no one looking at me.

They were all transfixed on her.

Her and him.

What was wrong with them?

Didn’t they know a good item to gossip about when they saw one?

Fuming with fury, I wanted to get up and stomp back to my room but was afraid of annoying the Druids.

I knew how important they were to the kauah and leaving abruptly like that would no doubt sour their attitude toward me.

I had agreed to pass myself off as Ikmale’s wife.

I doubted storming off now during a holy event would help imbue them with much trust in me.

And so, feeling like an utter fool, I sat there stewing on it, watching without really watching.

This was never part of the deal!

I was never supposed to sit there and watch him dancing with his mistress.

Yes, his mistress!

There was no doubt in my mind about that.

It was in the way they looked at each other, the way they moved and interacted, seeming to always know what each other’s next move was going to be…

This was not part of our bargain!

I didn’t want to be humiliated in front of everyone!

When the dance finally came to an end, with Ikmale holding the dancer’s hand and them bowing toward those watching, everyone whooped and roared, cheering with applause.

Everyone but me.

I didn’t care if anyone noticed I wasn’t clapping.

When Ikmale returned and fell into his chair, he let out a gasp, still sweating from his exertions.

“That was really something. Do you think—”

“I’m going to bed,” I snapped, rushing into the castle before he could respond.

I was swarmed by the locals as they headed toward the front entrance.

I ran up the stairs and into my bedroom.

I hastily stripped off my clothes, dumped them on the floor, and jumped in the shower.

I wanted to scrub the evening off me, to relieve myself of the emotions I’d been building up for him, his sweet smile, and incredible body.

His obvious love for his people—so totally at odds with the king’s feelings towards his own—and kindness toward the children and the locals was—

Stop it!

Stop torturing yourself and thinking about him that way!

I scrubbed at my skin with the hard sponge, my skin red raw by the time I was done.

The bruises ached, blossoming and burning darker.

It was okay.

I wanted to feel the pain.

This was all a ruse.

That was the agreement, wasn’t it?

To fool his people?

I turned the shower off and removed my makeup.

I cursed myself for not removing it before I got in the shower.

It was runny and now took me longer to wash off.

I’d been too enraged to think clearly.

Lethargy and disappointment battled within me for supremacy.

I struggled to contain the emotions and the way my mother had always taught me.

“Better to control your emotions so no one can ever guess how you’re really feeling on the inside,” she’d said.

But boy, was it difficult!

I returned to my bedroom naked and dug in the chest of drawers for my silk nightie Camila had managed to source for me.

I took great comfort in its smooth coolness.

I switched the light off and slipped beneath the covers, knowing I would dream about him dancing with her tonight whether I wanted to or not.

I fluffed up my pillow, slamming my fist into it harder than necessary.

“Keep doing that and you’re not going to have much of a pillow left.”

I snapped around at the voice and found Ikmale perched in the armchair in the corner.

“What the hell are you doing in here?” I growled.

“We’re supposed to be married, remember? Last time I checked, that meant sleeping in the same bed.”

“I told you, that’s not part of our deal!”

“I didn’t say it was. But they have to think we’re being intimate.”

“Well, we can take a night off!” I spat. “Leave!”

He seemed surprised by my reaction.

“You didn’t have a good day?” he said.

The day was great.

It was the evening that caused the damn problem!

“I had a wonderful day, thank you,” I said through gritted teeth before slamming my head on the pillow and turning my back to him.

He was silent for a long moment before I heard the rustle of a book page.

I bolted up and glared back at him.

“If you’re going to read, go read in your own room!”

“And let everyone think I’m incapable of satisfying my wife? I don’t think so.”

“Leave!” I growled. “Leave! Now!”

He put the book down.

“Did I do something to upset you?”

That had to be the most obvious question of the century right there!

“I just want to get some sleep!” I said. “It was a long day.”

And you hurt me more than you could possibly understand.

He ran his eyes over me and something stirred in him.

“As you wish.”

He placed the book on the coffee table and shut the door gently behind himself.

I growled and slammed my head back on the pillow, my entire body stiff with rage.

I would have screamed if there was no one around to hear it.

The last thing I needed was for Ikmale or his servants to come rushing in to my aid.

I rolled over and got comfortable again.

