Her Billionaire Boss by Gena Snow

Chapter 8







I take a walk with Harper on the resort’s premises. I’ve been here with my family before when I was still in high school, but I haven’t explored the place thoroughly yet. When my dad and uncle played golf at the resort’s course, my mom took Tristan and me to the beach along with Jack’s wife Susan and their kids.

In my memory, the resort consists of a bunch of lodges hidden among trees. Thus, I’m quite surprised to discover the scenic trail that starts from the back of our cabin all the way down to the ocean.

Harper keeps gasping at the scenery and I can’t help chuckling whenever she does it. She behaves like a little bird out of its cage. I like this version of her so much better than the woman trying to appear professional.

She’s wearing a knee-length wrap dress with an impressionist print that shows her long legs and tantalizing collarbone. I just have to control my urge to pull that tempting sash to see more of her.

Along our way, we see the resort’s restaurant, shop, and massage center. We go in each place to check it out. Although it’s a 4th of July weekend, none of the places is busy. Hell, the fact that I booked a room only two weeks in advance during the summer shows something is wrong. 

“Why’s your uncle selling the resort?” Harper asks on our way to the beach.

“I’m not sure,” I tell her. “He says he’s retiring and none of his children wants to take over the business.”

“But you think there are other reasons?”

I pause for a moment, not sure whether I should be frank with her. It’s precisely my thought but I don’t want to appear to be paranoid. We’re speaking about my uncle, who I respect.

“It’s what I’m trying to find out,” I say finally.

“They don’t seem to be doing well,” she says, frowning. “Maybe their rates are too high.”

“That could be because their expenses are high.”

She nods. “Certainly.”

We approach the beach as we speak. It’s a private beach that opens to visitors of the resort only. There’re only a few people around. A few couples and a family of four with two kids.

“Did you come here a lot?” Harper asks as we walk.

“About once a year. But it was back in high school—which means I haven’t been here for nearly fifteen years.  Time flies,” I say and suddenly feel old.

I’m thirty-two years old. The fact hits me like a slap in the face. I was a carefree teenager back then and didn’t really have a goal. I’m now much older, and I know what I want: expanding my business and making money.  I get what I want most of the time. Then why am I not satisfied? What is missing?

I stare at the two kids laughing as they play the Frisbee with their dad.

No way. I’ve never wanted a family. I don’t care for kids.

“I’ve missed the sea,” I say as I plop down on the sand. “Tristan and I used to swim in the ocean while our cousin Rob liked to surf. He convinced us to try the sport one summer and Tris nearly drowned.”

“Oh my God,” she mutters with widened eyes. “What happened?”

“We weren’t ready to leave the shore, but Rob taunted us. Tris fell for that and got hit by a wave. He lost the board, didn’t know he was supposed to duck dive under the wave and lie flat on the sand. He kept his head up and got hit by one wave after another.”

I wince as I recall the horror of seeing my brother’s flailing hands as the waves pushed him farther away. I was slightly better than Tristan so I paddled over to him and pulled him over to my board.

Harper reaches over to cover my hand with hers. Our physical touch draws me out of my reminiscence. I let out a sigh. “Have you had the experience of nearly losing someone you loved? It’s horrifying,” I say.

She nods. “I know. When Avery was in our landlord’s house that night, I almost freaked out.”

I know what she’s talking about. Tristan took a bullet for Avery that night and saved her. I’m proud of my brother for what he did although I could’ve lost him for the second time.

Harper pauses a moment as if revisiting that moment and then she shivers.

I scoot over and wrap my arm around her waist. She doesn’t struggle but rests her head against my chest. I pull her to me so her body presses tightly against mine, and I kiss the top of her head.

I don’t know why I’m feeling so close to her. I’ve never shared those childhood memories with anyone other than my family. I don’t even know Harper well. She’s sexy and I’m undoubtedly attracted to her, but I shouldn’t feel this way toward her. We’re not soulmates. But I feel connected to her, for whatever crazy reason.

