Her Mates by Tamara White


Oh, shit. I don’t think I can go in there. I smell at least five wolves. I also feel Nate and Pete behind me. It reassures me slightly that my back isn’t open, but at the same time, I’m still waiting for them to attack. It’s ingrained in me to be distrustful of wolves other than my father.

I walk forward, almost freezing in my steps when the teacher’s scent hits me. He’s a wolf too. Is this some sort of werewolf school?

The teacher is staring at me, sniffing the air discreetly. Oh, come on, not this guy too! I shove my schedule in front of me, hoping it will stop him from smelling me in a class with other wolves.

“Hi, I’m new here. I was sick yesterday,” I blurt out, showing him my schedule and trying not to stare. He has to be one of the youngest teachers I’ve ever seen.

With dark hair, hazel eyes, chiseled jaw, and a lean body, he’s hot enough to make any girl drool.

“Hello, Danielle. I’m Mr. Parks, one of the TAs we have here. Please take a seat. Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you have any trouble,” he murmurs, checking me out.

I turn abruptly, not giving him time to gawk, and walk to the back of the class where there are a bunch of spare seats. I sit down and move my chair far enough back so I’m touching the wall. I’m feeling a little too exposed with so many wolves in the room.

I felt their eyes on me when I walked down the aisle, and I can still feel their judging stares. Pete and Nate have each taken a seat beside me but moved their desks closer.

Looking up at the class, I check out the other wolves and see four of them grouped together at the front of the room—the two girls who were with Pete yesterday morning glare at me, while two guys who look identical glance back at us before saying something to Mr. Parks. He nods, giving them approval, and they both gather their stuff before heading back to Nate, Pete, and me.

They move the desks in so we’re all grouped together before turning to face me. They must be twins because they look way too similar. They both have black hair and the same height, maybe six-foot-one. The only real differences are the shapes of their faces and eye colors. One has a more feminine bone structure and piercing green eyes, while the other has a more defined jaw and brown eyes the color of melted chocolate.

Both guys are just staring at me. From the corner of my eye, I see Mr. Parks approaching. Great, I’m already in trouble with the teacher and the wolves.

He sniffs the air, as do the other two. Nate and Pete both look at the other guys in shock. They’re just as confused by the sniffing as I am. Pete must sense my tension because he reaches over and touches my arm. Mr. Parks and the two new guys start emitting low growls.

“No! If you don’t stop it, I’ll castrate all of you. I don’t know why the hell you’re acting this way, but if you don’t back off, none of you will live long enough for a mate!” I hiss angrily, hoping not to draw attention. I can see the girls up front have turned to listen, completely forgetting that we’re all in class.

It’s going to be hard to remember that wolves can hear me, even with a lowered voice. I’ve never had to worry at the other schools, they’ve all been human.

Pete is grinning at me while the others all stare, gobsmacked. I guess a girl has never threatened to castrate them before.

“You’re definitely my kind of girl,” Pete comments and winks at me. Great, he’s not even a little threatened.

I sigh before looking up at Mr. Parks. “Is there anything I need to catch up on? I’ve only missed the first month. If I need to, could you make me a list please?”

He’s finally sobered up a bit and nods before heading back to his desk, stopping at various students on the way so it doesn’t seem suspicious that he only approached us.

I try to focus on my work, but I can still feel their eyes on me. I’m so screwed. Throw me in a school with one or two wolves and I could probably handle it. With one of those wolves being my mate, I could still deal. But throwing me into a school with at least seven wolves, five of whom think I’m their mate? Kill me now.

Staring at Mr. Parks, I admire him. How did someone so young become a TA? He looks only a few years older than me, maybe twenty-one or twenty-two.

While he’s looking through his drawers, I see him sneaking glances my way. Why do all these wolves have to be so attractive? It would be much easier for me to pretend I wasn’t interested if they were ugly or mean, but they are actually not that bad so far.

