Rejected Wolf by Rae Foxx


Still smellinglike overripe blueberries and ash, since I was still covered in it, I decided once I arrived at school to duck into the gym locker room and clean up. I took the fastest shower in the history of showers before donning my gym clothes that weren’t exactly clean, but they were cleaner than the ones I had one by a fucking mile.

With my gym clothes on, the only thing that remained sour about me was my attitude. I walked through the halls like I was trying to kill ants. What in the hell happened back there? First, the Alpha was talking about me with the Beta and then I turned into a moaning statue while Hutch was fucking Veronica from behind.

Gods, what in the hell was up with me? I just stared at him while he eye-fucked me and dick-fucked her. It disgusted me, turned my stomach to rot, and yet, there was no way in hell I could make myself look away.

I had been so preoccupied with images of Hutch’s ‘far too perfect’ ass that I hadn’t been watching where I was going. I didn’t notice who was leering down at me until it was too late.

“Well, well, look what we have here. The voyeur of the pack.” Hutch was strutting through the halls toward me, his voice lifted so that everyone could hear.

I tried to walk past Hutch and the Three Bastardteers but they made a circle around me, pushing me this way and that until my back was against a locker. They had me surrounded. Not that anyone gave a damn. I was Hutch’s favorite kicking post, so this was normal fare, even if the subject matter was not. The second they saw who was talking, everyone in the school bent their necks and looked down, pretending not to see anything. Teachers ducked into their classrooms and shut the doors behind them. The administrators scurried into their offices and watched from behind the glass. Even the janitor stopped sweeping all together and put his headphones in while he began pushing his cart in the other direction.

They were smart, I would give them that, all the others that got out of the way.

Being witness to anything in our pack spelled out trouble. Which would also be why I was backed into a locker. I should have seen this coming.

“I knew you were a filthy whore, Lizzie, but that was a little much this morning, even for you.” Hutch leaned in, his eyes filled with the same lusty glare as he towered over me, hand against the locker over my head. Trapping me in.

I straightened my back.

“I went to clean up your room and you were there. Get over yourself. No one in this world wanted to see that. I might not eat for a week because of that display.” I didn’t even convince myself with that mini tirade, just saying it brought all the images right back. The memory of them twisted in my stomach pleasantly and I clenched my stomach. Like that was going to stop the warm wave of panty-melting desire that was currently consuming me.

Hutch had a nose on him and the last thing I wanted him smelling was my arousal. I was already in a bad position as it was.

“Is that right?”he sneered, leaning closer as that twisted glint in his eyes flashed darker. “Then why was it, little bitch, that you stood there and watched while I fucked Veronica? You watched. Didn’t seem like disgust on your face either.”

The smile he gave me was pure Alpha asshole, and any arousal I had been feeling quickly turned into a desperate need to sucker punch him in the face. Instead, I balled my hands into fists, pounding them against my thighs as I ground my teeth together.

“Don’t flatter yourself, Hutch. I was just surprised to see that you have a dick and knew how to use it. Usually, you’re passed out in the pool or shit-faced somewhere in the backyard. I can usually clean up your mess in fucking peace, not while watching your poor attempt at fucking.” Okay, maybe I should have thought about what I was going to say first.

That quip earned me another shove against the locker. The back of my skull hit the metal and my ear began to ring as the pressure of his hand increased. You would think he could shove my head through the metal with how hard he was pressing.

“You bitch!” Hutch yelled, all of his cronies joining in.

“Don’t you fucking talk about him like that. He’s the future Alpha of this pack. Speak with some respect or else.” I probably would have taken the threat more seriously if it hadn’t come from Eli.

Hutch’s friend Eli was particularly heinous. Hutch was a man whore, but Eli took what he wanted without consent or permission. Girls stood in groups when he was near like packs of animals when a predator lay in the hidden grass. But he got away with it every time because he was the Beta’s son and widely thought to take his father’s place when the pack was passed to the new leadership sometime next year.

“Whatever…” I was cut off when my head was slammed into the locker again. “Fine! Whatever, sir! Is that respectful enough for you all?”

They all laughed at that and thankfully released me from the pressure hold.

“Look, I have to get to class.” I needed to get out of there while I had the chance. I turned, ready to shove my way out of this mess when Hutch grabbed the back of my hair and pulled me right into him. My back slammed against the hard width of his chest, my ass ramming right into his groin and the hard rock of his cock.

Okay. That was… unexpected.

“You’ll go to class when I say you can go to class.” And there was the slime in his voice, the dark twist of warning moved through me as he pulled my hair again, his other hand winding around my stomach to press me into him. Right into his hard-on. “Why in the fuck are you in your gym clothes? What did you go home and get off on what you saw and then had to change?”

He whispered that in my ear, his fingers twisting against the cotton of my gym shirt as his buddies laughed and exchanged a high five. Eli looked particularly bemused.

Shit. I knew where this was going.

“You wish,” I snapped and slammed my hip into his cock hard enough that he winced and let go. I was ready to run, but Hutch reached down and grabbed the arm the Alpha whipped me on and twisted, taking my scarred skin with him. This time I did scream.

“Yeah, that’s what I like to hear. And trust me, Lizzie, it’s only the beginning. Once I’m Alpha and you’re shifted for the first time…” He looked me up and down like I was a slab of roast beef. “Well, I’ve been dreaming about what I’m going to do to you. Screaming like you just did is going to become a full-time job.”

Why was everyone in this fucking pack so interested in my first shift? Shifters like me didn’t get mates. Fate didn’t shine down upon us with happiness and hope for a good life. He was only cementing why I needed to get out of here. I stayed if only because I knew that the alpha would hunt me down and probably punish me even worse. Without my wolf, I was toast in this world, but once I shifted for the first time… Well, I wasn’t going to wait around to see what they had planned.

I smirked, not wanting to give him an inch more than I already had. “I look forward to it. Can I go now? It’s been nice and all but…”

He smiled. His deep brown eyes penetrated me and my wolf perked up inside me, stronger than I had ever felt before. Damn, the beast inside me had a thing for assholes and bullies. Perfect.

“Yeah. Just one more thing.”

He took his brown paper bag lunch from his back pocket and shoved it into my chest, smooshing it back and forth like he was tuning a radio dial until what I assumed used to be a peanut butter and jelly sandwich was ground into my gym shirt. When he walked away laughing, it stuck there.

I swear I could feel the hair on my arms prick up.