His Mark by B.L. Brooks



I feellike an idiot admitting my reasons for wanting a tattoo to the man supposedly now giving me my tattoo. Though I frown, realizing I don’t even know his name. But I want to.

And I’m glad he showed up when he did as I was having second thoughts when reaching Vic’s station. When I realized he was going to be the one touching me, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go through with this after all. He’s a good looking guy with a pearly white smile, but there was a twinkle in his eyes that made me feel like he was no good.

“I’m sorry for your loss, angel.” I look up, finding electric blue eyes on me, sending sparks through my veins as his eyes pierce mine. I want to reach out and touch him, stroking my hand over that rugged stubble and feeling it against my skin. If I wasn’t so shy, I’d maybe have the courage to look at him and try it…

“Thanks. I just keep telling myself I should be happy for gramps as he missed my grams so much.” I keep trying to see the bright side to the gloom. “But uh, on another note. What’s your name?”

He gives me a gentle nod, understanding my peace. “Vance,” he answers with a grin. “Vance Calvecio.”

“Vance,” I repeat back softly, smiling as I like the sound of it. “I like it.”

A smirk runs his lips firm. “Well, a relief that is, angel. It’d be a shame if you didn’t like the sound of the only name you’ll be moaning or crying out till death due us part, that’s if I get my fucking way.”

His words don’t register at first, but the second they do, my body feels flushed as my nerves come alive, my core clenching at what was just said…moaning…crying?

“Oh, don’t look so scared. Just being honest with you, angel,” he grunts, distancing himself as he begins cleaning his equipment.

“Honest? About…m-me and you?” I ask, stuttering out a squeak.

“I like the sound of that,” he grunts, his nostrils flaring. “Fuck, I really like the sound of that, Nina.” His groans escape out as he palms the front of his jeans, causing me to swallow a gulp.

I’m hot. My nipples are stiff and on the verge of throbbing as I take on emotions I’ve never felt. I’ve never truly been into sex…

At first, I thought it was from me being such a late bloomer in life. But then I thought maybe it could’ve been how I was raised all those years by my loving grandparents.

But now, watching Vance handle his thing, I think I’ve never felt this way before because all those times before, it was never really him.

Something about Vance brings me to feel safe behind closed curtains.

And though his eyes are hard, I can see a softer side deep inside of there. But right now I need to stay focused. It’s not like the guy is flirting with me…he can’t possibly be serious. Plus, men get erections all the time for no good reason so this can’t be about me. It just can’t.

We even look like we come from two different worlds. I can’t possibly be his type.

“The uh, tattoo,” I mumble, steering us back as my sex begins to clench. I fold my arms, hiding my stiff nipples as I begin to feel uncomfortable being propped up on this table all of a sudden.

“There won’t be one today,” he growls, continuing to clean his equipment. “Nothing will be gracing that skin of yours. Not yet, angel.”

My jaw drops as he tells me no just like that. “What? But why? I’m not leaving until I get my tattoo,” I tell him, sulking at the idea of waiting any longer.

“Yes, you are. Because what you need is a warm meal and a listening ear. So you’re going to have dinner with me and tomorrow, if you still want that tat, then I’ll give it to you myself.” He looks serious and I don’t know why. “But I can’t promise I won’t be tempted to add my name somewhere on you.” His dark smile drags out as his eyes scan me over, making me feel nervous all over again.

But I can’t deny how great dinner sounds with someone to talk to…even if that certain someone is looking at me right now like we’re going to be more than just friends.

And as I accept, I hope I’m right. I hope his look is telling the truth because now that he’s given me this feeling, I don’t want him leaving like everyone else.