Stitch by Jaime Lewis

Chapter Twenty-Two

Terek sensed the presence behind him right before he heard the swoosh sound of the bullet being fired. Luckily he had fast reflexes, and had been able to duck and take cover behind his car before his head got blown off. He felt the burn on his upper arm and winced. Blood oozed from the wound, but not enough to immobilize him. He had his gun pulled and ready to counter the attack. He waited and listened but heard nothing. A few moments passed when a voice echoed in the air.

“Did you hit him?”

“I don’t know.”

“Go check. Demitri said to make sure he can’t talk.”

“Why the fuck do I have to go?” The guy complained. Terek wanted to call the guy a pussy.

“Because I said so. Now go. Demitri said once the hit is done to let Elijah know.”

“I thought he and Claus were heading out of the country.”

“They are, after Elijah ties up some loose ends in Virginia. Now go fucking make sure that dude is dead.”

Shit! Elijah was going after Mia. He needed to warn Detective McDonnell.

He heard footsteps approach the rear of the vehicle and moved into position. As soon as the guy rounded the rear bumper and was in Terek’s eyesight, he didn’t hesitate and fired off two bullets into the guy's chest. The guy jerked before falling to the ground, motionless. He heard another set of footsteps running. He readied himself for another attack, but instead heard a car door slam followed by tires squealing. He poked his head around the back of the vehicle and saw a small SUV racing away from the scene. He took a deep breath then got into his car. His arm hurt like a bitch. He pushed aside the pain. He’d had worse injuries in his days as a Green Beret. He put the car in drive and raced out of the city. He wasn’t stopping until he got to Virginia Beach. He pulled his phone out to call his supervisor to report that his cover had been blown, and to call Detective McDonnell; however, all he kept getting was a busy signal. It was like his phone was jammed.