Stitch by Jaime Lewis

Chapter Sixteen

Mia was curled up on the couch in front of the toasty fire Stitch had started earlier that morning. She laid the tablet down next to her. Thank goodness, Alex had thought to get her a couple of items like the tablet and some magazines that would keep her occupied, considering Stitch didn’t have a TV at the cabin. She was finally starting to feel a little better and had more mobility than she had six days ago. Her primary source of pain was her rib area and shoulder blades. Overall she’d been a good patient and had followed Doctor O’Neal’s orders. It didn’t hurt to have Stitch looking after her to ensure she followed the doctor’s directives. He still insisted on carrying her around wherever she needed to go. As much as she wanted to try to walk more independently, she also cherished being held in his arms.

What had been bothering her, though, was his avoidance of the attraction between them. Yes, he had flirted and made comments, and had even kissed her that first night, but over the last day or two, he’d been a little more distant when it came to them. For her, every time Stitch walked into the room, she could feel the atmosphere change. Maybe it was her that needed to initiate things.

“Hey,” Stitch greeted her as he walked into the living room, and again his appearance created an energy that felt like a power surge had struck her. The connection between them was so strong.

She wondered where he might be off to, considering he was dressed, had his boots on, and carried his coat. She couldn’t help the jealousy swirling around in her. She would kill to go somewhere, even if it was just a trip to the store. Hell, she’d settle for just a car ride. She just wanted to get out.

“Hey yourself,” she replied, flashing him a smile.

He walked over and sat on the coffee table in front of her. She stared at his thighs and the way his jeans molded to the muscles flexing against the material.

“How are you feeling today?”

She sat up a little straighter. “Not as sore as yesterday. I might feel a little better if I could get out of the house for a bit, even if I just sat outside on the porch. I need some fresh air.”  The closest she’d come to fresh air was when the front or back door opened, and she caught a breeze.  “Don’t get me wrong.  I appreciate everything you have done for me, but I’m feeling antsy, especially now that I’m not sleeping most of the day. I’ve always been an active person, and I have to say, out of all my body parts, I’m sure my eyes are in the best shape right now considering I do over three hundred eye rolls a day.”

Stitch laughed. “I kinda figured. I thought maybe we could go a little further than the porch, though.”

He had her attention. “What did you have in mind?” She asked, sounding overly hopeful to her own ears.

“Maybe a drive along Skyline Drive, stopping at a few of the overlooks so you can get some fresh air, then grab an early dinner in town on the way back.”

If she could bolt upstairs to grab her shoes, she would, but instead, she opted for a big smile. “I would love that. When do we leave?” She asked, starting to lift herself from the couch. She was already dressed in a pair of black leggings and a white long-sleeved tunic.  All she needed were shoes and a coat.

Once she was steady on her feet, Stitch stood up. She knew he was observing her. She surprised him when she got up on her tiptoes, putting most of her weight on her good ankle, and kissed his cheek. His skin felt smooth and warm against her lips.

“Thank you for everything, Stitch.”

He placed a hand on her hip. “I would do anything for you, Mia.  Anything.” They stared at one another for several seconds before Stitch said, “I already brought your shoes down, and Alex left a coat for you. Do you need any help getting them on?” Ordinarily, she would have been appalled by him asking her that, but considering that bending over was still a difficult task with her ribs, all she could do was smile up at him because he was sincerely only trying to help her.

“Alex made sure that I had shoes I could easily get my feet in and out of.” She opened the box and showed Stitch the light gray slip-on tennis shoes, and he smiled.

“Alex thinks of everything.”

Oh, how his statement was true. Little Miss Alex didn’t miss a beat.  Mia still couldn’t believe the sexy panties and bras Alex bought her during her shopping trip.

Stitch held her jacket open for her, and she slid her arms in. He was so gentle it warmed her heart.

“We can also stop at any stores you want along the way. There are a couple of really cool antique shops. I know you like to browse through those.”

“That sounds great. I would love to stop and look around if you don’t mind.”

“As long as you’re feeling up to it.”

“Trust me; if I’m not, I’ll let you know. If we don’t make it to them, I can always come back.” She glanced over her shoulder and found Stitch staring at her. She looked down at her hands that were clasped together.  “Well, that is if I’m welcomed back considering all the trouble I’ve caused.”

He placed his hand against her cheek, and his thumb caressed her bottom lip. She couldn’t resist the pull, and she leaned into his touch.

“You’re welcome here anytime. In fact, I hope you decide to spend more time here with me.” He looked so serious as he told her, and Mia could only hope he was telling the truth because she would absolutely love to spend more time at the cabin with him. She just needed to get to the bottom of the mess she was currently in currently.


The drive along the scenic route was the perfect distraction that Mia had needed. The beauty and calmness the mountains had to offer were breathtaking and tranquil. They had driven a few hours, stopping along the way at various points to view the mountain landscape as well as the many historical spots. She never realized how rich the locale was in Civil War history. She was bummed she didn’t have her phone to take pictures, but Stitch had taken some. She would definitely be returning when she was healed to tour the nearby caverns, maybe get a little snow skiing in, and exploring more of the mountains and communities surrounding it.

On their way back home, they stopped at a little Mom and Pop diner that Stitch regularly frequented when he was up this way.

Finding a table near the back, Mia looked over the menu. She couldn’t stop thinking about the last few hours and how Stitch’s attentiveness was so different today than the last few days.