Feeling the weight of someone’s eyes on me, I glance up, expecting it to be one of the boys, but they’re all absorbed in their work. I look around for the source, landing on the two female wolves at the front of the class.

“Pete, why are they staring at me like that?” I gesture at them with my head so Pete knows who I’m talking about. He whips around, making the others all look over.

“Very inconspicuous, guys,” I mutter.

A growl starts, sending shivers down my spine. I glance at each of the boys and see it’s Nate. It’s not me he’s growling at though, it’s the girls. They immediately turn back to their work while the guys all get back to theirs as if nothing transpired.

Pete, however, is kind enough to explain what happened. “They’re jealous. Melanie and Sarah have been trying to get one of us to mate with them for over a year now. We aren’t that stupid though, we know what they’re like, and I don’t think anyone would tie themselves to one of them willingly. It doesn’t make things easier considering there are only six high-ranking, unmated males in our pack and five of them are in this room.”

Just great. Could my day get any worse?

“Danielle, could you stay behind please? I have the course materials you’ll need,” Mr. Parks announces, grabbing the class’s attention. I nod my head, trying not to blush at being singled out.

Damn, stupid hormones. Just because he’s hot doesn’t mean he should affect me like this. I hear the guys around me sigh. They all look blissed out with grins on their faces.

Oh, shit! I forgot they could smell my arousal. That’s even more embarrassing. Being around wolves is going to be hard. I haven’t had to practice controlling my scent because I’ve been around humans at my other schools. Obviously, I’m going to have to try while I’m here, otherwise things are going to become very heated.

The last twenty minutes of class drag on, making me wish I could escape. At the bell, everyone packs up and heads out the door for lunch, except for me and the boys, who don’t seem to want to leave.

Instead of staying at his desk, Mr. Parks comes and crouches down in front of my chair. He adjusts it slightly so I’m left looking down at him. “I’m sorry I embarrassed you in front of the class. You caught me off guard when you came in with the others. I also didn’t expect the new student to be my mate,” he apologizes, staring at me with his deep hazel eyes.

“I don’t think any of us dreamed we’d meet our mate today,” he continues, “or that we’d have to share her. This is probably overwhelming for you too, so if you need to talk, my door is always open. And take it easy on these idiots. They can be rough around the edges, but I promise they’ll take care of you.”

His smile is so genuine I know he means it. It’s nice knowing someone is on my side, even if he’s my TA.

“Like I’ve told Pete and Nate, I need time to process. You’ve all been grabbing, sniffing, and staring at me. I don’t even know your names yet,” I add, looking at the two boys who have remained silent since joining us.

The brown-eyed hottie blushes. “Oh, sorry. I’m Mitchell, and this is Jonnie,” he says, gesturing to the last boy.

“Are you brothers? You just look so similar.”

“Yeah, we’re half-brothers. Same father, different mothers,” he explains, showing me a gorgeous smile.

“No, you guys can’t do that to me. You can’t just smile and distract me. Obviously, you’re all more accepting of this sharing thing, but it’s a lot more complicated than that.” I sigh, rubbing my temples to stave off the headache that’s starting.

I try again, clarifying, “Look, I’m sorry for being a bitch. I just can’t say anything until my father and I talk to your alpha. Actually, can one of you give me his number? If we can talk to him tonight, then I can tell you what’s going on.”

“Well, you’re in luck, sweet pea, because my father happens to be the alpha,” Nate gloats, shocking me.

He pulls out his phone, tapping away—getting his father’s number, I assume—while the others murmur to each other.

“Dani, what’s your address? Dad and the rest of us will be there after dinner.”

I fidget, a little wary about giving them my address. Instead, I message Dad, ensuring it’s okay.

Me: Dad, do you mind if I give my mates our address? They want to bring their alpha to the apartment after dinner.

I wait for a moment, nervous about his reaction.

Dad: Okay, honey. It’s about time we meet with him anyway.

After I get the okay, I rattle off my address.

