Stitch by Jaime Lewis

Chapter Nineteen

Stitch helped Mia off the ATV and led her along a trail through a small compost of trees. It was a trail that he created himself when he stumbled on the spot he was taking Mia to shortly after he had purchased the cabin and land.

It was the second-highest point of his property, and nobody but him came up here. His teammates knew about the sacred spot, and they all understood the importance to him and respected his wishes. Sure, the cabin was nice, but his spot was like heaven, though he never experienced heaven, but he imagined it had to be a close comparison. It was secluded and surrounded by nothing but nature and peacefulness. It was his spot to think and let his mind run free.

As they came to the small clearing that only yielded a small wooden bench that he made himself, Stitch inhaled deep, taking in the crisp, clean air.

He heard the faint gasp that came from Mia as he pulled her in front of him.

“Oh my gosh, Stitch…it is beautiful up here.”

He cuddled close, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on top of her head.  The sun was setting, and the sky was painted an array of colors. The purples and pink against the orange backdrop was breathtaking. The small peak where they stood offered a landscape that could be a painting—mountain peaks capped with snow could be seen all around.

“Welcome to my private haven. It’s where I come to expel the demons trapped inside my body. I’ve seen a lot of bad shit, but this right here is what grounds me.”

Mia turned in his arms, and he gazed down into her beautiful brown eyes. He saw the love and emotion and knew she understood what this place meant to him. She placed her hands against his chest.

“So, nobody knows about this?”

“Yes and no. The guys on the team know about it, but none of them have ever been here. They know its significance to me and respect it.”

“It’s so high up. You can see miles and miles.”

There is only one spot on my property that’s higher, and the only spot you can get a glimpse of this spot from.”

“Where is that?”

He turned and pointed up and toward the left. “I thought about making that location my special spot, but it didn’t offer the privacy and seclusion like this one does.”

She turned in his arms and hugged him close.

“Thank you for sharing something so private and special with me. I promise always to respect it.”

He nudged her chin up towards him and gazed into her eyes.

“I want to share everything with you, Mia. What is mine is yours, including this spot.”

She snuggled into his chest. “I love you, Stitch.”

“I love you too, babe.”

He took another deep breath and exhaled. Yes, this was heaven, with his angel by his side.