Around the cabin, he operated in a work mode mentality. Every now and then, he would sneak a little innuendo in, but today was different. It felt like a turning point in their relationship. That power surge feeling she got had been with her all day. His attentiveness had been off the charts. When they stopped at Hogback Lookout, her favorite lookout stop of the day, Stitch had held her hand the entire time. When they stood together gazing out over the valley below them, he’d hugged her close to him. She savored every moment of the closeness. Neither one had much to say during the drive, though she did want to ask him if he’d heard anything about her case, but it had been too special of a day to ruin it with that ugliness.

Since that first night, she found it frustrating that he had yet to try and kiss her again. She had wondered if she needed to make the next move and show that she was all in for them being together.  They definitely needed to talk because the biggest obstacle facing their future together was her brother.

“You’re not hurting, are you?” Stitch asked, getting her attention and pulling her from her thoughts.

She shook her head and gave him a soft smile. “No, what made you ask that?”

“You got quiet, and your eyebrows were drawn in.” He reached over and brushed his thumb across her forehead. The move sent little tingles through her body. She hadn’t realized she was that deep in thought.

“Your expressions are one of the qualities I love so much about you.  The way you express yourself, whether you’re talking, or like just now as you were thinking.”

“Unlike you and my brother, who are tough people to read, but that doesn’t mean I don’t try to decipher whatever y’all got going through those thick skulls of yours.”

He chuckled. “Well, we have had some practice. Believe me, that practice has saved our lives on numerous occasions.”

An older lady with graying hair approached the table, and a huge smile crossed her face when her eyes landed on Stitch.

“Stitch! I thought that was you. It is nice to see you again. It’s been a while.” The lady looked at Mia and smiled. “And I see you brought some company with you.”

Stitch smiled. “Hi, Fran. It has been a while.”

“Well, it’s always a pleasure to see your face around here.”

“Fran, I’d like you to meet Mia. Mia, this is Fran. She and her husband, Theo, own this place.”

Mia shook Fran’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Fran.”

“Likewise, honey. What can I get you two? The special today is pot roast with green beans, mashed potatoes, and a corn muffin.”

At the mention of food, Mia’s belly decided to alert the entire mountain population that she was hungry.

Stitch laughed. “I guess I should have fed you earlier.”

“The special sounds yummy, and obviously, my stomach already approved. I’ll take that and a sweet tea, please.”

Stitched loved that Mia wasn’t a self-conscious eater. He’d seen her put away some food.

Apparently, it had surprised Fran too, because Fran smirked at Mia. “I like you, sugar. A beautiful woman with an appetite.” Then she looked at Stitch. “Do I need to ask you what you want?”


“I’ll add another special in for you. It’ll be out shortly.”

Stitch looked across the table and found Mia staring at him. She leaned back in the chair, and her brown eyes sparkled as she spoke.

“This is a perfect ending to our day. I know I’ve said it several times today, but thank you. I really needed this.”

He reached across the table and took her hand, stroking the top with his thumb. “It’s perfect when you have the right company.”

She didn’t try to pull away. Instead, she relaxed.

“Can I ask you a question?” She asked.


“What made you buy a cabin in the mountains? With your job, do you get a chance to come here often?”

Fran set their drinks on the table, and Stitch pulled his hand back to grab his glass and took a sip. He looked back at Mia.

“That’s just it. It’s because of the job. I wanted another place besides my apartment in town. I wanted a place I could escape to find peace and just take in what the world and nature offered. It’s nice to come up here for a couple of days and tune everything out.”

She understood what he was saying. She’d heard Ace say when he would come home for a few days to the ranch in Oklahoma. When he wasn’t out helping on the land, she’d always find him sitting out on the back porch, taking in the peacefulness. Living in New York City and coming to a town like this gave her an understanding of what her brother and Stitch meant.

“I get it, and I can’t disagree with you. It is nice to be able to just relax and not have to worry about life for a few days.”

“I feel like I don’t get up here enough.”

“Well, you should definitely take advantage of it more often. It's a gorgeous town, and the views from your place are breathtaking.”

Stitch grinned.  “The view is what sold me on the place. Before we head back to the beach, there is something I want to show you that I’ve never shared with anybody.”

They talked more about the town and the people that Stitch knew, then before long, Fran delivered their dinner, and they ate while enjoying one another's company.


When they arrived back at the cabin, Mia wasn’t quite ready to go back inside, so she had asked Stitch if she could sit outside for a little bit. The temperature had dropped as the sun made its descent behind the mountains, and the moon made its appearance. Stitch had some work he needed to handle, so he made a fire in the firepit and then got Mia set up on the deck in one of the lounge chairs he pulled over.

After a quick run-through of his emails to make sure that the world wasn’t falling apart, he sent off a few emails to the base training staff; he then grabbed another blanket off the couch and walked to the back door. He stood in the doorway, watching Mia take in the sights of what his little slice of heaven offered. Watching the day transition into night, Stitch himself got lost in the picturesque view, and in a matter of seconds, the glow of the sun was gone and replaced by the silhouettes of the mountain tops basking in the moonlight.

The nature and scenery fascinated him. His life as a SEAL hardened him over the years. Seeing the darkness and evil workings throughout the world took a toll on a person. But Mia managed to light up his life and remind him he was also a human being, and that there was so much good to see.

He continued to observe her as she watched the doe and fawn making their way through his back yard. The way the moonlight shined down on her as she stood against the railing was a magical sight. It was like heaven shined a spotlight on a true angel. Her face glowed as she took in the movements of the mama deer and her baby. The moment was priceless. Her humbled expression and the way she took in everything around her, as if not wanting to miss out on something, made his heart grow even more. She was a perfect mixture of every quality he imagined his future wife would have. She was sweet, caring, loving, brilliant, and a spitfire when she wanted to be.

