Her Pack by Tamara White

Chapter Thirty-Five

I’mup and dressed just past five in the morning, while my mates are all still tucked in bed. Last night was pretty amazing, and I enjoyed it as much as possible.

When Lily showed up, she was carrying bottles of her booze and I knew better than to drink a drop of that poison. The last time I tried it, it didn’t go too well for me. Not long after she showed up, Pete carried me back to the pack house and into the room that has been designated as mine.

I thought we would get up to all sorts of mischief, but I crashed from exhaustion as soon as he placed me on the bed. Now though, I’m full of energy. The impending excitement of meeting Aiden this morning is giving me a big hit of adrenaline. I got up without disturbing Pete. None of my other mates have awoke yet, it’s only Rick and I.

We both trained out front, then showered and have now finished breakfast. Now we’re just waiting for my grandparents and the Elders to arrive so we can have an early morning meeting since I’m up for the day.

I wasn’t going to invite them around, but Rick pointed out that it would be a good idea to start the day off with clearing the air. While we may not get everything squared away today, it would be a good idea to get a head start.

“They’re here,” Rick gets to his feet at some sound I don’t hear. We’ve made a pot of coffee and have set up in the living area, as far from the bedrooms as possible.

He is quick to get the door and guide everyone into the living area. We’ve got a few extra chairs since I didn’t feel comfortable not being able to see everyone at once. I wanted to ensure that I could watch their expressions, so I could reassure everyone when it was needed. There is so much that has happened that I guarantee there will be a thousand and one questions thrown at me.

First Rick enters the room and stands off to the side, gesturing to the chairs. “If you would like to take a seat, I’ll be happy to serve you each a coffee. I know it’s definitely going to be needed for this,” he alludes, grinning over at me.

I bite my lip to stop my smile surfacing. He’s not wrong there. There is so much that I know it will be a long chat. By the time I’ve finished filling them in on all that has happened, it will be time for me to meet with Aiden.

Each of the Elders accepts Rick’s offer of coffee, but Monique and Walter don’t. They all sit down though, their eyes fixed on me. I wait for everyone to appear relaxed before I speak.

“Thank you for coming today. Especially since it’s a Sunday, and it’s only seven in the morning. But I figured if we were all up, it was a good idea to get things going.”

“Oh, hush, child. We would have come regardless of what day or time it is,” my grandmother states in a very maternal tone. “Now, what is it you wished to speak with us about?”

“Well,” I play with the hem of my shirt, not sure where to start. A lot has happened since I’ve been here. Cam’s grandfather is here, and when he showed up, he brought a wolf hunter with him. Then there was the fact that the hunter told me we might have a traitor in our midst. I discovered I have a sister. I’ve started marking my mates, and the cleansing has failed.

I just blurt it all out and wait for them to fire away any questions they may have. The moment I’ve stopped speaking, it doesn’t take long for Sammy to ask the first question.

“Just to be clear, Cam’s grandfather, Luke’s father, is here at the pack and you haven’t locked him up?”

I flush under his accusing gaze. “He was to begin with, but I decided it was pointless to keep him locked up. He wants the same thing we do, his son out of the picture.”

“I find that hard to believe.” He leans forth on his chair, pinning me with a dubious look. “Genetics makes that impossible to believe. No man would conspire to kill their own flesh and blood.”

I nod along with him, because I thought a similar way before I understood the events that had occurred. “Well, it seems that Luke killed the wrong people. The hunter we have is working with Anthony. His parents were killed by Luke when he was a boy, and he’s seeking vengeance. Basically, I’ve made an agreement with the two of them for help, in exchange for the hunter not making all of our packs a target.”

Each of them is staring at me with varying expressions of disbelief. We haven’t even touched on any of the other important things like a possible traitor, or the fact I have a sister, but this seems to be what they too are focused on. Hell, better to get the worst out of the way first.

“I think it’s important we meet with this hunter to discuss these things. I don’t mean any offence, but you are still a child, and such deals need to be made by the appropriate people. If they are truly hunters, we need to assess this, and then act accordingly. Not with rash decisions,” Jax says condescendingly.

I lean back in my seat, sending a glare his way. “I may be a child, but I am also the future queen. I’m more than capable of reaching such deals on my own. Besides, I believe I’ve come to a suitable arrangement with him. We kill Luke, either with or without his help, and he will make sure it’s known that most pack members are not bloodthirsty killers. Unless of course you want to renege on the deal and risk having an entire group of hunters descending on the packs because of Luke’s actions. His and a few rogue wolves have killed humans. Hunters have been created simply to avenge their families.” I lean forth, piercing him with my gaze. He thinks I’m the one not mature enough to deal with this situation, but it’s partly his fault and the others that this has gone on unnoticed for so long.

“This situation is our fault. We have people who are part of our world out there killing innocent people. It’s our duty to put a stop to it. So, when I have taken care of Luke, I will then help Aiden find the wolves responsible for harming humans and taking them out of the equation too. If we don’t do something, we are going to be outed to the humans. Which I know is not something that anyone wants, is it?”

Monique smirks, but Walter seems to have a disapproving expression. “While no one wants to be outed, we also need to tread carefully. It would be a good idea for us to meet with the hunter. To at least judge whether we believe he will honor his word.”

“Fair enough, but it won’t be today. We have a few things to deal with and I don’t need him distracted with possible threats you lot will lay down.”

“That’s fine,” Monique rushes to say before any of the men can demand differently. “Now, why don’t we talk about this sister, you seem to have found. Have you confirmed her genetics?”

