Stitch by Jaime Lewis

Chapter Twenty-One

The next morning Elijah was in a panic.  He moved around his penthouse like a man on a mission. How could his men have been so stupid and careless?  He nor Claus knew which one had abducted and murdered the girl found in the river because nobody was fessing up, but when he did find the person responsible, the next body the police pulled out of the river would be theirs. That was if Demitri didn’t get his hands on the perpetrator first. Whoever it was had used one of Demitri’s cars.

“Elijah, calm down. We got this. The police don’t have any hard evidence on you. If they did, they would’ve taken you in for questioning last night, not wait until the morning and schedule a meeting with you.”  Lawrence, Elijah’s attorney, said as he took a sip of coffee and laid down the newspaper.

Elijah couldn’t understand how calm Lawrence could be. Detective McDonnell was due to arrive any minute to question him about the girl found last night in the river. And, since items belonging to the victim had been found near his warehouse, it was standard procedure that the police would want to question him.

He stopped and leaned against the kitchen counter. Christ, he was becoming paranoid.  With the cops honing in on him, maybe, he just needed to cut his losses and ditch the operation. He’d made more than enough money to live off of.

A knock sounded at the door. He took a deep breath, knowing this wasn’t going to be easy.  At least Lawrence was here and could handle the Detective in case the questioning got out of hand.


Mia couldn’t stop laughing as Stitch’s dad told some funny stories from his days in the SEALs.  Non-classified stories, of course. Mainly how the guys liked to pull pranks on one another. She could see where Stitch got his looks from. He was the spitting image of his dad. They were both very handsome men.

Things were off to a good start with his parents. She had been extremely nervous on the ride over to their house. It took Stitch pulling over on the side of the road and talking to her to calm her nerves. Well, that and kissing her senseless seemed to settle her down. She still wasn’t sure why the nerves hit her because she normally dealt with meeting new people all the time in her career. But Stitch’s mom and dad weren’t just any new people. Stitch’s parents were people that she needed to impress, considering she was planning on being with Stitch for the long haul.

“So Mia, Stitch tells us that you are a vet. Where about in the city is that located?” Robin asked as they sat around the living room talking. Mia sat on the sofa across from her. Stitch and his dad were pouring drinks for everyone.

“Not too far from Times Square.” She noticed that Stitch had stopped what he was doing and was watching her. Mia wanted his parents to know her intentions. “But, I don’t think I’ll be heading back there.”

Stitch’s mom looked surprised.  “Really?  Why?”

Stitch sat down next to her and put his arm around her. “Because Mia has decided to look for a job here in town.”

Robin’s eyes twinkled. “That is wonderful news.”

Stitch locked eyes with Mia. “Yes, it is the best news.”  He looked back toward his parents. “She and I are going to live in the rental I have until we find some property we both like.”

“Well, then, Mia, you should consider stopping at the shelter and clinic I volunteer at.”

“Mom is a big animal lover, especially dogs. She spends one or two days a week at the local animal shelter volunteering. Right, mom?”

Robin’s eyes lit up.  “Oh, yes, I could spend every day there.  However, your father has a conniption every time I tell him I’m going there.” She glanced over at Stitch’s dad and winked, “he says it is a bad influence on me.  It’s hard when I have to leave the dogs.”

It was magical seeing the love between the two, and Mia could see where Stitch got his romantic and gentle side from.  There was still that spark of young love between them. Something she hoped to have after being married for as many years as they were.

“What type of shelter is it?” Mia found herself asking more about the shelter that Robin volunteered at.

“Oh, it is a wonderful place. A no-kill shelter, and owned and operated by a local vet. His name is Dr. Katz.  When he expanded his practice a couple of years ago, he opened the shelter. He has a small staff to run the shelter.  The manager there, I believe her name is Grace, she pretty much does everything around the place.  She is a lovely young woman, a little on the shy side.  She graduated college a year or two ago. She has really helped Dr. Katz grow the practice and shelter in just a short period. She has a knack for getting the dogs and cats adopted.  I don’t think I’ve seen a person come in there and not leave with an animal.”