I tossed and turned, knowing I wouldn’t find sleep for hours now.

Thanks a lot, you cheating asshole!

Every time I shut my eyes, I saw their writhing bodies against the blazing fire’s backdrop.

Him, with his big broad grin on his face, and her, rubbing herself against him, her hands finding his horns, their faces less than three inches apart—

I bolted upright.

Wait a minute…

If she was his mistress and in the castle right now, the chances were she would be in his bedroom.

Right now.

Waiting for him.

And hadn’t he left a little too quickly?

That was why he rushed to leave my bedroom so fast!

She was waiting in his bed for him right now!

And what red-blooded male wouldn’t hurry back to her?

I threw my legs over the side and found my fluffy pink slippers.

They thought they could embarrass me!

Well, two can play at that game, Sunny Jim!

I would hurry to his room and discover them in each other’s arms.

I would scream and get his servants’ attention to show them all just what kind of leader they had!

Excited by the chance for vengeance, I slipped on my robe, cracked the door open, and checked for any sound of someone passing by.

I heard nothing and hurried down the hall.

I crossed the thick carpets until I reached the far end.

Ikmale’s bedroom was at the end.

It made me sick to think of them meeting up for their illicit liaison so close to my room!

The nerve of this guy…

Well, it would be me that got the last laugh!

I reached for the door handle and paused when I heard a noise.

“Yes… Yes…”

A breathy gasp from none other than Ikmale’s own throat!

Hearing it made my mouth turn dry.

Proof, if proof be needed.

I crouched and peered through the keyhole.

I made out his bare legs lying atop his bed.

No doubt she was servicing him right now.

My stomach churned like an old cement mixer—worse even than my jam sandwich feast earlier.

My hand shook as I reached for the door handle.

Despite the certainty of knowing I would be vindicated, I was still hesitant about proving myself right.

I had to do this.

I had to see he was no good.

I had to prove to myself that despite all the evidence today, he wasn’t the kind-hearted leader I thought he was.

Then and only then could I bring myself to forget about him, to turn my back on him and the fragile sapling emotions that’d begun to sprout in my heart.

I took a deep breath, depressed the handle, and shoved the door open.

“Aha! I got you!” I yelled, victorious finger raised and jabbing at the lovers—

Except, there were no lovers.

Only Ikmale lying naked in bed, his hand wrapped tightly around his huge quivering cock, and his equally large eyes gawping at me in shock.

He hastily reached for the blankets and tugged them over himself.

“What are you doing?”

Momentarily shaken, I refused to be put off.

I dropped to my knees and peered under the bed, knowing with absolute certainty she would be on the other side.

But she wasn’t on the other side.

“Well?” he said, staring at me.

I cast about the room.

There were curtains!


And the bathroom!

Plenty of places for her to hide!

I ran to each in turn, flicking on the light switches and throwing the wardrobe doors open.

I even felt for a solid body inside.

Ikmale sat up.

“What’s going on? Have you lost it?”

The balcony!

I ran to it and peered over the side.

She would be clinging to the side of the building, I thought.

Edging along it toward the next window…

But the next window was far off and there was simply no way she could have crossed the narrow ledge in less than the time it took for me to search the room.

Then maybe she dropped down to the balcony below?

Nice idea, but it was a hundred foot drop with no other balconies in sight.

I turned back to the room and marched inside.

Ikmale sat perched on his arms, his throbbing member poking at the blankets from below.

“What the hell is going on?” he said. “Are we under attack?”

In a way,I thought. My sanity is well under siege!

“I… thought someone would be here,” I said, my voice small and lost.


“It doesn’t matter who!” I growled. “Just… someone. Never mind.”

I stomped across the room toward the door but Ikmale reached it first, his hand slamming it shut.

“You’re not going anywhere until you explain what’s going on!”

“Out of my way!”

I moved to shoulder past him but he shifted his weight and his cock waved with the movement.

I swallowed, my throat suddenly very dry.

“Will you please get out of the way?” I said.

I hated the pleading sound in my voice.

“Not until you explain why you’ve been acting strangely all night.”

It was very distracting having him standing so close, his bulging muscles a feast for the eyes.

His skin sparkled with diamonds that appeared embedded in his pale blue flesh, his golden irises glinting in the moonlight.

His huge cock stared up at me.

