Her Mates by Tamara White


Rule 1: Respect your alphas.

Rule 2: Respect your elders.

Rule 3: Submit.

The movie has long since finished. Now, we’re all sitting around on the mattresses the guys had placed on the floor.

“There are three absolute rules for our society,” Jason begins. “Respect your alphas, respect your elders, and submit.”

That’s it? Three rules? I thought for sure they were about to start spouting off a bazillion rules that I’d have to write down to keep track of.

“Only three? Jeez, guys, that’s really anticlimactic. I thought there’d be more than three,” I reply, laughing, but I stop when I see the serious expressions on their faces.

“We only have three main rules. You have to remember that each of our rules have subrules. Then we also have traditions. So the rules are more ‘need to be followed,’ whereas our traditions don’t need to be followed to the letter, but it’s better if you do. Make sense so far?” Mitchell asks, waiting for me to nod in understanding.

“The first rule pertains not just to your alphas, but to the Alpha Pair. The Alpha Pair has infinite power in our society. As much as you’ll hate it, you’ll need to be respectful when you see them for the first time.

“As half of the future Alpha Pair, you don’t have to submit to Luke, because technically he’s not the rightful Alpha King. Cam’s mother, Carrie, has no direct lineage to an alpha line, so you don’t need to submit to her. Even though she’s Alpha Queen, she holds no power above your position. Before trials or not, you’re still the rightful heir, so there’s only so much she can do to you.

“She can ask you to do things, and if you refuse, you will be seen as disrespectful to the current alpha female. You can challenge her, however, if something she asks you is not acceptable to your conscience. If you win the challenge, she must step down as alpha and will be forever seen as weak by the pack. If you lose, though, you are the weak one and you won’t be able to compete for your trials,” Pete warns, trying to explain the full extent of the rules.

“Okay, so only mess around with Luke after I finish the trials. Got it,” I note, hoping for a smirk or smile, even a cheesy joke would be good right about now.

“It’s not funny, Dani. These rules are the key to surviving in our world. We rely heavily on them to keep order and stop wolves from going rogue. You need to know this if you make it through,” Nate interjects, moving to sit in front of me. I’m left looking into his eyes, and I see the seriousness of the situation.

“I’ll try to take it more seriously,” I promise.

“So, respecting your alphas and elders means pretty much the same thing. When you’re near them, you don’t say or do anything that will cause them to target you,” Cam continues. “The elders and the current Alpha Pair have had control of our whole society for nineteen years. Once they know who you are, they’ll become scared and confused. They don’t know you or what you stand for, so they’ll be sniffing around, trying to figure out what you’ll do if you win the trials.

“My advice would be to act stupid if you’re approached. It will make them think you’re not a threat until you start the trials. Once we’ve began the trials, they can’t kick us out. That’s why you have to choose at the end. The current Alpha Pair and elders will no longer have jurisdiction.” Cam nudges my shoulder playfully, trying to lighten the mood.

“Okay, so pretend to be stupid until the trials start, check. Be respectful to alphas and elders, check. What about the submit part?” I ask curiously.

It seems simple enough, though from what they’ve already said, there are going to be issues attached to it.

“You won’t like this,” Jonnie warns. “Judging from our little play under the bleachers, your wolf is extremely dominant. Shifted or not. Submit means you submit to wolves more dominant than yourself. Now, I’m not one-hundred-percent sure on this, but I think your wolf is more dominant than everyone’s. That means you’re going to have to fake it until the trials.

“People are going to want to challenge you to see just how dominant you are. The trick is going to be controlling her. She will want to unleash her full strength on any wolf that challenges you. If that happens before the trial, the elders may not let it go forward. They’ll think you’re too much of a threat and use any means necessary to stop you from getting near the throne,” Jonnie explains.

“How the hell am I supposed to do that? My wolf is dominant, and lately, it takes a lot of energy to stop her from taking over my mind. If I don’t react, she’ll rip it apart,” I argue, not too sure what I’m supposed to do.

My wolf has been okay with not shifting since my sixteenth birthday. Though, judging by the way she reacted when we watched Cam take down Nate, she’s getting stronger, and she won’t stand down for much longer. Maybe now that’s she’s met her mates, she’s ready to shift.

“Look, it’s not going to be easy, I know, but we’ll help you. That’s what we’re here for,” Jonnie says, crawling to my side.

