His Mark by B.L. Brooks



My back is killing me,my patience running thin all thanks to the assholes always filling my shop. And if Jake doesn’t stop twitching every time I highlight the pair of tits he insisted I add to the design of his wife, I have a sinking feeling I’m going to stab him with my gun—with no regret.

I’ve been up since three this morning, working on something that’s held this shop together through the economic slumps over the years. But being forced to buy out my partner at a time I didn’t have free cash to throw around, wasn’t all that ideal.

It took me places I swore I’d never go since walking away from my family long ago. But when I went to my brother, Mateo, with my hat in my hand and no other place to turn, he took me in based on a set of conditions.

But problem is, when you’re born into a mob family and have some lofty, naive fucking ideas about escaping the dark side of it, you should make sure your slut of an ex-wife isn’t blowing your partner every chance she can get.

After the divorce, I came out on top and only from my brother’s own doing. Mateo was so pissed, he gave me two options which involved either killing my ex-wife and partner or paying the fuck’s off to clear my shop and own it free and clear.

Though that’s when conditions came into play. Mateo only agreed to help in return of me laundering his dirty money through Mural. I only accepted on the contingency we split profits 50/50. I’m the one going under if we get caught and my brother is well aware, so he accepted without a complaint.

“Fuck. Vance!”

“Shut up, Jake,” I mutter, concentrating on my steady hand even though something’s nudging me to look up. I get the sense someone’s staring, and after a few times of looking up to find just Jake, I rather not see that sight again.

“Come on, man. This shit fucking hurts. How much longer?”

“It’s been ten minutes, asshole. At this rate, it’s going to take another four fucking years,” I grumble, disgust dripping from my tone as for a UFC fighter, Jake sure is a pussy.

“Just finish up this line and we’re good. I gotta go anyway. You know Maggie’s expecting date night tonight, pain in my ass.” He doesn’t sound thrilled over the idea of spending time with his wife. Makes me wonder why he’s having me ink her on him.

That feeling inside comes back, telling me to look up. And this time, I do. Finding Jade talking to a small woman at the front counter—and Jake can thank his fucking stars I hold back from shoving the gun right into him and bail.

My lungs seize, everything below my chest going hard and rearing at me to take...take her now. Get this angel upstairs to the loft where I can keep her safe, protecting her, never letting anyone to see her beauty again.

My mind is now stuck on this little strawberry-blonde, possessing a body that’s making me want to throw my head back and groan.

She can’t be more than…fuck, please just let her be legal I beg, my balls refusing to give a damn about age when all they seek is release.

The girl is short, probably wouldn’t even reach my shoulders in heels. And that body…it’s the most contradictory perfection I’ve seen. Flat stomach, tight curves, slim waist…flawless.

Those thighs are toned but far from thin. Her ass looking like a soft bubble I need to sink my teeth into along with those tits of hers. God help me. Her bust carrying the perfect handful as I bet those tits are soft, firm, topped with candy pink nipples.

“Maggie’s gonna kill me if I’m late.”

“Shut up,” I growl, watching as Jade smiles at the glowing angel, taking her through ink ideas at front counter.

I’ll finish this tat up and move on to the little girl who’s to come to me.

Please, just let her be of age…that’s all I’m asking or I’m in deep shit here.

Because now that she’s entered my head, I don’t know if I can get her out.

“There. Done,” I grumble. “For now.” We barely made it through the first tit. I clean up the tat and apply the ointment and film, then give Jake a nod.

“Thanks, Vance. I’ll be back next week,” he tells me, hiking my annoyance with him as I’m sick of seeing him around.

“Great.” My bitter tone slips out as Jake ignores it, heading off to go fulfill his night of misery with his woman. I just don’t get the guy.

Snapping off my gloves, I find my angel has disappeared. I stand, not bothering to clean my equipment yet as I have this sinking feeling I know where Jade took my girl, and the thought makes me want to kill someone.

Not Vic. Not that playboy, charming little shit. Although I’m suddenly glad she’s no longer standing up front as I remember the assholes hanging around up there.

