The Property Brokers by Sandi Lynn

Chapter 42


Six months later, Grant and I were married along with Myles and Cassandra on the golden sands of Wailea beach in Maui. It was the perfect double wedding ceremony under a beautiful arch made up of sweet smelling plumeria flowers with our closest friends.

“Congratulations, Mrs. Roman.” Cassandra hugged me.

“Congratulations to you too, Mrs. Roman.” I grinned.

Cassandra and I had become extremely close. We were like sisters and now, she was my mother-in-law, and I was her daughter-in-law. We had planned the entire wedding together and made sure every detail was perfect. Our reception took place on the ocean front lawn of the resort with the magical mountains cascading in the background. It was truly a fairytale wedding and one every little girl dreamt of.

We spent a couple days after our wedding in Hawaii with Ami & Lamar before we took off to spend a week alone in St. Lucia. Myles whisked Cassandra off the day after the wedding for a week-long stay in Bora Bora.

Grant and I were sitting on the beach, under a large umbrella sipping on mojitos, when he said something out of the clear blue that caught me off guard.

“I want to have a baby.”

“What?” I looked over at him.

“I want to have a baby. I want us to have a baby.”

“We’ve only been married a few days.” I laughed.

“So. I never wanted kids, Bella. The thought of having them terrified me. But when I’m with you, it’s all I can think about. I picture us with kids. Maybe two or three. I want to raise future real estate moguls.” He grinned.

“We can talk about this later, okay.”

“Listen, babe. I know you’re scared, and I don’t blame you. Especially what happened last time. But the doctor said you look perfect on the inside and there was no need to worry about getting pregnant again. I know you said you have an appointment to get your shot when we get back. I’m asking you to cancel that appointment.”

“I don’t know if I’m ready, Grant.”

“Is anyone ever really ready, Bella? You love kids. You always have and you told me when we were sixteen you wanted a house full of them.”

“If something happens, I don’t think I could go through that again. You know sometimes I still have a hard time.”

“I know, babe.” He gave my hand a gentle squeeze. “But nothing is going to happen because we’ll be making a Roman child, and we Romans are strong and resilient.”

“Well, since you put it that way.” I laughed.

“Is that a yes?”

“Yes, Grant. I’ll cancel my shot appointment and we can start making a baby.”

“Yes!” He got up from his chair, took my hand, helped me up and swung me around. “I love you so much, Bella Roman.”

“I love you too, Grant.”

* * *


Once again, I was a married man, and I couldn’t have been happier. My life was completed in a way I never thought possible. My business was still number one and growing every day, I married a woman I was deeply in love with, and I had a beautiful daughter-in-law.

“What are you thinking about?” Cassandra asked as she brought us each a glass of wine out on the terrace.

“Just how lucky I am to have found you.”

“You are the sweetest man, Myles Roman.” She smiled as she sat down on my lap.

“I have you to thank for that. I wasn’t always this sweet.”

“I don’t believe that. You just kept the real you locked away, and I stole the key and let you out.” The corners of her mouth curved upward.

Bringing my hand up to her, I brushed away a strand of her hair.

“You certainly did, and I love you more every day for it,” I said as I heard the dinging of the elevator.

“Grant and Bella are here.” She kissed my lips and climbed off my lap.

I got up from my seat and walked inside to greet my son and daughter-in-law.

“Hello, darling.” I kissed Bella’s cheek.

“Hi, Dad.” She smiled.

“Son.” I hooked my arm around him.

“Hey, Dad.”

“Go grab a drink and we’ll go sit on the terrace while the girls talk in the kitchen.”

Grant poured himself a scotch and met me outside.

“The deal went through today for the Altman Hotel. The building is officially ours.”

“Excellent news, Dad. When are you meeting with the architect?”

“Tomorrow morning, and I’d like you to be in the meeting with me.”

“What time?”

“Ten o’clock.”

“I have an appointment, but I can move things around.”

“Okay. I really want you there and your input.”

“Bella and I are going to start trying for a baby,” he said.

“Really? Already?”

“Yeah.” He smiled. “I want to start a family with her.”

“Is she ready?”

“She is. I know she’s scared that she’s going to have another miscarriage, but I told her we can’t live life in fear that something may or may not happen. You and I both know that.” He smirked.

“You’re right. I think you’ll make an amazing father, son.”

“Only because I learned from the best.” He raised his glass, and I gave him a smile.

“It’ll be nice to have a grandchild running around. The future heir to the Roman Empire.” I tapped my glass against his.

* * *

Four Months Later


“I’m late,” I said as I walked into the kitchen and Grant was pouring a cup of coffee.

“Late for what? Where are you going at this time of the morning?” He handed me a cup of coffee.

“My period, Grant. My period is late.”

“Oh.” His eyes lit up. “How late are you?”

“Almost two weeks. I’ve been so busy I didn’t realize it until I just checked my period app.”

He grabbed the coffee cup from my hand and poured the coffee down the drain.

“Hey.” My brows furrowed.

“No caffeine for you until we find out for sure. I’ll be right back.”

“Where are you going.”

“I’ll be right back.”

I sighed and pulled the orange juice from the refrigerator. A few moments later, Grant walked back in and handed me a pregnancy test kit.

“Here you go.” He smiled.

“When did you buy this?” I laughed.

“Last month. I was at the store, and I figured I’d keep one here for when we needed it.”

“And you didn’t tell me, why?” Her brow raised.

“I figured you’d think it was bad luck. So, come on. Time to pee.” He grabbed my hand and led me to the bathroom.

“I don’t have to go, Grant. I just went before I came downstairs.”

“Can’t you at least try, babe?”

“No.” I kissed his sweet lips. “Let me drink a glass of orange juice first and when I have to go, you’ll be the first to know.”

“Okay,” he spoke with a disappointed tone. “But what if you don’t have to go before we leave for work?”

“I will. Don’t worry.” I smiled at him, grabbed my orange juice and went upstairs.

“Anything yet?” he asked as I was applying my makeup.

“Not yet.” I glanced over at him.

“Okay. Just checking.”

As I was brushing out my hair, Grant walked into the bathroom.


“Not yet. Put the test in my purse. I’ll do it at the office if I have to.”

“You really want to do that? Maybe we should just wait until we get home tonight.”

“Okay. We can do that.”

He stood there and narrowed his eyes at me.

“What is that look for?”

“The suspense isn’t going to kill you all day? Because it will kill me.”

“Then I’ll do it at the office, Grant.”

“Fine, Bella.”

After I grabbed my purse, Grant and I stepped into the elevator, and the urge hit me, and I stopped the doors from closing.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“I have to pee!”

He grabbed my hand and led me to the bathroom. Setting my purse on the counter, I took out the box and handed it to Grant. He opened it and handed me the stick while I sat down on the toilet. When I was finished, I set the stick on the counter and washed my hands.

“How long do we wait?” Grant asked as he stared at the test.

“Three minutes. Come on. We can’t sit here and watch it.”

I took his hand and led him out of the bathroom as he set the timer on his phone.

“Are you scared?” he asked as he grabbed my hands and held them tight.

“A little. You?”

“Not at all.”

The timer finally went off and we both looked at each other.

“Let’s go see what it says.” He smiled.

We walked into the bathroom and picked up the stick from the counter so we both could look at it together.

“We’re having a baby, Grant.” My eyes filled with tears.

He pulled me into him and hugged me tight.

“We’re having a baby,” he whispered in my ear.