Rejected Wolf by Rae Foxx


After tryingto remove most of the ash from my face and mouth, I growled deep in my chest. The sun had barely risen in the sky, and I was fucked six ways to Sunday. Or I guess Monday in this case. As I walked, I tried to scarf down a piece of muffin that Ruth had shoved into my pack without me knowing. Bless Ruth and all her eternal goodness. Without her, I might have turned into a heartless monster. She was the only one who made any part of my life seem like there was good in this world.

I grinned and practically shoved the muffin into my mouth. One of the damned blueberries burst when I bit into it and sprayed purplish juice all down my front. Because of course, it did. Did this Monday have to be any more of a Monday? It looked like Barney had diarrhea and I wiped his ass with the front of my shirt.

Fucking perfect.

I let myself into the side door of the Alpha’s house and immediately grabbed an apron and gloves. No way in fuck I was going to touch anything in this house with my bare hands after one of Hutch’s parties.

With a black, heavy-duty trash bag in my hand along with a broom and a mask, I settled on the guest room first. It was next to the Alpha’s office. Mistakenly, I went into the room before putting on my mask first. Gods alive and dead, this place smelled like shit, sex, and slime. I gagged as the muffin made a run for my mouth up my throat. These people were the leaders of our pack and yet, they were as disgusting and filthy as they came. The walls were sprayed with some kind of alcoholic punch. The sheets and comforters were stripped from the bed and tossed into a pile of vomit in the corner.

There was even a row of used condoms stuck to the walls in a row like whoever used them was proud of the deed. Or maybe it was a tally-- you know what? I don’t want to know.

After rolling the large hamper down the hall, I loaded the sheets and blankets into it and got it into the industrial washing machine the Alpha kept in the basement. They were so fucking filthy around here they had three washers and three dryers. There was so much stain remover on the shelves that they could open a laundry product market and make a killing.

I dug a pair of clear goggles that I had swiped from biology lab last month and put them on while I pulled the condoms from the wall. The vent above me began to vibrate gently with the sound of the voices coming through it.

One of them was the Alpha’s voice, low and gravely like he was constantly trying to seduce and threaten. I would know that nightmare voice anywhere. It crawled over me like a black widow, striking me time after time with no care about how much pain I was in.

“The wolf moon is coming up, Sir. One more week.”

The Alpha growled, making me shudder in place. “How many pups are in this batch? How many will shift for their first time?”

I froze. I knew at once what they were talking about. In one week the pups who had come of age were going to shift. I was one of those.

There was some shifting of paper. I watched the door like a hawk, wondering if someone would catch me spying. I wasn’t exactly spying, they just happened to be loud and discussing things while I worked. Things that also happened to pertain to me. This was what happened when Hutch’s nonsense spread into the weekdays.

It was their fault I was listening.

“Six, Alpha,” The beta, Noah, began. His voice was as rough as the Alpha’s. “And this time, Elizabeth will be shifting.” My heart froze, ice rattling over me as I stared dumbfounded.

Okay, so this didn’t just pertain to me. They were talking about me. What the fuck?

“It’s time for her. We have been watching. Her scent has changed. It’s time.”

“My scent has changed?” I whisper-hissed to myself. What the hell were they on about. I lifted my arm and did a sniff test. I mean, I didn’t smell like roses, but damn, what exactly had they smelled on me? And why did they sound scared?

Damn. I must be really tired if I thought they sounded scared.

I grabbed a broom and went through the motions to sweep the trash that covered the floor, plastic cups and gods knew what else. I had a broom when I needed a snow shovel.

Not that it mattered, I was far more interested in eavesdropping.

The Alpha cleared his throat. “What the fuck are we going to do with her?” There was a growl in his question as if I was a raccoon that kept killing their chickens at night.

The Beta spoke up. “We force her to earn a place in this pack.”

“Haven’t we been doing that?” The Alpha chuckled long and hard like it was the best joke he’d heard in a while. “She has no fucking place here. That’s the problem. But I think she could be of use.”

Someone kicked a trash can. “We should’ve gotten rid of her with the others.”

That voice I didn’t recognize, I leaned closer.

“No. Even the worms have a use on this earth. We just have to figure out hers. She will bend to my will or pay the consequences.”

Okay, that sounded like some next-level villain bullshit.

A shiver ran down my spine as I continued to bat at trash without really sweeping it. The first shift was supposed to be a magical time for most wolves. You came into your own, ran with the pack, and found your mate almost immediately.

And here they were, talking about how they had a use for me. I would make use for my foot up their asses.

Grumbling to myself, trying to bully the fear away, I finished the guest room and moved into Hutch’s room. I knew his would be the worst and he never slept here, not after a party. Once I came upon him sleeping on a blow-up mat in the pool completely naked.

I walked in, broom in hand, and froze at the globes of perfect ass that were rocking back and forth across the room.

Hutch was in the room, and he wasn’t alone.

Hutch’s bare ass swayed to the musical moans of Veronica as he kneeled behind her. He had her on her knees, her body as naked as his. Her head was pressed into the mattress as he gripped her hips, pulling her into him as he slammed his length into her.

She made a sound like a drunken cat as every inch of him was swallowed by her body. Again. And again. He moved, she mewed, and I stood there frozen, holding a broom as I watched Hutch fuck the girl they had chosen for him to mate.

I should leave. I needed to leave. But I couldn’t. I was stuck watching every glorious inch of him fill her.

Wishing it was me.

Wanting it to be me.

Oh god. I wanted to be there, underneath him. Feeling him.

What the fuck was wrong with me?

I took a step back just as Hutch pushed into Veronica again, his fingers digging into her hips as he grunted, as he threw his head back and saw me.

Every muscle tightened, every nerve went on high alert as his eyes met mine and I braced for the yelling, for the beating. I braced for some kind of punishment. Nothing came.

Hutch just grinned, holding tighter to Veronica’s hips as he slammed himself into her. I jumped as her moan mutated into a soft scream and Hutch slid out slow.

A moan rattled the air, and that time I wasn’t sure it was Veronica’s. I could have sworn it came from me.

Hutch’s smile stretched as he slammed his way into Veronica again, every glorious inch of him filling her. My skin was hot, every inch of me wet and boiling as I felt the desire for him pool between my thighs. Felt something inside of me scream for him.

I moaned again; the sound followed by a soft gasp as Hutch began to move faster… faster… his eyes never left mine.

I needed to leave.


Finally getting myself together, I tried to get out but ended up ramming into the door frame, smacking my forehead on the damned thing. My broom was sideways and got caught as I scrambled out, so I just dropped the damned thing and ran for my life until I reached the closet where all of the cleaning things were kept.

Why did it feel like a betrayal to watch him with another female? Why did it matter to me that he was staring at me the entire time he was fucking her?

Why did it hurt so much? I didn’t give two shits about Hutch.

So why did my chest ache just thinking about it?