He hadn’t mentioned to her yet about speaking to Ace last week, but he planned on doing it tonight because he couldn’t hold back his desire to not show her how much he loved and cherished her.

The fire crackled loudly, and Mia glanced over her shoulder, and her eyes fell upon him. He smiled and moved out onto the deck, taking her hand and leading her to the large lounge chair.  Once he settled himself, he patted his lap, and her eyes widened.

“Please, Mia. Sit with me?”

Without saying a word, she lowered herself, and he scooted over a little.  She turned and snuggled into his side, making him sigh in contentment.

“Did you get what you needed to do done?” She asked in a low voice.

“I did. What were you thinking about before I came out here?”

Her head tipped back, and she looked up at him with her brown eyes. “You.”

His lips curled slightly. “Me? Really?”

She nodded her head yes, but then laid it back down on his chest, and he sensed that something was off.

“Mia…” She moved again, and the glow from the firelight shined on her cheek where the bruising was the worst.  He ran his fingertips lightly down the soft skin. “I don’t like seeing you hurting, emotionally, or physically.  You don’t deserve any of this.”

She sighed. “I just want it to be over. I don’t like the unknown and being afraid of what could be around the next corner.” She looked up at him again and he saw the fearfulness in her eyes. It was a look he never wanted to see.  But he sensed there was something else bothering her.

“What else?”

Her eyes widened, and he wanted to laugh because that move alone ratted her out. “What do you mean?”

“What else is bothering you? You mentioned you were thinking about me. Have I done something to upset you?” Stitch asked, hoping he hadn’t. He admitted to himself that he’d been a little bossy over the last couple of days, but that was for her own good to help her heal.

“I’m afraid of losing you. I know we’re both attracted to each other and we’ve been playing this cat and mouse game ever since the holidays last year, but I’m tired of running and hiding. I’m afraid that when this whole thing going on with me is all said and done with, you’re going to realize that I’m too much trouble and you’ll walk away.”

Stitch was not only shocked, but he was pissed off that she would think he would be that insensitive to turn his back on her because of something she had absolutely no control over.

“Oh baby, let’s get something straight right now. I should be insulted that you would even think I could be that shallow of a person.” When she went to protest, he stopped her. “Let me finish. I can understand your way of thinking. You’ve really never had a serious relationship.”  When she looked surprised at his statement, he couldn’t help but grin. “Just because I never acted on my feelings didn’t mean I wasn’t keeping tabs on you, sweetheart.” When he saw the dawning light in her expression, he gave her a gentle squeeze and grinned. “I’ve had my eye on you for a while. It just took some time for my brain and heart to connect. I’ve wasted almost a better part of a year thinking about what others would think of us dating when I could’ve enjoyed that time with you. Yeah, you were still going to school, but still, we could’ve made it work. I kick myself in the ass every day.”

“We both made that mistake. I knew after the first month of dating Terek that he wasn’t right for me. I think I avoided you because of my brother.  God knows what he would think of us dating.”

“What would you say if your brother gave us his blessing?”

“I would say that would be a miracle. He doesn’t have much patience when it comes to men and me.”

He rubbed her back, “Mia, Ace, and I spoke the night you got here.”

Her eyes snapped up, looking directly into his. “What exactly did the two of you talk about?”

“You and me, and what we have between us.”


He reached his hand under her hair, cupping the back of her neck, drawing her closer until they were nose to nose. He pressed his lips gently against hers, testing the waters. He wanted so badly to show her how he really felt and kiss her deeply. He wanted to taste every inch of her, but he was afraid he wouldn’t want to stop, and her body wasn’t ready for that yet.  He released her lips and stared into her eyes that glistened.

“That should answer your question.”

Her smile was so big, and her brown eyes sparkled. She kissed his cheek, then rested her head against his shoulder. She didn’t say anything for a few moments, and he wondered what was running through her head.

“You okay?”

She nuzzled her face against the side of his neck.

“It’s just a lot to take in. I mean, what if—”

He put his pointer finger against her lips to quiet her.

“Don’t play the what-if game. Believe me. It’s not worth the mind-fucking. Let’s just enjoy the time now.”

She smiled, then covered a big yawn.

He kissed the top of her head. “You’ve had a busy day. How about I take you up to bed?”

“Okay.” She said without an argument, and he grinned.

He got her upstairs and into the bathroom so she could change into her pajamas. He took that time to change into something more comfortable.  Pulling on a pair of lounge pants, he thought back to earlier in the day and how much he enjoyed spending it with Mia. She was definitely special.

She walked out, and he noticed she was favoring her ankle a little more than earlier.

He held out a pain pill and a glass of water to her. Surprisingly, she took it with no argument, then crawled in bed. He pulled the covers up over her, and she reached for his hand.

“Stay with me tonight?” She asked him as her brown eyes gazed into his.

“I haven’t left you alone yet at night.”

She looked over at the chair sitting next to the bed. “I don’t mean just sitting here in the room with me. I want you to lay in bed with me and hold me. Please?”

How could he say no to that pout? Without a word, he walked over to the main light switch and flipped it, sending the room into darkness. Seconds later, the moonlight filtered through the window, bringing just enough light for him to make his way back to the bed. Not that he needed the light. He had a knack for finding his way in the dark. He pulled the covers down and slid into bed behind Mia. He pressed up against her back. When she tried to turn, he held her still.

“No, stay just like this. This is perfect.”

They lay there in silence. It was what he’d dreamed of and something he’d wanted to do every night.



