Princess for the Alien Commander by Tammy Walsh


I first sawher naked body when she emerged from the bathroom and froze in an instant.

I’d entered when she was in the shower and, not wanting to wait outside in the hallway of what was meant to be our shared bedroom, I opted to sit in the armchair instead.

She bent over to find a silk nightie in a drawer and given me a full view of what she sported underneath her fancy clothes and tough demeanor.

It had ignited in me a fire that’d sparked long ago.

I admired the smooth perfection of her feminine curves.

My cock grew hard and I glanced toward the door.

Could I creep out before she knew I was there?

She climbed into her bed and began to pummel it into non-existence.

I quickly discovered she was angry at me but for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why.

Picturing her naked under the blankets didn’t help and I was forced to leave her bedroom as quickly as possible.

I paced up and down my room trying to figure out why she was so angry at me and if it was a smart thing to do when we needed to convince others we were a married couple.

I pulled up sharp.

Perhaps that was her plan—which married couple didn’t argue?

But no.

If that was her plan, why would she perform the act in a room without an audience?

It didn’t make any sense.

I got ready for bed and got comfortable, but no matter what I did to try and relax, my cock simply wouldn’t quit.

With no other solution, and the memory of her hot body still crystal clear in my mind, I took myself in hand and began to stroke.

I was transported back to her room, only this time, I did what I was so desperate to do at the time, and crossed the room, slipped under the covers, and explored her body.

In my fantasy, she didn’t protest for long and quickly succumbed to my affections.

It might not be realistic, I thought, but it was my fantasy and it would happen any damn way I pleased!

That was when she burst into the room, her eyes filled with fiery hate.

And when I saw the opportunity to act on my earlier desires, I seized it.

Her lips were softer than I imagined, her body smoother than silk.

I squeezed her pert nipples between my fingers but it wasn’t enough.

I bent down and took it in my mouth instead and flicked it with my tongue.

She sighed and drew me toward her.

I seized great handfuls of her ass the way I had only dreamt about for days on end.

In the mirror, I caught our reflection and was mesmerized once more by her naked flesh and the smooth contours of her lines starkly in contrast with the straight square lines of my own body.

She was so feminine where I was so masculine.

I imagined our bodies entwined, her pink flesh against my sparkling blue, entwined in positions I had only ever fantasized about.

I scooped her up in my arms and she buried her lips on mine once again as I carried her easily over to the bed.

Just a moment ago, I had been fantasizing about her alone in my room and now, I had her in real life, all to myself.

I wondered how real life would stack up.

She surprised me when she crawled across the bed and sat with her back against the headboard.

She widened her legs apart and, with my jaw solidly on the floor, slipped her fingers inside herself.




“I’ve seen you touch yourself,” she said, keeping her eyes on me, “it’s only fair you see me.”

My cock grew so hard it was painful.

I growled as I crawled on the bed toward her, licking at her nipples and kissing her passionately as she worked at herself.

She groaned in pleasure.

I wasn’t sure if it was because of me or herself, but I would soon know.

I knocked her hand aside and buried my face in her pussy.

I slurped on her delicious juices, already dripping wet and ready for me to enter her.

It was too much.

I flipped her over and pinned her to the bed beneath my weight.

There would be plenty of time to savor her later.

She screamed as I slammed hard into her from behind.

Her little stunt had driven me wild, so she would have to suffer the fruit of it.

Her hands scrabbled at the blankets as I drove inside her, my hips smacking against the back of her thighs.

She surprised me once again as she leaned up onto her hands and pressed back against me.

The harder I fucked her, the harder she bounced back against me.

Soon, I was pummeling her with full force, driving a pained moan from her throat with each thrust.

She drove me wild.

This was nothing like my fantasies.

It was far better.

In my fantasies, she’d been as she had been most of the time I’d known her—demure and respectful.

The subordinate princess.

Instead, she was as dominant as I was.

I leaned over her and reached around to rub at her clit as I ground deep inside her.

My hips pressed against the back of her thighs…

And then I dug deeper.

She half-groaned, half-hissed as she took me.

I reached up with a hand and lifted her chin so she could look into the mirror at us.

“Watch. I want you to watch as I fuck you.”

She opened her eyes and did as I commanded.

I grabbed her by the hips and slammed hard into her, harder, faster, deeper, even rising into a squatting position so I could attack her from another angle.

She screamed as she came and I felt her pussy tightening around me in convulsing waves.

She flopped down on the bed, gasping for oxygen, but if she thought she was going to escape punishment that way, she was in for a shock.

I repositioned her legs so they lay directly behind me.

I lay on top of her in a press-up position and drove all my weight and energy into my cock and between her legs.

She stiffened again as I pummeled her, pausing only to grind deeper.

In my fantasy, I’d been concerned about her size, about being able to fit inside her, but now, driven wild by her sexuality, I bore no such concern.

I had only one goal and that was to enjoy her and pleasure her in equal measure.