“That is quite impressive.  Is she a vet as well?”

“No, but she is one very smart woman and keeps things running smoothly. Dr. Katz has full confidence in her.  You know Dr. Katz is looking to sell the clinic.”

Mia glanced over at Stitch. “Maybe I can stop by there before we head back to the cabin. I can take a look around and maybe speak to Dr. Katz.”

“Yeah, that might be doable,” he stated. He turned towards his dad.  “Dad, I have to be present for a meeting tomorrow on base. Would you and mom have some time that you can drive Mia over to Dr. Katz’s office?”

Hal smiled.  His mom was a beautiful woman with the same light brown hair as her son’s.

“Your mother has a get-together with her cooking club tomorrow, but I’d be more than happy to take you, Mia.  I know Dr. Katz personally.  I can introduce you to him.”

“Thank you. I’d like that.”

“Anything for the woman who has captured my son’s attention,” Hal said and winked at Mia, making her blush.

“Oh, for heaven’s sake, Hal, don’t embarrass the poor woman.  We don’t want to chase her away.”

She was already falling in love with Stitch’s parents. They reminded her of her family and how close they all were.

Mia felt giddy inside.  As if someone just gave her a huge gift.  This was it. This was the start she was looking for. If her visit with Dr. Katz went well tomorrow, she could have planted the first seed in starting her life in Virginia Beach.


Later that evening, Mia was in high spirits as she sat around the table at Bayside with her friends. It had been a great time catching up with Tenley, Autumn, and Bailey. She needed some socializing time with her girlfriends. She wasn’t complaining about being cooped up alone with Stitch, however. It had been amazing getting more acquainted with him.

Earlier, Stitch had received a call from base. They had wanted him to come in today instead of tomorrow to present his findings. With him completing that task, it meant she had all day tomorrow to spend with him in town before they ventured back up to the cabin.

Mia popped a jalapeño popper into her mouth and moaned.  Jesus, she’d missed food like this. Not that she was knocking Stitch’s healthy habits, because she studied medicine and knew that healthy food was good for the body and all, but sometimes you just needed some good ole’ greasy fried food to cure the craving.

“So, how long are Stitch and your brother letting you stay in town?”  Bailey asked as she stuffed an entire cheese stick in her mouth. Mia wanted to giggle because as Bailey chewed on her own greasy delight, she looked like a chipmunk.

Mia shrugged her shoulders. “I think one more day. Stitch, and Ace don’t think it’s wise to stay too long, just in case whoever was involved with my ordeal was snooping around.”

“What if Stitch has to stay longer? Ace mentioned that Stitch has a presentation he has to give tomorrow. You aren’t going back to the cabin by yourself, are you?”

Mia smiled at her soon to be sister-in-law. Hopefully, Ace would get off his ass and realize that Alex didn’t care if she got her fairy tale wedding.  The last time Mia had visited, she and Alex had gotten completely hammered one night, which led to Alex opening up to her when they broached on the subject of marriage.  Alex had admitted that she didn’t care what type of wedding she had; she just wanted to be married to the man she loved.  Alex made her promise not to say anything to Ace about it, and Mia was a woman of her word.  But that didn’t mean she couldn’t drop some hints along the way to her clueless brother.

“Stitch actually presented earlier today, before we came here. If he did, though, I was planning on staying with his parents.”

“I’m shocked he didn’t ask Bear or one of his guys from the team,” Bailey said to Mia.

“I’m not,” Autumn said, grinning. Autumn was Frost’s wife, and she had beautiful long, flaming red hair and eyes the color of emeralds.  Of course, she, too, has had her fair share of drama.

“Why aren’t you surprised?”

“Because all of those guys are Alphas. Oh, come on, you’ve been around to see it; when one of them sets their sights on a woman, they don’t let other men near the said woman if they can help it.”  Autumn beat on her chest like Tarzan. “You know. Me man, you woman.” Everyone laughed, and then Alex chimed in.

