Her Mates by Tamara White


Monique left my room in a daze, not too sure what to think of my outrageous plan. When I explained it to my mates, Rick, and Jake, they were just as surprised.

“You’ve got to be kidding me? You’re just going to win the trials and choose a mate, only to step down and pick someone else?” Pete questions incredulously.

“I know it sounds weird, but I just don’t feel like I’m meant to lead our people. I’m not qualified for it. I may have learned a lot about the packs over the last few days, but not enough to rule them. Sure, I could lead for a year, maybe two, but I’ll be constantly learning about the packs.

“Look at Tim. Everyone loves and respects him. People also listen to what he has to say without being intimidated into doing it. I think he would be the best choice to lead us. He’s one of you, he’s grown up in the pack, and with Laura by his side, they would make the perfect Alpha Pair,” I tell them, watching as it clicks for each of them.

“As much as I hate to admit it, she’s right. As Alpha Queen, Dani would be constantly on display, meeting the packs and their members. What happens if she slips up? Or forgets something important? It would embarrass her in front of the packs and could lead to mutiny,” Rick surmises, being the voice of reason.

“I guess I can see why you would think that, but please think about it before making that decision. You can’t take it back,” Nate cautions, making me look at him. He obviously doesn’t want me giving a position of power to his parents, only to take it away at a later date. I meant what I said though, they are two of the kindest, most caring people I’ve come across in the packs. I know I haven’t met the other leaders, or temporary leaders since all of my mates are technically the alphas, but that doesn’t take away from what I see in Laura and Tim.

“I will, but I doubt I’ll change my mind. The people leading us should be qualified for the job, not just me and one of you. I want to be free to choose my mates,” I admit, watching them perk up when I say “mates.”

“Do you mean you want more than one of us?” Jason asks, a slight note of hope in his voice.

“I haven’t fully decided whom yet, but I do mean more than one. It’s been extremely hard to think about being with only one of you. I have to focus on what’s better for each of you and myself before making that choice,” I answer, being completely honest. I want to be with all of them, but I’m scared to admit how badly I want it. Even if they share well, can they share me with their friends? And what about jealousy between us? If I kiss one, do I have to kiss the others? And what will the elders think? Will they accept my decision or force me to choose?

For now, though, I have to focus on the problem at hand—meeting Luke and his mate. Everything else can wait until the trials are over.

“Okay, well, if you want to ask us anything, please don’t hesitate. We want to make this decision as easy for you as we can,” Cam offers, his eyes full of sincerity.

Looking at each of them, I can see they all want to help me with anything they can. It makes my life easier knowing they’re here for me.

“Aw, as heartwarming as this is with you all talking about mating, don’t we have bigger problems to deal with? Like an evil asshole who intends to ruin everything? No offense, Cam,” Rick comments, grinning.

“Easy for you to say, you’ve already mated with a hot stud,” I respond, enjoying watching them both blush.

“Wait, you guys have already mated? When? Where’s the mark? Why didn’t you tell us?” Nate fires off question after question, not giving them any time to answer. I’m still stuck on the mating mark. What is it and why has no one mentioned it before now?

“Jeez, thanks, Dani, it was supposed to be a secret,” Jake mutters, the humor in his voice betraying his stern words.

He did say they wanted it kept secret, but only because they were worried about the pack’s reaction. Not that I blame them. All the mates I met at the party were males and females, not two males. It must be hard trying to explain to their families.

“I never agreed, you just said you wanted it kept quiet because you didn’t think the pack would accept it. Look at my mates and see how happy they are for you. They don’t care that you’re men mated to each other, just that you’ve found your mate. Though I do have to ask, what’s a mating mark?”

“No one’s told you what the mating mark is?” Mitchell inquires, perplexed.

I shake my head, and most of the guys sigh and roll their eyes, annoyed that none of them had the foresight to explain. It must be more important than I realized to cause such irritation.

“Well, when a mating is consummated between two wolves, they show it by marking each other with a bite during the, uh, consummation,” Jonnie explains, blushing slightly and disturbed by the conversation. “A bite happens both in human and wolf form, leaving behind a permanent mark to show you’re mated to someone.”

“You guys know you can just say sex, right? I’m not a virgin, I can handle hearing the word ‘sex,’” I reply with a smirk, watching as they all tense.

Rick and Jake are shaking their heads frantically, but it’s too late. I guess having a mate who isn’t a virgin is a foreign concept, because they all look pissed. I’ve got to say, I don’t like it one bit.