I went to town, working so hard I built up a sweat—a tough thing for a kauah to achieve—and slowed down and stopped only when I could pump no longer.

I eased off her, needing to recover before I began the next round.

Sofia was slow in getting up, but instead of needing to rest, she crawled on top and slid me inside her once more.

As she rode me, I reached up and grasped her breasts and pinched her nipples.

She groaned enthusiastically as she drove herself on me, harder and faster.

She moaned and arched her back.

I peered into the mirror, watching her from a new angle.

The sight of her on top, her hands back, entwined in her hair as she ground against me, drawing herself to her climax, brought out my own orgasm.

I filled her to the brim, my hips thrusting inside her savagely.

Into my fake wife, smashing her intimacy rule into a thousand pieces.

“How was it for you?”Sofia asked, leaning her chin on my chest and peering up at me as if she were the innocent one in all this.

“Surprising,” I said.

“Surprising how?”

“I never expected a princess to be so sexual.”

Sofia chuckled and placed her cheek on my chest.

“Well, I’ve only been a princess for a few days. Before that… Well, let’s just say expectations are different among the common people.”

“A good thing too,” I said. “I thought I was going to have to educate you.”

Sofia grinned and leaned the point of her chin on my chest once more.

“The old teacher and student role-play, huh?”

I cocked an eyebrow at her.

“I think I would enjoy that.”

I felt my cock begin to stir once again.

Was there anything this girl could say that didn’t turn me on?

I doubted it.

Then something she said came back to me.

“What do you mean you’ve only been a princess for a few days?”

“Before my mother died, I thought my memories of living on Fod were fantasies from reading fairy stories when I was young.”

“You didn’t know you were born into royalty?”

“Not a clue. I mean, there were signs now that I think about it but nothing that stood out at the time. You don’t think things like that are real. Sure, I had dreams and wished I was from a rich family but that’s all they were. Fantasies. The truth turned out to be very different from what I expected.”

Her tone was sad but not self-pitying.

I admired her strength.

“Where were you before all this?” I asked.

“Planet Greyang.”

I flinched.

“Not the best location in the galaxy.”

“How can it be, living on the very fringes of the galaxy? That was why my mom chose to live there in the first place. She figured my father would never think to come looking for us there.”

“Neither would I.”

“Want to know the funny thing?”


“I think my father did know we were out there.”

I frowned at her and leaned my head to one side to get a better look at her expression and see if she was being serious or not.

“Why do you say that? If he knew where you were, he would send soldiers to take you back to the palace.”

“I don’t think he would. I’ve gotten to know him a little. I think he would enjoy us struggling out there. It was always a mystery why the king took so long to send reinforcements to reclaim our planet after the dras—”

Sofia pulled herself up sharp.

“What?” I said.


I thought over what she’d already let slip—the fact her father had taken so long to send help to Greyang.

Why would he do that if he knew his wife and child were there?

Surely even the king wasn’t capable of doing such a disgusting act on purpose?

But I knew him well enough to know he was perfectly capable of such cruelty.

I ran my fingers around Sofia’s bruises, ensuring not to cause her pain.

“They don’t hurt as bad as they look,” she said.

“He did this to you, didn’t he?” I said, trying my utmost to quell the anger rising in the back of my throat.

“He did it right before we got married.”

I bit off the expletive that almost escaped my lips.

The fury I felt was matched only by my pity for Sofia and the difficult life she must have led.

Nothing like the pampered existence I’d assumed she’d enjoyed.

No one so sweet and kind should have to put up with such a difficult life.

It was a wonder she’d managed to remain as sweet as she had.

I guess it must come from good parenting—at least from her mother.

“I was having doubts about marrying you,” Sofia said, “and… well, I didn’t want to marry someone I didn’t know. Especially my father’s enemy. I tried so hard to please him I… I guess I’m a disappointment to everyone.”

I made a silent vow that one day I would make the king pay.

One day, I would be the one with the whip hand over him.

That was if Sofia couldn’t bring herself to hand out punishment herself.

Either way, the king was past due for a good hiding.

But Sofia didn’t need to hear me say that.

She needed care and love and attention, and I doubted she’d gotten much of that over the years—even with her mother and Camila at her side.

“Those days are over now,” I said softly and gently pecking her on the cheek. “So long as you’re with me, I will never let anything happen to you. You will never want for anything, never need to struggle ever again. And that’s whether or not you decide to stay with me.”

Sofia looked on the edge of saying something, her mouth mouthed the words but the words didn’t come out.

I wondered what they were but decided not to ask.

She would tell me, in her own time.

I leaned forward and pressed my lips to hers.

Her hand reached down and stroked me.

It didn’t take long for me to be at full mast.

She swung her legs over me and slid me inside her, grimacing and groaning in equal parts pain and pleasure.

“You’re hurting me already,” she said. “But it’s a good kind of hurt.”

She arched her back, tossed her hair, and began to ride me once more.