It feels amazing to be surrounded by guys who are here to help me. I do have reservations about how it will all work out, so I just have to take it one day at a time. I’ll think about who I’ll choose after I’ve made it through the trials.

“Dinner’s ready,” Laura calls, opening the door and pausing to stare at us.

I can imagine how this looks and bolt upright. I’m sitting on a mattress on the floor, surrounded by six guys. Six guys who had been inching closer to me as we talked. My wolf isn’t too happy that I jumped up so abruptly, but she’ll have to deal. This is the mother of one of my mates. The last thing I want is to create drama by being too forward with one of them who isn’t her son.

Tim is obviously okay with me being around the boys and, hypothetically, Laura is too, I just don’t want to push my luck.

“Thanks, Laura. Can I come with you? I’m still not sure where everything is,” I say, hoping to leave with her. I need to judge the state of her mood so I know what lines not to cross with her. I’d imagine she wants Nate as my mate, but who knows? She may not want me around any of them at all.

“Sure, honey. Boys, wash up and head down. None of you have had a shower since you got home. I can smell you from here.” She smirks, wrinkling her nose.

I don’t know what she’s smelling. All I can smell is their combined scents. It’s indescribable.

The smell of fresh rain, freshly squeezed citrus, the scent when you rip a mint leaf, pine leaves, sandalwood—but not the natural kind, more of an incense produced smell—and the aroma of fresh cinnamon. All of this combined creates the fragrance of home. I don’t quite understand why. Separately, I smell what their individual scents are, however, when we’re all together, it feels complete. As if each of their scents are part of a puzzle not complete until we’re together.

All the boys laugh, while Laura closes the door.

“How do you do that?” I inquire. She offended them but turned it into a joke. If I were to say something like that, people would get upset.

“Oh, they’re easy to handle once you get to know them. Nate has been bringing those boys around for years. You become acquainted with them when you have them annoying you constantly. Something I’m sure you’ll find out very soon,” she replies and laughs.

Her voice is so soft and sweet that, when she laughs, it’s what I imagine a fairy would sound like.

“I don’t know. They’re all pretty closed off. I’m not sure how much they’ll want to stay around once more mates show up. I don’t even know how many more mates there could be before the trials start. Dad explained that the amount of mates that will come forward all depends on how strong I’ll be, but I don’t know.”

“I’ll say. You’ve already got the alpha pack leaders as mates. What are the chances you’d come here and they’d all be your mates? Tell me, have you thought about who you might choose?”

Her question, while innocent enough, is her way of seeing where my mind’s at. Unfortunately for her, I have no idea.

“Honestly, I don’t know. I like each of them, but being mates is a lifetime commitment. Liking them isn’t going to be enough. I hope only one of them gets past the final trial so I won’t have to choose.”

“You really think only one will get through? If I had to put my money on it, I’d bet all six of those boys will make it through. Their alpha lineage makes them more powerful, like you. The only difference is while you may be infinitely stronger and can’t shift, they have a strength of their own. Plus, they are fully capable of shifting.”

I think about her words as she switches subjects. “You should get them to take you out on the pack lands for a run. I bet you’d give them a run for their money on a hunt, even without your wolf,” she suggests, winking at me.

“I might just do that. How big are your pack lands?” When she arches an eyebrow at me, I explain, “We’ve only really hunted in national parks.”

“You’ve really only hunted in national parks?” Tim questions as I walk through the dining room doors.

My father and Tim are already seated at the table, as are the boys.

“How the hell did you guys get here before we did?” I ask, staring at them in shock. How could they beat us here and not run into us on the way?

“Mom took you the long way around so she could talk to you. We’ve been here at least three minutes,” Nate answers, digging into one of two giant steaks piled on his plate.

“Sorry, honey, there was a shortcut. I just wanted to get to know you a little more,” Laura says, completely unruffled by the fact she delayed us.

“It’s okay,” I assure her, taking a seat next to my father. In my place is a plate piled with the same huge steak as the others and I ogle it, completely dumbfounded. Did Dad not tell them? I can’t eat all this!

“So, sweetie, I have some news. Tim, Laura, and I called your grandparents. Not my parents, they passed away a couple of years back, but your mother’s parents. They were the last Alpha Pair before Luke claimed it for himself.

“Anyway, they’ll be here tomorrow morning to meet you. Don’t worry, boys, they’ve agreed to keep it from Luke for the time being, at least until they’ve confirmed your lineage, Dani.

