Her Billionaire Boss by Gena Snow

Chapter 10







We sit at the patio of the French restaurant that faces the resort’s garden. The sun has set but the sky is still light. The garden must be filled with roses’ fragrant but all I can smell is Harper’s perfume. We both showered and changed before coming to the dinner. She’s wearing a dress with a deep V-neck that draws my attention all the fucking time.

The surfing generated lots of dopamine and adrenaline that made me horny. Thus, I let my lust carry me away earlier in the hot tub. I flirted with her at first, and then I tempted her. I wanted to claim her too, right there in the tub, but I curbed that impulse. She deserves a better first time than that. My lust hasn’t gone away and all I have in mind is the image of her mouth on my cock.

Harper must be aware of my gazes because she avoids looking at me. “What a beautiful place,” she comments as she looks around. “It feels like the inside of a painting.”

I shrug. She might be right, but she’s the most beautiful sight in my eyes at the moment. I nearly blurt out the compliment but swallow it back. It sounds too cheesy. I’m sure she’ll laugh at me. Damn. When have I become so lack of self-confidence? I used to tell women what they wanted to hear without evening meaning it. Why can’t I say a compliment when I really mean it?

What I’m feeling for Harper scares me. I can’t let the feeling grow. When I hired her, I only wanted her to take orders from me in my office, nothing else. I wanted to teach the sassy girl a lesson and to earn her respect. I did not want to get involved with her. I can find a fuck buddy easily. I don’t need to tame her in bed too. She’s a fine woman with big dreams.

Fuck, I take a big gulp of the wine in my glass and glance at my watch. Rob is late, which isn’t a surprise. The guy isn’t known for being punctual.

“Let me call the asshole,” I say, reaching my phone. “He probably forgot he was supposed be here.”

I dial his number and he answers it right away. “Where the hell are you?”

“I’m coming into the restaurant right now, Nick. I can see you.”

I look up. The jerk is waving his hand at me. His other hand is on the shoulder of a woman his age—tall, glamorous with blonde curls and heavily lined blue eyes. Fuck. Sandra, my ex-girlfriend. What the hell is she doing here? Bile rushes in my throat as I recall how the woman tried to manipulate me into marrying her.

“Meet Sandra, everyone,” he says. “Sandra is an actress who also works at the resort.”

So that’s how they got together.

While I hesitate to reveal our past relationship, Sandra smirks and says, “Hi Nick! How’re you doing?”

“You’ve met?” Rob raises an eyebrow.

“Yes,” I say as calmly as possible. “Sandra used to be my secretary.”

“Oh!” Rob utters the sound with exaggeration, guessing the rest of the story.

I shift uncomfortably in my seat and glance at Harper sheepishly. She has a friendly smile plastered on her face, but it seems forced to me. Damn. There goes my chance with her. Not that I’ve had any.

Sandra seems to have gotten over me entirely because her attention is focused on Rob. “Honey, would you like to have the same thing we had last time? I missed the steamed clams.”

Seeing that she has found a new target, I secretly let out a sigh of relief. Rob and her seem to be a perfectly matched couple. 

Although my body no longer responds to Sandra’s supermodel body, I have to admit she’s still looking good. She’s a year older than me and is my type, or used to be my type. I might’ve hired her because of her looks, and it didn’t take her long to seduce me. Yes, she did seduce me by wearing skimpy clothes and arousing perfume. She also did her best to help me at work, always making herself available even over weekends.

I almost thought she was the one until one day, she told me she was pregnant with my child and demanded I marry her.

I was thrilled, although taken by surprise. I had wanted a family, although I wasn’t in a hurry.

But when she started to press me to get a marriage license right away, I began to suspect. I had been very careful and used protection each time we were together.

So I got a test kit from the drug store the next day and coaxed her to show me the test result when she came to my house. Needless to say, the test was negative. Instead of admitting her scheme, she blamed the test and did it again two more times. Finally, she said she must’ve made a mistake, but she would still like to marry me. When I said no, she made a big show using her acting talents, feigning anger and disappointment, and calling me an asshole. And then she stormed out of my house and my life.

After placing our order and commenting on the weather, I direct our conversation toward the resort’s business.

“It looks like it’s a bit slow on a holiday weekend,” I say bluntly.

Uncle Jack has emailed me their recent financial statements and I’ve looked them over. The resort is still making a profit but not as much as compared to previous years.

Rob has obviously prepared for my question because he sips his wine unhurriedly before he speaks. “Well, I’ll be honest with you, Nick. You’re a smart guy and you’ll find out anyway. The resort isn’t doing well.”

