The Property Brokers by Sandi Lynn


Five Years Later


“What is going on down here? Luca, stop chasing your sister and sit down and eat your breakfast. Where is your mom?”

“She’s trying to close a deal, Daddy. She said the buyers are being assholes.”

“We don’t say words like that, Luca.”

“Mommy does.”

“Come here, princess.” I picked up Chloe and set her in her seat. “Eat your breakfast for Daddy.” I kissed the top of her head.

I walked over to the coffee pot and was pouring myself a cup of coffee when Bella walked in.

“I thought there was a war going on down here,” I said.

“Sorry. I had to take that call.” She kissed my lips.

“Did you close the deal, Mommy?”

“Not yet, baby. The buyers are being” she paused — “super picky.”

I placed my hands on her hips and pressed my lips against her forehead.

“You’ll close the deal, babe. And stop saying ‘asshole’ in front of the kids,” I whispered in her ear.

“I know, but sometimes it just flies out of my mouth,” she whined, and I pulled her into me.

* * *

We packed up the kids and headed to our house in the Hamptons for the next two weeks. My dad and Cassandra ended up buying the house next to us and they had already been there for a week. Bella had shown the house to a client of hers, but when she stepped inside the seven thousand square foot, six bedroom and eight bath home with the ocean view, she called me immediately and told me we were buying it. She ended up getting us a great deal and when the house next door went up, she immediately called my dad. That was three years ago when she was pregnant with our daughter, Chloe.

“Is everyone ready for a road trip?” I asked and watched the excitement on my children’s faces.

They loved going to the Hampton house because there was so much for them to do there. Plus, it was good for everyone to get out of the city for a while.

“Daddy, are we going to see Grandma and Grandpa?” Luca asked.

“We sure are, son. They’re already waiting for us.”

The moment we stepped through the door, my dad and Cassandra were there waiting for us.

“Grandpa!” Luca screamed as he ran into his arms.

“Hello there, Luca.” He hugged him tight.

Luca was obsessed with my dad, and I couldn’t blame him. Every time he was around, Luca was his shadow.

Later that day, we had a barbeque. While Bella and Cassandra were in the kitchen, my dad and I stayed outside with the kids and grilled the steaks.

“Cassandra and I want to keep the kids tonight at our place.”


“Because we love them, and it would give you and Bella a night to yourselves.”

“Have I told you that you’re the best dad ever?” I grinned.

He patted my shoulder and smiled.

“A few times.”

After we enjoyed a wonderful dinner, my dad and Cassandra took the kids home with them. Walking over to Bella, I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight.

“Do you hear that?” I asked.

“Hear what?”

“The blissful sound of silence.”

She broke our embrace and brushed her lips against mine.

“I think we’d enjoy the silence much better upstairs.” The corners of her mouth curved upward.

“You just read my mind, babe.” I swooped her up in my arms and carried her upstairs. “We have all night to make our own noise, and I’m definitely going to take advantage of that.”

“Do you promise?” She grinned as her arms were wrapped securely around my neck.

“I will always promise you the world. You know that. I have never been more in love with you as I am right now.” I laid her on the bed and hovered over her.

“I love you so much, Grant. So, so much. I’ve never loved anyone so much in my life.”

Usually when she told me like that, she had something to tell me. As I hovered over her, I stared into her beautiful eyes.

“You’re pregnant again, aren’t you?”

“Yes.” She bit down on her bottom lip. “Are you happy? Because I know we agreed two was enough.”

“Of course, I’m happy.” I smiled. “What’s one more kid running around, right?”

“Right.” She grinned. “I’ve made an appointment for you to go get a vasectomy when we get back to the city. Just remember how much I love you.”

I could feel the color drain from my face.

I let out a sigh. “Anything for you, my darling wife. Anything for you.” I brushed my lips against hers.

* * *

Eleven Years Later


I stood in the yard and smiled while I watched my grandson Luca, sixteen, and my granddaughter Chloe, fourteen, play tennis on the tennis court of their Hampton home. And while my other granddaughter, Isabelle, eleven, was swimming in the pool with her father. Turning around, I could see Bella and Cassandra in the living room going over some fabric samples for the new furniture Bella wanted to buy. Seeing my family together was more than surreal. For twenty years it had only been just me and my son. I firmly believed that was how it would always be. Then two beautiful women walked into our lives and fixed the pieces of us that were broken.

I was now retired and enjoying life to the fullest with my beautiful wife. I’d built my empire for my son, and now it was his turn to keep growing it for his children and keep the Roman family legacy going.

I took a walk down by the beach as the sun was about to set and stood on the shoreline as the water swept over my feet.

“Hey, Grandpa. What are you doing?”

“Hi, Luca. I’m just thinking about life.”

“What about it?”

“About how fast you kids are growing up and how precious time is.”

“That’s cool. I met a girl, grandpa.”

“You did?” I raised my brow as I glanced over at him.

“Yeah. She’s super cool and really pretty. Her name is Laurel and she’s from the city too. She lives in Soho. She’s here with her family for the summer. I’m bringing her by later to meet Mom and Dad. I really would like you to meet her too.”

“I’d love to meet her, son.”

Luca hooked his arm around me and gave me a squeeze.

“I’m going to get in the shower and get ready for my date with Laurel. I’ll see you later, Grandpa.”

“Have fun, Luca.”

When he walked away, Grant walked up.

“What was that all about?”

“Luca was telling me about this girl he met.”

“Yeah. We’re meeting her tonight. I don’t know if he should be dating yet.”

I couldn’t help but laugh.

“If I recall, you met the love of your life at his age.”

“True. But it took us fourteen years to get together.”

“Doesn’t matter. If they’re meant to be nothing will keep them apart. Not even a significant number of years.” I smiled at him. “I hope you had the talk with him.”

“I did, and I trust him. Thank God Bella is going to handle that talk with the girls. Did Luca tell you he wants to study architecture?”

“He did, and I think he’ll be very good at it. He has great artistic talent. Brining him on as an architect at the company will be a great asset.”

“That’s how I feel.”

“Dad,” Chloe came running up. “Mom wants you.”

“Okay. I’ll be right there, sweetheart. I better go see what she needs.” He patted my back and walked away.

“Are you okay, Grandpa?” Chloe asked as she stood next to me and held my hand.

“I’m fine, darling. I’m just enjoying the view.”

“It is beautiful,” she spoke.

“Hi, Grandpa,” Isabelle said as she walked up and grabbed hold of my other hand.

“Hi, sweetheart.”

“What’s going on over here and why wasn’t I invited to the party?” Cassandra smiled.

“We’re just watching the ocean with Grandpa,” Chloe said.

“Sounds nice. Can I join you?”

“Of course, Grandma.” Chloe smiled as she held out her hand.

Grant and Bella walked over and took Isabelle’s hand, and the six of us stood at the shoreline. This was my life. A life I never dreamt I would live. A life that fulfilled me in every possible way. We were the Roman family, and our legacy would live on forever.

Thank you for reading The Property Brokers! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it.

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