“We tried to keep them away until you were ready, but unfortunately, some new information has come to light. Luke’s wife is pregnant again. If they find out it’s a girl before you start the trials, you won’t be able to. Their daughter will take the position and Luke will be able to groom her to be his perfect little pawn.

“We need you to learn everything as quickly as you can. From now on, no more school. You’ll be on pack lands learning how to fight the enforcers of Tim’s pack, studying how to interact with other packs and alphas without causing disrespect, and getting to know your mates.

“You may have more, but these boys are friends. That will be the ultimate advantage in winning the trials. They will each look out for you and make sure you stay safe.”

My grandparents. I get to meet the people who raised my mother. While it scares me, I’m hopeful I’ll get to see what she was like through their eyes.

“Okay,” I answer after a moment of silence. I’ll talk to Dad after dinner. I’ll be respectful and rip my dad a new one before I go to bed. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do.

“Alright, enough of the serious talk. So, Dani, you’ve only hunted in national parks? How was it?” Tim inquires, steering the conversation back to where he wants it. He’s already halfway through his second steak while I’ve barely touched my first piece.

“Well, we stayed in areas with national parks for Dad’s work. I barely hunted by myself because dear old Dad was afraid I couldn’t defend myself. Considering I took down all the boys here, I bet I would have been fine, but no, I hunted with Dad’s wolf.

“Seriously, though, it was fine. I’ve never had a problem with not being able to shift. My wolf is there, she doesn’t seem to mind being locked in my mind, but I’ve never really asked her. The only thing she’s ever really gotten angry about was when Cam tackled Nate. She threw herself against my mental barrier and took over my emotions. That’s why I attacked Cam more viciously than I did the others,” I explain, pushing my plate away.

I only ate half of my steak, but by the expressions on everyone’s faces except my father’s, it looks like I’ve committed an atrocious crime.

“Is that seriously all you’re going to eat?” Pete exclaims, clearly shocked.

I laugh at the looks on their faces and my dad starts laughing too.

“That’s normal, boys. She barely eats. I think it’s because her wolf is hidden away. I look forward to the day when she finally shifts. She’ll probably eat a dozen steaks in the first hour,” he tells them, throwing a grin my way.

“Whatever you say, Dad,” I reply, smirking. He’s probably right, but I won’t tell him that. He’ll just rub it in the day I shift.

“Dad, how could you?”

We finished dinner about an hour ago, and once I’d finished my shower, I stormed straight over to my dad’s room. Jason saw me leave my room and went to say something, probably to stop me, but I just kept on walking. I need to talk about this. He invited these strangers here without even talking to me about it. If they mean so damn much, then where were they when I was growing up?

“Why didn’t you ask me first? I have no idea who they are, and they’re coming to meet me. What if they just expect me to be a replica of Mom? I can’t live up to that.” I sigh, sinking into a chair.

“You need them. I know this is going to be hard for you, but if they can help you start the trials sooner, then we need you to meet them. They’re our only real chance.

“I’m sure they think Tim and I are lying about you being your mother’s daughter, so they need proof. With Luke’s mate pregnant again, the race is on to make sure they can’t take over. If they find out they’re having a girl, you won’t be able to face the trials.”

“What if I don’t want to do the trials? What if it’s too hard? I can’t choose between them. I want a chance to go out on my own and meet my mate—emphasis on my—because while they all seem to scent me as their mate, I don’t feel the same connection they obviously do!”

I’m so worked up that I don’t register the gasp until I finish my tirade.

“You don’t feel it?” Laura asks softly. I spin, facing her, feeling horrible at the look of devastation on her face.

How did I not hear her come in? “Laura, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it the way it sounded. I just meant I don’t feel the connection they do. That’s all. I like them well enough, but Dad has told me a mate is for life. Then I’m thrown in with six of them. They are each special, so how can I choose just one?”

“What if you didn’t have to choose?” Dad questions.

“Then that would leave me with six mates. I can barely handle my own wolf, I couldn’t handle six!” How the hell would I manage more than one mate? It seems like one hell of a challenge.

“Maybe you can’t, or maybe it’s what you need,” Laura counters with a shrug. “Anyway, I just dropped by to tell your father we’ve received word that a group of wolves from each pack have been asked to meet Monique and Walter here. I think they’re preparing in case you didn’t have mates. We didn’t tell them about the others yet,” Laura explains when I open my mouth to ask why they thought I didn’t have any.

