Obsessed Love by MINK



“I’m offering food.” I peer down at her as she tries to fight my grip on her wrists. “Why does food make you so angry?”

Alice snorts a laugh as she places the tray on the dresser. “I’ll see myself out.”

“Stop! He’s kidnapped me! Call 911 and tell them there’s an officer down.” Officer Lovett strains against me, her curves rubbing me in all the right ways.

“Out of the frying pan and into the fire.” Alice sighs. “Maybe they should’ve given you more than two years.” Her voice fades as she closes the door behind her.

“Years? You’re from the penitentiary, aren’t you?” Officer Lovett tries to knee me.

I slide my leg between hers, then add my other. “Keep fighting me. I like it.”

“Help!” she screams.

“No one’s going to help you, Officer.”

She winces at my tone.

I sigh. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

“Sure.” She cracks a short laugh. “I’m going to believe an ex-con who has me pinned to his bed. Who kidnapped me. Who squeezed me into a blackout!” Her voice has risen.

“Take a breath.” I try to wrestle my patience into submission. Being in prison for the last two years should’ve taught me to take my time. It didn’t. It taught me to take what I want when I want it, because you never know if you’ll get another chance.

“Get off me,” she snarls.

“No.” I move my hips, pressing my hard cock to her hot pussy.

“Stop.” She yanks at her wrists, but I don’t miss the way her cheeks shade in with a peachy pink.

“You sure you want me to stop, Officer?” I smirk down at her as her lips part.

“I don’t know who you think you’re talking to, but I’m a sworn officer of the law. You can’t keep me here. Someone will find my car, will know I’m gone, and they’ll send the entire force out to find to me.”

“The entire force?” I stare at her lips. “That sounds intimidating.”

“You should be scared. When they get here, they’ll tear this fancy place apart!”

“Who will? Deputy Azores? He’s 73. Maybe you mean Dottie, the woman who’s in charge of the front desk and the jail, all two cells of it. Are they the ones who’re going to come in here guns blazing?” I honestly want to know her answer.

“How did you—” She quickly wipes the ‘oh-shit’ look off her face and retorts, “They’ll call in the state police. They’ll find me.”

“And what if your patrol car isn’t on the road anymore? What if, hmmm, what if I had an associate of mine go out to the highway and take your cruiser?” Fuck, I get a thrill out of playing with her like this. I’m sick. I know it, but I can’t stop. “What if, at this moment, it’s sitting in my garage? How long will it take them to figure out you’re missing then?”

She blanches.

“No comeback for me, Officer Lovett?” I nuzzle her neck.

“Stop!” She strains against my hold.

I don’t stop. In fact, I run my lips along her throat, tasting her smooth skin before licking beneath her collar.

“Hey!” She bucks me, but all it accomplishes is rubbing her hot pussy against my cock.

“I think you like this.” I lean up and peer at her again.

“Let me up and we’ll see. How about that?”

“No. I think you’re perfectly happy being trapped underneath me, right where you belong. I think if I stripped off these pants and licked up your cunt, my tongue would be covered in your juices, and I’d swallow every drop.”

She stares up at me, and I can’t tell if she’s stunned, excited, or a bit of both.

“Look, I’ve been in prison for two years. Two fucking years that were stolen from me.” My body tenses, and I force that anger to retreat. After all, I’m on top of a beautiful woman. I need to focus on her. Officer Lovett makes that easy with her big eyes, round tits, and smart mouth. “I learned a lot about human nature in that goddamn zoo.” I brush my lips against hers. “I learned to read people. It was life or death. But I think I can read you without all that. I know what you want, what you need.”

“You don’t know anything.” Her voice shakes.

“I can take everything from you.” I move my hips, rubbing my cock along her heat. “I could strip you down while you fought me. I’d win every time. I’m bigger, stronger, and I’m far more vicious. You know that, don’t you, Officer?” I feather my lips along her jawline.

She makes a whimper sound, then screams to cover it. But I heard it.

“You don’t have to be ashamed of what you want.” I return to her eyes. “I’m here to give it to you. Every fucking inch. I know that’s what you want.”

“I’m going to kick you in your balls the second I get the chance.” She bares her teeth.

“I guess I won’t give you the chance then.” I sigh as I reach for the nightstand and pull out her cuffs along with a set of my own.

Her eyes go wide. “What are you going to—No!”

I yank her wrist up to the bedpost and fasten the cuff to her and then to the wood.


I take her other and fasten it to the rail running along the top of the headboard. When she’s held fast, I back away and barely avoid her foot when she kicks out at me.

“You’ve already got kidnapping, assaulting a police officer, false arrest, and now you’re just racking up more felonies.” She pulls on the cuffs. “You spent two years in prison? This time try life.”

“I’m not going back.” I stand and look at her, taking in every inch. Taking her is the best decision I’ve made in years.

Her gaze strays along my body and snags on my pants, on the hard length that is fucking throbbing for her.

I run my palm along it, and she looks away. But she licks her lips.

“I’ll give you all of it, Officer. Just tell me you want it.”

She shakes her cuffs. “Let me out of here!”

“Not going to happen.” I sit beside her, careful to avoid her legs, then reach for the tray of food Alice brought. “Now, how about I get to know you?”

“Badge number 452,” she barks like a POW.

“What’s your favorite food?”

“Badge number 452.” Her gaze goes to the Brie.

“Fancy cheese? You’re in luck. Alice always has the good stuff on hand.” I take a cracker and smooth some Brie along it, then offer it to her.

She takes it in her mouth, then spits it back at me. “Badge number 452.”

I pick up the cracker and eat it.

She makes a strangled sound.

“Let’s try that again.” I take another cracker and smooth the cheese along the top. When I bring it to her mouth again, I pause. “If you spit this out again, I’m going to kiss you. Each act of defiance will get you more of me. So keep that in mind if you want to disobey. Eat and no consequences. But defy me? Do that, and I’ll take it as a request for me to do all the filthy things I want to do to your tight little body.”

She swallows hard. “B-badge number 452.”

I press the cracker into her mouth. “That’s my good girl.” I wipe the crumb from her lip as she chews and stares daggers at me.

I swipe the cheese onto another cracker. “Would you like me to add some prosciutto to this one?” I lift a thin slice and place it on top of the cheese.

“Badge number 452.”

“I like prosciutto, too.” I take a piece and drop it into my mouth. Her gaze follows my Adam’s apple as I swallow.

When I hold the cracker to her mouth, she takes it. “Good girl. How about a grape?”

I keep feeding her, giving her what she needs while I contemplate how she’ll scream my name when I finally give her exactly what she wants.