Stalking forward, I grab Vic’s curtain, ripping it back just as the little angel is trying to hop up on the table, her perfect tits jiggling in her tight shirt.

Fuck me.

“No,” I snarl, giving Vic a glare that dares him to argue with me. He knows better.

Taking the angel in from head to toe, I’m losing my fucking mind a girl so perfect is in such a dark place like my shop.

“If anyone’s touching this virgin’s skin, it’s me,” I grumble, gently grabbing the girl’s small hand, guiding her across the aisle as we move into my station, yanking the curtains closed behind me.

“Uh, hi,” she says all flustered, looking up at me as she’s even more beautiful so close. I get a clear shot of the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen. They’re hazel, the kind of color you don’t often find due to the blue and green surrounding her irises.

In short, she’s utterly breathtaking…I can hardly breathe taking her in. “I assume the other guy is busy?” she asks, her soft, melodic voice turning my already hard cock into a shaft of steel, pulsing behind my zipper.

It’s a blessing my jeans are loose fit or this girl would already be scared half to death.

“He is now,” I grunt, stepping closer and picking her up as I set her down on my table. I tower over the angel, practically spreading her thighs as my hips graze her knees.

I can’t help it. I want in there…and short of doing that and embracing the very animal I am, I’ll settle for getting as close to the girl as I can get.

“Name, angel,” I rasp, taking a deep breath, closing my eyes as I’m hit with vanilla and a hint of something flowery.


“Nina. My name’s Nina. And uh, I’m supposed to get a tattoo today,” she tells me softly, her eyes fixed on a point of my chest as if she’s afraid to look up again.

But I need to see those hidden eyes to go on.

I reach down, tipping her chin up as her hazel eyes are forced up to mine.

“A tattoo, huh?” I smirk at the idea of touching this perfect canvas. Being the only one to ever get his hands on her beautiful, flawless skin.

“Yes, sir. Signed the forms and everything,” she says nervously, messing with her bottom lip.

As much as I want to do something about it, I need to show some restraint. Even though, the girl is most likely eighteen since Jade let her back here. But just to be sure for my own conscience, I’m checking before we go any further.

“I.D, angel.” I keep my hold beneath her chin til she pulls back, beginning to fumble in her jean pocket as I watch. After a little struggle at first, she removes a card out and hands it over.

“Looks like we just turned eighteen, now did we?” I ask, scanning the card as my cock pulses at the thought of this girl getting a permanent mark from the work of my hands.

“You got it.” She glances down, appearing as if she’s holding back tears as she sits in front of me.

“You lose someone, angel?” I ask softly, my chest aching as she slowly nods back. As sad as it can be, it’s not uncommon to find a young girl to come walking in when a loved one passes.

“My grandparents…my gramps just passing on last week,” she whispers, her voice hoarse with unshed tears. “It’s just me now and I thought…I thought this could help. So I figured I’d get a little mark, maybe like a tiny finch.”

I look down to find her pointing at her wrist, making me wonder if she knows how painful of a spot that can be for most people. Its soft and tender skin only makes it all the more sensitive for a first-timer.

But this mark seems to be an important one to her, so I’m willing to give this angel whatever it is she wants in order to keep her close—and happy.

“A small finch for your grandpa?”

“And grams. It was their favorite bird,” Nina says, peering up at me. “It’s small and simple.”

“I can do small and simple.” I nod, reaching for my stool.

Seated, I stay close, towering over her still as she’s such a small little thing. “Before we get started, you should know some people aren’t cut out for this and—”

“Well I am,” she’s quick to jump in. “I can do this. I need to do this,” she whispers in her soft voice.

I tilt my head slightly. “Need it?”

“For tonight…I just…” she trails off, making me want to grab the girl and cradle her, kissing away her waves of pain.

“You just what, angel?” I nudge gently, waiting patiently as her cheeks turn pink.

“I just…I need something to help. Something to help me for when I go home all alone again and take on another sleepless night. Now that I’ve made it this far, I’m not leaving without something.”

And I couldn’t agree more with those lost hazel eyes.