“What? I thought they didn’t believe I was their granddaughter, so why would they do this? Shouldn’t they come in and check I’m one-hundred-percent related before doing such a thing?” I mean, why would they organize this when they apparently made it clear they don’t believe I am my mother’s daughter?

“I’m sorry, Dani. Your grandparents are probably just trying to cover their bases. Either you are their granddaughter and you’re soon to start the trials, or you aren’t and they can just send their envoys back with no harm, no foul. Sadly, it looks like you’re going to get more mates. Maybe we should keep the others quiet, though, until the day they announce the trials. That way, we have a bit of an advantage.”

“Okay, well, for now we should tell the boys to act as Dani’s friends,” Laura suggests. “I would also propose that you stay within eyesight of one of them in case this is a strategic move on Luke’s part. There’s every chance he overheard Monique and Walter’s phone call. Don’t leave the house by yourself tomorrow. I’ll tell the boys to stay home until this all sorts itself out,” Laura says with a compassionate smile.

“Look, this is a lot for me to handle, guys. I’ve been here two days and it’s like my life has completely changed. We’re no longer on the run, but now I’m in a different kind of danger. I think I need to go to bed and think things over.”

Dad may think he’s done right by bringing me here to start the trials, but he should have told me from the start instead of just throwing me into this. I thought I’d never meet a mate, and now I have more than I ever dreamed of.

“Okay, sweetheart, go to bed and we’ll talk tomorrow. I’m sorry if I upset you,” Dad murmurs, drawing me in for a hug.

As much as I hate this situation, Dad’s hugs are magic. They make me feel safe and loved.

“Goodnight,” I call as I walk past Laura on my way out.

Making my way through the halls, I go through everything that’s banging around in my mind. So far I have six mates who are all surprisingly nice. I’m about to meet my grandparents and more possible mates. Luke’s mate, Cam’s mother, is pregnant. If I don’t make it through the trials, my mother’s killer will be in charge of all werewolves.

And that’s the crux of the problem. If I don’t go through the trials, he wins. I can’t let someone so evil lead our people. I know hardly anything about them, but I will try my best to lead our people away from him.

On top of all that, the thought Laura put in my head has been swirling around over and over, constantly torturing me. When I met all my current mates, there was no jealousy since they thought they’d share me, but then the topic of having to choose one of them was mentioned, and they haven’t spoken about sharing since.

I do remember a snippet of conversation with the boys after the movie where they said once I made it through the trials, the elders and Alpha Pair can’t choose for me. Does that mean I could choose all who make it through without repercussions?

I guess I’ll have to wait and see how it all plays out.

“Hey, Dani, can we talk for a minute?” Mitchell asks, startling me out of my thoughts.

“Yeah, sure. Do you want to come in?” I inquire. Dad may disapprove, but hey, he wanted me to get to know them.

“Sure, thanks.” He follows me in, closing the door behind us.

“So, what’s up?”

“Laura told us about the others coming in tomorrow. How are you handling it?” he questions me, collapsing onto my bed. He rolls to his side before propping himself on his elbow.

I laugh and shake my head at his audacity. “What are you doing?”

“I’m making myself comfortable. Now, start talking,” he encourages, going serious all of a sudden.

Sighing, I sit on the bed beside him and wonder where to start. “Well, it sucks. I think that’s all I really have right now,” I tell him.

“You know you can talk to me, right? Anything you want to say, I’ll listen. Besides, it’s good practice as your mate,” he adds with a smile.

I study him and wonder why he cares so much. He’s way out of my league. All of them are.

“Thank you. I mean it. As much as I want to, though, I literally have no idea how to voice all of it. There’s just too much rattling around in my brain.”

“I know this is going to be hard. We all have to adjust to this, but we need you to trust us. These new wolves coming in, we don’t know if any of them will be your mate or not. Like it or not, with you not being able to feel the same connection we did on our first meeting, it means any of them could say they’re your mate and you wouldn’t be able to deny it. It makes for a very dangerous situation, and while we know you can handle yourself, just be careful, please.”

He reaches for my hand, clasping it tightly. Holding his hand is making my wolf way too relaxed. She rests her head on her paws and closes her eyes, drifting off to sleep. I find myself doing the same.