“Please tell me you’re joking?” Mitchell retorts, begging me for an answer I can’t give him. His hands are at his sides, but rather than being relaxed, they’re fisted tightly like he’s trying to remain calm.

What’s the big deal? It’s not like it meant anything. It was a onetime thing that was based purely on curiosity. I’m not married to the guy.

“Dani? Are you pulling our leg, or have you really been with someone else?” Cam inquires, slightly agitated. He, too, looks like he’s on the verge of exploding, and it pisses me off beyond belief. So I’ve had sex. I’m seventeen. In this day and age, most women have already crossed that milestone because they were in love with the guy or because they were curious about the act itself. I don’t understand why they are acting like it’s the end of the damn world.

“I’m not joking, I wouldn’t lie about something like this. What’s the big deal?”

Jason clears his throat, but rather than displaying anger or betrayal like the others are aiming at me, he seems to be holding himself together and remaining neutral. “I think we should take a breath, guys. Dani wasn’t raised in the packs. Something we would all do well to remember.”

I scoff, annoyed that his words weren’t more supportive. “Seriously? You’re going to try and blame my upbringing for me having sex? Well, news flash, Jason. I had sex because I wanted to. And even if I had been raised as a wolf, I wouldn’t save myself without a damn good reason. I have every right to explore my sexuality just as each of you do.”

“It’s not a matter of exploring your sexuality. It’s that you’re our mate, and wolves mate for life. The female should always keep herself untouched for her mate,” Nate says softly, but his words just fuel my rage.

I glare at them, not quite believing that they all feel this way over something so miniscule. “How dare you judge me for something you have no clue about? Like you’re all saints!”

Storming out of the room, I walk past so many nameless blurs that I don’t recognize anyone. I’m sure I pass my father, though, because I hear him calling my name, but I just keep on going.

To say I’m pissed is an extreme understatement. How dare they treat me like that? As if I’ve done something wrong by not being a virgin. Did they expect me to be a nun?

“Dani, please slow down,” Jake pants from behind me. Slowing my pace, I let him catch up to me while taking a look at my surroundings.

I’m in the woods somewhere near a beautiful stream. It wasn’t there when I was here earlier, so I must have gone farther than I thought. I follow it, unsure where it leads, but I’m pleasantly surprised when we arrive at a beautiful little lake.

“We shouldn’t be out here alone, Dani. Not with Luke being on pack land,” Jake warns nervously.

“Sorry, Jake, I just need a minute or two. Those boys infuriate me! Can you believe how they reacted? Like I’m their property that has to be pure for them?” I screech, letting my anger out.

“Dani, don’t get mad at me, but I do understand why they’re upset. Mating between wolves is sacred. It’s usually assumed that the female stays pure, even if the male doesn’t. In the case that a female isn’t pure, she never talks about it, especially with her mate.

“But I understand your side of things too. You should talk to them though. They can’t read your mind. Unless you tell them how you feel and why it upsets you, they won’t know.”

He makes sense, and as much as I hate to admit it, he’s right. I should talk to them rather than storm off. God, I feel like such a brat.

“Alright, let’s go back. Time to make up with my mates,” I respond, dreading that conversation.

We walk in silence, with me going over everything in my head, while Jake seems to be off in his own world.

We’re about a mile from the house when Jake pulls me to a stop, spinning me around to face him. I look up into his eyes as he lowers his head to mine, wondering what on earth he’s doing. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was going for a kiss, but that’s just crazy.

“I love you, Dani,” he murmurs before his lips touch mine. I hesitate, wondering what’s going on when he whispers against my lips, so low I barely hear it. “Don’t move. Someone’s watching us. On the count of three.” He pulls back with a massive grin. The cheeky son of a bitch is going to get me in trouble with my mates for that. I wink at him, knowing I have to be ready for his cue.

We talked about this strategy yesterday. If we’re cornered, create a ruse. One of us shifts while the other fights in human form. It’s the best distraction technique we could come up with, since I’m still human. And it works with all my mates too.

On three, I start running in the direction of the house, leaving Jake time to shift. Hopefully, I can make it in time to get some help for him. From the feeling my wolf is giving me, there are at least four wolves in the immediate vicinity, so the only option I have is to distract them for him.

Someone tackles me half a mile from the house, and I don’t give them time to cause any damage. I throw a right hook, relishing the sound of a grunt. Rolling to the side, I jump to my feet, raising my fists when another comes flying at me with a knife. I hear grunts and growls, the telltale sound of a human fighting with a wolf, but I can’t worry about Jake right now. There are two wolves I have to deal with in front of me.