“Yeah, but as soon as one of their women is thrust into danger, it doesn’t matter whose woman it is. They all step up to the plate and protect her no matter what.”

Mia thought it was funny that all the women sitting with her automatically thought she belonged to Stitch.  These ladies didn’t know what had transpired between her and Stitch the last week. Well, except for Alex, and she was pretty sure she hadn’t spilled the beans. Alex wasn’t one to gossip unless it was something really juicy and it didn’t hurt anyone’s feelings.

“What makes you all think Stitch and I are together?”  Mia said and took a sip of her fruity drink. Stitch told her she’d be okay if she had one drink since she was still taking a pain pill at night. When she looked up, the women were staring at her as if she had two heads, and she started to blush, knowing she was busted.  Well, it was worth a try, and she grinned.

“Oh, please, you aren’t fooling any of us, sister,” Tenley said as she rubbed her big round belly. Her twins were due in a couple of weeks, and everyone had been on baby watch for the last week or two, knowing that most women pregnant with multiples deliver earlier than their scheduled due date.  The guys even had a pool going.

“Oh, hell, honey, by the blush spreading across your face, I think you are holding back on us. What exactly has been happening up at that cabin?  Or should I call it the love shack?”

Mia couldn’t help but laugh and threw a crumpled-up napkin at Tenley.

“It’s definitely not what your dirty mind is thinking, Tenley. We have done a lot of talking. Plus, I’m still coming to terms with what happened. I guess you could say it has been more of a coming together for the two of us and a healing for me.”

She felt the hands on her shoulders and knew it was Stitch before he whispered in her ear.

“Hey, beautiful. You doing okay?”

She turned and looked up over her shoulder and smiled.  Man, she loved this guy with all her heart.  She stood up and hugged him, and he chuckled.

“I’m going to take that as a yes.”

She pulled back and looked at him.  “I’m perfect.  Especially now that you’re here.”

“You seem to be enjoying yourself with your friends. What have you all been chatting about?”

She grinned.  “They’re trying to get me to gossip about us.”

“Us. What about us?”

“They want to know what exactly you and I have been up to at the cabin.  You know, since we’ve had the place alone.”



His eyes twinkled with mischief. “Well, why don’t we just show them exactly what we’ve been up to?” And, before she had a chance to say anything, he dipped her backward and kissed her deeply as everyone hooted and hollered and cheered them on.

When he pulled her back up, he hugged her close and nuzzled the skin just behind her ear.  “I love you so much.”

She gave his trim, muscular waist a good squeeze.  “I love you too.”

He gave her one more quick kiss before he disappeared out the back door with the guys. Derek had arrived a few minutes ago and summoned them all to the other side of the room. Hopefully, it wasn’t a sign they were being called out.

When she turned back to the table, all the women were staring at her, but in a dramatic fashion; it was Tenley who was using her hand to fan her face.  “Damn, chica, that was hot! Even I need a cold shower after witnessing that.”  Everyone, including Mia, burst into giggles.

Mia looked around.  She was surrounded by everyone she loved; friends, family, and most importantly, Stitch, and she knew she wasn’t making a mistake in wanting to move here. She was looking forward to meeting Dr. Katz tomorrow.  Stitch’s mom had called him right before she and Stitch had left their house, and he too seemed excited to meet Mia.

Mia started to take a step toward her friends when a strong smell halted her in her tracks. It was familiar, but very different and smelled awful. She inhaled again, and her eyes went wide. She felt her chest tighten, and suddenly everything around her faded into a blur as she was thrust into one hell of a flashback from the night she was attacked.

She couldn’t see a damn thing.  It was cold, and she shivered.  The hard slap to her face had her jerking backward. She felt violated as hands roamed her body. “I’d love to get a test ride on this one,” One of them said.  She was breathing rapidly as the men continued to grope her despite her pleas to stop.  Suddenly hands landed on her shoulders, jolting her out of the horrible memories.