“I have a confession.” He could hear the sleepiness in her voice. She was ready to fall asleep any minute.

“What is it?” He asked, loving the way her body fit against his.  Then she wiggled her little ass against his dick, and damn did he have the patience of a saint because he wanted to roll her over and bury himself in her.  Then she said the three words that blocked everything his mind was processing, and his heart grew.

“I love you,” she whispered before her breathing evened out. He grinned and snuggled closer against her body, then kissed her head.

“I love you too, Mia.”

His phone buzzed, and he pulled it off the nightstand and smiled, seeing the message from Ace. It was going to be nice to surprise Mia tomorrow morning when he told her that Ace, Alex, and her mom were coming up for a visit.


The next morning Stitch walked into the bedroom and smiled. He couldn’t remember the last time sleep had come so easy for him. A lot of nights, he was met with demons from his past missions. Having Mia next to him had been comforting. She was a snuggler, but he didn’t mind one bit. He loved having her close and in his arms.

He walked toward the bed, and she popped her head up. Her hair was all tousled, but she still looked sexy. She stretched like a kitten just waking from a nap.

“Hey, sleepyhead. How did you sleep last night?”

She smiled and curled herself around his pillow. “Well, considering I had a very comfortable pillow, I slept like a log.” She turned her nose into the air and sniffed. “What smells so delicious?”

“That would be breakfast. Your brother and Alex will be here any minute, and they have a surprise for you, so you better get up and get ready.”

He smiled when he saw her face light up.  It was nice to see her smiling more.

“Ace is coming?!” She asked excitingly and tried getting out of the bed too fast and then winced as she grabbed her side. “Damn ribs are becoming a royal pain in my ass, I tell you.”

He wanted to laugh but thought better of it. Instead, he lowered to a knee in front of her. She reached out and cupped his cheek. He turned his head and kissed her palm.

“You need to be careful. We did a lot of walking yesterday. Maybe too much, now that I think about it.”

She smiled at him. “Stitch, yesterday was perfect. I’m just a little achy.”

Her recovery was priority number one, and he didn’t need her reinjuring herself and causing a set-back.

He stood up and took a step back.


“Yeah, babe?”

He watched her closely as she slowly got herself up out of bed and padded in her bare feet over to him. The good news was she seemed to be able to put more pressure on her ankle.  He thought with all the walking they did yesterday, she would be feeling some soreness this morning. Once she was in front of him, she placed her hand on his chest. Her touch alone sent warmth through his body. When she looked up at him with those big brown eyes of hers full of so many emotions, he knew he was a goner. There would never be anyone else who stood by his side.

She nibbled her lip and appeared to have something on her mind. He placed one hand over hers that rested against his chest, and the other he wrapped around her gently as not to pester her injuries.

“What is it, Mia? You can be honest with me.”

“I wanted you to know that I meant what I said last night when I told you that I loved you. You probably thought I was asleep, but I wasn’t, and I heard you say it back but…”  Her words trailed off, and he knew what was coming, but he was done pussyfooting around.

Once he finally swallowed the huge mass that suddenly formed in his dry throat, he was able to speak.

“Mia, I’m gonna lay it out for you. I’ve been in love with you since you showed up at Ace and Alex’s last Christmas. I know we’ve been around each other different times before then, and I don’t know….maybe it was because during those encounters, we really didn’t get to spend a lot of time around each other, alone. I think I’ve always been attracted to you, but there were complications that we spoke about yesterday that I think prevented that attraction from growing. But getting to really spend time with you over this past year, I fell head over heels in love with you. And that’s the honest-to-god’s truth. I love you, and if I could marry you tomorrow, I would.”

He loved seeing that big bright smile he knew she had. It was a part of her that he loved. She was always a people person and friendly. Unless you pissed her off, and then the gloves were off. He’d witnessed it.

“Now, I’ll let you get ready since our guests should be arriving in the next twenty minutes or so, but if I know your brother, he’ll probably be walking in any minute. He is anxious to see you.” She grinned, and that look warmed his heart. He gave her another quick kiss. “When you’re ready to come downstairs, holler, and I’ll come and get you.”

“Stitch, I told you, I need to start walking on my own, and that includes walking down the stairs. Even you’ve mentioned how I need to build back my strength.”

Ignoring her comment, he said, “I’m sure the hot shower will feel good on those sore muscles.”

“Actually, a hot shower sounds really nice.”

“Just remember to sit on the bench. I don’t need you falling down and hurting your pretty little self any more than you already are.”

“Yes, Sir.” She said as she gave him a mock salute then giggled when he gave her that stern look.

He pointed to the bathroom. “Go!” She chuckled again, and the sound went straight to heart.

“Love ya!” She called out.

“Love you too,” he responded as he walked out of the room, feeling a little lighter on his feet. He shook his head.  Damn, it felt good to be able to express his love to her finally. Now, he just needed to make sure her overprotective brother was really on board. He may have already talked to Ace about him dating Mia, but now it was time to clue him in that she was it and he wanted to marry her.


Mia sat out on the deck with her mom. Alex was there, but then she had gone inside to give them some time alone.

Her mom reached out and pulled her into another hug, and Mia fought off the tears. She knew her mom had been worried and wanted to come sooner, but it hadn’t been safe. It still wasn’t, considering the police were still yet to obtain any leads on her kidnapping.

“Oh, baby girl, we were all so worried. Your brother knew something wasn’t right when he read that text you sent.”

“I hope he’s not blaming himself for this.”