I’m taken aback by his uncharacteristic frankness. Am I being unnecessarily skeptical or is he hiding something from me?

“What’s the reason?”

He shrugs. “I admit I’m responsible for not helping my old man enough. But it isn’t a secret I don’t have any talents or interest to run the business. My old man is getting tired as well. The management team he hired isn’t doing a good job either. So, weighing the expenses, we think the best way is to sell it.”

I nod although I’m still not convinced. If poor management is the only reason, then I’m not worried. But what if he’s hiding something from me? “What’re you going to do after selling it?” I ask, knowing Rob doesn’t really have a job besides helping his dad sometimes.

Rob’s still smiling but his jaw tightens, showing his displeasure. “In case you forgot, I’m a professional surfer,” he says defiantly.

Oops. I’ve offended the guy. “Oh, my bad,” I say. “I didn’t know you were still doing it.”

“I am,” he says defensively. “And I make good money. I made two hundred grand last year.”

I raise an eyebrow while Harper gasps. It is an impressive amount, considering how much fun the guy is having.

“I’m proud of you,” Sandra leans over to stamp a kiss on Rob’s cheek.

“It’s another reason I can’t commit to managing the business,” he says. “I attend championship tours all year round and I’ve got training to do.”

“Good for you,” I say. My opinions about him has changed somewhat, and I even envy him for getting paid to do something he enjoys, even though the pay isn’t much compared to the profit a successful resort business could bring him.

My worries seem to be unfounded, but I still have one more question. “Why didn’t you tell my dad or me about the sale?”

Robert shrugs and his countenance is still unchanged. “Your dad didn’t seem to be interested when my dad mentioned it to him. And I wanted to see how much people were willing to pay for it before letting you know. You’re a shrewd businessman, Nick. You should’ve guessed the reason.”

True. It’s exactly I’ve suspected. His answer puts my mind at ease and I chuckle. “I’m not sure that’s true.”

“By the way,” Rob says. “I told Dad you were here. He said he could meet with you tomorrow if you were interested in buying.”

I pause. It’s too soon to make a decision, but it won’t hurt to meet with my uncle and find out more about the business. “Sure. I can do it first thing tomorrow. I’m planning to leave after lunch.”

“No problem. I’ll let him know,” Rob says while sending a text to Uncle Jack.

Sandra’s presence ruins my appetite and I barely know what the hell I’m eating. On top of that, I’m aware of Harper’s skeptical eyes on Sandra and me.

Damn. She must think I’m the biggest fucker on earth. Maybe I am.

Rob insists on paying the bill after dinner, and I let him. After all, it’s his dad’s business. Instead, I thank him and stand up.

“It’s great seeing you, Rob. Keep up with your surfing.”

“Wait,” Rob says. “It’s still early. You’ve got plans?”

Of course. When I wasn’t talking to Rob during the dinner, I was imagining how to spend the rest of the evening with Harper, and I had trouble deciding which one was a better place, the hot tub or the bed.

I would be a fool if I told Rob what was on my mind. “I’m going to take care of some work. I have a lot of emails waiting for me.” It isn’t a lie. I was planning to work before play.

Rob rolls his eyes. “You’re no fun, cousin,” he says before switching his attention to Harper. “What about you, Harper? You’re going to work overtime too?”

“No,” Harper says. “I’m going to soak in the hot tub. I haven’t had enough of it.”

Damn. My dick jolts. Same here, Baby.

“Sandra and I will go clubbing,” Robert says while pulling Sandra to him. “There’s a new dance club in town we’d like to visit. Would you like to join us?”

“Dance club?” Harper’s eyes brighten.

I remember how well she danced at the wedding. She told me she had taken a class. No, I can’t let her go to a club without me. “Haven’t we passed the age of clubbing?” I say to Rob. I know I’m being rude, but the hell if I care.

Rob chuckles. “I guess you are, Nick, but I’m a month younger than you.”

I stifle a grunt. Asshole.

“It shouldn’t take long. You could use the spa later,” Sandra says to Harper when I press my lips together.

Harper shrugs. “Sure. I’ll go.”

I curse silently. In my minds’ eye, I see Harper rolling her hips among a bunch of horny young men. My gut is on fire right away. “In that case,” I say. “I’ll go too.”

Robert gives me a knowing smile and a thumbs-up. “Good for you. An hour’s fun won’t kill you.”

I’ve neglected work a whole day already. But I don’t bother to correct him.