“Who did you think would be in my room?” he repeated.

“I… It doesn’t matter. I was wrong. Now can I please—”

I moved to grab the door handle but he blocked my way again.

My hand brushed his chest and I really wished it hadn’t.


My mouth flapped open like a fish out of water.

“I… I don’t know…”

He pressed himself closer.


Seeing no way out, I shut my eyes and spoke in barely a whisper:

“The Druid.”

His brow knitted together in confusion.

“The Druid?”

Then his expression broke and a smile lit his face.

“You mean Meyeth. Why did you think she would be here?”

Wasn’t it obvious?

How could he be so dense?

Then he had the gall to chuckle!

He laughed at me!

“Oh. I see.”

I snapped.

It was one thing to prove I was wrong, quite another to make fun of it.

“Well, you were dancing like a pair of lovers out there! Everyone was thinking the same thing!”

“It’s a traditional Druid dance. Everyone knows it’s nothing.”

“Not everyone! The way you moved, the way you always knew what she was going to do next… It’s obvious you’ve spent time with her!”

“It’s the only part of the dance that has moves you can learn,” he said softly. “Every kid studies it at school. It’s not a big deal.”

My cheeks burned red and I knew I should have admitted I was wrong but I just couldn’t do it.

“Well, your hands were all over her!”

He shrugged.

“Part of the dance.”

“And hers were all over you! Did she really need to touch you like that?”

Another shrug.

“Also part of the dance.”

I opened my mouth to shoot another one at him but found I was out of things to complain about.

I folded my arms.

“Well, you didn’t need to look like you enjoyed it so damn much!”

“I was having a good time. A Druid ceremony is not common. The last one we had was… I don’t know, maybe ten, fifteen years ago. Everybody was enjoying themselves.”

“I wasn’t!”

I turned away from him and folded my arms under my breasts.

My nose stung and knew within three seconds—

Oh, here they come.

The tears squeezed themselves between my lids and rolled down my face.

I wiped them away in an effort to pretend they had never happened.

Ikmale stepped closer and ran his finger under my chin and tilted my head up so I was looking him in the face.

“I thought you weren’t going to let yourself get close?”

“I wasn’t. I’m not. I’m just—”


I glared at him, looking for any sign of mockery in his tone of voice or expression but didn’t find it.

“Do you want to know the truth?” Ikmale said.


“If I didn’t dance with Meyeth, you would have to dance with the Chieftain. It’s the same kind of dance with the same touching, the same feeling—”

I turned away from him as images of him dancing with her flashed once again.

He cupped my face in his hands, his lips so close I could feel the heat of his breath on my skin.

“But I could never have watched you dance with him like that.”

My knees felt weak and that tumbling sensation in the pit of my stomach returned with a vengeance.

“I… I… couldn’t have danced with him anyway. I didn’t know the moves.”

It was a pitiful excuse, and I was still knocked for six by his admonition.

“Even so. I would have felt insanely jealous of him for touching you like that. Even if he was Meyeth’s husband.”

“Wait. What?”

“Meyeth is married to the Chieftain. They’re husband and wife.”

“His… wife?” I said, my lips trembling now.

Ikmale nodded.

“I didn’t know that.”

His natural scent was so strong it was overpowering.

Pure unadulterated masculinity.

It didn’t help that he didn’t wear a single stitch of clothing, that his hard cock pressed into my hip.

Like a puppy begging for attention…

“I… I guess I should be heading back to my room now,” I said, though my head was clogged up with unsavory thoughts.

“Yes, you should,” Ikmale said.

But I didn’t move for the door.

Instead, he drew closer until his presence was so all-encompassing that I could barely think.

He dragged his lips smoothly over my cheek, nose, and forehead.

Boy, I really want them on me…

“I was thinking about your rule,” he said.

“What rule?”

“Your intimacy rule. Maybe we don’t need to follow it all the time. Maybe not even every day… What do you think?”

I nodded, melting like putty in his hands.

“That sounds… good.”

He tugged the thin spaghetti strap of my nightie off my shoulder and kissed me where it’d sat just a moment ago.

He did the same with the other shoulder and, like magic, it slipped down my body and puddled at my feet.

He buried his lips on mine and that was when the rule was not only broken but torn to shreds.