“You know your brother. You were always his favorite. Since the day we brought you home from the hospital, he was always by your side. As you grew older, he was also the first in line to be the one to teach you things.  And to this day, I think he still needs that connection with you. But you both are adults now, and I think he feels like he let you down.”

“Why would he think that? He didn’t know this was going to happen to me. Nobody did.” Mia shook her head and took a deep breath before exhaling. “Mom. I don’t even remember enough to give the police any information. I feel like I forgot something.”

“Don’t worry, honey. Traumatic events affect people differently. If there’s something of importance, it will come to you, eventually.  I’m sure. But for now, you need to put all that effort into healing.”

“Tell me, how is Stitch doing? Is he taking good care of you?”

“Of course. I think he has gone above and beyond his call of duty.  He’s been super patient and very attentive. Yesterday he got me out of the house, and we drove up Skyline Drive and even stopped in town for dinner.”

“Well, if my instincts are correct, I think that young man has had a thing for you since he first laid eyes on you.”

“I don’t know about that,” she said and then looked out beyond the tree line behind the house. She needed to be honest with her mon.

“I was so afraid of what Ace would think. Stitch said he talked with him that first night, but I’m still not sold.”

“I think you might want to have a chat with your brother.” Mia looked at her mom. “Oh, sweetie, your brother knows you and Stitch are attracted to one another.  Alex had to help him out a little. But you know your brother if it bothered him, don’t you think he would have spoken to one of you by now?”

“I feel complete with him. I’m happy around him.”

The amused expression her mother had on her face blossomed into a full-on smile. Charlotte pressed her palm against Mia’s cheek. It was such a motherly gesture. “Honey, I have only wanted the best for you in your life, including a man. And I must say that Stitch is a man of honor, one who I know will have the best intentions for my baby girl. The two of you are perfect for each other.”

Mia sniffled. Damn, she really didn’t want to cry, but this was a happy moment.  She lived for the day she could tell her mom about a man that she loved. She was always the one in her family that had sat back and watched her two sisters find love and get married. Then Ace met Alex, and even her mom was dating someone now. She felt the waterworks getting ready to start.

“I love him so much, mom.”

“I know you do, sweetie.”

Mia hugged her mom, then pulled away and picked up her mug of coffee. “So, now that you have the scoop on my love life how about yours?  How is that hottie Colonel of yours?”

Her mom and Colonel Johnson, who ironically was the base commander in Afghanistan where Ace and Alex had met, were introduced to one another at Ace and Alex’s place last year during Christmas. They immediately hit it off and started dating, currently running almost six months. Her mom had even moved from the ranch in Oklahoma to Virginia Beach.

Mia watched as a bright smile took over her mom’s face.

“He is wonderful. Things are great between us. There is something that I wanted to talk to you and your brother about.”

“What’s that?”

“Mike asked me to marry him.”

“Oh my god! Mom, that’s wonderful. You said yes, right?  Oh wait, does Ace know yet?”

“Yes, Mike actually asked him. Your sisters know too. Are you sure you’re okay with it?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Well, I just thought…”

“Because of dad?”

“Yeah, your father will always have a place in my heart.”

“I know, mom, but you deserve to be happy too.  And if Mike is the man that makes you happy, then go for it. Daddy would want you to live your life and be happy.”

Apparently, love was in the air for most of the Chambers clan.


Ace couldn’t stop laughing at a story Mia was telling. Talk about embarrassing to get caught with your pants down, literally.

“So, you see, Ronnie, one of the kids who lived down the road from us dared Ace to run down our street butt-naked.”

Alex’s eyes widened, and she covered her mouth. She looked at Ace.  “You didn’t?”

Ace laughed.  “Damn right, I did. That kid was a punk, and damn if I was going to back down from a dare, especially from him.”

“Yeah, but Sheriff Grate had perfect timing.  I remember mom and dad getting that phone call telling them to come and pick up their son down the road and to bring clothes,” Mia said laughingly.

“Maybe, but at least I had the attention from all the girls at school the following week.”

Alex slapped Ace in the chest. “That is so wrong.” Ace couldn’t help but laugh. He put his arm around Alex and hugged her, then she reached over and squeezed his thigh. He looked down into her green eyes and couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have found her. She was his heart and soul and another reason to give that extra percent when on a mission to make damn sure that he came back home to her.

“You know I love you.”

She smiled. “I love you, too.”

He turned his eyes back onto his sister. Oh, she wasn’t getting out of this without her own little story. Yeah, little miss perfect wasn’t the little saint everyone portrayed her to be. He took a drink from his glass before clearing his throat.

“I think it’s only fair that we expose the skeletons from your closet, sis.”

She tilted her head at him and gave him a look as if she had no clue what he was talking about. Ace grinned maniacally. Let me refresh your memory.

“Everyone always called her an angel. But you didn’t fool mom.” He glanced over at his mom and winked, making her smile.  “Mom always said that you were the little devil, and she was right.”

“I was not,” Mia stated, her voice pitching high. “I’ve got that halo over my head.”

Ace shrugged his shoulders.  “Maybe, but what people don’t see are the retractable horns that can sprout out of her head at any given time.”

“What are you talking about? I was the good sibling growing up.” She looked at her mom, who tried to stay out of the bantering, but all she could do was shrug her shoulders.

“Really?” Ace replied as he raised his eyebrows. “Let’s see if you can recall the only time you ever got a spanking in your life.” He didn’t know what was funnier; how red Mia’s face turned, or his mom who looked mortified as if she just had a flashback of that day twenty-one years ago.  He gave Mia a wicked grin. “By the look on your face, I am guessing you know exactly what I’m talking about.”