I kick out, aiming for the stranger’s head. He dodges my kick, letting it scrape across his chest instead of his face. He lunges for me, nicking my ribs with his knife. Great, I’m going to have another scar.

I dive for him, and because he isn’t expecting it, he falls back while we grapple with his knife. I stab him, watching the light leave his eyes when I hear a twig snap behind me. Another wolf is there, leaping for me, looking completely rabid. There’s no time for me to get up. I throw myself on my back, aiming the blade up. The wolf lands on me, impaling himself with the upturned knife. Using the force of my body, I drag the knife up until the wolf stills on me and I feel his blood drenching my clothes as his heart stops.

Pushing the carcass off me, I get up, looking around for Jake, but he’s nowhere to be found. A howl rips through the woods and I bolt toward it, my wolf telling me to go faster. Jake’s hurt.

We arrive where we left him and see Jake’s wolf huddled on the ground with blood staining his beige coat. My wolf howls inside me and I echo it, releasing the rage and sorrow I feel. It sounds strangled from my human throat. I circle the area when two wolves jump from the trees, trying to attack me. Wrong move, assholes, my wolf is pissed. We swing around the first, stabbing him in the back before lunging at the other, piercing his chest and putting as much force as I can behind my swing. It hits his heart and he crumbles to the ground like a piece of paper.

The other, however, has backed off, and he shifts back to human. He’s a monster of a man that looks terrifying, but I can’t be afraid when Jake needs me.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know who you were. Please put the knife down,” he begs in a gravelly voice.

“Yeah, no, that’s not happening. I think I’ll hold onto it until my mates get here. Now, who are you and why did you attack us?”

“My name’s Chase, but you’ll know me as James. As for who sent me, Luke did. He tasked us with killing the imposter alpha, though I see now you are my true descendant,” he says, bowing his head to me in reverence while I try not to let my jaw drop.

He’s James?

“You mean to tell me you’re Chase, as in Luke’s enforcer who’s a coldblooded killer, but you’re also James, as in the original male alpha of my bloodline? Does that sound right?” I ask, completely gobsmacked. If he’s telling the truth, why would he be working with someone as evil as Luke?

“Yes, that’s me. I can tell by the look on your face you’re confused, and I’m sorry for that. No one knows I’m still alive. I had to insert myself into the rogue packs until I knew it was time to come back. Unfortunately, Luke heard of my skills, hunted me down, and threatened to kill the rogues if I didn’t come work for him as his enforcer. I’ve been with him for almost ten years now.

“When Luke heard of your existence, I did too. I didn’t know for sure if you were the real thing, but I believe now. I knew it was finally time for me to show myself as I truly am. No one but Malina’s descendant could take out three of us so easily when protecting one of her own, even though I know he isn’t your mate. He’s tainted with a male wolf’s mark,” he sneers, disgust on his face.

“No! You attacked my friend. You don’t get to be disgusted.” I glare at him, my hatred for him obvious. If he had just come and asked to meet me, he would have found out I was the real deal, but instead he instigated a fight that lost him three wolves. “I need to get him to my mates,” I say more to myself than him.

“You can heal him,” he states, looking up at me from his bowed position.

“No, I can’t. He needs to shift,” I argue, staring at him stupidly. No one can just heal a silver wound. It needs to be treated by the pack.

“If you’ve read the journal, you should know by now you are not an ordinary wolf. You are much stronger. Your original gifts should have already started breaking through. Let me show you. Your mates won’t make it in time to save him,” he reasons, getting up from his position on the ground. I move in front of Jake’s panting wolf when he steps toward us. He immediately backs off, sensing my anger.

“I’m sorry, I’ll stay back, but for his sake, you must try,” he urges, placing himself back on the ground in a submissive posture.

“Okay, tell me what to do. Just stay back or I won’t hesitate to kill you just like I did your three friends.”

“I understand. First, you need to place your hands over his heart and think of your wolf. Bring her into your mind as far as you can without shifting.”

I do as he says. My wolf’s right there, pacing along the barrier that’s stopping her from breaking through. She wants to help, but we have no idea how.

“Now, imagine a light shining from her heart. The light is filling you with strength and power, enough that you both should feel invincible. As part of her pack, she will feel a connection to the wolf at your feet. It’s her job to connect you to his wolf. Once you feel it click, let go of the power,” he instructs, while I try not to doubt his words. If he’s tricking me, this could hurt Jake more than he already is.

I do as James says, feeling the connection click into place, and just let go. I let go of everything.