Harper is different from the other women I’m acquainted with. I have had friends with benefits and business partners. Most of them either possess physical beauty or impressive intelligence, or both. But I have never felt drawn to anyone like I do to Harper. I don’t know why this girl attracts me so. It isn’t just her beauty. There’s something unusual about her that sets her apart from the others. Maybe it’s the fact that she attempt to shun away from my attention and help.

She doesn’t want anyone to hand her success, she wants to build it. I like that. Although I’ve worked hard to get where I am, I have trouble crediting myself for my success. I keep thinking I’m just lucky to be Mike Alton’s son. There’s no way I would ever find out whether I would be as successful as I am now without my dad’s help.

As I’m enjoying the new experience of sitting side by side with a woman I’m attracted to without feeling her up, I see a tall man coming from behind a rock, carrying a surfboard under his arm.

My cousin Robert. Damn.

“Nick! What a pleasant surprise! Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

Because I didn’t want to run into you, asshole. Damn. I’ve forgotten the fact Robert hasn’t grown up. He still spends most of his days at the beach.

“I didn’t think it was necessary,” I say, standing up and giving him a fist bump.

His eyes are soon fixed on Harper. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your girlfriend?”

“Not my girlfriend. Harper is my personal assistant,” I say with some difficulty because Rob will probably get the wrong idea.

Rob’s eyes light up when he sticks out his hand for a shake. “Nice to meet you. I’m Nick’s infamous cousin Robert Alton.”

Harper stands up and shakes the jerk’s hand professionally. “It’s nice to meet you, too, Robert.”

I’m pleased by the fact that Harper doesn’t fawn on my cousin as the other females did when I introduced them to him. As much as I hate to admit, Rob is handsome and athletic. He’s taller than me even though I don’t lack muscles, and he has a boyish smile that charms the pants off the ladies.

Robert’s eyes are roaming over Harper like she’s a piece of dessert. Fuck. I want to put my arm around Harper like I did earlier but I also need to behave at the same time. After all, Harper isn’t my girlfriend.

The man is a worse playboy than me. He’s omnivorous when it comes to women. He slept with his mom’s friends when he was still in high school and not to mention the few minors. If it hadn’t been for Jack’s lawyer, he would’ve been in jail already.

“Want to catch some waves with me?” Rob asks, cocking his head as if challenging me.

Honestly, I’m a bit resentful because he interrupted my blissful moment with Harper, and I’m in no mood for the sport. Besides, even though I sometimes swim in the gym, I haven’t had the leisure to surf for many years.

“I’m gonna pass,” I say. “I haven’t done it for a while.”

Robert shrugs. “I don’t blame you. Spend all your time making money.”

I shrug. “I’ve got no choice. Somebody has to take care of the family business.”

“No, you don’t have to,” he says with a chuckle. “You can just walk away like Jared. You don’t have to prove to your old man you’re better than your brother.”

His comment incenses me. I know I shouldn’t pay heed to his careless insult, but instinct gets the better of me. Ever since when we were children, Rob never fails to remind me and my brother we had been my dad’s illegitimate children.

I’m clenching my fist and ready to throw a punch in his face, but I remind myself again not to let him get on my nerves. He isn’t worth it. “I’m afraid my assistant and I got work to do.”

Rob chuckles. “Come on. I know what you’re here for, Nick. You’re here to check on the resort because you’re interested in purchasing it. You’ve got plenty of time to do it. Besides, I’m sure Harper wouldn’t mind a moment’s respite without her annoying boss, am I right?”

Rob’s wriggling his eyebrows at Harper and I hate him for that.

Harper shrugs. “Not at all. Go have some fun, Nick.”

Nick. I like the sound of my name on her tongue. Much better than how boss sounds. Her voice melts my anger somewhat, and I let out a sigh.  “Sure, if you don’t mind,” I say and follow Rob toward the surf spot not far from where we are.