“Ace…”  Mia warned. But Ace just smiled. What Mia had done was a classic. It was the day the entire town got to see a glimpse of the “real” Mia Chambers.

“Oh, well, now you have to share, considering how red Mia’s cheeks are,” Stitch said and kissed the side of Mia’s head, making Ace smile.  Stitch was a good man and good for Mia. He wished them both nothing but happiness.

He was shocked when his mom interrupted and continued telling the story. He didn’t miss the slight twitch in her lips. Yeah, she was pissed all to hell the day it happened, but looking back now, it was funny as shit, and apparently, his mom thought so too.

“Well, my baby girl here, thought it would be funny to put an Alka seltzer in her mouth right before her baptism ceremony.  Ace, Mikayla, and Maxie were all baptized when they were babies. Mia on the other hand, we had waited.” Charlotte covered her face as if she was reliving it. “Oh my god, it was so awful. Here we were in front of the entire congregation because we decided to do it on a Sunday during church. Mia had taken a sip of water while Reverend Shay was talking, when all of a sudden, in the middle of his spiel, Mia started foaming at the mouth and growling like a rabid animal.”  Ace couldn’t hold it anymore as he roared with laughter.

“How old were you?” Stitch asked Mia laughing.

“I was six,” Mia said with a pout on her face.

Ace nodded his head. “See six as in the number of the devil.” Mia flipped him the bird, and he threw his back and laughed harder, which made everyone chuckle.

He missed those times, but prayed when he and Alex had kids that they wouldn’t pull a stunt like that. But considering Alex was a professional prankster, he wouldn’t be surprised if his kids followed in their momma’s footsteps. He looked over at his fiancé, and she was beaming. It hit him square in the chest. He was one lucky bastard.  She was a woman of integrity, courage, beauty, intelligence, and pure badass. She moved her hand, and her diamond engagement ring sparkled in the light, and his chest tightened. He needed to put that matching wedding band on her finger. They’d talked in passing about setting a new date. But they needed to have a full sit-down conversation and talk it over. And with both their schedules, it almost made it impossible.


After dinner, while Mia, Charlotte, and Alex cleaned up the kitchen and spent more time together, Stitch and Ace sat on the patio by the fire.

Ace shook his head. “I still can’t believe you and my sister are dating. I mean, I’m happy for you guys, and I’m fine with it, but it’s just weird.”

“There is something I wanted to talk to you about. I know the relationship between Mia and I is new, but having the last year to really get to know her on a friendship level, I know that she is the one for me. Once we get things settled with her case, I want her and I to discuss our next steps. I’d like to know more about her career path and where that takes her in terms of where she’ll live, though my hope is she’ll join all of us in Virginia Beach. After we get a clearer picture of those and settle down, I’d like to ask Mia to marry me, with your permission. I also plan on talking to your mom, as well. I love her, Ace.”

Ace’s eyebrows rose before he brought his beer to his lips, and Stitch waited.

“Christ, man, can you at least let me get used to you two dating first?”

Stitch chuckled, but then Ace sobered, “I couldn’t ask for a better person to marry Mia. I know you’ll take care of her just as she will do the same for you. Of course, you have my permission.”

Stitch exhaled the big breath he had been holding in.

“Just don’t beat me down the aisle, or I’ll never hear the end of it from my mother or Alex,” Ace followed up with.

“Well, you and Alex better start planning because I don’t intend to wait too long. I’ve already wasted almost an entire year. I don’t have that much patience.”

Ace leaned back into the chair and got comfortable, stretching his legs out. The forecast called for a light dusting of snow in the area.

“Alex and I can’t seem to get on the same page in terms of a new date. I know she wants that wedding just as bad as I do, but we can’t ever find an open date. Shit is just non-stop right now. Between work and her Foundation that has taken off to extraordinary levels, we hardly see each other as it is. I just hate it hanging over our heads. More so for her. She had worked so hard getting our original date planned, and then you saw how that went to shit.”

Stitch took a drink of his beer. “Sorry, man. I know Alex has been itching to get married. You both deserve it.”

Ace smiled. “She deserves the wedding she wants.  I mean, after all, you only get one, and if she wants the big dream wedding she planned, then that’s what she’s going to get.”

Stitch chuckled. “But you have to have a date first.”

Ace pointed at him. “Exactly.”

“Well, you have a three-hour ride home. Maybe bring it up in the car.”

Ace nodded his head, and Stitch could only wish his friends the best.

They sat in silence for a minute or two.  The only sound was the fire crackling between them. Finally, Ace broke the silence.

“Derek said you had to report to base for that new training you’ve been helping to design.”

“Yeah, it’s this weekend. I thought I’d take Mia down with me. It could be good for her to get together with the others and have some normalcy. Maybe even make plans for Saturday night dinner at Bayside. Derek said things have been quiet, and nothing or nobody seemed out of the ordinary hanging around.”

Ace thought about it, then shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t see what it can hurt. Are you staying at your place?”

“No, I talked to my dad last night and explained everything to him.  Mia and I are going to stay with him and mom.”

“You know you guys can always stay with Alex and me. Shit, we have plenty of room.”

Wasn’t that the truth. The house had been bought initially by Alex when she moved back to Virginia Beach. Why she had decided to buy a five-bedroom home still puzzled Stitch and everyone else for that matter.

“Thanks. Mom and dad are excited to meet Mia. Have you heard any news out of New York?”

“Tink spoke with the detective yesterday. They’re following up on a few possible leads, but whatever those are, he isn’t sharing. Yet. Alex and I are taking a trip up there on Wednesday. Some of Tink’s guys are going to go along.”