She blinked a few times to get her eyes to focus. Her body shook with fear. When she saw Alex standing in front of her with a concerned look, she realized others had seen her in the moment of the flashback.  Before a tear could fall, she quickly wiped it away.

“Mia, are you okay?” Alex whispered to her.

“I just need some air. Excuse me for a minute.”

Mia headed toward the back doors that led to the patio. She heard Alex call after her, but she didn’t stop. If she did, she was afraid she would fall apart and make a fool of herself in front of everyone in the restaurant including Stitch.

As soon as she stepped onto the wooden deck, the ice-cold air hit her face, but it did nothing to calm her.  She walked deeper toward a corner that overlooked the beach and was secluded by a couple of fake potted trees.  She closed her eyes and tried to relax by taking a couple of deep breaths.


Stitch was watching Mia from across the room while he and the guys talked about a possible upcoming mission. He knew something wasn’t right.  A second ago, she was laughing and chatting up a storm with the other ladies.  Now her facial expression was completely blank and looked to be zoned out.  He saw her say something to Alex before she headed toward the back patio door.  Why the fuck would she go out there? It was freezing outside.  Then it hit him.

“Shit!”  He said as he jumped from his seat and headed towards the door that Mia disappeared through.

He hadn’t realized Ace and Potter had followed him until they caught up with him.  “What’s going on?” Ace asked.

“It’s Mia. I think she just had a flashback.”

Stitch heard Ace mutter something under his breath as the three of them made their way out the door. He scanned the empty area.  This time of the year, Paul, the owner, only turned on enough lights for the smokers. He let his eyes adjust to the darkness, and then he saw her.  Tucked into the far corner was Mia.  She was crouched down with her knees pulled up to her chest and her head bowed.

Not wanting to scare her any more than she probably was, he called her name. What he wasn’t expecting was for her to jump up and come running into his arms.  He held her close and walked to a nearby table and sat down as both Ace and Potter stood to the side watching.


“Mia…talk to me, honey. What happened?” Stitch asked her, but she shook her head as if trying to clear the pungent smell from her nostrils and the awful memories from her mind.  She started to shake harder, and Stitch wrapped his strong arms around her, infusing warmth to her frigid body.

He spoke in a low and calm voice. “Breathe, baby—slow deep breaths.  In one, two, three. Out, one, two, three.  That’s it, nice and easy.  I’ve got you.”

“Mia?” She heard Ace’s voice and looked up, and tears poured from her eyes when she saw the worried look in her brother’s eyes. She swallowed past the emotion clogging her throat. He stepped forward and placed his warm palm against her cheek, and she closed her eyes. She was safe. Her brother and Stitch were here, and they would protect her. When she opened her eyes, Ace gave her a soft smile. Stitch still had his arm around her waist, and she leaned back into him as she tried to gain back some normalcy.

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. Can you tell us what happened?”  Stitch asked.

“It’s going to sound silly, but there was a smell.”

“A smell?” Ace asked.

“Yeah, it was a cologne. Someone walked by, and I caught a whiff of it inside.”

She looked over her shoulder up into Stitch’s eyes, then brought them back to her brother.  “It was the same cologne my attacker wore.”

Stitch’s armed tightened around her.  “Are you positive?”

She turned in Stitch’s arms, then nodded her head as a tear slipped out of her eye. “I’m positive. It’s not one I’ll ever forget.”

Stitch used his thumb to wipe away the tear then hugged her to him.

“What if it was him? What if he found me and knows I am with you guys?  Oh god. What about Alex and the others?  The kids.  I’ve put everyone in danger.  I have to leave.”

She tried pulling away, but Stitch held on to her. “No, baby.  You are not going anywhere, and especially not by yourself. So, get any ideas of sneaking off out of your head right now.  We won’t let anything happen to you.  Plus, it could be someone who just happened to wear the same cologne.”

Mia supposed it could, but she wasn’t willing to take a chance. She felt uneasy and exposed. She looked up at Stitch.

