Obsessed Love by MINK



Going back to that small town isn’t something I’d planned on. In fact, I already set a meeting with Ali about how I intended to track down and kill Massimo. But I suppose I’ll have to move that back.

I sigh as I pull up to a cute little pale green cottage just off the town’s main road. The flowers along the front walk are cheery, and the little birdbath by the front door is perfect for Officer Lovett. Something about the way she cares for animals seems so right.

Naturally, she has a cat. I’m not a big fan of pets, but if grabbing this cat will get me a favor from my captive, I’m happy to oblige.

Pushing her key into the door, I glance around to make sure no nosy neighbors are watching. I didn’t want to do this in the daylight, but time is of the essence for me. Both when it comes to Officer Lovett and when it concerns Massimo.

When I walk in, I’m met with the faint scent of her along with a mix of something sweet and fabric softener. It’s almost heady. Nothing in prison smelled even remotely as good as this. Fuck, I want this in a goddamn candle.

I close the door and look around for the cat.

“Here, kitty, kitty.” After I’ve said it, I realize my deep, booming voice might not be the best way to attract the animal.

I stride past a “pussy hotel” cardboard house in the hallway—and I note it’s been clawed to hell and gone. Damn. This cat must be enormous and have claws longer than my switchblade.

Easing down the hall into the kitchen, I find an adorable array of cat-themed hand towels and crockery. When Officer Lovett goes all in, she doesn’t leave any stone unturned. Even her coffeepot is in the shape of a cat, the handle being its tail.

Still no sign of Pikachu, though. Where is it? I return to the main hall and search the guest bedroom. Nothing, though I do find a cat carrier. I grab that. I move down to the end of the hall and into Officer Lovett’s bedroom.

I grab her pillow and press it to my face, inhaling her scent. Then I tuck it under my arm. She’ll sleep better at my place with her own pillow. Hell, I found myself missing my prison pillow last night, and if that isn’t a mindfuck, I don’t know what is.

Turning, I go to her dresser and open the top drawer. Jackpot. A neat row of panties are tucked inside, most of them pink. I grab a pair and put it to my nose. They smell like fabric softener. I stuff the pair into my pocket and go to her bathroom. This is the real jackpot—her clothes hamper.

I open the lid and dig around until I find a pair of her panties inside. When I bring these up to my nose, I smell her. Pure, unadulterated Officer Lovett. My cock springs to life, and I take another big inhale. Fuck, I want to put them in my mouth. I don’t, of course. I’m not an animal.

But I do lick them. And fuck, it makes something in my brain short circuit. Sweet and tangy, her pussy is mouthwatering.

I take a deep breath and remind myself I’m here on business, so I stuff that pair of panties into my other pocket, then turn to look for the cat.

I find him sitting at the foot of the bed, watching me with a reproachful look. He’s a gray tabby with yellow-green eyes, and I get the distinct impression he’s judging me for sniffing Officer Lovett’s unmentionables.

“Like you’ve never sniffed them.” I walk past him and grab the cat carrier, then place it on the bed. “Get in.”

He stares at me.

“In.” I gesture toward the carrier.

He doesn’t move.

At least I was wrong about him. He’s regular cat-sized, and I don’t see any monstrous claws on his feet.

I’ll have to grab him and put him in. He’s so small and fluffy.

This will be a piece of cake.

* * *

“Why is there blood?” Officer Lovett’s voice rises as I bring the cat carrier into my bedroom. “Are you hurt, Pikachu? Oh my God did you hurt my baby?” She screeches at me from where I have her tied to the bed. No more cuffs. She kept yanking at them and hurting her wrists. I can’t have that, so I used fabric strips instead.

“He’s fine,” I grumble as I drop the bag of supplies I grabbed then open the door for the monster to escape.

He runs out and jumps onto the bed, crawling into Officer Lovett’s lap and rubbing his face all over her.

I’m not jealous. That’s ridiculous. But he needs to stop fucking touching her.

“Here.” I walk over and hand her the pillow I snagged.

She’s cooing over the feline assassin in her lap. “Oh, my sweet boy. Did you hurt the mean man?”

I stride to the bathroom and wash the scratches along my forearms, then douse them with alcohol. A few bandages later, and I’m all good.

When I return to the bedroom, he’s curled in her lap, and I could swear he looks smug. “He can have free run of the house, but he’s not sleeping with us.”

She turns her head so fast I swear I hear her neck pop. “What do you mean ‘us’?”

“I mean you’re in my bed, and that’s where you’re staying.” I walk over and look down at her.

Her cheeks flush with that warm pink, and I want to call in my favor right this second. But I can’t.

“Enjoy your time with him. When I get back, it’s just you and me.” I turn and go to the door.

“Untie me so I can pet him!” she cries.

“Not a chance.” I stride out and close the door behind me.

“Asshole,” I hear her hiss.

It makes me smile, because I don’t sense any fear in her. She knows me, somehow. It’s like her body knew it right away, and her mind is catching up to the fact I won’t hurt her. Not until she asks me to, anyway.

When I get down to my office, Ali is waiting. He raises his eyebrows at the bandages.

“Send a crew to her house. Bring all her things here.”

Ali’s dark eyebrows pull together. “You mean the cop?”

“Yes, Officer Lovett. She’s my guest, and she’s staying indefinitely.”

He shifts in his seat and watches me with uncertainty in his gaze. “You’re keeping a cop prisoner in your bedroom?”


He sighs. “Look, I know prison was rough. I get it. But you can’t just snatch up some cop and take your vengeance out on—”

“That’s not what this is.”

“It’s not?” He cocks his head to the side.

“No. I saw her, and I wanted her.”

He just stares.

“So I took her. Now she’s mine.”

“Someone will come looking for her.”

“I don’t care.” What Ali seems to be missing is precisely that—I don’t give a fuck. I lost two years, two goddamn years, and now I’m making up for lost time. When I see something I want, I’m not going to wait. I’m going to take it. And I’ve never wanted anything the way I want that sweet cop with the round ass and the too-trusting nature.

He seems to digest my statement for a while. “Are you going to … just keep her prisoner until—”

Guest. She’s my guest.”

He looks deeply unconvinced.

I shake my head. “She’s none of your concern.”

“Okay, boss. I just need to know she’s not going to try anything.”

I guess prison made me even more gruff than before, because I realize Ali is questioning me because he’s worried about me. He’s always had my back, and this is no different.

“She won’t try anything. Thank you, though.” I give him a nod.

It seems to put him at ease.

I go to the bar and pour two whiskeys. “Now tell me about Massimo. I want every detail right down to which way that motherfucker is parting his hair.”