“I have, to an extent. But I’m still going to get a blood test done. It’s something that will be done in the future, though, it’s not an immediate need, so I’ve held off. Lia is new to this life too. I don’t want to be the bitch who says we need to get a DNA test before I can accept her as my sister. She knew enough about my dad, that I feel confident she is truly who we think.”

“I understand. Have you explained to her what it would mean being related to you?” Walter asks, his eyes filled with interest. “Obviously she can’t ever make a claim to your title, but it doesn’t mean she won’t have a target on her back for the rest of her life.”

“Jeez, Walter,” my grandmother slaps him on the arm, her eyes accusing. “Danielle has enough going on at the moment. I’m sure she’s already thought of such things. Do you really need to be such a stick in the mud?”

I smile at my grandmother, thankful for her words. But I still respond to Walter. “I know she will be a target which is why she’s going to a different pack for the interim. Until things have been dealt with here, it makes sense for her to remain out of the way. Which is why I haven’t pushed for a DNA test. Who knows whether Luke will intercept such a request. If he does, then he’ll know of her existence and use her against me. Or she might end up being taken, which none of us want. So no, I haven’t told her exactly what it means to be my sister, but we all understand the dangers.”

The Elders and Monique are smiling, but Walter seems a little unsure of my words. Like he’s not reassured. I guess I can understand since the main plain is to ignore her acknowledging her existence for as long as possible. But there will be a time after the business with Luke, that I can talk to her in more depth about everything. I’ll have to give her the choice of our relationship being open, or keeping it secret. She may opt to just announce ourselves as nothing more than friends. It would keep her relatively safer in the world, while giving us the chance to bond as half sisters.

Lance smiles over at me, his eyes full of pride. “I think you’re doing an excellent job. But if you have everything handled, then do you even need our help?”

“Actually,” I mutter, a thread of worry in my tone. “I would like a bit of advice on a few things, if that’s okay?”

“Of course. Tell us your problems and we’ll go from there,” Sammy says kindly.

It amazes me how different of an experience it is talking with them without Sonja in the room. Normally I’d be arguing, or shouting to be heard from them, but they all seem to understand my position now they don’t have Sonja whispering in their ears. I just wish they didn’t lose Erick on the way. But again, that’s on Sonja. She ruined a lot of lives. Hopefully now we can all move on without her influence.

“Well, I have a few issues. Firstly, there may be a traitor close to me.” I let that sink in before expanding on how I know this. “The hunter has been trying to trace Luke’s exact location, but he ran into some kind of block. The only way that’s possible is if Luke has a hacker of some kind working to block whatever Aiden is doing. And as Aiden pointed out, they would need to be close to me to know what is happening.”

“Do you have any suspects?” Monique asks. “Have you laid any bait traps to catch the person who could be leaking information?”

“No, I haven’t yet. Only because I simply have no clue where to begin. If information is being leaked, then it can only be Vivienne, my enforcers, or one of my mates. And I refuse to believe one of them could betray us.”

“I see.” Monique’s eyes are filled with sympathy, most likely understanding just what I do. One of the people closest to me has to be a traitor. It’s the only thing that makes logical sense right now. As much as I hate it, I don’t want to believe it. I would rather believe it was a stranger that was passing on information, but I have no clue how they would do so. Maybe one of the guys has unintentionally said things to a pack member and they just don’t understand the implications, but I doubt it.

“Apart from the traitor, we also need to discuss bringing in two new Elders to make you all complete again. I’m not sure exactly how all that works, but I have an idea for when I’m officially Queen. I believe that each of the Alpha’s should serve as Elders as well. That way when a squabble arises among the packs, it can be decided on with just one big meeting of the minds. In the case of important decisions, I will call a vote. That way everyone is a part of the decisions. If we reach a tie vote, then I will choose a person who is impartial to make the deciding vote.”

The three Elders all wear small smiles. Jax is the one to speak for them, his eyes also show the same level of pride as everyone else. “I think that sounds like a great idea, and I’m sure my friends believe the same.” He sighs softly, his hand rubbing up and down his pants. “I never thought I would say this of a girl who has yet to turn eighteen, but I believe you were meant to lead us. Sometimes your ideas while a little out there, are also probably what we need most.”

I’m about to thank him when Rick appears at my side. “Sorry to interrupt, Dani, but Aiden is out front waiting for you.”

“Oh,” I throw an apologetic glance to my grandparents and the Elders. “I’m so sorry, but would you mind if we continue this later?”

“I think maybe you should postpone,” Walter says, but is interrupted by a pinch to his ribs from my grandmother.

She offers me a soft smile, one sparkling with mischief. “Of course, darling. Go off and talk with the hunter. We’re all going to wait for your mates to wake up, if that’s alright. We had planned to talk with them today, along with Vivienne.”

“Sure, stay, enjoy the coffee.” I glance over at Rick. “Are you staying? Or are you my babysitter for the day?”

“Nope, that’s me,” Jake grumbles sleepily coming into the room. Poor guy looks like he didn’t get a wink of sleep. “Come on your majesty, let’s hop to it. Maybe the morning air will force my eyes to stay open,” he yawns, shaking his head to wake himself up.

I rise to my feet, offering the Elders a quick wave goodbye. When I reach Jake, he still reeks of alcohol. I chuckle softly. “Just how much of Lily’s stash did you have?”

He curses at me under his breath, and I simply walk ahead of him, laughing at the fact he managed to not only get drunk last night, but he got so wasted that he has a hangover too. At least having a hungover Jake as a babysitter is like having no babysitter at all.