My phone beeps again, and I look down to see another message from Dad.

Dad: But only the alpha and your mates enter our building. Your mates are allowed in our place because I doubt they would have it any other way, but no enforcers. I’ll be home early today. Do you need me to pick you up from school or do you want to walk?

I let the guys know what my dad wants, and they all seem to agree. They let their alpha know, and apparently, he’s more than okay with the arrangement since he’ll have five of his wolves with him, enforcers or not.

I text Dad back while they are discussing tonight, letting him know I’ll walk home. My wolf may not be overwhelming most days, but she still likes the exercise.

“Okay, so I’ll see you all later,” I tell them.

Quickly grabbing my stuff, I bolt out of the room before any of them can catch up to me. I know the way to the cafeteria from the time I spent studying the school map last night—not that I plan on eating the food, since all cafeteria food tastes like chopped up cardboard, so I always bring my own lunch. Besides, just because I don’t shift doesn’t mean I don’t need the meat, and it can be a little awkward asking for meat on a burger, especially when my wolf is riding me. She likes hers rare and bloody, while I like mine to look like it wasn’t just pulled from a slaughterhouse. It gets you labelled as an outcast very quickly.

Sitting down at a table in the far corner with the wall at my back for protection, I watch the students go to their designated tables or cliques. I smell four wolves over at a table on the other side of the room, and I glance their way curiously. They are not exactly hiding their distaste for me, especially when my hearing is almost as good as theirs.

It’s the two girls who were staring at me in class, plus another two who look just as mean. They all keep glaring at me while making fun of my hair and face, which doesn’t surprise me one bit.

I know I’m not as pretty as those girls, they look like curvier, prettier versions of Barbie dolls. I shrug, I never really liked Barbie dolls to begin with, I was more of a G.I. Joe fan myself.

A zap goes through my body as my mates enter the room. I can feel their energy. Wow, I’ve never felt anything like that before. My barrier between my wolf and me feels thinner somehow.

They are over near the girls’ table, watching me as the girls try anything possible to get their attention. Nate is saying something to Pete, and he looks back at me. Pete gets on his knees and makes a begging gesture while mouthing, “Please?” at me. They obviously want to sit next to me.

My father told me my mate would find it hard to be away from me. “It’s his instinct to protect you,” he would say. I’m going to pretend that’s the only reason I’m considering letting them sit with me, not because I want four super attractive guys next to me.

Nodding, I sigh and watch as he jumps up, giving Nate a high five before strutting his way over. I’ll probably regret it, but I’m curious. These wolves are nothing like what my father has described, and if I’m to eventually choose one for a mate, I need to know as much as I can about them.

Pete grabs a chair from another table before turning it backwards and sitting next to me. “Hi, Danielle.”

“If you’re going to call me by my name all the time, can you stick to calling me Dani? It’s so much easier, and I’m used to that. I’ve never been called Danielle so much in one day.”

“Okay, Dani. So, what are you eating? Do you want me to make Nate grab you something else?” he offers just as Nate goes to sit next to me.

“No, it’s alright, I don’t need as much meat as you,” I tell them before taking a bite of my sandwich. I look up to see all four of them staring at me. Realizing what I said, I mumble, “I haven’t shifted yet.”

Hopefully they won’t question it and will leave it alone, but no such luck.

“You haven’t shifted yet?” Nate blurts out, almost shouting.

Pete slaps him over the head. “Dude, keep your voice down. Do you want the whole school to know what we are?” Nate glares at Pete before turning his soft eyes to me. “Dani, what do you mean you haven’t shifted yet? You’re sixteen, right?”

This isn’t going to go down very well. I doubt they’ve heard of many wolves who haven’t shifted.

“I’m not sixteen, I turned seventeen two months ago. I haven’t shifted yet, and I don’t know why,” I hedge.

“Holy shit! I didn’t know it was possible to not shift on your sixteenth birthday. How have you managed it?” Nate stares at me in awe.

