The Property Brokers by Sandi Lynn

Chapter 40


I stopped by the florist and picked up a dozen red roses for Cassandra. My heart was beating out of my chest and my nerves were at their peak, for I wasn’t sure how she was going to react. Mitch pulled up to the curb across the street and I watched and waited for the last customer to leave the bakery. Climbing out of the car, I ran across the street and stepped inside before she had a chance to lock the door.

“I’m sorry, but we’re—” She turned around and stopped when she saw me standing there.

“Closed? I know.” I turned and locked the door.

“What are you doing here, Myles?”

“I brought these for you, Cassandra.”

“Why?” Her tone was cold.

“Because I want to apologize to you, and I miss you.” I walked over and handed her the roses.

She took them from me and brought them up to her nose.

“They’re beautiful. Thank you. But I can’t accept them.”

“Stop it.” I smirked. “Yes, you can, and you will. Plus, I’m not leaving until I’ve said what I came to say.”

“I really don’t want to hear what you have to say.”

“Well, I’m going to say it anyway. I’m sorry, Cassandra. I’m sorry for hurting you the way I did. I was scared.”

“Scared of what? Me?” She pointed to herself.

“No. Scared of us and what was happening. You know how I feel about relationships. But with you and the time we spent together, my views started to change, and that frightened me. It rattled me to my core if you want the truth.”

“Fine. I’m sorry I scared you off. Now, do us both a favor and leave.”

“For the love of God, woman. Will you please let me finish saying what I have to say?”

“Well make it quick. I want to go home. It’s been a long day.”

“First, I need you to sign some paperwork.” I set the envelope I held in my hand down.

“What paperwork? What are you talking about, Myles?”

“Open the envelope.”

“For God sakes,” she huffed as she picked it up and took out the paperwork. “This looks like a lease.”

“It is. It’s your new lease for the bakery.”

“I don’t understand. It says The Roman Group is the landlord.” She looked up at me.

“That’s right. I’m your new landlord, and I need you to sign that so I can file it. When I found out you were being evicted, I contacted the new owner and bought the building. I wasn’t about to let you lose this place and give up your dream.”

“Myles,” she spoke in a mere whisper. “I don’t know what—”

“You don’t need to say anything, Cassandra. I wish you would have called me when you found out.”

“You know why I couldn’t. Why does it say the amount for the rent is zero?”

“Because I own the building, and I can charge whatever I want.” I gave her a smirk.

“Myles, you don’t have to do this.”

I walked over behind the counter and placed my hands on her shoulders.

“I know I don’t. I want to. The money doesn’t matter to me, Cassandra. The only thing that matters is you. I was such an asshole and I’m sorry.” I inhaled a deep breath. “I am in love with you, and I will do anything to make you happy. You bring out the best in me, woman.”

“Oh, Myles.” She wrapped her arms around my neck. “I’m in love with you too, you big dummy.”

“So, you forgive me?”

“Yes. I forgive you.” Her lips met mine. “How can I not?”

“You have no idea how happy that makes me. Now, let me help you close this place up for the night so I can take you home and we can celebrate properly.”

“Good idea. I can’t wait to get you in my bed.” She smiled.

* * *

Four Months Later


“I want to show you something,” Grant said as he held my hand and led me upstairs.

“Mhm. I can’t wait.”

“You’re dirty, Miss Marcus.” He turned and smiled at me.

“I learned from the best.”

We stepped into the bedroom, and he opened his closet door.

“You’re so kinky wanting to do it in your closet,” I said.

“Bella, get your mind off sex. Look.”

“You cleaned your closet?” I arched my brow at him.

“Yes. I cleaned it for you. See all the empty space? That’s where you’re going to put your things. Follow me.” He led me into the bathroom. “You can have all these drawers.”

“Mr. Grant Roman, are you asking me to move in with you?” I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“I am. I know we practically live together as it is, but wouldn’t you love to live here full time. I know your lease is up.”

“You do realize Duchess is coming with me, right?”

“Yes. I know.” He sighed. “I had a little chat with her the other night while you were in the shower, and she told me that she’d love to live here.”

“She did?”

“Yep. She said she couldn’t wait to leave her white fur all over this place.”

I let out a laugh.

“That’s a big sacrifice you’re making,” I said.

“That’s because I love you, and I would sacrifice anything for you. You are that important to me, Miss Marcus.”

“I would sacrifice anything for you too, Grant. I love you so much, and I would love to move in with you.”

“You need to promise me something,” he said.


“No more cats.”

“Deal. No more cats.” Our lips met.

“Is sex still on your mind?” He smirked.

“It always is when I’m with you.” I grinned.

“Good. Same goes for me.” I lifted her up and set her on the bathroom counter as my mouth smashed into hers.

* * *


“That was a wonderful dinner, Cassandra. Thank you.” I kissed her lips.

“You’re welcome. I’m happy you enjoyed it.”

“I like having you here and, in my kitchen,” I said as my hands gripped her hips.

“Is the kitchen the only place you like having me?” A smirk crossed her lips.

“Well. I like having you on the couch, on the floor in front of the fireplace, and up against that wall over there. But mostly, I like it when you’re snuggled against me in my bed.”

“You’re so romantic, Mr. Roman.” She brushed her lips against mine.

“Move in with me, Cassandra.”

“What?” She looked at me in shock.

“Move in here with me. I know we never talked about living together, but it’s all I think about.”

“You’re serious. Aren’t you?”

“Dead serious, and I want you fully moved in this weekend. That’s if you want to move in with me.”

“Myles, of course I do. But I’m in the middle of a lease.”

“Have you forgotten who owns your building?” I asked as my brow raised.

“That’s right.” She grinned. Yes. I will move in with you.” Her lips pressed against mine. “Now, what were you saying about the floor in front of the fireplace?”

I swooped her up in my arms and carried her to the living room.

* * *


I took the elevator up to my dad’s office, and when the doors opened, he was standing there.

“Hey, are you on your way out?” I asked.

“No. I was just coming down to see you.”

“Oh. Well, here I am.” I grinned as I hooked my arm around him, and we went back to his office. “What were you coming to see me about?”

“I asked Cassandra to move in with me last night, and she said yes. She will be moving in this weekend.”

“No way. I asked Bella to move in with me last night and she’s moving in this weekend also.”

“Wow, son. That’s great.” He gave me a hug.

“Who would have thought, right?” I smiled as I patted his back.

“That’s for damn sure.”