“Can we go back to the cabin tonight?”

Brushing her hair away from her face, he kissed her forehead, “Yeah. We can do that.”

Mia prayed she hadn’t just put her friends in danger.


Brice Vargas pulled his phone from his pocket and hit Elijah’s name.  He couldn’t believe who he just saw standing just a feet away from him. On the second ring, Elijah’s voice came through the phone.

“This better be good, Vargas.  I’ve got a shit show happening around here right now.  I’ve got that damn detective breathing down my neck, and I just heard they are issuing search warrants for all of my properties in the city and Jersey.”

“Well, that is partially why I’m calling. You’ll never guess who I just found.”

“What?  Hang on, let me step out of the room.”  He listened as he heard Elijah moving around. He heard other voices in the background.

“I’m not in the mood to play guessing games, detective, so just spit it out.”

Vargas chuckled.  He’d been on Elijah’s payroll for years and knew the guy had no patience. “That lovely little doctor of yours that you’ve been worrying your head about.”

He heard Elijah’s voice hitch.

“You found her? Where?”

“Virginia Beach.”

“Her brother lives there. I’ve had someone watching his place, and he hasn’t said he’d seen her. Are you sure it’s her?”

“Oh, yeah. It is definitely her. She even still has some bruising from Oscar and Jules’ beatdown.”

“Don’t remind me.  Those fucks won’t be touching another female for a while.  How did you end up in Virginia Beach?”

“Well, you asked me last night to do some investigating, and I did. I found out where her brother lived. While I was in the process of gathering additional information, my chief came into my office and informed me that one of the other detectives came down with the flu and couldn’t attend a law enforcement conference, and that I had to go in his place. And you’ll never guess where it is?”

“Virginia Beach?”

“Not exactly, but close enough. Norfolk. Anyway, during one of the morning sessions, I met some of the local SWAT guys from Virginia Beach PD, and they invited me out for drinks after the conference sessions today.  And here we are. I would never have guessed in a million years the same person you are looking for is right here in the same bar.”

“And, you’re definitely positive it is her?”

“A hundred percent.  I wouldn’t have called if I wasn’t.”

“Is she with anyone?”

“Looks like her brother and some friends.” Vargas watched three men follow Mia outside. He moved closer toward the door they went through to keep an eye on the situation. For a minute or two, Mia had looked like something had shaken her up. When he got to the door and looked out, he was shocked when he saw one of the men holding her on his lap.  Judging from the guys' actions toward Mia, Vargas assumed there was something between the two.  Then he saw the heated look the two exchanged before the guy kissed her, solidifying his belief.

He focused back on the phone call. “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it looks like you may have some competition.”

“Like what?”

“It seems Mia has been busy while she’s been in hiatus. I believe she may have a lover.”

“A boyfriend?  She wasn’t seeing anyone.”

“Well, I’m watching her right now with him, and I beg to differ.  He is a big dude too.”

Elijah was silent, and Vargas knew he wasn’t taking Mia’s indiscretion well.  He still didn’t know why Elijah was caught up with this chick. She seemed like more trouble than she is worth.

“I can see if I can get some information on the guy.”

“She never saw you that night at the warehouse, right?”


“See what you can find out and let me know. Keep an eye on her.  In the meantime, I’ll make some travel arrangements and get down there.  Just so you are aware, after the next hour, I’ll be off the grid.”

Elijah disconnected, and Vargas put away his phone. He took a swig from his beer as he watched the guy carry Mia inside, then down a hallway to what looked like an office.

It seeed like he was sticking around for a while.  He took a seat at the bar and started chatting with some local guys from the police department.


Elijah threw his phone on the couch and ran a hand through his hair. He was in a state of panic.  He had Claus helping him contact all of his associates across the country to cease all operations and purge all documents relating to his business.  Whatever those locations had regarding merchandise, they needed to get it the hell out of the warehouses.

