The Property Brokers by Sandi Lynn

Chapter 37


A couple days had passed since Grant’s mother blew in and caused a disturbance in the Roman family. I knew Grant was hurting, even though he said he was fine. Seeing your mother who walked out on you for the first time in twenty years wasn’t something anyone could get over quickly.

Grant and I had just arrived at the office after having lunch when my phone rang, and Ken was calling.

“Hi, Ken.”

“Bella. I have great news. My clients are willing to go up to $19.5 million, cash deal, custom light fixtures in the bathroom, the dining table, and the bar stools.”

“Sorry, Ken. The seller already accepted another offer.”

“What? Damn it, Bella. I told you my client’s really want that apartment.”

“And I told you to get back to me ASAP two days ago.”

“So, you’re telling me it’s sold?”

“Yes, Ken. That’s exactly what I’m telling you.”

“Fuck. If I can get my clients to go up again, what are the chances your seller will accept?”

“I don’t know. It depends.”

“I’ll call you right back. Do not leave your phone unattended.”

“You’re playing with fire, babe,” Grant spoke as I set my phone down.

“Am I?” I smirked, and he chuckled.

A few moments later, Ken called me back.

“Hi, Ken.”

“$22 million, cash deal, no contingencies, all light fixtures in the bathroom, the bar stools and the dining room table. Plus, they want occupancy in ten days.”

“Let me call the seller right now. I’ll call you back.”

“YES! YES!” I stood up and did a little dance.

Dialing Harry’s number, he answered on the first ring.

“Bella, this call better be worth it because I’m in the middle of a meeting.”

“I have an offer for you. Are you sitting down?”

“Stop with the dramatics and just hit me with it.”

“$22 million, cash deal, no contingencies, all light fixtures in the bathroom, the bar stools, the dining room table and occupancy in ten days.”

“Well, shit.” He laughed. “I fully accept that offer. Two million over asking is sweet music to my ears.”

“Excellent, Harry. I’ll call the buyer’s broker right now and tell him the good news.”

“I knew you could do it. Good job, sweetheart. I take back everything bad I said about you.”

“Thank you, Harry.” I ended the call.

“And that is how you make $660,000 in commission.” I grinned.

“Well done.” Grant clapped as he leaned back in his chair.

Walking over to his desk, I sat down on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Thank you.”

“Is it bad that I’m incredibly turned on right now?” He smiled.

“Why?” I laughed. “Because I got two million over asking?”

“That and because you lied. Harry didn’t accept the other offer when he found out it was financing and a sixty-day closing.”

“What can I say? I have mad skills.” I brushed my lips against his.

“You certainly do. And I’m hoping you’ll use those mad skills on me tonight in bed.” The corners of his mouth curved upward.

“You’re so dirty, Mr. Roman.”

“Only when it comes to you, babe.” Our lips met again.

* * *


“Do the two of you ever get any work done?” I said as I walked into Grant’s office and found Bella sitting on his lap as they kissed.

“As a matter of fact, Bella just sold an apartment for two million over asking. We’re celebrating.”

“Nice.” I smiled. “Congratulations, sweetheart.”

“Thank you, Myles,” she said as she climbed off Grant’s lap.

“Are you ready to go, son?”

“Yeah.” I got up from my seat and grabbed my phone from the desk.

“Where are you two off to?” Bella asked.

“To look at a non-finished building in Brooklyn.”

“What kind of building?”

“Apartments. The developer got into some financial trouble and can’t finish it. So, we’re going to look at it and possibly buy it and finish it ourselves.”

“Oh. Good luck.” Bella smiled.

“I’ll see you later.” Grant gave her a wink and kissed her goodbye.

We climbed into the back of my car, and I gave Mitch the address to the building in Brooklyn.

“I think Bella should get her own team,” I said.

“What? She’s part of my team.”

“In the coming months you’re going to be dealing with development more than sales. And she’s going to need her own team she can mold into selling machines like herself. Don’t you want her to grow, son?”

“Of course, I do, Dad.”

“Then talk to her about it. She has a team in Los Angeles, why shouldn’t she have one here?”

“And where are we going to put all these new people?”

“We’ll rent her a space.”

“Absolutely not. She’s staying with me.”

“For fuck sake’s, Grant. You see her every night. The two of you practically live together. You can go without seeing her all day.”

“I don’t want to.” His brows furrowed. “I like sharing an office with her.”

“You sound like a damn teenager who just got grounded.”

“Yeah. Well, I’m happy. Maybe you should try it. In fact, since we’re on the subject, what happened between you and Cassandra.”

“Nothing. I’ve been busy. You know how much time it takes to get a hotel developed.”

“Don’t hand me that shit, Dad. Bella ran into Cassandra, and she was crying her eyes out that day she was in your office. She told Bella that you said your life is going in a different direction and she wasn’t a part of it. Kind of cold, don’t you think? Especially since you took her to Chicago with you.”

“Drop it, son. I’m not discussing it.”

“No. I’m not going to drop it. You can’t let what Mom did affect the rest of your life.”

“Look who’s talking.” I chuckled. “Aren’t you the one who promised to call a sweet sixteen-year-old girl, whom you slept with, when you got back to New York and never did? Aren’t you the one who flies through women faster than I do? Just uses them for sex and if they start wanting more you bolt?”

“Okay. You’ve made your point. But I’m not that man anymore. Dad, Bella brings out the best in me. And because she does that, I had to let go of the past so I could move forward with my future. Mom is only one person in the world, and if we let one person control us and our lives, what does that say about us? Shit, Dad. You’re a strong and powerful businessman, but there’s more to life than selling and developing real estate.”

“Watch your mouth, son.” I pointed my finger at him.

“Your fears are warranted. Trust me, I know. But there comes a point in life when you need to set those fears aside and start living your best life.”

“You’re in a relationship for the first time in your life, and you think you’re an expert. I’ve been there and done that, Grant.”

“No, Dad. It’s not the same. The only reason you married Mom was because she was pregnant. You were going off to college. What was going to happen to your relationship? I can guarantee it wouldn’t have worked out. But you stayed back and gave that up for her. I’m not saying you didn’t love her, because I know you did. What I’m saying is you did it out of obligation because you’re a decent man and that’s what any decent man would have done. I hate to say this, but if she never would have left, I don’t think the two of you would still be married.”

“You can’t predict that.”

“You’re right. I can’t. But you know somewhere in the back of your mind, you’ve thought the same thing. I’ve seen you and Cassandra together and I’ve seen the look in your eyes when you talk about her. I’ve never seen that before. You’re different when she’s around. I think she brought out the best of you and it scared the hell out of you. You still have a whole lot of life ahead of you. Don’t wake up one day with regrets.”

“Are you finished?” I arched my brow.

“Yeah. I guess I am.”

“Good, because we’re here. Let’s go see what this building has to offer.”