“Why is that?”

Ace shrugged his shoulders. “Call it intuition. I just want to have a look around her apartment. Tink set it up with the detective. It’ll be a quick trip up and back in the same day.”

Ace leaned back in the chair.

“How is Mia really doing? I know my sister, and she isn’t one to sit around on her ass. She doesn’t know the meaning of taking it easy.”

“She has been taking Dr. O’Neal’s orders seriously. She is down to only one pain pill a day, and that’s at night. If she has some discomfort during the day, she opts for something over the counter that won’t make her tired.

“Is she getting the rest she needs?”

“Yes, yesterday was the first day I even let her out of the house. We took a drive along Skyline, stopped at a couple of the lookouts, then finished up with an early dinner in town.  She even passed on stopping in some of the antique shops along the way.”

At that news, Ace raised his eyebrows, clearly shocked. “My sister actually said no to going into an antique shop?”

Stitch laughed and took another slug of beer. “Yeah, that’s how I knew she’d had enough for one day. After dinner, we came home and just relaxed.  Well, I finished up that presentation I have to give this weekend on that new medic kit the government wants us to transition to.”

“Well, everyone will be happy to see you back this weekend.”

“Likewise,” Stitch replied, clinking bottles with Ace.


An hour later, after Stitch and Mia had said their good-byes to everyone, Stitch turned to her.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

Stitch’s voice grabbed her attention, and she looked up to see him standing in front of her with a concerned expression.  When had he gotten there?  She blinked her eyes.


“Yeah, I’m okay; why?”

“Well, I called your name a couple of times, but you were staring at that fire like you were in a trance.”

She noticed he had put a sweatshirt on. He smiled.

“I saw how you enjoyed sitting outside last night and again earlier today with your mom, so I thought we could sit out on the deck again and get some fresh air next to the fire.”

God, could he get any sexier. Two qualities she loved about Stitch were his calmness and patience. Even though she had never seen him in action on the battlefield, nor would she like to for several reasons, she sensed that those traits followed him while deployed. Being a medic, he had to be able to keep his shit together in the heat of the moment.

Realizing she had zoned out again, she looked up again and smiled.  “That sounds nice. As much as I love sitting here in front of the fire relaxing, Bambi up there is starting to freak me out a little. I feel like it’s staring at me.” She pointed to the stuffed, fake deer head mounted above the fireplace.  Stitch laughed, then walked over and placed a jacket around her shoulders.  He told her to hang on to the blanket, then he leaned down and scooped her up into his arms. She looped her arms around his neck and held on. As he made his way to the back door, she looked up at him. As much as she loved being carried all over by Stitch, she really needed to start walking and getting stronger.

“You know I could’ve walked the few feet myself.  I believe we had this conversation this morning. My ankle is much better.”

He shrugged his shoulders and gave her the cutest boyish grin, and she swore she saw his cheeks turn a light shade of pink. The expression took a couple of years off him. It was rare to witness, as men like Stitch and her brother were hardened trained killers but to be able to see and know the real men under the façade was a treasure.

“I figured I wouldn’t have many more opportunities, so I’ll take them while I can,” he admitted, and she smiled and kissed his cheek. He sat down on the oversized chair, brought her down on his lap, and then fixed the blanket covering them both. She burrowed closer to him. According to the thermometer nailed to the banister, it was close to freezing. The temperature may have been cold, but being snuggled up with a human heater and the man she loved was hot.

For a few minutes, they sat enjoying each other’s company and the peacefulness the scenery provided. Moments like this were what she wanted to come home to every night. At least when her man wasn’t flying off somewhere to serve and protect.

Stitch’s deep voice broke the quietness. “You mentioned your ankle is feeling better. How do the ribs feel?”

“It’s bearable, but I won’t lie; sometimes it hurts when I forget and make a sudden move. Like this morning.”

“Do you think you feel good enough to head to the beach for the weekend?”

She looked up at him and wondered if he was just messing with her. If he were, that would be mean because she would love to see all her friends. Then she thought about the conversation she and Ace had earlier. With no news on her case, would they really take the chance of her being found?

“Really?” She found herself asking a little cautiously.

He pushed a strand of hair from her face. “Ace and I talked about it today. I have a meeting at the base that I need to be at, and he and I thought it would be good for you to get some socializing time in, even though I love having you all to myself.”

She grinned. “I’ve enjoyed it here as well. It was needed, although I could’ve gone without the drama. But, I agree, it would be nice to see everyone. How long will we stay?”

“It’ll be just for the weekend. We don’t want to push it. There is a possibility that I may have to ship out for a day or two. It’s for training purposes. If that’s the case, I’d like you to stay with my parents until I return.  Are you okay with that?”

“If you think that is best, then that’s what I’ll do. But why can’t I stay with my mom and the Colonel? Or even Alex?”

“Because your brother and I both feel it would be safer to stay at my parent’s house.”

“Are we going to stay at your apartment, though? For the weekend, that is?”

“No, we’re staying with my parents. I’d feel safer having the extra layer of protection.”

Mia gave him an odd look. “What could be safer than having a SEAL as my protector?”

He grinned, showing off his cuteness.  “Having two SEALs looking over you.” He tapped her on the nose.

“Two?  Which one of the guys is going to be staying at your parents with us?”

“Something you don’t know but were bound to find out eventually, my dad was a former SEAL. He served the same time as Alex’s uncles, just on a different team.  Actually, Frost’s dad served with my dad on the same team. It’s how Alex, Tenley, Frost, and me all knew one another.”