He didn’t have time to waste. Depending on when they executed the search warrants, he was possibly facing jail time sometime today. He and Claus were tying up some loose ends and then they were getting out of town. The plan had been to fly out of the country, but knowing now where Mia was he thought maybe he would pay her a visit as she was considered to be a loose end now.

He now wondered what type of game her family and the police were playing, because it was no coincidence that she appeared in the same small town her brother lived it. Yes, she had to be silenced.

He had enough money saved to last several lifetimes.  It was better to get out now before he was caught.

Claus emerged in the doorway.

“Is everything taken care of?”

“Yes, all operations after midnight tonight will be shut down.  New Orleans, Portland, and Corpus Christi were the only three with merchandise.  All three locations have moved any remaining dogs to shelters.”

Claus stood there just staring at him and knew the look; something was on his mind.

“Is something bothering you, Claus?”

“I just went by Mia’s apartment to look around one last time to make sure she had nothing there connecting you to your operation.”

Elijah turned to face Claus and raised an eyebrow. “And did you?”

“No, but I did see a familiar face leaving her apartment before I got there.”

When Elijah didn’t say anything, Claus continued, “Terek Larkin.”

“The guy who handles Demitri’s distribution in New England and Canada?” Claus nodded. “Why in the hell would he be at Mia’s place?”

“I thought the same, so I did a little digging and made a few phone calls. It appears that Mia and Terek used to date. According to my source, they broke up earlier in the year. I also found out that Terek doesn’t have any ties in Canada or New England. But he does have several in Washington, D.C. and most of them are law enforcement.”

Elijah rubbed his head. None of this made any sense.

“You think that Terek could be law enforcement?” Then a thought hit him. Could Mia have been playing a role in gaining information? She had access to everything in the clinic. He thought back to the night of the gala and the moment Demitri had introduced Mia to Terek. Terek couldn’t take his eyes off of her.  At the time, he couldn’t blame any man for staring at her.  She was radiant and a ball of positive energy. After the introductions, he remembered that Mia had remained quiet and resilient, which had been unlike her actions earlier on in the evening. Was Terek the reason she had clammed up?

“Bingo. My guy inside the police department said he’d heard a lot of rumblings about FBI agents infiltrating the city and going undercover to bust major organizations.”

“You think Terek is an undercover agent?”

“I don’t know for sure, but my gut is telling me yes.”

“What about Mia? They could be working together.”

“Mia? Do you really think Mia is involved?” Claus questioned, sounding like he wanted to argue. Elijah ran his hand through his hair.  Fuck! Did he really believe she could betray him like this? Did she really have it in her to gather information on him? Sure she had access to anywhere in the office except for the basement, including his office, but he was very careful about what was brought and kept in his office at the clinic. It didn’t matter; he couldn’t take any chances.

“Shit, I need to call Demitri.” He picked up the phone but looked back at Claus. “I think we all have been played. Have the car ready in thirty minutes. We’re making a detour to Virginia before we fly out.”

Claus raised an eyebrow in question, and Elijah explained the phone call he received from Vargas.

A grin appeared on Elijah’s face. Demitri would love to get his hands on Mia. Maybe instead of silencing her, he could make some cash off of her. Demitri would pay major cash for her.

“Do I want to know what evil thought put that wicked grin on your face?”

Elijah looked at Claus. “Probably not.” He stood up and walked over to the safe he had hidden inside a decorative pedestal.  Punching in the numbers on the keypad, it opened, and he started throwing stacks of hundred dollar bills into a bag until the safe was empty. That would last a while until he got his overseas accounts settled. His destination was his private estate in New Zealand that he held in a different name. He’d make a few stops along the way to redirect their movements and throw off anyone who may be following. Suddenly, an image of Mia’s luscious body laid out on one of the loungers along his private beachfront popped into his mind. He wanted her so bad. Instantly, he was changing his mind. Even if she was involved, he was going to keep her. She would be punished for undermining him, but in the end, she would be his.

He looked at Claus. “Let’s do this and then get the fuck out of here.”