“My father has theories on why it hasn’t happened, but I would rather not discuss them while your followers are listening.” I gesture toward the group of girls who are blatantly staring.

I get he’s excited by the prospect but, personally, it sucks. You constantly fear for your life and wish you were just that little bit stronger to protect yourself. Not that they know any of that.

“Well, I can still feel my wolf, though it’s like she’s muffled. I have her strengths, even if I don’t come off as a wolf. Did any of you smell me and think I was a human that had been hanging out with a wolf?” They all nod as understanding dawns. “That’s because of my dad. We tested it once and he stayed outside for a week. When he came back, I smelled purely human. Plus, I don’t need to eat as much meat as a changed wolf. I still have the cravings for it, but my body doesn’t need it raw. My temper is nowhere near as bad as a wolf’s, and I don’t like to hunt. Well, actually, I love to hunt with my father, but it’s complicated. My human side tries to fight the wildness of hunting, while my wolf begs me to tear into flesh. Watching him being at one with his wolf leaves me empty. So…yeah.”

I’ve always wondered what makes me different. Dad always said we’ll find the answers when we need them. He’s never searched for them like I thought he would, but after yesterday, I understand why. He suspected all along it’s because of the trials.

Jonnie and Mitchell choose that moment to join us with a few trays of food. Surprisingly, it doesn’t look that bad. There are a couple of blueberry muffins that smell amazing. I wonder if they have any left in the fridge.

“So, we kind of heard most of that. How do you handle it? I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t change into my wolf,” Jonnie mumbles, smiling slightly while placing a muffin in front of me. I smile back, digging into the muffin appreciatively.

“It’s hard some days, I guess. Seeing my dad as a wolf, I do get jealous. Even though I haven’t connected with her physically, I still miss her. I manage as best as I can until the day I can shift and let her free, but I’ve been taught to defend myself, so I can survive without shifting. She’s always there in the back of my mind, which means I pick up most of her intent. It’s not as if she’s completely gone.”

Then a thought occurs to me—what if I can’t ever shift? What happens if I get through the trials with a mate and still can’t shift? Something to talk to Dad about, I guess.

“I’m sorry. We didn’t think of it like that. He didn’t mean to upset you,” Mitchell murmurs to me sympathetically.

“No, it’s okay. I’m fine, just wondering about the future.”

The group of girls keep glancing my way and it’s making me feel a little uncomfortable. I’m not one to be intimidated by people staring but it’s getting creepy as hell. It’s not like I asked for all the damn attention.

Mitchel catches the direction my gaze has gone in and he chuckles softly. “Just ignore them. They’re pissed that none of us have paid them an ounce of attention or mated with them. I think they thought if they sat with us every day we’d eventually choose to mate with them by the end of school. Now that you’re here, they know there’s no chance of that happening,” Mitchell explains.

Huh? I didn’t realize we could choose our mate. I thought it was a destiny type thing, like one mate for each of us, but the way he worded it makes it sound like I could choose if I wanted to.

“It’s okay, I’ve got this,” Nate whispers, unleashing a growl that sends shivers through me. I should be terrified, but oddly, I feel safe. The girls, however, all shrink toward the table, whimpering softly. I’m across the room, but I still hear it.

“What did you do?” I’m curious how he could have that effect so quickly.

He faces me with a heated look in his eyes. “I’m the alpha’s son. One day, it will be my job to make them submit, and if I’m not strong enough to handle a few girls, then we’re all doomed.”

I try not to swoon, but I don’t know if I manage it. Just as I feel like melting into a puddle, I’m startled out of my daydream by Pete’s voice.

“Okay, Dani, we all have to go to football practice, but we’ll see you in gym. Just yell if you need one of us and we’ll hear you.” Pete winks, grabbing his tray. The others follow his lead before walking away. At the door they wave goodbye and Pete blows a cheeky kiss my way. Shaking my head, I realize just how doomed I am.