Mia was confused. “I get you, Frost and Alex, but how did Tenley fit in there? I thought she didn’t have a dad growing up.”

“She didn’t. Her mom worked on base, and all the guys knew her. Plus, she went to the same elementary school as the rest of us.”

“I think it is pretty awesome that you all have stayed best friends through the years.”

“It was hard when Frost and I enlisted, and then Alex left for college before being recruited by the government.”

She nuzzled his neck. “Well, I’m glad everything worked out for everyone.”

He kissed her forehead as she lay against him. “Me too. So, are you good with the plan?”

“MmmHmm,” she murmured. Inside she was doing a happy dance. It was going to be a fabulous weekend.

He gave her a hip a light tap. “Seriously?  Darn, I was all pumped up for an impending argument.”

“Oh, stop. Trust me; I think my ego can take a backseat where my safety is concerned. I will gladly take any and all advice from skilled professionals such as yourself and my brother. Or any other member of your team.”

He pulled back and gave her a strange look. “Okay, where is the actual Mia, and what have you done with her?”

“This is the new and wiser Mia,” she said as she stared into his eyes.

He cupped her cheek. “I don’t want the ‘new’ Mia as you put it. I fell in love with the same person you are now. I fell in love with who you are on the inside. None of that has changed, and I don’t want it to either.  Now, do you want to tell me what had you so zoned out in front of the fire a little while ago that you didn’t even notice me standing right in front of you?”

She laid her head back against his shoulder and looked up at the sky.

In the mountains, the stars seemed so much closer and appeared bigger and brighter. It was like thousands of diamonds sparkling against the ink-black sky.

“I was thinking about home, more specifically, where home is for me.  I always considered the ranch in Oklahoma as my true home, but I haven’t lived at the ranch in years. With my mom moving to Virginia Beach, the ranch really wouldn’t feel like home anymore. I mean, my sister and her family will be living there, but it would feel weird since that’s their home now to make new memories in.”

“Aw, baby, you’ll still have all of your memories to fall back on. Look at the brighter side of things. At least the ranch will still be in the family.  I’ve met your sister and her family, and I know that she will carry on traditions you all shared when you were kids growing up.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right. But then I think about where my temporary home is now.”

“Your temporary home?”

She sighed, “New York. I mean, I have a job that pays very well.  When I say very well, I mean way above what the average vet is normally entitled to right out of school. But, honestly, the money doesn’t make me happy. I put in full days every day of the week. Some nights I don’t even leave the clinic until around eight or so. I’ve only just begun my career, and I feel burned out already.”

He shifted in the seat, where he could see her face better.  “What are you saying, Mia?”

“I’m saying that I don’t want to go back to New York. I want to be near my family and friends. I want to find a job in my field of work that I’ll enjoy but still be able to have a social life.” Stitch could tell she wasn’t finished, so he waited while she found her words.

She pulled back and looked up at him, placing her hands against his cheeks. “I want home to be with you. I know that probably sounds crazy, considering we literally just confessed our love for one another a day ago, but I’m being totally transparent with you right now. I love you so much. I want our relationship to grow and prosper. I want us to start making memories of our own. I just want you.”

When Mia finally finished, Stitch couldn’t hide his excitement.  Hell, he knew his smile was probably a mile wide. But damn if her words hadn’t squeezed his chest a little tighter.

He held her chin and kissed her. “Your words undo me. I love you so much and want those exact things with you. When all this is over, I’m going with you to New York and helping you pack. I’m sure your partners in crime will be ecstatic to have you living nearby. But nobody will be any happier than me. Well, I take that back. Your brother is going to be damn happy. But, Mia, your home will be with me in my home until we find something we both want and are happy with.”

“I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

She leaned forward and kissed him. When she went to pull back, he cupped the back of her head and drew her back in.  He had been patient long enough. He wanted to taste her. He flicked his tongue against her wet lips, indicating he wanted in. She obliged, and he slid in, intertwining his tongue with hers. His hand slid to the nape of her neck, and he caressed her skin as he made love to her mouth. She shifted, and he felt her flinch before she pulled back. He licked his lips, savoring her unique taste, but when her eyes met his, he saw the agony and became immediately worried.

“What’s wrong?”

“I just moved the wrong way, and my ribs didn’t like it. I’ll be okay in just a minute,” she said, biting down on her lip and trying to hide her pain, but she was doing a terrible job and she knew it because Stitch narrowed his eyes at her.

“The last thing I wanted to do was cause you more pain.”

“You didn’t!” She pleaded with him. “I’ve waited over a year for you to kiss me like that. Pain or no pain, I wasn’t letting it ruin the moment. Believe me; I want so much more of you.”

Well, hell….how could he argue with that. He couldn’t, but her pouty face made him chuckle.

“Babe, I enjoyed that kiss just as much as you, but you are in pain.  Come on, pill time.”

“Nooo….”  She whined.

“Yes, remember no setbacks in your recovery.” She looked up at him and stuck her bottom lip out, and batted those damn puppy dog eyes that would get her whatever she wanted. He gave her a quick kiss. “Don’t look so sad; I’m joining you. Believe it or not, having you next to me helps me sleep better as well.”

He stood, lifting her, and she snuggled into his chest.

After making another sweep through the house, double-checking the locks, and setting the alarm, Stitch stripped down to his boxers and crawled into bed. He wasn’t surprised to find Mia already fast asleep. As soon as he cozied up behind her, she turned over and snuggled into his side, making him smile.  He hoped like hell they would soon get a lead on the New York situation because he was ready to begin his life with her.  He embraced her while her soft snores lulled him to sleep.